

accepting document changes, 161

accounts, creating Windows Live accounts, 182

adding. See also inserting

borders to pictures, 198-199

effects to pictures, 200-201

shapes to SmartArt, 225


finding, 167

saving, 166


graphic objects, 213

text, 58-59

in cells, 116

WordArt, 205

applying templates, 36-37

Artistic Effects feature, 218-219

artwork. See graphic objects

assigning passwords to documents, 34-35

AutoCorrect feature, 154-155

AutoFit, disabling, 105

AutoShapes, 186-187

cropping pictures to, 217


background, removing from pictures, 196-197

Backstage view, 9, 22

bold, applying to text, 52-53

bookmarks, inserting, 144-145

borders, adding

pages, 90

paragraphs, 75

pictures, 198-199

tables, 75

building blocks, 46

bulleted lists, 70-71

buttons (Quick Access toolbar), deleting, 10


captions, inserting, 136-137

capturing screenshots, 202-203

cells, 96

deleting, 112

inserting into, 98

margins in, 104

merging, 110

selecting, 102-103

splitting, 111

text alignment in, 116

text direction in, 117


file type, 177

source in Research pane, 129

character spacing, setting, 61

charts, inserting, 146-147

citations, inserting, 134-135

clearing. See deleting

clip art

finding online, 192-193

inserting, 188-189

organizing, 190-191

Clip Organizer, 190-191


documents, 5, 25

panes, 124


paragraph shading, 76

text, 57

color settings for pictures, 222-223

column breaks, inserting, 81


creating, 74

deleting, 108-109

inserting, 106-107

resizing, 104-105

selecting, 102-103


deleting, 158

inserting, 133, 158

comparing documents, 160-161

compressing pictures, 223

Continuous section break, 81


text, 44-45

text formatting, 62

correcting pictures, 222-223

cropping pictures, 216-217

cross-references, inserting, 138-139

cursor, 40

customizing. See also formatting

headers and footers, 79

Quick Access toolbar, 10-11

Ribbon, 12

text effects, 93

Word options, 14-15

custom tables, drawing, 98-99

cutting text, 45


definitions, looking up, 128-129

deleting. See also erasing

background from pictures, 196-197

bookmarks, 145

buttons from Quick Access toolbar, 10

cells, 112

clip art, 189

color shading, 76

columns, 108-109

comments, 133, 158

cross-references, 139

footnotes/endnotes, 134

highlighting, 132

index entries, 141

page numbers, 77

paragraph borders, 75

passwords from documents, 34

picture effects, 201

pictures, 195

Quick Parts, 47

rows, 108-109

tables, 113

tables of contents, 142

table styles, 115

tabs, 69

text, 41

text effects, 93

text formatting, 63

watermarks, 83

words from AutoCorrect list, 155

demoting outline items, 122

digital signatures, adding to documents, 35

direction of text in cells, 117

disabling. See also hiding

AutoFit, 105

bulleted and numbered lists, 71

spell-checking and grammar-checking, 153

displaying. See viewing

Document Inspector tool, 156-157

documents. See also text

adding digital signatures to, 35

AutoCorrect feature, 154-155

bookmarks, inserting, 144-145

captions, inserting, 136-137

charts, inserting, 146-147

closing, 5, 25


deleting, 158

inserting, 133, 158

comparing, 160-161

cross-references, inserting, 138-139

envelopes, printing, 166-167

footnotes/endnotes, inserting, 134-135

hidden data, checking for, 156-157

hyperlinks, inserting, 180-181


inserting, 140-141

updating, 141

labels, printing, 168-169

Mail Merge feature, 170-173

multiple documents, viewing, 32-33

naming rules, 26

Navigation Pane, 124-125

opening, 28-29

Outline View, 122-123

page formatting

borders, 90

columns, 74

headers and footers, 78-79

margins, 73

page and section breaks, 80-81

page numbers, 77

themes, 88-89

watermarks, 82-83

page views, 19

paragraph formatting, 64

borders, 75

bulleted and numbered lists, 70-71

color shading, 76

indents, 66-67

line spacing, 72

paragraph spacing, 67, 72

tabs, 68-69


assigning, 34-35

deleting, 34

pinning to Recent Files list, 28

printing, 30-31

viewing print options, 164-165

program window

minimizing and maximizing, 8

navigating, 6-7

Quick Parts

deleting, 47

inserting, 46-47

saving, 26-27

to SkyDrive, 182-183

as Web pages, 178-179

