17.5. Analysis of Physicochemical Properties

The quality of biodiesel and its feedstocks must be expressed in terms of fuel properties, such as cetane number, calorific value (kJ/kg), density (kg/m3), kinematic viscosity (mm2/s), cloud and pour points (°C), flash point (°C), cold filter plugging point (°C), acid value (mg KOH/g oil), ash content (%), copper corrosion, carbon residue, water content and sediment, sulfur content, glycerin (% m/m), phosphorus (mg/kg), and oxidation stability. The physical and chemical properties of biodiesel fuel basically depend on the type of feedstock and their fatty oil composition [34,45,61]. The important physicochemical properties of the crude oils and their respective methyl esters are tested according to ASTM D 6751 standard. Table 17.1 shows the findings of physicochemical properties of various edible and nonedible feedstocks.

Table 17.1

Physicochemical Properties of Various Edible and Nonedible Biodiesel Feedstocks [8,17,47,48,50,62,63]

1Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) at 40°C55.67771.9848.09147–54.875.91349.743.468043.229.844064
2Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) at 100°C9.56089.103913.6089.02567.2891
3Dynamic viscosity (mPa s) at 40°C51.31143.54369.40838.997027.1570
4Viscosity index (VI)165.4174.10184.80195.20224.20
5Flash point (°C)236.5221258.5210–240246.5158263235
6Cold filter plugging point (°C)2621291810
7Density (g/cm³) at 40°C0.92160.90550.91430.89710.9100
8Acid Value (mg KOH/g oil)41.744417.630.92–6.169.490.368.6212.073.343
9Calorific value (kJ/kg)38,51139,2538,96137,830–42,05039,79339,650N/DN/D
10Copper strip corrosion (3 h at 50°C)1a1a1a1a1a
11Refractive index1.47841.46521.46511.46611.4741
12Transmission (%T)34.761.826.669.287.5
13Absorbance (abs)0.460.2090.5740.160.058
14Oxidation stability (h at 110°C)0.230.3215.60.1541.7590.80.14
15pH at 26°C4.604.834.84N/DN/D


1Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) at 40°C27.64027.2641.93244.7931.739028.8735.70634.7227.175132.750
2Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) at 100°C5.94048.4967.62958.51806.640720.624
3Dynamic viscosity (mPa s) at 40°C25.12337.73128.79632.28624.393122.810
4Viscosity index (VI)168.5185.0223.2213.5216.20179.9
5Flash point (°C)264.5254.5267280.5254290.5246.5192.5
6Cold filter plugging point (°C)22231315
7Density (g/cm³) at 40°C0.90890.89980.90730.90420.89760.9251
8Acid Value (mg KOH/g oil)N/DN/DN/DN/D19.622.08
9Calorific value (kJ/kg)37,80639,86739,57939,60039,75139,70039,52338,682
10Copper strip corrosion (3 h at 50°C)1a1a1a1a
11Refractive index1.45451.46421.47251.4711.46831.487
Table Continued


12Transmission (%T)
13Absorbance (abs)0.040.1990.1860.2020.0640.049
14Oxidation stability (h at 110°C)6.9392.
15pH at 26°C6.71N/DN/D5.60


1Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) at 40°C35.093470.42
2Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) at 100°C7.2547
3Dynamic viscosity (mPa s) at 40°C32.159
4Viscosity index (VI)177.9
5Flash point (°C)N/D190
6Cold filter plugging point (°C)N/D
7Density (g/cm³) at 40°C0.9164
8Acid value (mg KOH/g oil)26.74.7
9Calorific value (kJ/kg)38,729
10Copper strip corrosion (3 h at 50°C)N/D
11Refractive index1.4789
12Transmission (%T)61.6
13Absorbance (abs)0.209
14Oxidation stability (h at 110°C)0.09
15pH at 26°C6.71


CAPO, Crude Aphanamixis polystachya oil; CCaO, Crude canola oil; CCIO, Crude Calophyllum inophyllum oil; CCMO, Crude Croton megalocarpus oil; CCO, Crude coconut oil; CJCO, Crude Jatropha curcas oil; CMO, Crude manketti oil; CMOO, Crude Moringa oleifera oil; CPEO, Crude Pangium edule oil; CPO, Crude palm oil; CSFO, Crude Sterculia foetida oil; CSO, Crude soybean oil; and TPSO, Thevetia peruviana seed oil.

Table 17.2 shows the physicochemical properties of the biodiesels from different edible and nonedible oils.
Moreover, Table 17.3 presents a comparison of some physicochemical properties of edible and nonedible biodiesel relative to palm oil biodiesel (PB) as the baseline fuel.
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