Chapter 23
Request Form


  • To specify the proper form and form instruction to be used for requesting action from Design Engineering on any product design problem, design suggestion or design document issue.


  • All requests to be processed by this CM function.


  • Only the form attached (pg 2) shall be used to request design action. No other form shall be used to request changes from the Design Engineering function. Letters or emails from customers or suppliers are exceptions to this rule — they should be forwarded to the product project engineer.
  • This form shall not be used to request changes/improvement to the production process (contact the Manufacturing Engineer).
  • This form shall not be used to request changes to quality documentation (contact the Quality Engineering function.)
  • This form shall not be used to request changes to the product publications — spares catalog, maintenance, service, etc. (contact the Publications Department)
  • The form instruction (pg 3) for completing the Change Request Form may be accessed online by placing the curser over the box to be completed. The form instruction is printed on the back of the hard-copy forms.


  • See the flow diagram attached to the Change Request Policy Standard.

Primary Responsibility

  • The CM Department will be responsible for keeping this standard up to date.



VP Engineering

Engineering Change Request - Form Instruction

Note: If you have talked to and have the agreement of the cognizant engineer and can fully document the change, do not use the ECR — go directly to the ECO.

Requester 1 Leave Blank (Doc Control will send a copy to you that will be completed thru box #12 including the ECR number).
2 Describe your problem, suggestion or challenge.
3 Indicate if the problem, etc., is with the product, the manufacturing process, the publications or other (option).
4 Enter those part numbers, etc., that you believe to be associated with the problem if you know them — optional.
5 Describe the solution to the problem if known — optional.
6 Neatly hand letter your name.
7 Enter your phone number.
8 Enter the total number of pages in the set and number all pages accordingly. If no attachments, enter “1”.
9 Enter the current date Month – day – year. Forward the form to Document Control.
Doc Control 10 Sort out process changes and pubs changes and send to those departments.
Consult the Cognizant Engineer List for the responsible design engineer, manufacturing engineer or publications person. Enter that name here — hand-lettered neatly.
Note that only requests for change in the design will be followed-up by Doc Control.
11 Enter your name here — hand letter neatly. Copy the form twice.
12 Enter the date you forward one copy to the Cognizant Engineer and another copy to the Requester. File the master copy for follow-up and reporting.
Cog Engineer 13 Analyze the problem/challenge. Call or see the requester as necessary.
Consult the other change request standards and present the problem to the team as/if required and ask CM to respond to the requester accordingly — accept or reject.
14 Give reasons for acceptance or rejection.
15 State any conditions on acceptance. Example: “Accepted subject to finding a solution to the problem that isn’t worse than the problem.”
16 Give a “name” to accepted problems. Neatly hand letter — use as few words as are practical.
(This is the name Doc Control will use when reporting on the ECR status.)
17 Sign the ECR and make a copy.
18 Enter the date signed. Return a copy of the ECR to Doc Control.
Doc Control 18 Log the date, make a copy and send it to the Requester whether accepted or rejected. Report as required by the change request policy.
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