sending via email, 176-177

spelling and grammar

checking, 152-153

disabling checking, 153

starting new, 24

tables, borders, 75

tables of contents, inserting, 142-143


applying, 36-37

creating, 37

finding, 36

text boxes, inserting, 206-207

Track Changes feature, 158-159

viewing splitting windows, 33

view modes, 16-17


synonyms/defi nitions, looking up, 128-129

Thesaurus feature, 130-131

translating, 126-127

zooming, 18-19

.docx file format, 26

downloading clip art, 192-193

Draft view, 16


with AutoShapes, 186-187

custom tables, 98-99

drop caps, applying, 91



charts, 146

table styles, 115

text, 41

effects, adding to pictures, 200-201

email, sending documents via, 176-177


deleting, 134

inserting, 134-135

enlarging. See maximizing

envelopes, printing, 166-167

erasing lines in tables, 99. See also deleting

exact sizing for graphic objects, 209

Excel 2010 charts, inserting in Word, 146-147

Excel spreadsheets, inserting as tables, 100-101

exiting Word, 5


File tab, 6

Backstage view, 9, 22

file type, changing, 177

files. See documents


addresses, 167

clip art online, 192-193

text, 150-151

first line indents, 67

flipping graphic objects, 210-211

Font dialog box, bold/italic/underlining in, 53


changing, 55

resizing, 56

font size, adjusting in help, 21

footers, inserting, 78-79


deleting, 134

inserting, 134-135

Format Painter, 62

formatting. See also customizing


borders, 90

columns, 74

headers and footers, 78-79

margins, 73

page and section breaks, 80-81

page numbers, 77

themes, 88-89

watermarks, 82-83

paragraphs, 64

borders, 75

bulleted and numbered lists, 70-71

color shading, 76

indents, 66-67

line spacing, 72

paragraph spacing, 67, 72

tabs, 68-69

pictures, 194

shapes, 187

tables, 96, 103, 114-115

text, 50

alignment, 58-59

bold, italic, underlining, 52-53

changing font, 55

character spacing, 61

colors, 57

copying formatting, 62

deleting formatting, 63

drop caps, 91

line spacing, 60

with Mini Toolbar, 54

resizing font, 56

styles, 86-87

text effects, 92-93

within text boxes, 206

WordArt, 204

formulas in spreadsheet table cells, 101

Full Screen Reading view, 16

functions in spreadsheet table cells, 101


Go To tab (Find and Replace dialog box) keyboard shortcut, 144


checking, 152-153

disabling checking, 153

graphic objects, 184

aligning, 213

AutoShapes, 186-187

clip art

finding online, 192-193

inserting, 188-189

organizing, 190-191

flipping, 210-211

grouping, 214-215

layering, 212-213


building, 187

saving, 186

moving, 208-209


adding borders, 198-199

adding picture effects, 200-201

Artistic Effects feature, 218-219

compressing, 223

corrections and coloring, 222-223

creating screen captures, 202-203

cropping, 216-217

inserting, 194-195

removing background, 196-197

swapping, 222

resizing, 208-209

rotating, 210-211

SmartArt, inserting, 224-225

text boxes, inserting, 206-207

text wrapping controls, 220-221

WordArt, inserting, 204-205

green wavy lines, 40

grouping graphic objects, 214-215


hanging indents, 67

headers, inserting, 78-79

headings, navigating by, 125


adjusting font size in, 21

finding, 7, 20-21

with options, 15

hidden data, checking for, 156-157


Mini Toolbar, 54

Table of Content pane (help), 20

highlighting text, 132

hyperlinks, inserting, 180-181


image ratios, maintaining during cropping, 216

images. See pictures

indents, setting, 66-67


inserting, 140-141

updating, 141

information, finding. See help

inserting. See also adding

bookmarks, 144-145

captions, 136-137

into cells, 98

charts, 146-147

clip art, 188-189

column breaks, 81

columns, 106-107

comments, 133, 158

cross-references, 138-139

Excel spreadsheets as tables, 100-101

footnotes/endnotes, 134-135

headers and footers, 78-79

hyperlinks, 180-181

indexes, 140-141

page and section breaks, 80-81

page numbers, 77

pictures, 194-195

Quick Parts, 46-47

Quick Tables, 97

rows, 106-107

SmartArt, 224-225

symbols, 48-49

tables, 96

tables of contents, 142-143

text boxes, 206-207

WordArt, 204-205

insertion point, 40

Insert mode, 41

italic, applying to text, 52-53


justifying text, 59

