Chapter 17
Nameplate and Serial Number


  1. To require end products to contain a nameplate.
  2. To require certain major assemblies to contain a nameplate.
  3. To designate the data which will appear on the nameplate(s).
  4. To require preparation of a nameplate drawing(s) meeting these requirements.


  • All products controlled by or to be controlled by this CM function.


  • Each end product shall be identified with a nameplate placed in a prominent position on the product.
  • All printing on the nameplate must be in _____________ font.
  • Design Engineering shall prepare a drawing indicating the placement of the required data on the nameplate, size of the font and the nameplate material.
  • Design Engineering shall also include placement of the nameplate on the product in the appropriate assembly drawing or specification.
  • The data which must appear on the nameplate/drawing is as follows:
    1. The company logo and address/phone number – consult with Management and Marketing.
    2. Model Name/Number as assigned by Marketing/Sales (typically non-specific as to configuration of the product).
    3. Part Number of the top level in the product structure (product configuration specific but not affected by design changes).
    4. A serial number for tracing and tracking non-interchangeable changes. Configuration Management shall control the assignment of SNs. They shall begin with 001 for pilot units and begin with 100 for production units. If the same product is to be built in more than one plant a prefix alpha character will be assigned by CM to designate the building plant. CM may give Production Control a block of SNs for their assignment of a unique number to each product.
    5. The assignment of individual SNs will be done before the product is tested so that test data may be traced to SN.
    6. Production Control shall be responsible for assuring that the ship date of each SN is available to all who need to know, including Engineering, Field Service, etc.
    7. The SN ship date shall be the date used for warrantee purposes.
  • Non-interchangeable changes will be traced to the serial number(s) containing the change. Example: SNs 1070, 1072, 1073, 1076, 1078 and higher. Thus, the company will know exactly which units contain the change and which ones do not.
  • Instead of tracing changes to serial numbers, see Actual Effectivity Tracking Standard for other methods of tracking changes and for other related info.
  • Nameplate drawings shall be approved by the cognizant engineer plus ____________ (Sales, Manufacturing and Service Representative — take your pick of one — or more).


  • None required.

Primary Responsibility

  • The CM manager will be responsible for maintaining this standard in a current status.



General Manager

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