
a business worth getting into 2701

with constraints 12833

golden age 207

Animation Layers 22, 235, 2723

basics 2769

cycle cheating 2803

filter if crowded 277

how they work 2745

lock BackAnimation 275

overrirde mode and muting 279

texture 2845

variations on a large scale 76


Darrin Butters advice 291

as dying breed 206, 299,301

Greg Kyle's advice 301

Jacob Bergman's advice 299

Keith A. Sintay's advice 295

Michael Cawood's advice 207

an im Export 143

anticipation 67

appeal 323

arcs 201, 96

refining in Polish 1969

Attribute Spreadsheet 141

audience focus 8

audience reaction 26

auto key 823

AutoTangent 46, 49, 55, 193




animating with constraints 12833

animation layer 2769

anticipation 67

bouncing ball with antenna 1213

bouncing ball using value operators 745

bouncing using Editable Motion Trails 969

curvesofa bouncing ball 18

moving up and down 21013

squash and stretch 45

staging 811

stride length 21417

using Grease Pencil tool 10811

beats of a scene 72

Bergman, Jacob

advice for animators 299

animators as dying breed 299

favorite tools in Maya 298

first job in animation 299

knowing when you have found right idea for

a shot 2989

reasons for sticking with it 299

relying on special script or plugins 298

working with motion capture 298

blending animation 245

blendShapes 1547

bookmarks, naming 79

Breakdown keys 73

buffer curves 767

Butters, Darrin

advice for animators 291

advice for a demo reel 291

doing things differently 291

favorite animator 290

favorite character 290

interest and hobbies 2901

tips for getting inside character's head 291

understanding motivation/subtlety of a scene


workflow changes 290



camera angle 9

cartoony motion 889, 176

planning shots 2445

Cawood, Michael

advice for animators 207

advice for a demo reel 2067

animators as dying breed 206

favourite tools in Maya 203

finding the right idea for a shot 2056

golden age of animation 207

interests and hobbies 204

personal projects 205

tips for getting inside character's head 2045

understanding motivation/subtlety of a scene 2045

using Maya in everyday job 202

workflow changes 2034


channel selection 29

character poses

arm controls 1067

arm and hand switching 1025

arm, raising 3841, 559

body and head shapes 323

body movement 21

body rotation 1001

boredom 235

chest movement 925

controller symmetry/object space 13843

embarrassment 1415

facial expressions 847, 24669

fixing problems 2403

flying cycle 2227

giving and taking a pencil 1267

hair Et cloth additions 16871

head movement 201

heads and noses 11215

holding a lollipop 1245

jumping 1819

lead action part of the body 11617

numb arm 889

planning 1769

ponytail and earrings 1447

rough posing 111

running and falling on the ground 1827, 1969

spine movement 1617

thinking 267

variations in cycles 2803

walking 289, 301, 767, 21821

waving 14

writing 823

see also facial animation; lip sync

Character Sets 1067


manipulating 901

in relative space 91


adding 15863

move location 159

pivot point 161

position and weight 158

smooth influence of 163

coloring the action 22

compressed/contained 5

computer control 55

constraints 11819

all or nothing approach 129

animating with 12833

parent 1223, 133

parenting 1201

prop rig 1245

weights 123, 1267

controllers 13843

scale of 149

world 139

zeroing 140

converting cycles 1801

copied pairs 188

Copy Keys 143, 191

copy and paste 140, 194

copying curves 925

core ideas 28


of bouncing ball 18

buffer 767

copying 925

drift 45

frame length 211

isolating specific curves on multiple controls 221

offsetting 17,213

Pre-and Post-Infinity 21013

tweaking 92

see also splines (spline curves)

