Chapter Eighteen

Potential of Biodiesel as Fuel for Diesel Engine

O.M. Ali1, R. Mamat2, M.G. Rasul3, and G. Najafi4     1Northern Technical University, Kirkuk, Iraq     2Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia     3Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia     4Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


A survey of biodiesel fuel production and utilization in diesel engine are illustrated in this chapter. The potential of biodiesel from different sources as alternative fuel to mineral diesel for the existing diesel engine is discussed and highlighted. The current trends of biodiesel fuel utilization are listed and discussed in addition to the different production methods. Economic considerations of biodiesel production and analyses of factors affecting the production cost are provided in detail. The relation between the feedstock cost and the total production cost is discussed in detail to show the viability of biodiesel fuel from the different feedstocks to replace mineral diesel. Biodiesel fuel properties, standards, and their usage limitations are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the various techniques used to introduce biodiesel as a fuel for diesel engine within biodiesel fuel standards are provided and discussed in detail.


Alternative fuel; Biodiesel; Biodiesel production; Diesel engine; Exhaust emissions; Fuel additives; Fuel property; Production cost

18.1. Introduction

The global energy consumption has duplicated since 1980s. Fossil fuels are dominant in the global energy mix, as they represent over 80% of the total energy supplies in the world today [1]. A further increase in the utilization of energy sources is expected due to the modern life demands and rapid economic development. This results in the fast depletion of fossil fuel reservoirs as well as unwanted emissions. Oil is the fossil fuel that is most in danger of running out, as it is steadily declining. The sources of this fuel are available only in certain regions of the world, and they are close to their maximum production. A peak in the global oil production is expected in the next few years [2]. According to the World Trade Organization, in 2010, the fuel market was responsible for a 15.8% share of the total trade in merchandising and primary products. Most are due to diesel fuel that is essential for transportation and heavy-duty engines [3]. Besides, the world today is faced with a serious global warming and environmental pollution. The major gas that contributes to the greenhouse phenomena is CO2 which is mainly emitted from the combustion of fossil fuel. According to the current scenario of increasing CO2 emissions, the target of controlling the global warming phenomenon is becoming more difficult and costly with each year that passes [4]. The twin crises of fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation that have arisen since 1970s have underscored the importance of developing alternative sources of liquid-fuel energy. Thus, there is an urgent need to find an alternative energy resource that is renewable, clean, reliable, and yet economically feasible.
Biodiesel, as a replacement for diesel, is easily made from renewable biological sources, such as vegetable oil and animal fats. Chemically, biodiesel is referred to monoalkyl-esters of long-chain fatty acids, and to a variety of ester-based oxygenated fuels. It is well known that transportation almost depends entirely on fossil fuel, particularly petroleum-based fuels such as gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and natural gas (NG). An alternative fuel to mineral diesel must be technically feasible, economically competitive, environmentally acceptable, and easily available. The current alternative diesel fuel can be termed biodiesel. It can be used in diesel engines with little or no modification [5,6].
The global warming may be reduced by using alternative fuel—biodiesel is considered as a promising fuel. The best potential future energy source in the transportation sector is biodiesel that mainly emitted carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and smoke. The combustion of biodiesel alone provides a high reduction in total unburned hydrocarbons (HCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) [7]. Biodiesel further provides significant reductions in particulates and carbon monoxide over mineral diesel fuel. Biodiesel provides slight increases or decreases in NOx depending on the engine family and testing procedures that follow [8]. Currently, global warming caused by CO2 is the main climatic problem in the world; therefore, environmental protection is important to ensure a better and safer future. Because biodiesel is made from renewable sources, it presents a convenient way to provide fuel while protecting the environment from unwanted emissions. Biodiesel is an ecological and nonhazardous fuel with low emission values; therefore, it is environmentally useful. Using biodiesel as an alternative fuel is a way to minimize global air pollution, and in particular, it reduces the emission levels that are potential or probable threats to human health [9].
Biodiesel properties are one of the noteworthy issues that restrict the use of biodiesel fuel. It has a direct effect on the main engine elements and parameters, such as fuel handling systems and performance [10,11]. Neat biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it is traditionally blended with mineral diesel to create a biodiesel blend, typically at 20% (by volume), or less. Pure biodiesel is biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulfur and aromatics. Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel for compression ignition (CI) that has fully completed the health effects testing requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Biodiesel, produced to industry and meet the specifications of ASTM D6751, is legally registered with the Environmental Protection Agency as a legal motor fuel for sale and distribution [12].

18.2. Diesel Engine

The first diesel-powered engine appeared in 1898, and since then, diesel engines have become used widely as a power source for power generation, transportation, and different industrial activities. The main difference between the diesel engine and spark-ignition engine that works on gasoline fuel occurs in their fuel ignition process. The diesel engine ignition is caused by spontaneous CI, while the gasoline engine ignition is triggered by a spark from the spark plug. The pressure and temperature rise during compression in the diesel engine provides an appropriate environment for the fuel to be injected, atomized, vaporized, and subsequently burnt. Diesel engines are also known for their increased fuel efficiency and low emissions of CO and unburned HCs.
In the diesel engine, air is compressed with a compression ratio typically between 12 and 24 [13]. This higher compression promotes more efficient fuel combustion due to the longer effective expansion stroke. Furthermore, diesel engines run lean overall, except at full power, with air–fuel ratios as high as 65:1 [13]. Engine speed and power are controlled by changing the amount of fuel in each injection instead of throttling the intake air, which gives diesel engines high thermal efficiency. Due to their lower fuel consumption and CO and HC emissions, diesel engines are used in many trucks and almost all railroad engines and ships, and the power sources use diesel engines for different industrial applications.
In the transportation sector, diesel engine is widely used, due to its simple arrangement design, higher reliability, more power delivered at lower fuel consumption, and higher thermal efficiency [14]. In general, the diesel engine utilization for different applications depends on the engine speed, where engines with speed of 1200 rpm and above are used for transportation. These engines are equipped with pump and small electrical generators. Meanwhile, the medium speed engines from 300 to 1200 rpm are mostly used in large electrical generators, ships, large compressors, and pumps.

18.2.1. Diesel Engine Fuel History

Heat: The concept of using biofuel in diesel engines is not a radically new idea, as an inventor named Rudolph Diesel demonstrated his first developed CI diesel engine using peanut oil as a fuel at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 [15,16]. Vegetable oil had been used as a diesel fuel in the 1930s and 1940s, but generally only in emergency conditions, such as World War II [17]. In 1940 the first trial with vegetable oil methyl and ethyl esters were carried out using palm oil ethyl ester as a fuel for buses [18]. However, due to the fact that abundant supply of diesel and vegetable oil fuel were more expensive than diesel, research and development activities in vegetable oil were not seriously pursued [19].
Nowadays, biodiesel fuel returns to gain more and more interest as an attractive fuel when the problems of fossil fuel depletion and rising energy demand together with aggravated environmental pollution had been aggregated in the last decades. Biodiesel represents the viable alternative for CI engines which may be considered being at the forefront of alternative technologies. Therefore, there is a renewed interest at present in biodiesel fuel.

