Answers to Self-Review Exercises

  1. 13.1 a) throw. b) finally. c) Exception. d) throw point. e) termination, resumption. f) unwind. g) FormatException. h) ?. null conditional operator. i)?? null coalescing operator.

  2. 13.2 a) False. Exceptions can be handled by other methods on the method-call stack. b) False. User-defined exception classes should typically extend class Exception. c) True. d) False. A try block that does not have any catch blocks requires a finally block. e) False. The finally block executes only if program control enters the corresponding try block. f) False. return causes control to return to the caller. g) True. h) False. Property Message of class Exception returns a string rep-resenting the error message. i) True. j) False. If the nullable-type variable is null and you access the Value property, an InvalidOperationException occurs.

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