customizing see standing out

cycle with offset 139

cycles 140, 2089

basics 21013

converting 1801

experiment with making sections slightly

different in length 225

eyeballing 214

flying cycle 2227

quad 2289

stride length 21417,229

variations in 2803

walk 1801,21821




facial 323

keep copy of body mesh before adding

deforms 155

Lattice Deform 72

wave 89

wrap 1647

deleting 31

demo reel

Derrin Butter's advice 291

Greg Kyle's advice 301

John Nguyen's advice 297

Keith A Sintay's advice 295

Michael Cawood's advice 2067


breaking down 1501

see also sound

Dope Sheet 182, 185

dry erase markers on monitors 43

dynamics 145, 168, 171



ease in/ease out see slow in/slow out

Editable Motion Trail 19, 201, 969

and Grease Pencil tool 11215

refining arcs in Polish 1969

exaggeration 289, 88



facial animation 847, 2467

blink and brows 2625

blinks 2601

core poses 2501

deforms 323

eye darts 2667

final touches 2689

jaw motion (lip sync 1) 2523

mouth corners (lip sync 2) 2545

mouth shapes (lip sync 3) 2567

planning and prep 2489

timeline technique 847

tongue (lip sync 4) 2589

see also character poses; lip sync

final polish list 2869

final texture 2001

FK (forward kinematics) 1001

IK/FK switching 1025

flatting 18

flying cycle 2227

follow-through 1617

Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators 20

forward kinematics see FK



games 223

Graph Editor 601, 185

buffer curves 767

Infinity in 75

right click to give the menu 67

speed cheats 789

value operators 746

visual tools 6871

windup 667

working with keys 723

Grease Pencil tool 10811

and trails 11215



IK (inverse kinematics) 1001

IK/FK switching 1025

in-panel previews 11

Insert Key 72

inverse kinematics see IK



keyframe animation 12833

keys, working with 723, 1825

Kyle, Greg

advice for animators 301

advice for a demo reel 301

animators as dying breed 301

favorite animator 300

favorite tools in Maya 300

knowing when you have found right idea for

a shot 300

reasons for staying with it 301

relying on special script or plugins 301



Lattice Deform 72

Leighton, Eric 1345

lip sync

jaw motion 2523

mouth corners 2545

mouth shapes 2567

tongue 2589

see also character poses; facial expressions



maxed-out/hyperextended arms and legs 32

monitors, dry erase markers on 43

motion capture 2934, 298

moving holds

with Retime Tool 1945

when splining 18893

mute/unmute channels 69



Nguyen, John

advice for animators 297

advice for a demo reel 297

animators as a dying breed 297

favorite tools in Maya 296

knowing when you have found right idea for

a shot 297

tips for getting inside a character's head 296

understanding motivation/subtlety of a scene 296




cone and box 1223

constraints 12033

gloves 1647

hair Et cloth 16871

lollipop 1245, 1489

ponytail and earrings 1447

running and falling on the ground 1827, 1969

selection 121

spheres 1201

offline edits 2369

outstretched/extended 5

overlapping action 1617



parent constraints 1223, 133

parenting 1201

Pinned option 99

planning 1769

playing at speed 7

Polish, refining arcs in 1969

pose to pose 1215, 186

Post-Infinity curve 21013

Pre-lnfinity curve 21013

Pre-Select Highlight 71

principles 3

anticipation 67

appeal 323

arcs 201

exaggeration 289

overlapping action/follow-through 1617

secondary action 225

slow in/slow out 1819

solid drawing 301

squash and stretch 45

staging 811

straight ahead/pose to pose 1215

timing 267

prop constraints 1245, 126

rigging 1489



quad cycles 2289



reference 1769

reference edits

offline 2369

saving 2403

reference video 1723, 176

referencing 2301

basics 2325

namespace 233

offline edits 2369

saving edits 2403

standardize naming convention 235

Region Tool 72

Retime Handles 195

Retime Tool 72, 182, 183

moving holds with 1945

rigs 1367

adding BlendShapes 1547

keep copy of body mesh before adding deforms 155

props 1489

sprucing it up 1447

testing 13843

Roy, Kenny

break down dialogue 1501

hips lead the action 11617

making the most of reference video 1723

planning cartoony shots 2445

starting over 601

well-rounded approach 1345

workflow 345




acting out 178

saving a scene 33

timing reference 1789

understanding motivation/subtlety of 2045, 291,293,296

secondary action 225

Sintay, Keith A.

advice for animators 295

advice for a demo reel 295

favorite tools in Maya 2923

first job in animation 2945

how to use Maya in everyday job 292

relying on special script/plugins 294

tips for getting inside a character's head 293

understanding motivation/subtlety of a scene 293

working with motion capture 2934

slow in/slow out 1819, 55

adding extra key to shape ease ins/ease outs 57

smooth channel 157

solid drawing 301


breaking dialogue 1501

generation 87

importing into a scene 249

turning off 1723

spacing 27, 55

and splines 425

tracking the movement 43

speed cheats 789

splines (or spline curves) 367

avoid letting curves drift 45

how they work 3841

moving holds 18891

open viewport and Graph Editor together 39

and spacing 425

spline reference 569

tangent handles 503

and tangent types 469

technique 545

see also curves

spotlight selection 11

spruce up 1447

squash 45

staging 811

standing out 1523

adding blend shapes 1547

adding clusters 15863

adding hair Et cloth 16871

wrap deformer 1647

Stepped keys 1825, 193

stepped preview 1867

straight ahead 1215

stretch 45

stride length 140,21417,229



tangent handles 503

breaking and weighting 51, 53

handles pros and cons 53

keys pros and cons 53

weighted and non-weighted 50

tangent types 469, 187

clamped 49, 189, 193

flat 49, 189

linear 49, 59

plateau 49

spline 49

stepped 49

techniques 801

auto key 823

cartoony motion 889

character sets 1067

copying curves 925

edible motion trails 969

grease pencil tool 10811, 11215

IK and FK 1001, 1025

timeline 847

trax editor 901


final 2001

layers for 2845

thumbnails 176

timing 267

scenes 1789

Track Editor 185

Trail Color slider 97

trax editor 901

twinning 32



value operators

Add (+=) 74

divide (/=) 74

multiply (*=) 74

subtract (- =) 74

visual tools 6871



walk cycle 1801, 21821

walking 289, 301, 767

wave deformer 89

wind-up for action 4, 6

workflow 345, 1745

converting cycles 1801

Darrin Butters' advice 290

final texture 2001

Kenny Roy's advice 345

Michael Cawood's advice 2034

moving holds with retime tool 1945

moving holds when splining 18893

planning/reference 1769

refining arcs in polish 1969

stepped keys 1825

stepped preview 1867

world controllers 139

World Space 180

Wrap deformer 1647

duplicating body parts 165

smoothing 1667



Youtube 176

Yu Ji 345

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