18.3. Biodiesel Fuel

Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel with properties that make low concentration biodiesel–diesel fuel blends to run well in unmodified conventional CI engines. Understanding these properties provides key toward evaluating and improving diesel engine performance and emissions. The benefits and technical challenge of the biodiesel as a fuel for diesel engine are revealed through the investigation of their properties relevant to engine performance and emissions. Biodiesel has properties comparable to diesel fuel [20,21]. It can be stored anywhere, where the mineral diesel fuel is stored [22,23]. Biodiesel can be made from domestically produced and renewable oilseed crops. The risks of handling, transporting, and storing biodiesel are much lower than those associated with mineral diesel. Biodiesel is safe to handle and transport because it is biodegradable and has a high flash point, unlike the mineral diesel fuel. Biodiesel can be used alone or mixed in any ratio with mineral diesel fuel [24,25].
The biodegradability of biodiesel has been proposed as a solution to waste problems. Biodegradable fuels, such as biodiesel, have an expanding range of potential applications and are environmentally friendly. Therefore, there is growing interest in degradable diesel fuels that degrade more rapidly than the conventional petroleum fuels. Biodiesel is nontoxic and degrades faster than mineral diesel due to its higher oxygen content (typically 11%) [26,27]. Furthermore, the high oxygen content of the biodiesel fuel improves the combustion efficiency due to the increase of the homogeneity of oxygen with the fuel during combustion. Therefore, the combustion efficiency of biodiesel is higher than that of mineral diesel [28,29]. Biodiesel has good lubricant properties compared to mineral diesel oil, in particular very low-sulfhur diesel. This is crucial in reducing wear on the engine parts and the injection system [30,31].
Biodiesel has lower carbon and hydrogen contents compared to diesel fuel, resulting in about a 10% lower mass energy content, and also biodiesel has a higher viscosity and higher density [32,33]. These properties may result in high NOx emissions, lower engine efficiency, injector coking, and engine compatibility. The high viscosity and low volatility of biodiesel fuel will cause problems in fuel pumping and spray characteristics as well as cause poor combustion in diesel engines. The inefficient mixing of fuel with air contributes to incomplete combustion. Biodiesel has a higher cloud point (CP) and pour point compared to diesel. Therefore, biodiesel fuels are plagued by the growth and agglomeration of paraffin wax crystals when ambient temperatures fall below the fuel's CP, which may cause start-up problems, such as filter clogging in cold climates [34]. While the CP of mineral diesel is reported as 16°C, typically biodiesel has a CP higher than 0°C, and because of that its use is limited to ambient temperatures around freezing [35].

18.3.1. Biodiesel Fuel Trends

Interest in biodiesel is continuing to increase in the whole world. This is motivated primarily by concerns about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and global climate change, as well as the desire for renewable/sustainable energy sources, and an interest in developing domestic and more secure fuel supplies. An alternative fuel for mineral diesel must be technically feasible, economically competitive, environmentally acceptable, and easily available. Biodiesel is simple to use in CI diesel engines with few or no modifications. In addition, it can be blended, at any level with mineral diesel to create a biodiesel blend. In recent years, several countries (and states) have embarked on legislative and/or regulatory pathways that encourage the increased use of biodiesel fuel as an alternative fuel for diesel.
Biodiesel, a promising oxygenated fuel generated from natural and renewable sources, is a fuel comprised of monoalkyl esters of long-chain fatty acids derived from renewable feedstocks. It is increasingly examined as a potential substitute for conventional high-pollutant fuels because it is a biodegradable, nontoxic, and relatively clean-burning fuel. Biodiesel has significantly lower emissions than petroleum-based diesel when burned, whether used in pure form or blended with mineral diesel. It does not contribute to a net rise in the level of CO2 in the atmosphere and minimizes the intensity of the greenhouse effect [36,37]. In addition, biodiesel is better than diesel fuel in terms of sulfur content, flash point, aromatic content, and biodegradability [38,39].

18.3.2. Current Biodiesel Production Technologies

Biodiesel production is undergoing rapid technological reforms in industries and academia. At present, the main drawback for the commercialization of biodiesel is its higher cost than petroleum-based diesel. Thus in previous years, numerous studies on the use of technologies and different methods to evaluate optimal conditions of biodiesel production technically and economically have been carried out. A number of methods are currently available and have been adopted for reduction of the viscosity of vegetable oils. Four primary ways to make biodiesel are direct use and blending of vegetable oils, microemulsions, thermal cracking (pyrolysis), and transesterification [17]. One of the most common methods used to reduce oil viscosity in the biodiesel industry is called transesterification, which takes place between a vegetable oil or animal fat and an alcohol (methanol, ethanol, or butanol) in the presence of a catalyst (homogeneous or heterogeneous) or without the application of catalysts [40].

18.4. Biodiesel Production Procedure

There are several generally accepted technologies that have been well established for the production of biodiesel fuel. Vegetable oils and animal fats are appropriate to be modified in order to reduce their viscosities so that the product obtained has suitable properties to be used as diesel engine fuels. There are many procedures for this modification to produce a better quality of biodiesel, such as direct use and blending, microemulsions, pyrolysis of vegetable oil, and transesterification [41]. These procedures are briefly reviewed in this section.

18.4.1. Direct Use and Blending of Oils

The use of vegetable oils as alternative fuels has been around since 1900 when the inventor of the diesel engine, Dr. Rudolph Diesel, first tested peanut oil in his compression engine. The direct use of vegetable oils in diesel engines is problematic and has many inherent failings. It has only been researched extensively for the past couple of decades, but has been experimented with for near 100 years. Crude vegetable oils can be mixed directly or diluted with diesel fuel to improve the viscosity so as to solve the problems associated with the use of pure vegetable oils with high viscosities in CI engines [42]. Energy consumption, with the use of pure vegetable oils, was found to be similar to that of diesel fuel. For short term use, ratio of 1:10 to 2:10 oil to diesel fuel has been found to be successful. But, direct use of vegetable oils and/or the use of blends of the oils have generally been considered to be unsatisfactory and impractical for both direct and indirect diesel engines. The high viscosity, acid composition, free fatty acid (FFA) content, as well as gum formation due to oxidation and polymerization during storage and combustion, carbon deposits, and lubricating oil thickening are obvious problems [17]. Heating and blending of vegetable oils may reduce the viscosity and improve volatility of vegetable oils but its molecular structure remains unchanged, hence polyunsaturated character remains.

18.4.2. Microemulsion of Oils

Microemulsification is the formation of microemulsions (co-solvency) which is a potential solution for solving the problem of high vegetable oil viscosity. A microemulsion is defined as a colloidal equilibrium dispersion of optically isotropic fluid microstructures with dimensions generally in the 1–150 nm range formed spontaneously from two normally immiscible liquids and one or more ionic or nonionic amphiphiles [43]. Microemulsion-based fuels are sometimes also termed “hybrid fuels,” although blends of conventional diesel fuel with vegetable oils have also been called hybrid fuels [44]. Microemulsions are clear, stable isotropic fluids with three components: an oil phase, an aqueous phase, and a surfactant.
For this purpose, microemulsions with solvents such as methanol, ethanol, and 1-butanol have been studied. All microemulsions with butanol, hexanol, and octanol can meet the maximum viscosity limitation for diesel engines. A microemulsion prepared by blending soybean oil, methanol, 2-octanol, and cetane improver in the ratio of 52.7:13.3:33.3:1.0 has passed the 200 h EMA test. Microemulsion of vegetable oils lowered the viscosity of the oil but resulted in irregular injector needle sticking, heavy carbon deposits, and incomplete combustion during 200 h laboratory screening endurance test [45].

18.4.3. Pyrolysis of Oils

Pyrolysis is the conversion of one organic substance into another by means of heat or by heat with the aid of a catalyst. The pyrolyzed material can be vegetable oil, animal fat, natural fatty acids, or methyl esters of fatty acids [24]. Conversion of vegetable oils and animal fats composed mostly of triglycerides using thermal cracking reactions represents a promising technology for the production of biodiesel. This technology is especially promising in areas where the hydro-processing industry is well established because the technology is very similar to that of conventional petroleum refining [46]. The fuel properties of the liquid product fractions of the thermally decomposed vegetable oil are likely to approach diesel fuels. Many researchers have reported the pyrolysis of triglycerides to obtain products suitable for diesel engines. The research on pyrolysis of triglycerides is divided into catalytic and noncatalytic processes [46]. The mechanism of thermal decomposition of triglycerides is depicted in Fig. 18.1 [47]. Mechanisms for the thermal decomposition of triglycerides are likely to be complex, because of the many structures and multiplicity of possible reactions of mixed triglycerides.
Figure 18.1 The mechanism of thermal decomposition of triglycerides.
The pyrolysis reactions of soybean, palm tree, and castor oils have been studied in an investigation. The adequate choice of distillation temperature (DT) ranges made it possible to isolate fuels with physical and chemical properties comparable to those specified for petroleum-based fuels [46]. The equipment for thermal cracking and pyrolysis is expensive for modest throughputs. In addition, while the products are chemically similar to petroleum-derived gasoline and diesel fuel, the removal of oxygen during the thermal processing also removes any environmental benefits of using an oxygenated fuel. It produces some low-value materials and, sometimes, more gasoline than diesel fuel [17].

