Chapter Eight

Solar Pyrolysis

Converting Waste Into Asset Using Solar Energy

M.U.H. Joardder1,2, P.K. Halder3, M.A. Rahim1, and M.H. Masud1     1Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia     2Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh     3Jessore University of Science and Technology, Jessore, Bangladesh


This chapter focuses on the incorporation of solar energy into pyrolysis reactor heating and investigates its feasibility in replacement of conventional heating. At the beginning of the chapter, an overview of pyrolysis and the historical background of pyrolysis are discussed. Furthermore, the chapter presents the issues and challenges of conventional heating of reactor during thermal decomposition of biomass. The background of solar heating and different approaches along with its updated design concepts are presented to give attention for integrating solar-assisted heating reactor in pyrolysis. The chapter also depicts the applications and feasibility of solar-integrated pyrolysis technology. At the end, possible challenges and future development scope of solar-integrated pyrolysis technology are explained.


Biomass heater; Pyrolysis; Renewable energy; Solar heating; Solar pyrolysis

8.1. Introduction

Biomass produces a huge amount of renewable energy that reduces the dependency on fossil fuels and on advantage it does not affect the environment with any new carbon dioxide [1]. For this production of renewable energy (e.g., gaseous and liquid fuels) pyrolysis is one of the thermochemical conversion processes [2].
Pyrolysis can be defined as a process in which carbon-based matter is decomposed in the absence of oxygen and at high temperature into its constituent elements, such as bio-oil, syngas, and bio-char, as shown in Fig. 8.1. Generally, the higher heating value of bio-oil ranges between 15 and 38 MJ/kg while this value for solid char is about 17–36 MJ/kg [3]. On the contrary, the higher heating value of pyrolysis gas fraction is approximately 6.4–9.8 MJ/kg [4]. The energy of the char and gas products can be recovered and utilized for further heating the pyrolysis reactor.
Typically, pyrolysis processes can be classified as slow pyrolysis and fast pyrolysis depending on the time taken for the completion of thermal decomposition of the feed materials. On the other hand, a wide range of reactors are being used for the production of liquid bio-oil from different waste biomass [5]. The production rate and properties of this product will depend on the design of pyrolysis reactor, reaction temperature, heating rate, residence time, pressure, catalyst, type of biomass, and particle size, shape, and structure [6]. As, for example, a low temperature with slow rate pyrolysis normally produces higher amounts of bio-char, and the opposite condition produces higher amounts of bio-oil.
High sensible heat is required to increase the biomass temperature to thermal decomposition temperature to enhance the pyrolysis reaction. In the current pyrolysis system, the reactor is heated using conventional energy sources which associated energy expense and environmental pollution. This high expense and environmental threat are the major challenges to refrain pyrolysis process as a member of industrial level energy production option. Although, for maintaining the high-temperature condition for producing more bio-oil, the syngas that is produced in pyrolysis can be burned within the system, it is a challenge to design such kind of complex pyrolysis reactor. Therefore, a novel concept of solar heating is assimilated to the biomass heating system to mitigate the problems.
Figure 8.1 Schematic diagram of biomass pyrolysis.
In this chapter, the overview of solar pyrolysis including history, design, challenges, and its solutions is presented. The chapter is organized as follows. Section 8.2 discusses the historical background and current state of biomass pyrolysis. Section 8.3 presents the major challenges of conventional pyrolysis technology highlighting the issues of reactor heating. Section 8.4 illustrates the possible means of heating the reactor for thermal decomposition of biomass. Section 8.5 depicts the history of solar heating approach and its classification. Additionally, Section 8.6 describes the incorporation of solar heating into pyrolysis technology including different heating system and updated design concepts. Moreover, present applications and feasibility of solar-assisted pyrolysis technology are presented in Sections 8.7 and 8.8, respectively. Finally, the possible challenges and future development scope of solar-integrated pyrolysis technology are demonstrated in Sections 8.9 and 8.10, respectively.

