

3D Cartesian coordinate system 23

3D Spatial Blend 439


Action 241

advanced effects

applying 421-428

Depth Map 419

High Dynamic Range (HDR) 419

using 418

AI techniques

bulletPrefab field, adding 291-298

AI techniques, with sensors 244

debugging, with Gizmos 255-263

three-filter sensors, creating with C# 244-250

three-filter sensors, creating with Visual Scripting 251-255

ambient lighting

configuring, with skyboxes 377-382


building 651-659

reference link 642

Animation Controllers 545

integrating 545-551

Animator 545

Skinning Animation, using 537, 538

AR Foundation

project, creating 640-644

tracking features, using 644-651

using 640

AR game

creating 663

player and enemies, spawning 663-666

player and enemy behavior, coding 666-672

assets 11, 17

configuring 99

importing 79

importing, from Asset Store 82-89

importing, from internet 80-82

importing, from Unity Packages 90

integrating 91

meshes, configuring 99-101

meshes, integrating 94, 95

prototype base, replacing 103-106

terrain textures, integrating 91-94

textures, configuring 101, 102

textures, integrating 95-98

Asset Store 79

used, for importing assets 82-89


importing 429

importing, concepts 429

import settings, configuring 432-436

integrating 436

mixing 436

types 430, 431

AudioClips 436

audio feedback

scripting 446-448

Audio Mixer

using 441-446

audio mixing 441

AudioSources 436

2D mode 438-440

3D mode 438-440

settings 438

audio types

ambient sound 430

music 430

sound effects (SFX) 430

Avatar Masks 552

using 552-557

axis gizmo 23


baked lighting 395

Baked mode 400

batching 590, 593

using 593-598

Blackboard 121

Bloom effect 421

enabling 423

Box Collider 29


using 125, 126

build 627, 628

code, debugging 633-635

debugging 632

performance, profiling 635-638

Built-in Renderer Pipeline (BIRP) 304


C# 112

Finite State Machines (FSMs), creating 264-267

used, for creating three-filter sensors 244-250

Canvas 452

used, for creating User Interface (UI) 452, 453

Canvas object types 456

graphics assets, integrating for UI 456-465

UI controls, creating 465-473

Canvas Scaler component 479

central processing unit (CPU) 32

Chromatic Aberration effect 414, 415


camera behaviors, creating 571-575

dolly tracks, creating 575-578

used, for creating dynamic cameras 570

Collision reaction 193


detecting 193

filtering 190, 191, 192

Color Curves 427

complex simulations

creating, with Visual Effect Graph 349, 350

components 27-29

manipulating 29-34

compression formats


PCM 435

Context 355

initialize particle 355

output particle quad 355

update particle 355

C# Script

common beginner errors 132-134

creating 112-115

Cubemap 380


creating, with Timeline 578


Deferred Rendering 371, 375-377

Delta Time 148, 495

depth bias 389

Depth Map 419

Depth of Field 419, 423, 424

Development Builds 634

Direct Lights 377, 382

dots per inch (DPI) 528

draw call 374

draw calls 591

dynamic batching 596

dynamic cameras

creating, with Cinemachine 570



Collision events 193

in C# 122-124

in Visual Scripting 126-129

Trigger events 193

event system 122

executable format

building 627-632



using, in instructions 129-132

Filmbox (FBX) 539

Film Grain 418

Finite State Machines (FSMs) 243, 264

creating, in C# 264-267

creating, in Visual Scripting 272-282

decision making 264

transitions, creating 267-272

first-person-shooter (FPS) 102

fluid simulations

bonfire effect, creating 346-349

creating 344

waterfall effect, creating 344-346

Forward Rendering 371

Forward Vector 24

Frame Debugger 591, 637

using 591-593

frames per second (FPS) 32, 349, 394

frustum culling 600

FSM actions

executing 283

NavMesh, calculating 283-285

Pathfinding, using 286-291


game concept

defining 47, 48

Game Mode Object

creating 224-231

GameObjects 18

adding, to scene 20, 21

manipulating 22-27

garbage collector 613-619

G-Buffer 375

Gizmos 255

used, for debugging AI techniques with sensors 255-263

GLSL 300

graphics engines 590, 591

graphics optimization 590, 598-602