18.4.4. Transesterification of Oils

The most common technology of biodiesel production is transesterification of oils (triglycerides) with alcohol which gives biodiesel (fatty acid alkyl esters, FAAE) as main product and glycerin as a by-product. The basic transesterification is illustrated in Fig. 18.2. The first step is the conversion of triglycerides to diglycerides, which is followed by the conversion of diglycerides to monoglycerides and of monoglycerides to glycerol, yielding one methyl ester molecule from each glyceride at each step [17].
Figure 18.2 Transesterification reaction of triglycerides with alcohol.
Transesterification, also called alcoholysis, is exchanging of alcohol from an ester by another alcohol in a process similar to hydrolysis, except that an alcohol is used instead of water. The most relevant variables in transesterification process are reaction temperature, reaction time, ratio of alcohol to oil, concentration and type of catalyst, mixing intensity (rpm), and kind of feedstock [48].

18.5. Biodiesel Production Technologies: Transesterification Method

The transesterification reaction proceeds with catalyst or without any catalyst by using primary or secondary monohydric aliphatic alcohols having one to eight carbon atoms [49]. Generally, alcohol and triglycerides (vegetable oil and animal fat) are not miscible to form a single phase of mixture. Hence, the poor surface contact between these two reactants causes transesterification reaction to proceed relatively slow. Introduction of catalysts improves the surface contact and consequently reaction rates and biodiesel yield as it is able to solve the problems of two-phase nature between triglycerides and alcohol. However, without the presence of catalysts, the reaction rate is too slow for it to produce considerable yield of biodiesel. Hence, researchers around the world have been developing numerous alternative technologies that can solve the problems faced due to catalytic reaction by using noncatalytic processes [40].

18.5.1. Catalytic Biodiesel Production

Vegetable oils can be transesterified by heating them with an alcohol and a catalyst. Catalysts used in biodiesel production are divided into two general categories, homogenous and heterogeneous types. If the catalyst remains in the same (liquid) phase as that of the reactants during transesterification, it is homogeneous catalytic transesterification. On the other hand, if the catalyst remains in a different phase (i.e., solid, immiscible liquid, or gaseous) than that of the reactants, the process is called heterogeneous catalytic transesterification [50].
In catalytic methods, the suitable selection of the catalyst is an important parameter to lower the biodiesel production cost. So, Commercial biodiesel is currently produced by transesterification using a homogenous catalyst solution. Another factor affecting the selection of catalyst type is the amount of FFA present in the oil. For oils having lower amount of FFAs, base-catalyzed reaction gives a better conversion in a relatively short time while for higher FFAs containing oils, acid-catalyzed esterification followed by transesterification is suitable. It has been reported that enzymatic reactions are insensitive to FFA and water content in oil. Hence, enzymatic reactions can be used in transesterification of used cooking oil [51]. Various studies have been carried out using different oils as raw material, different alcohols (methanol, ethanol, and butanol), as well as different catalysts, including homogeneous ones, such as sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sulfuric acid, and heterogeneous ones, such as lipases, CaO, and MgO [48]. Homogeneous Catalytic Transesterification

Homogenous catalysts are categorized into basic and acidic catalysts. The homogenous transesterification process, especially basic type, requires a high purity of raw materials and postreaction separation of catalyst, by-product, and product at the end of the reaction. Both of these requirements drive up the cost of biodiesel. The general form of homogeneous catalytic transesterification process can be seen on a process flow diagram of Fig. 18.3. Homogeneous Base Catalytic Transesterification
Currently, biodiesel is commonly produced using homogeneous base catalyst, such as alkaline metal alkoxides and hydroxides, as well as sodium or potassium carbonates. As a catalyst in the process of basic methanolysis, mostly sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide have been used, both in the concentration from 0.4% to 2% w/w of oil. Homogeneous base catalytic catalysts are commonly used in the industries due to several reasons: (1) modest operation condition; (2) high conversion can be achieved in a minimal time, (3) high catalytic activity, and (4) widely available and economical [52]. In general, base catalytic transesterification processes are carried out at low temperatures and pressures (333–338 K and 1.4–4.2 bar) with low catalyst concentrations (0.5–2 wt%) [20].
Figure 18.3 The process flowchart of homogeneous catalytic transesterification process.
The limits of this process are due to the sensitivity to purity of reactants, FFA content, as well as to the water concentration of the sample. When the oils contain significant amounts of FFAs and water content, they cannot be converted into biodiesels but to a lot of soap. FFAs of oil react with the basic catalyst to produce soaps that inhibit the separation of biodiesel, glycerin and wash water that results in more wastewater from purification. Because water makes the reaction partially change to saponification, the basic catalyst is consumed in producing soap and reduces catalyst efficiency. The soap causes an increase in viscosity and formation of gels, which reduces ester yield and makes the separation of glycerol difficult [53]. Homogeneous Acid Catalytic Transesterification
Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sulfonic acid are usually preferred as acid catalysts. Acid-catalyzed transesterification starts by mixing the oil directly with the acidified alcohol, so that separation and transesterification occur in single step, with the alcohol acting both as a solvent and as esterification reagent. The use of excess alcohol effects significant reductions in reaction time required for the homogeneous acid-catalyzed reaction. Hence, Bronsted acid–catalyzed transesterification requires high catalyst concentration and a higher molar ratio to reduce the reaction time [53].
One advantage of homogeneous acid catalytic over homogeneous base catalytic transesterification is their low susceptibility to the presence of FFA in the feedstock. However, homogeneous acid catalytic transesterification is especially sensitive to water concentration. It was reported that as little as 0.1 (wt%) water in the reaction mixture was able to affect ester yields in transesterification of vegetable oil with methanol, with the reaction almost completely inhibited at 5 (wt%) water concentration. Another disadvantages of homogeneous acid catalytic transesterification are equipment corrosion, more waste from neutralization, difficult to recycle, higher reaction temperature, long reaction times, and weak catalytic activity [49]. Heterogeneous Catalytic Transesterification

In comparison with homogeneous catalysts that act in the same phase as the reaction mixture, heterogeneous catalysts act in a different phase from the reaction mixture. Being in a different phase, heterogeneous catalysts have the advantage of easy separation and reuse. The high consumption of energy and costly separation of the homogeneous catalyst from the reaction mixture, however, have called for development of heterogeneous catalyst. The use of heterogeneous catalyst does not yield soap [54]. The use of heterogeneous catalytic systems in transesterification of triglycerides implies the elimination of several steps of washing/recovery of biodiesel/catalyst, ensuring thereby higher efficiency and profitability of the process as well as lowering its production costs. There is also the possibility of being implemented in a continuous way using a fixed-bed reactor. A typical schematic diagram for heterogeneous catalytic transesterification process is shown in Fig. 18.4.
Figure 18.4 The schematic flow diagram of heterogeneous catalytic transesterification process.
Compared to homogenous catalytic transesterification process, the heterogeneous catalytic transesterification process can tolerate extreme reaction conditions. The temperature could go from 70°C to as high as 200°C to achieve more than 95% of yield using MgO, CaO, and TiO2 catalysts [54]. Heterogeneous Solid–Base Catalytic Transesterification
Most of heterogeneous solid catalysts are base or basic oxides coated over large surface area. Solid-base catalysts are more active than solid-acid catalyst. The most common solid-base catalysts are basic zeolites, alkaline earth metal oxides, and hydrotalcites. Solid base can lead to the heterogeneous catalytic process, which promises the cost reasonable for biodiesel production. Using the solid-base catalyst in the form of fixed-bed reactor system causes easier separation of it's from transesterified product. Also, the solid-base catalyst is active in the transesterification at the temperature around the methanol boiling point. Similar to their homogeneous counterparts, solid-base catalysts are more active than solid-acid catalysts [47]. CaO is widely used in solid-base catalyst possesses and has many advantages, such as long catalyst lifetimes, higher activity, lower solubility in methanol, and moderate reaction condition requirements. The reaction rate, however, was slow in producing biodiesel. Heterogeneous Solid-Acid Catalytic Transesterification
Despite lower activity, heterogeneous solid-acid catalysts have been used in many industrial processes because they contain a variety of acid sites with different strength of Bronsted or Lewis acidity, compared to the homogenous acid catalysts. Using solid-acid catalysts has following advantages: insensitive to FFA content, simultaneous esterification and transesterification, elimination of purification step of biodiesel, easy separation of the catalyst from the reaction products, and reduction of the corrosion problem, even with the presence of acid species [44].
Heterogeneous solid-acid catalysts, such as Nafion-NR50, sulfated zirconia, and tungstated zirconia, have been chosen to catalyze biodiesel-forming transesterification due to the presence of sufficient acid site strength. Among the solid catalysts, Nafion demonstrated higher selectivity toward the production of methyl ester and glycerol due to its acid strength [49]. However, Nafion has disadvantages of high cost and lower activity compared to liquid acids. Biocatalytic Transesterification

