
  1. addition operator (+)

  2. argument

  3. arithmetic operators (*, /, %, + and -)

  4. assignment operator (=)

  5. associativity of operators

  6. backslash () escape character

  7. binary operator

  8. body of a class declaration

  9. body of a method declaration

  10. camel case

  11. char simple type

  12. character string

  13. class declaration

  14. class keyword

  15. class name

  16. Command Prompt

  17. comment

  18. compilation error

  19. condition

  20. Console class

  21. console window

  22. .cs file-name extension

  23. decimal simple type

  24. decision

  25. division operator (/)

  26. double simple type

  27. empty statement (;)

  28. equality operators

    • == “is equal to”

    • != “is not equal to”

  29. Error List window

  30. escape character

  31. escape sequence

  32. .exe file-name extension

  33. executable

  34. expression

  35. fault tolerant

  36. float simple type

  37. Framework Class Library

  38. identifier

  39. if statement

  40. int (integer) simple type

  41. integer

  42. integer division

  43. Intellisense

  44. interpolated string

  45. interpolation expression

  46. left brace, {

  47. literal

  48. location of a variable

  49. Main method

  50. method

  51. multiplication operator (*)

  52. namespace

  53. nested parentheses

  54. newline character ( )

  55. operand

  56. operator precedence

  57. Parameter Info window

  58. parentheses ()

  59. Parse method of type int

  60. Pascal Case

  61. perform an action

  62. precedence of operators

  63. prompt

  64. ReadLine method of class Console

  65. redundant parentheses

  66. relational operators

    • < “is less than”

    • <= “is less than or equal to”

    • > “is greater than”

    • >= “is greater than or equal to”

  67. remainder operator (%)

  68. reserved words

  69. right brace, }

  70. rules of operator precedence

  71. semicolon (;) statement terminator

  72. simple type

  73. single-line comment (//)

  74. standard input/output class (Console)

  75. statement

  76. straight-line form

  77. string

  78. string interpolation

  79. string type

  80. subtraction operator (-)

  81. syntax-color highlighting

  82. syntax error

  83. using directive

  84. variable

  85. variable declaration

  86. variable declaration statement

  87. variable name

  88. variable size

  89. variable type

  90. variable value

  91. void keyword

  92. whitespace

  93. Write method of class Console

  94. WriteLine method of class Console

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