
PI   Proportional integral
BEM   Blade element momentum
MPPT   Maximum power point tracking
IGBT   Insulated gate bipolar transistor
AC   Alternative current
DC   Direct current
PMSG   Permanent magnet synchronous generator
SEIG   Self-excited induction generator
SCIG   Squirrel-cage induction generator
DFIG   Doubly-fed induction generator
GSC   Grid-side converter
RSC   Rotor-side converter
ISC   Indirect speed controller
DSC   Direct speed controller
STATCOM   Static synchronous condenser
FOC   Field-oriented control
IFOC   Indirect field–oriented control
DTC   Direct torque control
DTFC   Direct torque and flux control
PLL   Phase-locked loop
PWM   Pulse width modulation
FHC   Flux hysteresis controller
THC   Torque hysteresis controller
Flxc   Flux controller
Torc   Torque controller
NPC   Neutral point clamped
DTC-SVPWM   Direct torque control space vector pulse width modulation
d, q   Quantities in d-axis and q-axis
α, β   Quantities in a-axis and b-axis
s, r   Stator and rotor
C   DC-link capacitance (F)
MI   Modulation index
Pm   Mechanical power of the wind turbine (W)
Ps   Stator active power (W)
Qs   Stator reactive power (VAR)
Pr   Rotor active power (W)
Qr   Rotor reactive power (VAR)
Pn   Nominal power
vn   Nominal wind speed
β   Pitch angle (o)
Cp   Aerodynamic efficiency of the wind turbine
Ρ   Density area (kg/m3)
S   Swept area of the wind turbine blades (m2)
R   Radius of the turbine (m)
V   Wind speed (m/s)
Ωm   Mechanical speed of the turbine (rad/s)
Ωm,opt   Optimum angular speed (rad)
Λ   Tip speed ratio
VPWM   Voltage of the PWM
Vπ   Full-wave voltage
Vm   Modulating voltage
Vp   Carrier voltage
V1   RMS value of the fundamental voltage
Vrms   RMS value of the output voltage
Mc   Inverter capacity index
Mc,max   Maximum capacity index
MImax   Maximum amplitude index
Ak   Magnitude of each spectral component
wk   Angular speed (rad/s)
θk   Phase angle (rad)
Pn   Nominal power (W)
βref   Reference of pitch angle
vdc   DC voltage
ƒp   Carrier frequency
ƒr   Fundamental frequency of the inverter output variables
Ar   Fundamental peak value of the desired load voltage
Ap   Amplitude of the output voltage
mf   Modulation index
vsd,vsq   Stator voltage components in the Park system
ωs   Synchronous speed
φsd, φsq   Stator flux components in d-axis and q-axis of the Park frame
isd, isq   Stator current components in d-axis and q-axis of the Park frame
vrd, vrq   Rotor voltage components in the Park system
ωr   Rotor speed
φrd, φrq   Rotor flux components in d-axis and q-axis of the Park frame
ird, irq   Rotor current components in d-axis and q-axis of the Park frame
Tem   Electromagnetic torque (N/m)
Tm   Mechanical torque (N/m)
J, fc   Inertia and viscous friction coefficient, respectively
G   Gain of the multiplier
σ   Coefficient of Blondel
R, L   Resistance and inductance of load, respectively
Lls, Llr   Leakage inductances of stator and rotor windings, respectively
Lm   Mutual inductance
ϕsn   Nominal stator flux
δ   Angle of stator flux
|φs|image   Module of stator flux
Vref   Reference voltage
Vs   RMS voltage
S   Laplace operator
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