Biocatalysts have been becoming increasingly important in the discussion of biodiesel production recently. It is even hypothesized that these catalysts will eventually have the ability to outperform chemical catalysts. Biocatalysts are naturally occurring lipases that have been identified as having the ability to perform the transesterification reactions that are essential to biodiesel production. These lipases have been isolated from a number of bacterial species: Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas cepacia, Rhizomucor miehei, Rhizopus oryzae, Candida rugosa, Thermomyces lanuginosus, and Candida antarctica. There are several methods for lipase immobilization, including adsorption, covalent bonding, entrapment, encapsulation, and cross-linking. These immobilization methods have been employed to improve lipase stability for biodiesel production in recent years. Adsorption is still the most widely employed method for lipase immobilization [55]. For transesterification synthesis, at least stoichiometric amount of methanol is required for the complete conversion of triacylglycerols to their corresponding fatty acid methyl esters. However, methanolysis is decreased significantly by adding ½ molar equivalent of methanol at the beginning of the biocatalytic transesterification. This reduction in activity caused by the polar short-chain alcohols was the major obstacle for the enzymatic biodiesel production. In order to solve this problem, researchers use the following three options: methanol stepwise addition, acyl acceptor alterations (methyl acetate and acetate ethyl), and solvent engineering (with t-butanol, 1,4-dioxane, and ionic liquid as solvents) [56].
During the transesterification of triglycerides via biocatalysts, glycerol is produced. The presence of glycerol can then inhibit the reaction by binding to the biocatalyst instead of the triglyceride molecule. To overcome this, an acyl acceptor molecule can be used to bind the glycerol, forming a triglyceride molecule that can no longer bind to the active site of the biocatalyst. When an acyl acceptor is introduced to the reaction, the biocatalyst can exhibit a higher rate of turnover, proving more usefulness. It has also been shown that the triacetylglycerol molecule does not diminish the properties of biodiesel when used as a fuel [24].
Biocatalytic transesterification process has many advantages over the chemical-catalyzed transesterification process, such as generation of zero by-product, no difficulty in product removal, requirement of only moderate process conditions (temperature, 35–45°C), and recycling of the catalysts. Enzymatic reactions can successfully be used for the transesterification of used cooking oil, because enzymatic reactions are insensitive to FFA and water content of the feedstock. These advantages prove that enzyme-catalyzed biodiesel production has high potential to be an ecofriendly process and a promising alternative to the chemical process. However, it still has its fair share of constraints especially when implemented in industrial scale, such as high cost of enzyme, slow reaction rate, and enzyme deactivation [20,57]. A brief comparison between the transesterification process based on homogeneous base catalyst and biocatalyst is shown in Table 18.1.

18.5.2. Noncatalytic Biodiesel Production

Beside catalytic methods, there are two noncatalytic transesterification processes. These are the supercritical alcohol process and BIOX process. Supercritical Alcohol Transesterification

Supercritical alcohol method is a noncatalytic method for biodiesel production in which instead of using catalysts, high-pressure and -temperature are used to carry out the transesterification reaction. The reaction is fast and conversion raises 50–95% for the first 10 min but it requires temperature range of 250–400°C. The transesterfication of triglycerides by supercritical methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol has proved to be the most promising process. Table 18.2 shows the critical temperatures and critical pressures of the various alcohols. The vegetable oils were transesterified 1:6–1:40 vegetable oil–alcohol molar ratios in supercritical alcohol conditions [53,58].

Table 18.1

Comparison Between the Homogeneous Base Catalytic and Biocatalytic Process

Homogeneous Base Catalytic ProcessBiocatalytic Process
Reaction temperature60–70°C30–40°C
Free fatty acids in feedstockSaponified products (soap formation)Methyl esters
Water in raw materialsInterference with the reactionNo influence
Yield of methyl estersNormalHigher
Recovery of glycerolDifficultEasy
Purification of methyl estersRepeated washingNone
Catalyst costCheapExpensive
Rate of reactionHighRelatively low

Table 18.2

Critical Condition (Temperatures and Pressures) of Various Alcohols

AlcoholCritical Temperature (°C)Critical Pressure (MPa)
The disadvantages of the supercritical methods mostly are high pressure and temperature requirement and high methanol to oil ratios (usually 42) that render the production expensive. Kusudiana and Saka [56,57] studied a noncatalyst process in which vegetable oil was transesterified with supercritical methanol and found that the amount of water in the reaction does not affect the conversion of oil into biodiesel. Conversely, the presence of certain amount of water increases the formation of methyl esters, and esterification of FFAs takes place simultaneously in one stage. Their results showed that the reaction took only 4 min to convert rapeseed oil into biodiesel, even though high temperature (250–400°C) and high pressure (35–60 MPa) were required for making methanol reach the supercritical state. BIOX Cosolvent Transesterification

Due to low solubility of methanol in oil, the rate of conversion of oil into ester is very slow. Another approach to overcome these problems that is now commercialized is the use of cosolvent that is soluble in both methanol and oil. The result is a fast reaction, on the order of 5–10 min, and no catalyst residues exist in either the ester or the glycerol phase. One of such cosolvents is tetrahydrofuran (THF), chosen in part, because it has a boiling point very close to that of methanol and the system requires a rather low operating temperature of 30°C. The Biox (cosolvent) process is a new Canadian process developed originally by Professor David Boocock of the University of Toronto that has attracted considerable attention. In patented Biox production processes, both triglycerides and FFAs are converted in a two-step, single-phase, continuous process at atmospheric pressures and near ambient temperatures, all in less than 90 min. Cosolvent options are available to overcome slow reaction rate caused by the extremely low solubility of the alcohol in the triglyceride phase [59].
THF has been used as a cosolvent and methanol to make mixture one phase [59]. After the completion of the reaction, the biodiesel–glycerol phase separation is clean and both the excess alcohol and the THF cosolvent can be recovered in a single step. However, because of the possible hazard and toxicity of the cosolvents, they must be completely removed from the glycerol phase as well as the biodiesel phase and the final products should be water-free. The use of a cosolvent, such as THF or methyl tertiary butyl ether, speeds up methanolysis considerably. However, like one-phase butanolysis, one-phase methanolysis initially exhibits a rapid formation of ester, but then slows drastically [60].
The outstanding advantage of the Biox cosolvent process is that it uses inert, recoverable cosolvents in a single pass reaction that takes only seconds at ambient temperature and pressure, and no catalyst residues appear in either the biodiesel phase or the glycerol phase. This process can carry out not only crude vegetable oils but also waste cooking oils and animal fats. The research showed that the recovery of excess alcohol is difficult when using Biox cosolvent process, because the boiling point of the THF cosolvent is very close to that of methanol [55].

