Capturing Audio and Video Notes

If your computer system includes a microphone, such as a built-in microphone or (preferably) a freestanding or headset peripheral microphone, you can record audio directly into OneNote. Similarly, if your system includes a video camera, such as a Web cam, you can record video directly into OneNote.

If you haven't already configured your audio and video input and output devices by using the wizards available through Windows, you can do so in OneNote by using the Tuning Wizard, which is accessible from the Audio And Video page of the Options window.


To display the Options window, click Options on the Tools menu.

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Troubleshooting If you don't have a microphone or camera installed on your system, the lists in the corresponding area will be empty.


See Also For information about searching audio and video recordings, see Searching for Information in Chapter 16, Chapter 16.

Recording Audio

To create an audio recording in OneNote:

  1. Ensure that your computer system includes a microphone. If necessary, run the Tuning Wizard to configure the microphone input levels.


    See Also For information about setting up a microphone or other peripheral device, refer to the Windows Step by Step book specific to your version of Windows.

  2. Display the page on which you want to insert the audio or video clip.

  3. On the Insert menu, click Audio Recording.

    OneNote inserts an Audio Clip icon indicating the audio file type (based on your choice on the Audio And Video page of the Options window) and the recording start time, and displays the floating Audio And Video Recording toolbar.

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  4. Speak, sing, or otherwise deliver the audio content you want to record. When you finish, click the Stop button on the Audio And Video Recording toolbar.

    If you haven't previously made an Audio Search selection, the Did You Know About Audio Search window opens.

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    If you want to make a selection at this time, click the Enable Audio Search or Keep Audio Search Disabled button. Otherwise, you can click the Close button on the window title bar.


    See Also For information about searching audio and video recordings, see Searching for Information in Chapter 16, Chapter 16.

Recording Video

The process for creating a video recording is similar to creating an audio recording. Ensure that your computer system includes a video camera, and display the page where you want the recording to appear. Then click Video Recording on the Insert menu, or click the Record arrow on the Audio And Video Recording toolbar and then click Record Video.

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OneNote inserts an icon indicating the video file type (based on your choice on the Audio And Video page of the Options window) and the recording start time, and displays the floating Audio And Video Recording toolbar, if it isn't already displayed. A video window opens, displaying the video input from your camera.

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Naturally, the quality of the video you capture depends greatly on the video camera, lighting, setting, and other factors not specific to OneNote.

The video window is a "stay on top" window. You can move it around the screen (independently of the program window) by dragging its title bar, and change its size by dragging the outer borders. If you don't want to display the video window while you capture the video clip, click the Hide Video Window button on the Audio And Video Recording toolbar.

Playing Back a Recording

You can pause, stop, and start recording by clicking the buttons on the Audio And Video Recording toolbar; but, as implied by its name, you can't play back the recordings. To play back an audio or video recording, double-click the Audio Clips or Video Clips icon on the notebook page.

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