keyboard shortcuts

aligning text, 58

bold, italic, underlined text, 52

cutting, copying, pasting text, 44

for Go To tab (Find and Replace dialog box), 144

inserting symbols, 49

page and section breaks, 80



creating for captions, 136

printing, 168-169

layering graphic objects, 212-213

leader characters, setting, 69

leading. See line spacing

License Agreement, 193

line spacing, 72

setting, 60

line styles for underlined text, 52

lines in tables, erasing, 99

links. See hyperlinks

lists, bulleted and numbered lists, 70-71


building, 187

saving, 186


magnifying. See zooming

Mail Merge feature, 170-173

main window. See program window


in cells, 104

setting, 73

mass mailings, creating, 170-173

maximizing program window, 8

merge fields, 172

merging cells, 110

Microsoft Clip Organizer, 190-191

Microsoft Graph charts, inserting in Word, 147

Microsoft License Agreement, 193

Microsoft Office Online center, 20


program window, 8

Ribbon, 13

Mini Toolbar

changing font with, 55

formatting text, 54

hiding, 54


clip art, 189

graphic objects, 208-209

Quick Access toolbar, 11

screen captures, 202

tables, 118

tabs, 69

text, 44-45

multiline spacing, 72

multiple columns/rows

deleting, 108

inserting, 107

multiple documents

comparing, 160-161

reviewing with Track Changes feature, 159

viewing, 32-33



bookmarks, 144

documents, 26

Navigation Pane, 124-125

Next Page break, 81

numbered lists, 70-71

objects. See graphic objects

Office theme, 88

Office website, 193


documents, 28-29

Research pane, 128


customizing, 14-15

help with, 15

organizing clip art, 190-191

Outline View, 16, 122-123

Outlining tab, 17

Overtype mode, 41


page breaks, inserting, 80-81

page numbers, inserting, 77

pages, formatting

borders, 90

columns, 74

headers and footers, 78-79

margins, 73

page and section breaks, 80-81

page numbers, 77

themes, 88-89

watermarks, 82-83

page views, 19

panes, closing, 124

paragraphs, formatting, 64

borders, 75

bulleted and numbered lists, 70-71

color shading, 76

indents, 66-67

line spacing, 72

paragraph spacing, 67, 72

tabs, 68-69

paragraph spacing, 67, 72


assigning to documents, 34-35

deleting from documents, 34

pasting text, 45

photos. See pictures

phrases, typing in AutoCorrect, 154


adding borders, 198-199

adding picture effects, 200-201

Artistic Effects feature, 218-219

compressing, 223

corrections and coloring, 222-223

creating screen captures, 202-203

cropping, 216-217

inserting, 194-195

removing background, 196-197

swapping, 222

as watermarks, 82

pinning documents, 28

points, 56

previews, zooming, 31


documents, 30-31

viewing print options, 164-165

envelopes, 166-167

labels, 168-169

Print Layout view, 16

print options, viewing, 164-165

program window

minimizing and maximizing, 8

parts of, 6-7

promoting outline items, 122

proofreading. See spelling

properties of clip art, viewing, 190

proportions, maintaining, 208


Quick Access toolbar, 6

customizing, 10-11

moving, 11

Quick Parts

deleting, 47

inserting, 46-47

Quick Styles for pictures, 195, 198

Quick Tables, inserting, 97

quitting. See exiting


Recent Files list, 28

reducing. See minimizing

red wavy lines, 40

removing. See deleting

replacing text, 150-151

repositioning. See moving

Research pane

opening, 128

synonyms/defi nitions, looking up, 128-129

Thesaurus feature, 130-131

translating words, 126-127

resetting pictures after Artistic Effects, 219

Reset Window Position, viewing multiple documents, 32


clip art, 188

columns, 104-105

fonts, 56

graphic objects, 208-209

rows, 104-105

screen captures, 202

tables, 119

reviewing documents with Track Changes feature, 158

Reviewing Pane, 158

Ribbon, 6

customizing, 12

minimizing, 13

rotating graphic objects, 210-211


deleting, 108-109

inserting, 106-107

resizing, 104-105

selecting, 102-103


indents, setting, 66

margins, setting, 73

viewing, 7



addresses, 166

documents, 26-27

to SkyDrive, 182-183

as Web pages, 178-179

logos, 186

table styles, 115

screenshots, capturing, 202-203

searching for clip art, 191. See also finding

section breaks, inserting, 80-81