18.6. Biodiesel Fuel Standardization

One of the principal means of ensuring satisfactory in-use biodiesel fuel quality is the establishment of a rigorous set of fuel specifications, such as ASTM D6751 (in the United States) and EN 14214 (in the European Union). Numerous other countries have defined their own standards, which in many cases are derived from either ASTM D6751 or EN 14214. Some countries have also worked together to define the guidelines for regional biodiesel standards. For example, a group called the Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) issued a report in 2007 that addressed guidelines for standardizing biodiesel standards within the APEC region [61].
ASTM has established standard specifications for biodiesel fuel blend stocks (B100) for middle distillate fuels, called ASTM D6751 [62], as well as for biodiesel blends of B6 to B20 in mineral diesel, called ASTM D7467 [63]. Blends of B5 and below are permitted under the standard specifications for No. 2 diesel fuel, ASTM D975 [64]. To date, the CEN has only established standard specifications for B100, called EN 14214 [65], but not for mid-level blends, such as B20. The European standard specifications for conventional No. 2 diesel fuel (EN 590) permit blends of B7 and below; and deliberations are underway to allow an increase to B10 [66]. Appendix A provides a side-by-side listing of specifications for biodiesel blend stock (B100; ASTM and CEN) and mid-level biodiesel blends (B6–B20; ASTM only). For each specification, both the limits and the methods are shown [11].

18.7. Potential of Biodiesel

In order to meet the increasing demand of energy and to reduce the emission of CO2 while ensuring energy security, the world needs to have an effective and sustainable source of energy. Biodiesel is renewable clean bioenergy as it can be produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, and microalgal oil. The property of biodiesel is almost similar to diesel fuel; thus it becomes a promising alternative to diesel fuel. Biodiesel has many benefits, such as it is biodegradable, nontoxic, has a low emission profile (including potential carcinogens), and is a renewable resource [17,67]. In addition, it does not contribute to the increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere and thus minimizes the intensity of the greenhouse effect.
Various factors contributing to the cost of biodiesel include raw material, other reactants, nature of purification, its storage, and so on. However, the main factor determining the cost of biodiesel production is the feedstock, which is about 80% of the total operating cost. Therefore, a great economic advantage could be achieved simply by using more economical feedstock, such as waste fats and oils [17,23]. Although the use of renewable energy as an alternative energy source is growing rapidly, it provides only 10% of the world's primary energy consumption in 2010 [68]. It is rather surprising that even in a country such as Malaysia, where biomass can be obtained easily, the use of renewable energy is still very low.
The high oil yield of feedstock is necessary for ensuring large production scale in cheap prices. In terms of the production cost, palm oil stands out as the least expensive oil to be produced per tonne compared with other major vegetable oils as shown in Fig. 18.5 [37]. For instance, the production cost of rapeseed oil in Canada and Europe is more than double the price compared to palm oil. This may be rationalized as oil palm being perennial (it grows every year without annual sowing) and may be considered a low energy–input crop. A major cost of production in the biodiesel market involves about 75% of raw material cost and the remaining 25% for the other manufacturing and production costs as shown in Fig. 18.6 [69]. Therefore, selecting the cheapest feedstock, such as palm oil–based fuel, is vital to ensure low production cost of biodiesel.
Figure 18.5 Comparative cost for the production of selected oils.
Figure 18.6 General cost breakdown of biodiesel production.
The typical GHG emission saving for the main feedstock of biodiesel is shown in Fig. 18.7 [70]. The life cycle analysis (LCA) conducted on various biodiesel reveals that palm oil–based biodiesel can reduce GHG emission by 62% as compared to soybean oil (40%), rapeseed oil (45%), and sunflower oil (58%) [70]. Palm biodiesel has a higher cetane index compared to all types of biodiesel derived from vegetable. Its oxidative stability is four times higher than biodiesel from soybean and it has higher lubricity than Diesel.
Figure 18.7 Typical greenhouse gas emission saving among types of biodiesels.

18.7.1. Biodiesel Fuel Usage Limitations

Using biodiesel as an alternative fuel for CI engines is widely accepted as comparable fuel to diesel. However, many barriers still need to be overcome. Therefore, great efforts are continuously paid to resolve these challenges. Biodiesel blends of 20% and below will work in any diesel engine without the need for modifications. These blends will operate in diesel engines just like mineral diesel. If the blend has been properly treated by the petroleum company, it will work all year round, even in cold climates. B20 also provides similar horsepower, torque, and mileage as diesel [71,72]. Despite the fact that biodiesel can replace diesel satisfactorily, problems related to fuel properties persist at high blending ratio [73,74]. In general, the viscosity of biodiesel is typically higher than that of the mineral diesel often by a factor of two [32,75]. High viscosity can cause larger droplets, poorer vaporization, narrower injection spray angle, and greater in-cylinder penetration of the fuel spray [75,76]. Furthermore, the use of fuel with a high kinematic viscosity can lead to undesired consequences, such as poor fuel atomization during spraying, engine deposits, wear on fuel pump elements and injectors, and additional energy required to pump the fuel [11,77]. Fuel injection systems measure fuels by volume, and thus, the engine output power is influenced by changes in density due to the different injected fuel masses [78,79]. Thus, density is important for various diesel engine performance aspects. The fuel-energy content has a direct impact on the engine power output [80,81]. Biodiesel contains less energy than mineral diesel, the energy content or the net calorific value of biodiesel is about 12% less than that of the mineral diesel fuel on a mass basis, this leads to lower the engine speed and power [10,25].
A key property of biodiesel currently limiting its application to blends of 20% or less is its relatively poor low-temperature properties [35,82]. Biodiesel will gel in cold weather, just like the regular diesel fuel. However, B20 can be treated for winter use; in similar ways that mineral diesel is treated. Using B20 throughout the winter months just takes a little preparation and good fuel management practices. The increase in NOx emissions from biodiesel combustion, relative to the levels observed from mineral diesel combustion, has been reported by several researchers [7,83]. This increase is of concern in areas that are subject to strict environmental regulations. For universal acceptance of biodiesel, it is desirable to reduce these NOx emissions at least to the levels observed with mineral diesel combustion.

18.7.2. Biodiesel Fuel Properties

Biodiesel is defined by the ASTM as “a fuel comprised of monoalkyl esters of long-chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, designated B100” [84]. The chemical composition and properties of biodiesel depend on the length and degree of the unsaturation of the fatty acid alkyl chains. The higher molecular weight and number of double bonds, lack of aromatic compounds, and presence of oxygen in the esters all affect the combustion properties relative to diesel fuel [2]. Each fuel has specific macroscopic properties. These properties are interdependent, meaning that when one property is changed, others are affected. Although fuel properties are interdependent, difficult to isolate, and vary independently, generalities can be made about the influence of a specific fuel property on engine performance and emissions. The properties that most commonly affect the engine performance are viscosity, heating value, cetane number, and flow characteristics.
Biodiesel is an oxygenated fuel that contains 10–15% oxygen by weight [10,20] and lower carbon and hydrogen contents compared to diesel fuel, resulting in about 10% lower mass energy content. However, due to biodiesel's higher fuel density, its volumetric energy content is only about 5–6% lower than the mineral diesel. Typically, biodiesel has somewhat higher molecular weight than mineral diesel. Biodiesel properties can vary substantially from one feedstock to another. This section provides a review of the typical properties of biodiesel from different feedstocks. Furthermore, it is useful to focus on the properties of palm oil biodiesel to evaluate the suitability of this fuel compared with the diesel fuel. Kinematic Viscosity

