Aggregation stage operators

An aggregation pipeline is composed of different stages. These stages are declared in an array and executed sequentially, with the output of every stage being the input of the next one.

The $out stage has to be the final stage in an aggregation pipeline, outputting data to an output collection by replacing or adding to the existing documents:

  • $group: This is most commonly used to group by identifier expression and to apply the accumulator expression. It outputs one document per distinct group.
  • $project: This is used for document transformation, and outputs one document per input document.
  • $match: This is used for filtering documents from input based on criteria.
  • $lookup: This is used for filtering documents from input. Input can be documents from another collection in the same database selected by an outer left join.
  • $out: This outputs the documents in this pipeline stage to an output collection by replacing or adding to the documents that already exist in the collection.
  • $limit: This limits the number of documents passed on to the next aggregation phase based on predefined criteria.
  • $count: This returns a count of the number of documents at this stage of the pipeline.
  • $skip: This skips a certain number of documents, preventing them from passing on to the next stage of the pipeline.
  • $sort: This sorts the documents based on criteria.
  • $redact: As a combination of $project and $match, this will redact the selected fields from each document and pass them on to the next stage of the pipeline.
  • $unwind: This transforms an array of n elements to n documents, mapping each document to one element of the array. The documents are then passed on to the next stage of the pipeline.
  • $collStats: This returns statistics regarding the view or collection.
  • $indexStats: This returns statistics regarding the indexes of the collection.
  • $sample: This randomly selects a specified number of documents from the input.
  • $facet: This combines multiple aggregation pipelines within a single stage.
  • $bucket: This splits documents into buckets based on predefined selection criteria and bucket boundaries.
  • $bucketAuto: This splits documents into buckets based on predefined selection criteria and attempts to evenly distribute documents among the buckets.
  • $sortByCount: This groups incoming documents based on the value of an expression and computes the count of documents in each bucket.
  • $addFields: This adds new fields to documents and outputs the same number of documents as input with the added fields.
  • $replaceRoot: This replaces all existing fields of the input document (including the standard _id field) with the specified fields.
  • $geoNear: This returns an ordered list of documents based on the proximity to a specified field. The output documents include a computed distance field.
  • $graphLookup: This recursively searches a collection and adds an array field with the results of the search in each output document.
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