Modifying Conference Announcements

Conference announcements settings in Lync control what occurs when participants join or leave a meeting. These settings can be configured at a global level or assigned to a specific site.


Enabling or disabling the announcements is a default preference that can be passed to users. However, users can change this default as they desire.

When you are configuring conferencing announcements, the following options are available:

Enable Name Recording—Controls whether users are prompted to record their name before joining the conference. Internal users are not prompted to record a name, and their name is played through the text-to-speech engine instead.

Entry and Exit Announcements Type—Defines the type of announcement played when attendees join or leave the meeting. The options are to use the person’s name or to simply play a tone.

Entry and Exit Announcements Enabled by Default—Controls whether announcements are enabled or disabled by default for new Lync user accounts. This is simply a default setting passed to users that they might change.

The conference announcement settings can be configured only through the Lync Server Management Shell using the following syntax:

Set-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration -Identity <Identity> -EnableNameRecording <$True | $False> -EntryExitAnnouncementsEnabledByDefault <$True | $False> -EntryExitAnnouncementsType <UseNames | ToneOnly >

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