Viscosity is a measure of resistance to the flow of a liquid due to the internal friction of one part of a fluid moving over another and is based on the molecular structure and temperature [85]. This is a critical property because it affects the behavior of fuel injection, since an accurate amount of fuel is needed for injection. In general, higher viscosity leads to poorer fuel atomization [86]. High viscosity can cause larger droplet sizes, poorer vaporization, narrower injection spray angle, and greater in-cylinder penetration of the fuel spray [76,87]. This can lead to overall poorer combustion, higher emissions, and increased oil dilution. The viscosity of biodiesel is typically higher than that of the mineral diesel often by a factor of two. If the fuel viscosity is high, the injection pump will be unable to supply sufficient fuel to fill the pumping chamber, which will affect in the form of power loss from the engine. On the other hand, if the viscosity is too low, leaking can occur through the seals in the fuel injection system. Furthermore, many of the problems resulting from high viscosity are most noticeable under low ambient temperature and cold-start engine conditions. Density

Fuel density is a key property that affects engine performance. Because fuel injection pumps meter the fuel by volume, not by mass, a greater or lesser mass of fuel is injected depending upon its density. Thus, the air–fuel ratio and energy content within the combustion chamber are influenced by fuel density, which affects the combustion in a diesel engine physically. Furthermore, a lower density fuel requires longer injection duration for the same fuel mass to be injected [88]. In general, densities of biodiesel fuels are slightly higher than those of the mineral diesel (less than 6%) [89]. Energy Content

The energy content of fuel is the amount of energy per unit of mass or volume given when combust. While a high-density fuel will have greater energy content per unit volume than a low-density fuel, the low-density fuel has greater energy content per unit mass than a high-density fuel. Fuels of different energy contents will give different power outputs on the same engine unless the fuel injection is individually optimized for each fuel. Due to its high oxygen content, biodiesel has lower mass energy values than the mineral diesel. Neither the US nor the European biodiesel standards include specification for the heating value. Due to its substantial oxygen content, it is generally accepted that biodiesel from all sources has about 10% lower mass energy content (MJ/kg) than mineral diesel [10,76]. The lower energy content for biodiesel demands a higher fuel flow rate than diesel for an engine producing the same amount of power. Cetane Number

The cetane number designated for each fuel is based on the ignition quality. An increase in the cetane number causes a shorter ignition delay, which has the effect of less fuel being injected during the premix burn and more during the diffusion burn portion, thus reducing the cylinder pressure rise, which may result in lower cylinder temperatures [90]. At the same time, a lower cetane fuel advances the ignition timing because of the shorter ignition delay, which increases the combustion pressures and temperatures. Since biodiesel is largely composed of long-chain HC groups (with virtually no branching or aromatic structures), it typically has a higher cetane number than mineral diesel [10]. Biodiesel produced from feedstocks is rich in saturated fatty acids such as palm oil that has higher cetane number than fuels produced from less-saturated feedstocks such as soy bean and rapeseed [11]. Compared to mineral diesel, palm oil biodiesel has higher cetane number by about 16% [11]. Cloud and Pour Points

CP is defined as the temperature at which the wax or small crystals in the fuel begin to form. At this temperature, the fuel loses its flow tendency and begins to partially or fully solidify [91]. Meanwhile, the pour point is the lowest temperature at which the fuel flows. All the biodiesel fuels have significantly higher CPs and pour points compared to the diesel fuel [34]. This may cause major problems by plugging the flow line and poses difficulty to use pure biodiesel, particularly in the cold climate. Low-temperature performance is one of the most important considerations for users of biodiesel. Just as with the conventional diesel fuel, precautions must be taken to ensure satisfactory low-temperature operability of biodiesel and its blends. Poor low-temperature performance may be exhibited in several ways, but principally by filter plugging due to wax formation, and engine starving due to reduced fuel flow. There is no single best way to assess low-temperature performance, and the existing fuel standards (both US and European) do not include explicit specifications for cold flow properties for either conventional diesel or biodiesel [11,92]. Feedstocks with highly saturated FA structures, such as palm oil, produce biodiesel fuels with poor cold flow properties; whereas feedstocks with highly unsaturated fatty acid structures, such as rapeseed and safflower oil, produce fuels that have better performance [35]. Compared to mineral diesel, palm oil biodiesel has higher pour point by more than 20°C [11]. Flash Point

Flash point is inversely related to fuel volatility. The biofuel specifications for flash point are meant to guard against contamination by principally highly volatile impurities and excess methanol remaining after the product stripping processes. Even small amounts of residual methanol in biodiesel will cause a significantly depressed flash point. The flash point value for all biodiesel types is typically well above the flash point of diesel fuel by 25–90%. Compared to mineral diesel, palm oil biodiesel has higher flash point by about 78% [11,26]. Lubricity

Biodiesel from all feedstocks is generally regarded as having excellent lubricity, and the lubricity of the ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) can be improved by blending it with biodiesel. Because of its naturally high lubricity, there is no lubricity specification for B100 within either the US or the European biodiesel standards. However, the US standard for B6–B20 blends (ASTM D7467) does include a lubricity specification, as does the conventional diesel fuel standard, ASTM D975. Low blend levels (often just 1–2%) typically provide satisfactory lubricity to the ULSD [22,56]. In part, biodiesel's good lubricity can be attributed to the ester group within the FAME molecules, but a higher degree of lubricity is due to the tracing of impurities in the biodiesel. In particular, FFAs and monoglycerides are highly effective lubricants [93]. It has been noted that the purification of biodiesel by means of distillation reduces its lubricity because these impurities are removed. The effect of unsaturation upon lubricity is unclear, with some researchers reporting positive effects of carbon–carbon double bonds while others report no effect [94,95]. The positive impact of biodiesel impurities upon lubricity is particularly noteworthy, as some of the same impurities (such as monoglycerides) are responsible for poor low-temperature operability problems. Efforts to reduce these impurities (to improve low temperature properties) could have the unintended consequence of worsening the lubricity. Sulfur Content

The amount of total sulfur in motor fuels is determined by ASTM D5453. This standard uses ultraviolet fluorescence to detect trace amounts of sulfur in fuels [96]. For biodiesel, it can be considered a sulfur-free fuel where the allowable sulfur content has an upper limit of 0.05% by weight. For the conventional diesel, the sulfur content has an upper limit of 0.50% by weight [11]. Since the limit on sulfur is 10 times smaller for biodiesel, the amount of pollution derived from sulfur after a fuel has been burned is greatly reduced. This leads to less emission of (SOx) during combustion. SOx can have several deleterious effects on people and the environment. For example, sulfur dioxide (SO2) contributes to respiratory illnesses and aggravates heart and lung diseases, and it also contributes to acid rain [32].

18.8. Biodiesel Fuel Blending

Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health effects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act [97,98]. The real advantages for use of biodiesel are in reducing petroleum consumption and GHG effects [36,37]. However, there are many important advantages and disadvantages in using palm biodiesel compared to diesel fuel. The main advantages are the greater cetane number for palm biodiesel compared with diesel fuel and that it is free from sulfur and aromatics. The absence of sulfur prevents sulfur poisoning of aftertreatment systems and reduces corrosion. The high oxygen content of biodiesel fuel leads to reduced carbon emissions [10,20]. On the other hand, the high viscosity and low energy content are the main disadvantages of biodiesel fuel. In addition, it has higher pour point and CPs, limiting operation; lower oxidative stability, shortening storage life; and higher organic carbon emissions. To solve these problems, many researches have been focused on diesel–biodiesel blends [99].
Biodiesel blends are being considered to replace pure mineral diesel in many applications. Biodiesel has combustion characteristics similar to diesel and its blends with diesel has a shorter ignition delay, higher ignition temperature and pressure, as well as peak heat release as compared to the diesel fuel [100,101]. Moreover, the engine power output and brake power efficiency are found to be equivalent to diesel fuel. Biodiesel can be used in its pure form (B100), but more commonly it blends with the conventional diesel fuel. Blends are designated as BXX, where XX indicates the percentage of biodiesel by volume. B0 is conventional diesel. B5 is 5% biodiesel, 95% conventional. B20 is 20% biodiesel, 80% conventional, and so on.
Biodiesel can be blended in any proportion with the diesel fuel, and it can be used in most conventional internal combustion diesel engines with little or no modification [102,103]. It is likely that this value of blend ratio will increase as the biodiesel fuel quality improves and appropriate additives are developed. It has been well proven that the presence of higher amount of saturated components increases the CP and pour point of biodiesel. Table 18.3 presents the effect of blending biodiesel from different sources with mineral diesel on various fuel properties that change with the increasing biodiesel ratio in the blend.