8.2. History of Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis has an unknown and untold long history. It is hard to trace back when exactly human being started using this technique to retrieve energy to liquid phase from solid phase. An attempt of representation of the history of pyrolysis is shown in Fig. 8.2.
By having the aim to produce bio-char, which is a charcoal-like product and used to both enrich and stabilize the nutrient-poor rainforest soils, the pyrolysis process was used near about thousands of years ago in the Amazon rainforest. At that time, people were starting fires by covering the fuel with earth surface for making a low amount of oxygen environment so that in the absence of oxygen bio-char was produced rather than ash by the breaking down of fuel continuously.
Figure 8.2 History of pyrolysis.
During the two world wars, pyrolysis was done with wood waste in order to reduce transportation fuel when fossil fuels were limited. In the late 1950s, the modern development of pyrolysis mainly started its journey. Along with liquid yield expectation, pyrolytic gasification was first introduced in the United States at Bell Laboratories in 1958 [7].
Although pyrolysis gasification is one of the common thermochemical processes, further research is still required to improve the quality of intermediate and final products. As an example, while producing synthetic hydrocarbons by using pyrolytic gasification process, highly contaminant content gas is produced [8]. In addition, the oxygen content of the obtained product from pyrolytic gasification is too high [9]. In recent time, different laboratories has started working on it to improve the pyrolysis gasification quality.
The Bell Laboratories in the United States with some renowned universities and organizations of the world in 1958 had carried out research and development programs to determine the usefulness of pyrolysis. Production of gas by using waste materials is the purpose of the system. Then in the 1970s a pyrolysis plant producing 200 ton/day RDF (refuse-derived fuel) was built by the Occidental Research Corporation in San Diego, United States [10]. During late 1970s to early 1980s a flow pyrolysis process was developed by the Georgia Tech [11].
A more efficient batch systems gave way to continuous feed systems with a cone design that made the evacuation of the gases, which was developed during late 1970s to early 1980s. An indirect pyrolytic gasification system was designed by the Balboa Pacific Corporation in the United States in the mid-1980s. This indirect pyrolytic gasification system was patented in 1988. The work of Scotland with his group developed a flow pyrolysis system at the University of Waterloo, Canada, in the Georgia Tech, which was the next significant development in the field of pyrolysis. A great number of inspirable quasi-commercial scale pyrolysis systems were developed in the 1980s and 1990s [10]. Then during 1993–95, a two-year period, 50 ton/day pilot plant was refined and constructed, which was partially funded by Southern California Gas Company and private investors. For a period of 18 months, the plant operated in California, during which time, the system's ability to process, on a continuous feed basis, a wide variety of toxic and nontoxic, liquid or solid organic waste streams was exhaustively studied by different nation's environmental engineers such as Dames & Moore.
Besides all of this, pyrolysis was occurring with a lot of things, such as sugarcane, tire, plastic, wood, cellulose, as well as with different types of waste in different places of the world. For example, pyrolysis with sugarcane was published in 1980s. For a very long time truly from the ancient time wood pyrolysis was used by Mediterranean and northern civilizations after separating the charcoal from the furnace. During 18th and 19th centuries, a great number of experiments on wood pyrolysis show that the liquids obtained by it include several phases, such as water, wood spirit, light oils, pyrolytic acid, tars, and so on. [12].
A significant work on cellulose pyrolysis with their thermal behavior was published during 19th and 20th centuries, and sometime in 1918 this was reported by Pictet and Sarasin. They also discussed the thermal behavior of Amidon and ultimately points out on the industrial preparation of glucose and alcohol by using cellulose pyrolysis [13]. In 1920, Clément and Rivière recapitulated this issue in their book named “La cellulose.” Three articles during mid-1960s and 1970s report about the cellulose pyrolysis evidencing the phase changing phenomena in this pyrolysis process [12]. In the articles of Hawley and Stamm, in 1956, several references are found on thermal degradation of cellulose and wood pyrolysis [14].
M. J. Antal has been producing a lot of fluid fuels by using concentrated radiant energy [15]. In Copper Mountain's meeting, M. J. Antal described the solar furnace and bench-scale facilities which he performed at the Princeton University, in French. He demonstrated that the product of the concentrated radiant energy pyrolysis also known as flash pyrolysis can be either liquid syrups or permanent gases depending upon the condition of the reactor, which was made more clear by Dejenga and Antal in 1982 who showed that the majority of the gaseous product is LVG [16]. Then in 1983 to decipher the result acquired in a continuous solar reactor, Antal et al. used the BS model [15]. In 1984, Hopkins et al. interpreted about the cellulose flash pyrolysis which is carried out in a spouted bed settled at the focus of an arc image furnace (xenon lamp) [17].
In the same year, Mok and Antal calculated the requirement of heat in cellulose flash pyrolysis. After calculating the required heat, Mok and Antal proposed a new detailed model that can control the pressure and flow rate of the working fluid as per demand [18]. Few years later, in 1993, cellulose flash pyrolysis, which was proposed by Mok and Antal was scrutinized by Varhegyi et al. [19]. In 1993 inside a transport flow reactor under a maximum temperature of 1473K, Vladars-Usas studied the fast thermal decomposition of Avi-cel cellulose [20]. Then, in 2002 and 2004 fast pyrolysis in the heated reactor was carried out by Boutin et al. [21] and Luo et al. [22], respectively. The melting phenomena of cellulose were discussed by Schoeter and Felix in 2005 [23].
The pyrolysis technology with different method using different sources of energy was investigated by different people in several places of the world [24]. However, the development of advanced technologies for upgradation of bio-oil and to increase the percentage of bio-oil production are the next issues for the researchers, yet to be solved. Therefore, researchers have devoted themselves to investigate different technologies for upgrading the bio-oil [25]. Currently, the researchers have given emphasis to blend bio-oil with other oils to enhance their fuel properties [26]. Additionally, attention has been given to catalytic fast pyrolysis for production of hydrocarbons from biomass [27].
Since mid-2010s, mathematical modeling studies have been conducted to identify the nature of the chemical reaction during thermal decomposition and to understand the kinetics of biomass reactor. The analysis of hydrodynamic modeling and simulation of particles in pyrolysis, their interaction, and the effect on the performance of the reactors revealed that the characteristics of feedstock, physical and chemical properties of feedstock, and residence times are major factors for the desired performance of the pyrolysis process [2831].

