Chapter 33
Disposition of Old Design Parts


  • To define the acceptable methods to be used to disposition old design parts upon making a change.


  • All changes to be processed by this CM function.


  • Disposition of the old design parts shall be done in four categories by Production Control:
    1. Use As Is / Use Up / Deplete – Implement the new design item use immediately after using up the current inventory and work in progress. Buy/build no more of the old design item.
    2. Scrap – Throw away the current inventory. Enter quantity to be scrapped on the change form.
    3. Return to Supplier – The current inventory (quantity indicated) is to be returned to the supplier.
    4. Rework-able/Rework – See below.
  • The cognizant engineer should specify whether or not each old design part is physically rework-able — yes or no.
  • Production Control/Manufacturing Engineering should decide whether or not to rework since it may be more expensive to rework than to obtain a revised item or the expense may be a secondary consideration to keeping the production line going.
  • Production Control, with Purchasing, should determine whether or not to return the old design parts to the supplier. Although most parts to be returned to the supplier are done via MRB action, changes must be reviewed for the same possibility — especially deleted parts on a parts list change that have no other “where used/used-on”.
  • Disposition is noted on the change form by entering a “yes” or “no” or quantity of parts under the proper code. (Edit to your choice.)


  • None required.

Primary Responsibility

  • Production Control is responsible for keeping this standard up to date.
  • Production Control may take exception to this standard by noting on the change form why this was done.



VP Operations

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