List of Tables

Chapter 3. Simple projects: input and output

Table 3.1. The Arduino’s analog resolution and analog input and output pins

Chapter 4. Extending Arduino

Table 4.1. The tests available in the ArduinoTestSuite library

Table 4.2. EEPROM memory on microcontrollers used on Arduino boards

Table 4.3. The functions available in the EEPROM library

Table 4.4. Key differences between SD and SDHC memory cards

Table 4.5. The functions provided by the SD library

Table 4.6. Some of the functions provided by the Ethernet library

Table 4.7. Typical Firmata functions

Table 4.8. Some LiquidCrystal library functions

Table 4.9. The main functions provided by the Servo library

Table 4.10. Main functions provided by the Stepper library

Table 4.11. Four wire designations for SPI on the Arduino

Table 4.12. SPI functions

Table 4.13. The setDataMode modes dependent on clock phase and clock polarity.

Table 4.14. Pin designations on the standard Arduino and the Mega for I2C

Table 4.15. List of main Wire library functions

Table 4.16. The functions of the SoftwareSerial library

Chapter 5. Arduino in motion

Table 5.1. Motor action based on position of switches in the H-bridge shown in figure 5.11

Table 5.2. Pinouts of L293D dual H driver

Table 5.3. Truth table for L293D connected to a DC motor

Table 5.4. Main differences between unipolar and bipolar stepper motors

Table 5.5. Record of resistance between stepper motor wires

Table 5.6. Specification of surplus bipolar stepper motor

Table 5.7. Servo library functions

Chapter 7. LCD displays

Table 7.1. The functions of the Arduino String class

Table 7.2. Possible char type string array initializations

Table 7.3. The functions available in the LiquidCrystal LCD library

Table 7.4. The required circuit connections between the Hitachi HD44780 LCD and the Arduino

Table 7.5. The functions available in the SerLCD library

Table 7.6. Required circuit connections between the serial LCD and the Arduino

Table 7.7. Required circuit connections between the DS18B20 one-wire temperature sensor and the Arduino

Table 7.8. The functions available in the GLCDks0108 library

Table 7.9. KS0108 GLCD pinouts and connections to the Arduino

Chapter 8. Communications

Table 8.1. Key Ethernet terms and concepts

Table 8.2. Overview of the Ethernet, Server, and Client class functions in the Ethernet library

Table 8.3. Overview of main UDP class functions in the Ethernet library

Table 8.4. Overview of the Twitter library’s functions

Table 8.5. Overview of the WiFi, WiFiServer, and WiFiClient library functions

Table 8.6. Arduino SPI connection overview

Table 8.7. Arduino SPI library functions

Table 8.8. SD library SD class functions

Table 8.9. SD library File class functions

Chapter 9. Game on

Table 9.1. Pin designations for the standard Arduino and the Mega for I2C

Table 9.2. Color designations for wires in the Wii Nunchuk

Table 9.3. Byte data returned from Nunchuk

Table 9.4. Xbox input report for interface 00

Chapter 10. Integrating the Arduino with iOS

Table 10.1. Pinouts of RS232 DB-9 male connector

Chapter 11. Making wearables

Table 11.1. Types of conductive thread

Table 11.2. Types of conductive fabric

Appendix B. Coding primer

Table B.1. Variable types

Table B.2. Relational operators

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