8.3. Challenges of Existing Pyrolysis Systems

From the early time of pyrolysis, it pesented different challenges to be a user-friendly application. As pyrolysis, the process can provide solid, liquid, and gas phases, the optimization of the process depends on the yield product expected. A sound determination ofspecific yield product is required to allow any of these products to be maximized, and it is the designers' challenge to optimize the process. There are still many challenges associated with the existing pyrolysis systems; some of the prime challenges are discussed in the following sections:

8.3.1. Reactor Heating System

A wide number of factors make the design of the heating system of pyrolysis including heating rate, temperature control, and cooling rate [32]. Thermal degradation of biomass feed materials in the absence of oxygen demanded high heat transfer rate and controlled high reactor temperature, usually around 500°C, which is a critical task. In addition, the reactor must be designed in such a way that the yield vapor can leave the reactor within 2–5 s to avoid further cracking reactions. As biomass possesses very low thermal conductivity, feed material size needs to be significantly small to achieve high heat transfer rate between carrier gas–solid interfaces. Similar to the heating system, cooling system, condenser, needs to have rapid cooling capacity in order to transfer the vapor phase to liquid oil.
Apart from considering gas flow path, efficient char removal is a crucial factor in avoiding a secondary cracking reaction. As hot char is highly catalytically active, rapid removal of char ensures minimal contact with produced volatile materials and further cracking reaction. Energy source and mode of heat transfer affect the design and yields of the pyrolysis process. Depending on the heat transfer mode, different types of paralytic reactors are available. Table 8.1 demonstrates the generic mode of heat transfer applied in the different reactors and their corresponding characteristics.

8.3.2. Waste Disposal: Environmental Effect

The degree of environmental effects depends on the type of biomass heating. In both external and internal heating, pyrolysis system uses conventional fuels and electricity that results in emission of harmful gases. The reactor that is heated by biomass burning is a remarkable source of CO2, CH4, and N2O. On the other hand, the permanent gases produced from pyrolysis (from feed materials) depend on heating temperature and feed materials. For example, when the temperature exceeds 800°C, CO2, CH4, and H2O production decreases and essentially becomes zero whereas H2 and CO production increases significantly. The overall conclusion is that bio-oil, as compared with other conventional fuels, offers insignificant environmental, health, and safety risks [33,34].