CPU-bound, detecting 603, 604

CPU optimization techniques 609-613

CPU Usage Profiler, using 605-609

feature 599, 600

GPU-bound, detecting 603, 604

processing 602, 603

gray-boxing 21


HDR Rendering 419

Height Maps 49, 50

authoring 53-57

configuring 50-53

creating 50-53

details, adding 57-60

High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) 304, 371

High Dynamic Range (HDR) 419

enabling 420, 421

Highlights effect 425


Importing Assets process 16

import setting configuration

compressed in memory 433

decompress on load 433

streaming 433

Indirect Light 377

Input System

input mapping, creating 170-173

installing 168-170

mapping, using in scripts 174-179

using 168

Inspector tool 29


fields, using in 129-132

in C# 123

in Visual Scripting 126-129

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 109

intelligent pathfinding 243

Inverse Kinematics (IK) 542


building 659-663

reference link 642


JetBrains Rider Editor package 125

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG) 16


Kinematic Collider 186


layer 190, 552

Layer Collision Matrix 190

Level of Detail (LOD) 598

lighting 371

ambient lighting, configuring with skyboxes 377-382

applying 371, 372

configuring in URP 382-385

methods 372-377

optimizing 395

Lightmapping UVs 397

lightmaps 395

baking 396-404

reference link 404

Light Probes 405

long-term support (LTS) 2

Low Dynamic Range (LDR) 419



creating 216-224

memory allocation 613-619

memory optimization 613

Memory Profiler 638

using 619-624

Mesh Collider 182

MeshFilter component 29

Midtones effect 425

Mixed mode 400

mobile devices

Android, building 651-659

building 651

iOS, building 659-663


for frequent medium audio 434

for frequent short audio 434

for infrequent large audio 434

Motion Blur effect 417


Delta Time 148-150

implementing 137, 138

objects, moving through Transform 138-141

Player Input, using 141-148

Movement Animations

scripting 567-570

MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3) 16

Multi-Pass Forward Renderer 372-374

versus Single Pass Forward Renderer 375


normal bias 390

Normals 375, 376


object hierarchies 34

uses 36

object managers

creating 207, 208

Object Pool class

reference link 619

Object Pooling 216


modifying 196-200

parenting 34, 35

Object Variables 214

occlusion culling 600

OnDrawGizmos function 256

Overlap Sphere 251


panels 18

Panel Settings asset 529


of objects 34, 35

particle systems 335

performant shadows

configuring 391-394

Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCI Express) 590


forces, applying 200-203

tweaking 203-205

used, for producing movements 200

Physics Collider 186

physics configuration 182

collisions, filtering 190-192

object types 186-190

shapes, setting 182-185

Physics events 193

Pixel Lighting 374

PlayerMovement script 138

Player Shooting Animations

scripting 557-567

Point Light 383

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) 16


using 411, 412

Post Processing Stack version 2 (PPv2) 412

precalculating shadows 395

Prefab-instance relationship 39-42

Prefabs 37, 38

creating 38, 39

Prefab variant 43, 44

primitive types

Box 182

Capsule 182

Sphere 182

ProBuilder 60

details, adding 72-76

installing 61-63

mesh, manipulating 65-72

shape, creating 64, 65

used, for creating shapes 60


using, on Build 635-637


real-time lighting 395

Realtime mode 400

RectTransform 452

used, for positioning elements 453-456

relative positions

using 530-536

Render Pipeline 303-305

Responsive UI

creating 524

dynamic positioning and sizing 524-528

Dynamic Scaling 528-530

relative positions, using 530-536

Right Vector 24

Rigidbody 30


scene 17

GameObjects, adding to 20, 21

purpose 18

saving 44

scene files

saving 45

scene template 20

Scene variables 213

Scene View 18-20

navigating 21, 22

ScoreOnDeath 211

Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) 304

Script Asset 118

Script Graph 118

scripting animations 557

Movement Animations, scripting 567-570