Table 18.3

Effect of Blending on Fuel Properties

PropertyBlending RatioChange
Viscosity10–30Increased by 1.5–27%
Density10–30Increased by 0.35–1.95%
Flash point10–30Increased by 2.4–10.6%
Pour point10–30Increased by 1–3°C
Cloud point10–30Increased by 0.8–4°C
Calorific value10–30Decreased by 4–8.3%
Palm biodiesel has higher level of saturated FAME resulting in higher cetane number and higher oxidation stability [104]. Unfortunately, such a biodiesel does not possess good cold flow properties and it is not suitable for the production of winter-grade diesel fuels. Blending sufficient amounts of ordinary diesel can improve the cold flow properties of blended diesel fuel [105].
Numerous experimental studies were conducted to investigate the effect of blending palm oil biodiesel percentage on engine performance and emission. The specific consumption is directly related to the heat value of a fuel [106]. The higher the heat value of fuel, the lower the specific consumption [107,108]. Biodiesel has low heating value (10% lower than diesel) on a weight basis because of the presence of a substantial amount of oxygen in the fuel. As a result, in order to maintain the same brake power output, the brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) of palm biodiesel blends would be increased to compensate for the reduced chemical energy in the fuel [109]. Furthermore, the higher BSFC for the biodiesel compared to reference diesel is largely attributed to their higher fuel densities [110]. It is noted that the BSFC is the ratio between the mass of fuel consumption and brake effective power [111]. For a certain volume, as it is calculated on a weight basis, obviously higher densities of fuel will result in higher values for BSFC [112,113]. At all loads; biodiesel and its blends with commercial diesel shows higher specific consumption since these fuels have lower heat value compared to diesel [114,115]. Literature reviewed indicates that commercial diesel fuel shows the lowest specific fuel consumption [102]. It can also be observed that increasing the percentage of biodiesel in the mixture with commercial diesel causes an increase in specific consumption [74,107].
Engine power and brake thermal efficiency for blended biodiesel–diesel fuel is found to be nearly equal to that of diesel [102,108], and the ignition delay is noted to decrease as the palm oil blend percentage becomes higher [110]. Thermal efficiency is the ratio between the power output and the energy introduced through fuel injection, the latter being the product of the injected fuel mass flow rate and the lower heating value. Since it is usual to use the brake power for determining the thermal efficiency in experimental engine studies, the efficiency obtained is really a brake-specific efficiency. This parameter is more appropriate than fuel consumption to compare the performance of different fuels, besides their heating value [116]. In most studies [74,108,115] the brake thermal efficiency is lower for biodiesel than mineral diesel throughout the engine speed range due to the lower calorific values of the blended fuels. However, the brake thermal efficiency for biodiesel is found to be nearly equal to diesel in other experimental works [102,103]. On the other hand, [117] conclude that the lower blends of biodiesel increase the brake thermal efficiency and reduce the fuel consumption compared to diesel. This is a consequence of the tested palm oil biodiesel properties, which have a higher cetane number and lower viscosity value compared to the diesel fuel sample. These contradictory results may be attributed to fuel properties, such as density, viscosity, composition, biodiesel production method, as well as test condition. However, it is difficult to determine the effect of any single fuel characteristics alone on engine performance since many of the characteristics are interrelated.
Biodiesel fuel is biodegradable and nontoxic, and its use provides a reduction of many harmful exhaust emissions. A nearly complete absence of (SOx) emissions, particulate, and soot, and reduction in unburned HC emissions can be achieved [118]. Life cycle studies have shown that biodiesel contains substantially more energy than what is required for its production and also it significantly reduces net CO2 emissions. However, unmodified engines using biodiesel blends typically emit higher levels of NOx [83,119]. The “biodiesel NOx effect” has been, and continues to be, a subject of a great deal of scientific research where the consensus for the exact reason(s) for this increase has not yet been reached.
The engine emissions trends with increasing biodiesel content are plotted in Fig. 18.8 which show the compilation of data from a 2002 EPA study of a large number of pre-1998 model diesel engines for fuel blends from B0 to B100 [120]. From this figure, it is obvious that the increasing blend fractions of biodiesel generally result in dramatic decreases in particulate matter (PM), CO, and unburned HC, where these reductions are frequently accompanied by significant increases in NOx. For engines using B100, there is a 10% increase in NOx. Of even greater concern is the observation that these NOx increases appear to be more, and not less, dramatic in most modern diesel engines.
Several studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of the blended palm oil biodiesel–diesel fuel on exhaust emissions as compared to diesel. Most of the studies reviewed show that increasing the content of palm oil biodiesel in the blend can reduce the engine emissions except for NOx, which increases. Increasing palm oil biodiesel in the blend is efficient to reduce PM and PAHs [106], similarly, CO, HC, and CO2 emissions are decreased [110,117]. Contrarily, most of the previous literature [107] have shown that CO2 emissions of palm oil biodiesel and its blends are higher compared to the commercial diesel fuel. Emission of NOx is increased when the engine is fueled with palm oil biodiesel and its blends with commercial diesel [107,110]. However, Wariwan et al. [117] show that NOx emission is decreased when the content of palm biodiesel increases in the blend, which is in contrast with those generally found in previous studies.
Figure 18.8 Average impact of biodiesel blends on emissions from pre-1998 heavy duty on highway engines.
The majority of the studies reviewed have found sharp reductions in exhaust emissions with palm biodiesel as compared to diesel fuel. The more accepted reasons in the reduction of emissions, particularly CO, CO2, HCs, SO2, particulates, and smoke can be attributed to the presence of sufficient oxygen in biodiesel. Oxygen content and cetane number can also be varied based on the biodiesel feedstock and therefore the emission characteristics are different for different biodiesels [29]. As mentioned previously, biodiesel contains oxygen while diesel has no oxygen content. The increased amount of oxygen in the fuel-rich combustion zone is believed to ensure more complete combustion and thereby to ensure that exhaust emissions are reduced [121].
However, most of the researchers have reported slight increase of NOx emissions for biodiesel. It is quite obvious that with biodiesel, due to the improved combustion, the temperature in the combustion chamber can be expected to be higher, and higher amount of oxygen is also present which leads to the formation of higher quantity of NOx in palm biodiesel-fueled engines. The most commonly accepted justification for this behavior lies in the higher cetane number of the palm biodiesel that reduces the ignition delay which can increase NOx emissions [122].