Table 8.1

Nature of Heat Transfer and General Characteristics of Different Pyrolytic Reactor

Reactor TypeSuggested Mode of Heat TransferAdvantages/Disadvantages/Features
Ablative95% conduction, 4% convection, and 1% radiationAccepts large-sized feedstock, although very high mechanical char abrasion from biomass. Compact design, however, heat supply problematic.
Circulating fluid bed80% conduction, 19% convection, and 1% radiationHigh heat transfer rates, however, high char abrasion increased complexity of system.
Fluid bed90% conduction, 9% convection, and 1% radiationHeat supply to fluidizing gas directly causes high heat transfer rates; it limits char abrasion; the reactor configuration is very simple.
Entrained flow4% conduction, 95% convection, and 1% radiationLow heat transfer rates.

8.3.3. Yield Product Application

Application of pyrolyzed oil is still challenging due to its high acidity (pH ∼2) and gel formation characteristics. Although extensive research has been carried out, due to these properties, bio-oil does not appear to be a good replacement for No.2 fuel oil in the home-heating application. However, bio-oil can be utilized in industrial boilers that are highly corrosion resistant and equipped with a preheating system [35].
In order to overcome the negative effect of certain properties of the pyrolytic oil, catalytic upgrading is a promising method for converting liquid yield into higher quality fuel [36,37]. Catalytic hydro-treatment and catalytic cracking are two widely practiced upgrading methods [38]. In brief, the challenges mainly depend on pyrolysis reactor design and heating system. Heat transfer modes directly influence the overall design and performance of the pyrolysis process. Solar pyrolysis is a potential candidate to minimize environmental pollution and heating cost, and for design simplicity.
As reactor heating is the crucial part of pyrolysis, incorporation of the solar heating system mainly deals with this core part. Prior to discussing solar heating, a brief discussion of conventional heating is discussed in the following section.

8.4. Heating of Pyrolysis Reactor

Extensive heat flux is necessary to heat up the pyrolysis reactor to an elevated temperature for converting the feed materials into bio-oil. Conventional external heating sources (gas heater or electric heater) have been used for the last two decades for pyrolysis of biomass [39,40]. Generally, there are three methods for providing heat energy to the reactor, namely auto-thermal heating system, indirect heating system, and direct heating system. The characteristics of some heating approaches are presented in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2

