Create, update, and delete

The Ruby interface for creating documents is similar to active record:

Book.where(isbn: 202, name: 'Mastering MongoDB, 3rd Edition').create

This will return an error if the creation fails.

We can use the bang version to force an exception to be raised if saving the document fails:

Book.where(isbn: 202, name: 'Mastering MongoDB, 3rd Edition').create!

The BulkWrite API is not supported as of Mongoid version 6.x. The workaround is to use the mongo-ruby-driver API, which will not use the mongoid.yml configuration or custom validations. Otherwise, you can use insert_many([array_of_documents]), which will insert the documents one by one.

To update documents, we can use update or update_all. Using update will update only the first document retrieved by the query part, whereas update_all will update all of them:

Book.where(isbn: 202).update(name: 'Mastering MongoDB, THIRD Edition')
Book.where(price: { '$gt': 20 }).update_all(price_range: 'premium')

Deleting a document is similar to creating it, providing delete to skip callbacks, and destroy if we want to execute any available callbacks in the affected document.

delete_all and destroy_all are convenient methods for multiple documents.

destroy_all should be avoided if possible, as it will load all documents into the memory to execute callbacks and thus can be memory-intensive.
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