
We would like to thank the following people at Manning: Sebastian Stirling for his endless patience and support; Cynthia Kane for guiding us and giving gentle prods over the final review stages to bring the manuscript to publication; Troy Mott who handled the preproduction stages; technical editors Sharon Cichelli and Daniel Soltis who offered help and advice on how to improve the final manuscript; and copyeditor Andy Carroll who carefully combed through the manuscript, removing unnecessary words and tidying everything up.

We also want to thank our reviewers who helped clarify parts of the book that needed further explanation and who pointed out inconsistencies. Thanks to Alan Burlison, Andrew Davidson, Bill Westfield, Daniel Soltis, George Entenman, Howard R. Hansen, Jeroen Benckhuijsen, John Raines, Margriet Bruggeman, Matt Scarpino, Nikander Bruggeman, P. David Pull, Philipp K. Janert, Scott Couprie, Scott Howard, Steve Prior, and Ursin Stauss.

MARTIN EVANS would like to thank his wife Henrietta and children Leanne, Heather, and Luke, who all in one way or another encouraged him to keep on working on this book. He would also like to thank Paul and the team at Symposium Coffee House, Peterhead, who kept him fueled with coffee when most needed.

JOSHUA NOBLE would like to acknowledge a huge debt of gratitude to Simona Maschi, David Gauthier, and everyone at CIID who let him slack off a little on his thesis project so he could finish his chapters for this book, his lovely girlfriend Rachel Buker, and of course the man who originally taught him to program in his first halting steps, Morgan Schwartz.

JORDAN HOCHENBAUM would like acknowledge his friend and mentor Ajay Kapur for introducing him to the Arduino and to systematically thinking about musical interface design. He’d also like to thank longtime friend and collaborator Owen Vallis for his help as they stumbled through their first Arduino sketches together and delved deeper into the world of the AVR.

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