Chapter 36
Change Design Complete


  • To specify the major events in the Change Process and to show the Design Complete event in the work flow. To define the requirements for a change to be called “Change Design Complete” — a flag for those impacted to begin work on implementation of the change and that point at which an ECO Number will be assigned.


  • All design changes to be processed by this CM group.


  • In order for Doc Control to accept a change as being Design Complete, it must meet the following Checklist Criteria:
    • If the change is being made to reduce cost, the cost must have been calculated per that standard. That calculation must be complete as determined by the cognizant engineer and the change team.
    • If the change is being made to meet product or safety specifications, have the specifications been checked to assure that the applicable criteria is in those specifications.
    • If the change is “to exceed specifications,” has the VP of engineering signed the change and is the product affected on the “To Be Improved” list. (Create a standard listing all products in three categories: 1. Improve to meet the market or 2. Improvement allowed if it is a real cost reduction. 3. Do not improve.)
    • If the change is non-interchangeable has the change been modeled and tested?
    • As required by the change team standards, has the team reviewed the problem and the fix.
    • Once a change is accepted by CM as “Design Complete,” all who need to begin execution of the change in their impacted functions must do so. This point can thus be treated as technical release. (See flow diagrams attached.)
    • If changes are required to the technical content of the change after this event, a new change form will be required. (Do it right the first time – check point of no return.)
    • The ECO number is placed on the change form after all Design Complete criteria is met — indicating to all involved that the change will be released and all affected can start their implementation efforts.
    • If the change order requires revision the cognizant engineer and the CM technician will meet to determine if the correction was in the design or administrative data — thus determining who will write the ECO to correct the problem.


  • See the flow diagrams attached.

Primary Responsibility

  • The CM function shall keep this standard current.



VP Engineering

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