Development Tools

Every organization that develops software relies on development tools. One of the great benefits of Microsoft Dynamics CRM is that you use the same tools to develop solutions with Microsoft Dynamics CRM that you use when developing solutions for any Microsoft technology. Therefore, none of the tools discussed in this section is unique to working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

This section examines some of the common software development tools you should have in place when working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, including:

  • Integrated development environment (IDE)

  • Source control

  • Continuous integration

  • Installer

  • Additional development utilities

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Microsoft Visual Studio is most likely to be your primary integrated development environment (IDE). The examples in this book use Visual Studio 2008. Because Microsoft built Microsoft Dynamics CRM on the .NET architecture, you may use any .NET client tool for your development experience (including Notepad)! However, most developers working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM choose Visual Studio as their development tool.

Source Control

Source control defines the means of keeping track of changes and versions to all software files during a project. Numerous tools exist to perform this function and typically a source control system already exists within your environment, including Microsoft Visual Studio Team System, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, CVS, ClearCase, Vault, and so on.

If you don’t have a version control tool in place or you are investigating an alternative, we recommend a free, open-source tool call Subversion (SVN). SVN provides the core file control logic and integrates to most systems. Additional tools talk to SVN for actual file access; the most popular is Tortoise, as shown in Figure 2-4.

TortoiseSVN browser menu

Figure 2-4. TortoiseSVN browser menu

More Information

More Information

Learn more about SVN version control system and the TortoiseSVN browser at: and

Continuous Integration Tool

Often as you bring up your development environment, setting up a continuous integration environment tends to get overlooked. However, a continuous integration system, especially automated builds, provides the following benefits:

  • Ensures a more robust application during development by finding build defects quickly

  • Simplifies deployments by ensuring a consistent set of files and steps

  • Can include additional post-build steps and processes

  • Labels source code at each build version, allowing you to branch and fix issues easily

  • Can be used to export and store customizations as a backup file

  • Can provide additional automated testing

SourceForge.NET provides an excellent free tool called CruiseControl.NET to manage automated builds for your code. You can use CruiseControl.NET in conjunction with MSBuild from Visual Studio or a free tool such as NAnt from SourceForge.NET.

More Information

More Information

You may download and review more information regarding CruiseControl. NET at and NAnt at


Some of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM customizations may not deploy with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM import/export customizations functionality, including:

  • Custom Web pages

  • Plug-in assemblies

  • Workflow assemblies

  • Custom reports

  • Data migration

When you deploy files and changes that are not encapsulated within Microsoft Dynamics CRM’s import/export customization functionality, you should consider whether you need to use an installer.

Multiple installer programs exist on the market, including one that comes with Visual Studio. Each installer program has its own set of features, functionality, and benefits. We use the NSIS system from SourceForge.NET.

NSIS provides robust Windows installers in a very easy, scriptable, and extensible framework. Using NSIS you can create common installation wizard pages that can take information from the user and use built-in or custom functions to properly deploy and provision your application.

NSIS contains a tool that allows you to compile NSI scripts into executables, as shown in Figure 2-5. Additionally, you can access numerous additional plug-ins, starter code, and help documentation to provide a solid start to your installation development.


Figure 2-5. NSIS Menu



You can also use a development tool such as Eclipse with an NSIS plug-in to author and build your installation scripts. You can learn more about EclipseNSIS at

Example 2-1 shows a very simple script that generates an installer that copies a simple help file to a defined location.

Example 2-1. Sample NSIS installer script

Name "NSIS Test"

# Defines
!define REGKEY "SOFTWARE$(^Name)"
!define TRUE 1

# MUI defines
!define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}ContribGraphicsIconsmodern-install.ico"

# Included files
!include Sections.nsh
!include MUI.nsh

# Installer pages
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

# Installer languages
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE English

# Installer attributes
OutFile setup.exe
CRCCheck on
XPStyle on
ShowInstDetails show

# Installer sections
Section "Help Sample" Main
    SetOutPath $INSTDIR
    SetOverwrite on
    # Copies HelpSample.htm to the path specified in the installation wizard.
     File "HelpSample.htm"
    WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}Components" "Help Sample" 1

# Installer functions
Function .onInit

Figure 2-6 displays one of the sample wizard pages for a Windows installer using the sample NSIS script in Example 2-1.

Sample Windows installer

Figure 2-6. Sample Windows installer

More Information

More Information

Please visit for additional information regarding NSIS.

Additional Development Utilities

If you develop solutions with any Microsoft technology, including Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you definitely should consider having the tools listed in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4. Additional Development Utilities




A free code best practice analyzer. You can incorporate it into your automatic builds, and it is highly customizable.


A free tool to merge multiple assemblies into a single assembly. Perfect for deploying referenced assemblies with a plug-in or workflow assembly.

.NET Reflector

An excellent tool for analyzing .NET assemblies.


A free HTTP debugging proxy tool. Fiddler is essential for tracking and parsing the HTTP traffic between Microsoft Dynamics CRM both for development and debugging purposes.


A licensed Web development tool that integrates directly within Internet Explorer. Allows you to quickly navigate the DOM of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web page.

IE Dev Toolbar

A free Web development tool with functionality similar to the DebugBar tool.


A free, open-source unit-testing framework.


Another free, open-source unit-testing framework. See Chapter 5, for an example that uses the RhinoMocks framework.

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