Some Common Heating Sources and Their Characteristics

Heating MethodsRemarks
Biomass/NGThis indirect heating process is exothermic in nature, responsible for environmental pollution and produces soot and coke. Difficulties in rapid change in temperature for thermal runaway prevention.
Electric heaterThe external electric heating furnace is used to heat the feed materials within the pyrolysis reactor and the reactor itself.
MW heatingThe MW-absorbing material (dielectric material) along with the feed materials inside the pyrolysis heating chamber directly absorbs electromagnetic wave in the form of thermal energy and transfer throughout materials through molecular interaction with the electromagnetic field.
Induction heatingThe feed substances within the heating chamber absorb heat from the magnetic field produced by passing alternating current through the induction coil inside the chamber.
In the auto-thermal heating method, the heat flux required for the pyrolysis is supplied by the partial combustion of feed materials and yield bio-char. This method reduces the amount of char production as the heat indispensable for pyrolysis is produced from combustion of biochar itself thereby decreasing the fuel cost. On the other hand, in the case of the direct heating method, the hot carrier gas or solid heat carrier is introduced into the reactor and the feed materials absorb the heat for decomposition. The hot carrier gas produces CO2 and H2O during the combustion reaction which results in the reduction in the concentration of gas and heating value of oil. Besides, the use of solid heat carrier increases the oil yield, however, degrades the quality of oil due to the intake of a large amount of dust [41]. Contrarily from the direct heating method, in indirect heating, the reactor is heated from an external energy source where the heat is generated from the combustion of biomass or natural gas (NG) burning heater and electric heater. The heat is transferred through the reactor wall to raw materials by conduction and convection heat transfer principle. The oil yield and the efficiency of this heating system are affected by the thermal conductivity of reactor material, thermal diffusivity, and the temperature gradient between the reactor surface and center of the material inside the heating chamber. These constraints restrict the rapid heating of biomass and results in substantial input energy loss.
Therefore, the indirect heating system is less efficient; however, it produces less diluted gas compared to direct method. This reduces oil yield as well as increases char production that causes coking and fouling in the system [42]. Furthermore, the uneven nature of temperature profile causes an undesired secondary reaction in different regions of the pyrolysis reactor which produces toxic compounds [43,44]. On the contrary, this heating method has the advantages of producing retorting gas of high quality from a wide variety of particle size simultaneously. Since early 2000s, microwave (MW) heating pyrolysis is drawing the attention of researchers to overcome the limitations of conventional external heating of pyrolysis reactor. In 2001, this method was first implemented in pyrolysis of waste plastic [45]. The application of MW heating in pyrolysis reduces significant amount of energy input and time required for pyrolysis process due to direct and rapid heating. It also offers the advantages of uniform heating and less equipment dimension. In addition to this, the method improves the efficiency of the system as well as the quality of pyrolysis products. The MW heating enhances the high-grade product yield in reduced reaction time [46,47]. However, the foremost problems associated with this method are: different design approach considering the dielectric properties of biomass and the complication in heat and transfer mechanism and also in chemical reactions inside the different sections of heating chamber. Other electromagnetic heating, induction heating, is becoming popular in pyrolysis reactor heating due to its rapid heating rate and high efficiency, although the method is less flexible and requires high energy input and cost [48].
From the previous discussion, it is clear that a constant energy source is required to run the pyrolysis system, which involves consumption of conventional fuel. This means, a high-quality fuel is consumed to produce relatively less-quality fuel. Reactor heating with conventional fuel is not the economic approach of production of bio-oil. Therefore, reactor heating with another renewable source such as solar heating would be a great choice.

8.5. Solar Heating Approach

8.5.1. History of Solar Heating

Although the direct heating approaches have some advantages over the indirect and auto-thermal heating approaches, all these have several shortcomings. These heating methods consume a huge amount of nonrenewable energy, such as biomass, or electricity for heating the reactor to produce bio-oil and also have some environmental hazards. Hence, the concept of incorporation of solar energy to heat the reactor is a possible solution to resolve these problems. The idea of solar energy utilization started at 212 BC by the Greek scientist Archimedes [49]. During the 18th century, the solar furnace was used for melting different metals, while during the 19th century solar energy was used for steam generation for a steam engine [50].
The concepts of a solar tower, parabolic dish, and parabolic trough were explored for solar heating in 1878, 1882, and 1883, respectively. Consequently, in 1913 the first concentrated power plant was established in Cairo, Egypt. Different technologies were developed during the mid-19th century for harnessing solar energy while in 1958 the first solar panel was used to launch a space satellite. Currently, solar energy is utilized in industrial process heating, space heating, as well as producing electricity by various technologies. However, the assimilation of concentrated solar energy in biomass gasification started during the end of the 19th century [51]. A great number of researchers recommended utilizing solar energy for renewable energy production through biomass gasification and pyrolysis during the last century [17,21,5255]. On the contrary, solar thermochemical processes were investigated in vertical axis solar furnace at PSA, Spain. An artificial concentrated solar energy from the high flux solar simulator is used to provide heat in a horizontal off-axis solar furnace for the thermochemical process at German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany, as presented in Fig. 8.3 [56].
Utilization of concentrated solar energy in biomass pyrolysis offers several advantages which are summarized as follows:
• High heat flux for heating the pyrolysis reactor rapidly to elevated temperature.
• Reduction of secondary reactions in different regions of the heating chamber due to comparatively small focal area.
• Renewable heat source lessens the heating cost of the pyrolysis reactor and also protects the reserve of nonrenewable energy sources.
• No burning of fossil fuels, hence the system produces no emission and is considered environmentally sustainable.
Figure 8.3 High-flux solar simulator at German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany [56].
• No contamination of pyrolysis gas with combustion products, thus improves the quality of the yield.
• Relatively less-complicated heating system.
• As the reactor and its surrounding gas do not require to be maintained at a high temperature, the effective thermal mass of the pyrolysis system is minimal [15].
• Focused solar radiation can exactly be placed to the biomass sample where it is required while rest of the part can be kept in cold [21].