Player Shooting Animations, scripting 557-567


creating 108

fields, adding 116-118

initial setup 109-112

shader 299, 300

Shader Graph 300, 301, 310

creating 310-315

Textures, combining 325-328

Textures, using 316-325

transparency, applying 328-331

used, for creating shaders 310

Vertex Effects, creating 331-334

Shader Pipeline 300-303

Shader Pipeline, stages

blending 303

culling 301

Depth Testing 302

Fragment Shader 302

Input Assembler 301

rasterizer 302

Vertex Shader 301

Shadow Acne 388

Shadow Cascades 391

Shadow effect 425

Shadow Map 386


applying 386

calculations 386-391

performant shadows, configuring 39-394


setting 182-185

Shuriken particle systems 335, 336

advanced module, using 342-344

creating 336-341

Single Pass Forward Renderer 372

versus Multi-Pass Forward Renderer 375

Singleton design pattern

used, for sharing variables 208-213

skeletal animations

importing 541-545

skinned meshes 538

Skinned Mesh Renderer 548

skinning 538-540

Skinning Animation

using, with Animator 537, 538


used, for configuring ambient lighting 377-382

Soft Shadows 388

spawning 663

implementing 150, 151

object, destroying 166-168

object, spawning 151-160

timing actions 161-165

Split Toning 427

Spotlight 383

static batcher 597

Static Collider 186

static lighting 395, 396

applying, to static objects 404-408

static meshes 537

Streaming 433

Stylesheet Classes 520

subscribing 233, 238

System 355


Terrain tool

Height Maps 49, 50

Height Maps, authoring 53-57

Height Maps, configuring 50-53

Height Maps, creating 50-53

Height Maps, details adding 57-60

used, for creating landscape 48

TextMesh Pro 462


combining 325-328

using 316-325

three-filter sensors

creating, with C# 244-250

creating, with Visual Scripting 251-255


animation clips, creating 57-581

intro cutscene, sequencing 581-586

used, for creating cutscenes 578

tonemapping 420

Transform 28, 138

Transform Gizmo 23

Transform relationship 34


applying 328-331

Trigger events

detecting 193-196

Trigger Kinematic Collider 187

Trigger Static Collider 186, 187


UI Builder 509

UI Documents

creating 508-510

editing 510-519

UI responsive

creating 473

object positions, adapting 474-477

object sizes, adapting 477-480

UI scripting 480

information, displaying 480-485, 488-495

Pause menu, programming 495-504

UI Stylesheets

creating 519-524

UI Toolkit 452, 507, 508

used, for creating UI 508

Uniform Scaling 26


installing 1

installing, with Unity Hub 3-11

technical requirements 2

versioning 2, 3

Unity Download Archive 7

Unity Editor 18, 19

Unity event functions

used, for improving code 231-241

Unity Hub

folder structure, exploring 14-16

Unity, installing with 3-11

used, for creating project 11-14

Unity Packages

used, for importing assets 90

Unity Profilers 638

Universal Render Pipeline (URP) 12, 95, 299, 300, 303-305, 350, 412, 597

built-in shaders 305-310

lighting, configuring 382-385

Up Vector 24

URP Post-processing

basic effects, using 414-418

profile, setting up 412-414

User Interface (UI) 451

creating, with Canvas 452, 453

creating, with UI Toolkit 508



scopes 214

sharing, with Singleton design pattern 208-213

sharing, with Visual Scripting 213-216

Vertex Effects

creating 331-334

Vertex Lighting 375

Vertex Snapping 104

Vignette effect 415-417

Visual Effect

scripting 363-369

Visual Effect Graph 349, 350

analyzing 352-356

creating 352-356

installing 350-352

rain effect, creating 356-362

reference link 362

used, for creating complex simulations 349, 350

Visual Script

creating 119-121

Visual Scripting graph 107

Finite State Machines (FSMs), creating 272-282

used, for creating three-filter sensors 251-255

used, for sharing variables 213-216

Visual Scripting package 109

Visual Studio Editor package 125

VSync 606


Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) 16

White Balance 418

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) 20


Z-Fighting 65

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