digital signatures, adding to documents, 35


assigning to documents, 34-35

deleting from documents, 34


table cells, 102-103

text, 42-43

Selection Pane, grouping graphic objects, 215

sending documents via email, 176-177

shading paragraphs, 76

shapes, adding to SmartArt, 225. See also graphic objects

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

showing. See viewing

Side by Side feature, viewing multiple documents, 32

signatures. See digital signatures

single line spacing, 72

sizing. See resizing

SkyDrive, saving documents to, 182-183

SmartArt, inserting, 224-225

source (in Research pane), changing, 129


AutoCorrect feature, 154-155

checking, 152-153

disabling checking, 153


cells, 111

windows, 33

spreadsheets, inserting as tables, 100-101


new documents, 24

Word, 4

Status bar, 7

stopping. See exiting


applying, 86-87

creating, 87

editing, 115

formatting tables with, 114-115

saving, 115

for SmartArt, 225

swapping pictures, 222

switching between headers and footers, 78

symbols, inserting, 48-49

Synchronous Scrolling, viewing multiple documents, 32

synonyms, looking up, 128-129


Table of Contents pane (help), viewing/hiding, 20


AutoFit, disabling, 105

borders, 75

cells, 96

deleting, 112

inserting into, 98

margins in, 104

merging, 110

selecting, 102-103

splitting, 111

text alignment in, 116

text direction in, 117


deleting, 108-109

inserting, 106-107

resizing, 104-105

custom tables, drawing, 98-99

deleting, 113

Excel spreadsheets, inserting as, 100-101

formatting, 96, 103, 114-115

inserting, 96

lines, erasing, 99

moving, 118

Quick Tables, inserting, 97

resizing, 119


deleting, 108-109

inserting, 106-107

resizing, 104-105

text wrapping around, 119

tables of contents, inserting, 142-143

tabs, setting, 68-69


applying, 36-37

creating, 37

finding, 36

text. See also documents

alignment in cells, 116

AutoCorrect feature, 154-155

cutting, 45

deleting, 41

direction in cells, 117

editing, 41

finding and replacing, 150-151

formatting, 50

alignment, 58-59

bold, italic, underlining, 52-53

changing font, 55

character spacing, 61

colors, 57

copying formatting, 62

deleting formatting, 63

drop caps, 91

line spacing, 60

with Mini Toolbar, 54

resizing font, 56

styles, 86-87

text effects, 92-93

highlighting, 132

hyperlinks, inserting, 180-181

moving and copying, 44-45

pasting, 45

Quick Parts

deleting, 47

inserting, 46-47

selecting, 42-43

symbols, inserting, 48-49

synonyms/defi nitions, looking up, 128-129

Thesaurus feature, 130-131

translating, 126-127

typing, 40


around tables, 119

around text boxes, 207

text boxes

as captions, 137

inserting, 206-207

text effects, applying, 92-93

text wrapping controls, 220-221

themes, applying, 88-89

Thesaurus feature, 130-131


Mini Toolbar

changing font with, 55

formatting text, 54

hiding, 54

Quick Access toolbar

customizing, 10-11

moving, 11

Ribbon, 6

customizing, 12

minimizing, 13

selected text, 43

Track Changes feature, 158-159

tracking. See character spacing

translating words, 126-127

typeface. See fonts

typing text, 40


underlining text, 52-53


column/row insertions, 106

rotated/flipped graphic objects, 211

unpinning documents, 28


indexes, 141

tables of contents, 143

vertical alignment of text, 59

View buttons, 7


clip art properties, 190


page views, 19

splitting windows, 33

zooming, 18-19

multiple documents, 32-33

outline levels, 123

print options, 164-165

rulers, 7

Table of Contents pane (help), 20

view modes, 16-17


watermarks, 82-83

Web Layout view, 16

Web pages, saving documents as, 178-179

windows, splitting, 33

Windows Live accounts, creating, 182

Word. See also documents

customizing options, 14-15

exiting, 5

program window

minimizing and maximizing, 8

parts of, 6-7

starting, 4

view modes, 16-17

WordArt, inserting, 204-205


synonyms/defi nitions, looking up, 128-129

Thesaurus feature, 130-131

translating, 126-127

wrapping text, 220-221

around tables, 119

around text boxes, 207

Zoom bar, 7


document views, 18-19

previews, 31

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