18.9. Biodiesel Fuel Additive

Biodiesel blending with diesel fuel is one of the visible methods to solve the problems associated with biodiesel properties. Biodiesel blends are being considered to replace pure mineral diesel in many applications. Biodiesel blends of 20% and below will work in any diesel engine without the need for engine modifications [71,72]. These blends will operate in diesel engines just like mineral diesel and are approved as commercial fuel in many countries. Furthermore, if the blend has been properly treated by a petroleum company, it will work all year round, even in cold climates. B20 also provides similar horsepower, torque, and mileage as diesel. However, there are some technical problems associated with the use of biodiesel fuels at high blending ratio. The use of some of them includes an increase in NOx exhaust emissions, which have stringent environmental regulations, and relatively poor low-temperature flow properties compared to the mineral diesel. Another problem is the oxidation stability of biodiesel. The esters of unsaturated fatty acids are unstable with respect to light, catalytic systems, and atmospheric oxygen. Since diesel fuels from fossil oil have good oxidation stability, automobile companies have not considered fuel degradation when developing diesel engines and vehicles. It is one of the key issues in using vegetable oil–based fuels, and attention is given to the stability of biodiesel during storage and use. These problems could be circumvented by using additives.
A key property of biodiesel currently limiting its application to blends of 20% or less is its relatively poor low-temperature properties. Petroleum diesel fuels are plagued by the growth and agglomeration of paraffin wax crystals when ambient temperatures fall below the fuel's CP. These solid crystals may cause start-up problems, such as filter clogging, when ambient temperatures drop to around 10 to 15°C [82]. Meanwhile, the CP of mineral diesel is reported to be 16°C, with biodiesel typically having a CP of around 0°C, thereby limiting its use to ambient temperatures above freezing point [85,123].
Although biodiesel has become more attractive as an alternative fuel for diesel engines, its commercial usage is still limited to B5 in Malaysia and B20 in many other countries. It can be concluded that developing fuel additives will become an indispensable tool to make biodiesel fuel economically viable as well as to use cleaner fuels. The additive technical specifications not only cover a wide range of subjects, but also most subjects are interdependent. This makes the expertise behind the additive technology indispensable in the global trade of fuels. It is likely that, as energy sources become cleaner and renewable, we might find ourselves facing issues that are quite difficult to overcome, and biodiesel additives may become an indispensable tool worldwide.
Many published research has used different additives as a component of the biodiesel or blends of biodiesel fuels to improve either the combustion properties or the emission of a CI engine. The additives used by different researchers can be classified into chemical additives, solid metallic additives, and commercial additives. Some chemical additives such as methanol can be produced from coal- or petrol-based fuels with low cost production, but it has very limited solubility in the diesel fuel. On the other hand, chemical additive such as ethanol is a biomass-based renewable fuel, which can be produced from vegetable materials, such as corn, sugarcane, sugar beets, sorghum, barley, and cassava, and it has higher miscibility with diesel fuel [124,125]. Ethanol is a low-cost oxygenate with high oxygen content (about 35%) that has been used in biodiesel–ethanol blends. It is reported [126] that the ethanol–diesel–biodiesel fuel blends are stable well below subzero temperature and have equal or superior fuel properties to mineral diesel fuel. Ethanol and methanol, as well as products derived from these alcohols, such as ethers, are under consideration or in use as alternative fuels or as an additive biodiesel fuel. Methanol offers very low particulate emissions, but the problems are their toxicity, low energy density, low cetane number, high aldehyde emissions, and harmful influence on materials used in engine production. Ethanol seems to be the best candidate as a sole fuel as a component of either gasoline or diesel oil [127]. Until now, ethanol has been recognized only as a component of gasoline and not as a component of diesel oils. The properties of ethanol enable it to be applied as a component of diesel oil. The potential of oxygenates as a means of achieving zero net CO2 renewable fuel has resulted in considerable interest in the production and application of ethanol. In many countries such as the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Denmark, Sweden, and others ethanol programs are realized. The research on ethanol programs is directed to identify factors that could influence engine performance and exhaust emissions. The understanding of these factors is necessary for the interpretation of the test results.
The fuel type has a direct influence on the engine cycle-to-cycle variations that are associated with power and efficiency losses, in addition to fluctuations in engine speed, torque, and work. Furthermore, the variations in cylinder pressure are correlated with the variations in the brake torque which directly influence engine operation [13]. In general, the fuel additives have a different chemical composition compared to diesel and biodiesel fuel and it may develop a cycle-to-cycle variation when it exceeds certain limits [118]. These variations might lead to both a reduction of engine output power and higher emissions; so it is necessary to develop effective control strategies for optimum additive ratio through gaining a better understanding of the various factors that affect the overall combustion process.
The selection of additives for the biodiesel fuel depends on economic feasibility, toxicity, fuel blending property, additive solubility, flash point of the blend, viscosity of the blend, solubility of water in the resultant blend, and water partitioning of the additive. At present, concern about environmental regulations has been the major reason to look for alternative fuels. The use of biodiesel has presented a promising alternative in the world. It is not only a renewable energy source, but it can also reduce the dependence on imported oil and support agricultural subsidies in certain regions. The growing interest in this renewable fuel can be illustrated by the number of articles published and patents registered in this area during the past few decades.

18.10. Conclusions

The chapter presents the potential of biodiesel from different feedstocks as a fuel for diesel engine alternative to mineral diesel fuel. Many methods were used to produce biodiesel fuel with different specifications. The detailed design and procedures of biodiesel production using different techniques has been discussed and compared in detail. The different fuel standard for biodiesel fuel was listed to characterize the fuel specifications and suitability for diesel engine. Cost analysis was performed for the biodiesel production process from various feedstocks. The typical GHG emission saving for the main feedstocks of biodiesel has been discussed in brief detail. The limitations of biodiesel fuel usage was also listed and discussed to indicate the viability of biodiesel as a fuel for existing diesel engine from different feedstocks. Different biodiesel properties have been explained in detail. The effect of each property on engine operation has been discussed compared to fuel standard limits. The different techniques used to introduce biodiesel as a fuel within the standard specification have been discussed in detail. The effect of biodiesel blending with mineral diesel on different fuel properties and engine emissions has been discussed and analyzed. Influence of fuel additives as a visible method to solve the problems associated with biodiesel properties has been discussed. These additives have been introduced with biodiesel to improve fuel properties according to the standard specifications and control engine emissions toward the direct application in diesel engine.


Appendix A

ASTM and EN Biodiesel Fuel Standards Specifications

PropertiesASTM D6751 (B100)EN14214 (B100)ASTM D7467 (B6-B20)
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C (mm2/s)1.9–6.0D 4453.5–5EN 3104/31051.9–4.1D 445
Flash point, closed cup (°C)93D 93101EN 367952D 93
Water content (vol%, max)0.05D27090.05EN12937g0.05D 2709
Total contamination (mg/kg, max)24EN 12662
Methanol (wt%, max)0.20aEN 141100.20EN 14110
Cetane no. (min)47D 61351EN 516140D 613
Cloud point (°C)ReportdD 2500Country-specificdReportdD 2500
Sulfated ash (wt%, max)0.02D 8740.02EN 3987
Total ash (wt%, max)0.01D 482
Gp I metals Na + k (mg/kg, max)5.0EN 145385.0EN 14108/14109
Gp I metals Ca + Mg (mg/kg, max)5.0EN 145385.0EN 14538
Total sulfur (ppm, max)15bD 545310EN 2084615D 5453
Phosphorous (ppm, max)10D 49514EN 14107
Acid no. (mg KOH/g, max)0.50D 6640.50EN 141040.3D 664
Carbon residue (wt%, max)0.05D 45300.30eEN 103700.35eD 524
Free glycerine (wt%, max)0.02D 65840.02EN 14105/14106
Total glycerine (wt%, max)0.24D 65840.25EN 14105
Monoglyceride (wt%, max)0.80EN 14105
Diglyceride (wt%, max)0.20EN 14105
Triglyceride (wt%, max)0.20EN 14105
Distillation (T90°C, max)36cD 1160343D 86
Copper strip corrosion (3 h at 50°C, max)No. 3D 130No. 1EN 2160No. 3D 130
Oxidation stability (h at 110°C, min)3.0EN 141126.0EN 141126.0EN 14112
Linolenic acid methyl ester (wt%, max)12.0EN 14103
Polyunsaturated acid methyl ester (wt%, max)1.0
EN 15799
Ester content (wt%, min)96.5EN 141036–20 vol%D 6079
Iodine value (g I2/100 g, max)120EN 14111
Density at 15°C (kg/m3)880D 1298860–900EN 3675820–858D 1298/D6890
Lubricity at 60°C, WSD, microns (max)520D 6079
Cold soak filterability (s, max)360fD 7501


a Alternatively, flash point must be >130°C.

b For blending with ULSD. For other fuels, higher sulfur levels are allowed.

c Atmospheric equivalent T-90 point.

d Low-temperature properties are not strictly specified, but should be agreed upon by the fuel supplier or purchaser.

e This limit is based on the bottom 10% fraction of the fuel, not the entire fuel.

f 200 s maximum for use in diesel blends at low temperature (<12°C).

g Method EN 12937 measures total water (in units of μg/g), but not sediment.


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