Schema-less doesn't mean schema design-less

A big part of MongoDB's success can be attributed to the increased popularity of ORM/ODMs. Especially with languages like JavaScript and the MEAN stack, the developer can use JavaScript from the frontend (Angular/Express) to the backend (Node.js) to the database (MongoDB). This is frequently coupled with an ODM that abstracts away the internals of the database, mapping collections to Node.js models.

The major advantage is that developers don't need to fiddle with the database schema design, as this is automatically provided by the ODM. The downside is that database collections and schema designs are left up to the ODM, which does not have the business domain knowledge of different fields and access patterns.

In the case of MongoDB and other NoSQL-based databases, this boils down to making architectural decisions based not only on immediate needs, but also on what needs to be done down the line. On an architectural level, this may mean that instead of a monolithic approach, we can combine different database technologies for our diverse and evolving needs by using a graph database for graph-related querying, a relational database for hierarchical, unbounded data, and MongoDB for JSON retrieval, processing, and storage.

In fact, many of MongoDB's successful use cases come from the fact that it's not being used as a one-size-fits-all solution, but only for the use cases that make sense.

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