8.5.2. Classification of Solar Heating Reactor

In broad scenes, the solar heating system can be classified as a directly heated system and indirectly heated system. In the directly heated system the pyrolysis reactor is directly exposed to the sun shine and heated by solar radiation as illustrated in Fig. 8.4A [56]. On the contrary, in the indirectly heated system, as shown in Fig. 8.4B, an opaque surface is exposed to the incident sun rays which transfers the heat to the reactor surface [56].
Besides these, solar-assisted pyrolysis are further classified as partial heating and continuous heating as presented in Fig. 8.5. In partial heating, the reactor is heated partially to a certain temperature by solar concentrator and then by another heating system.
On the other hand, in continuous heating, the reactor is heated continuously by solar concentrator with another heating system throughout the pyrolysis cycle.

8.6. Integration of Solar Energy With Pyrolysis

8.6.1. Solar Concentrating System

Despite solar energy being the prominent clean and low-cost renewable energy on the earth, high-temperature process heat application is a great challenge. Solar collectors are promising technologies for harnessing solar energy to process heating as well as electricity production. However, stationary flat plate collectors are applicable only for low-temperature application. Therefore, solar concentrating systems have been investigated for several decades for utilization of concentrated solar energy for high-temperature application. Solar concentrators are the devices that collect solar radiation and concentrate at a single focal point. The devices are mainly comprised of series of lens or mirror assembly, heat receiver, and the tracking system. The performance of the concentrator depends on the intensity of solar radiation, the incident angle of radiation, and its relative position to the sun and the reactor to be heated.
Figure 8.4 Pyrolysis with solar heating (A) direct heating and (B) indirect heating [56].
Figure 8.5 Classification of solar fast pyrolysis.
Solar concentrators are classified into four categories based on their optical characteristics, such as the concentration ratio, focal shape, and optical standard. These concentrators can be single-axis tracking or two-axis tracking to the sun as follows:
1. parabolic-trough concentrator (PTC);
2. parabolic-dish concentrator (PDC);
3. heliostat-field concentrator (HFC);
4. double-concentration concentrator (DCC).
Different types of concentrators provide different temperature ranges. In addition to this, a variation of concentration ratio is a distinctive feature of the concentrators. Table 8.3 presents some basic characteristics of solar concentrators. Parabolic-Trough Solar Concentrator

Parabolic-trough solar concentrating systems are parabolic-shaped collectors made of reflecting materials. The collectors reflect the incident solar radiation onto its focal line toward a receiver that absorbs the concentrated solar energy to raise the temperature of the fluid inside it as shown in Fig. 8.6 [57]. Because of its single-axis tracking, all the solar radiations fall parallel to its axis.
The operating temperature of the system is in the range of 500–700K and the geometric concentration ratio of the parabolic-trough system is in the range of 30–100 (Table 8.3) [57]. Parabolic-trough collector is a viable technology for harnessing solar energy for industrial process heat in Cyprus [58]. Parabolic-trough solar concentrating systems are an advanced and matured technology. PTCs are suitable for heating between 100 and 250°C temperature as well as for concentrated solar power plants; Southern California power plants are the largest application of this system [59].

Table 8.3

Specifications of Common Solar Concentrators

Tracking MechanismConcentrator TypeFocal TypeConcentration RatioOperating Temperature (K)
Single-axisParabolic troughFocal line30–100500–700
Double concentrationFocal line5000–10000Over 1500
Two-axisParabolic dishFocal point1000–5000Over 1800
Heliostat fieldFocal point300–1500Up to 1600


Figure 8.6 Schematic of a parabolic-trough solar concentrator [57]. Parabolic-Dish Solar Concentrator

Parabolic-dish solar concentrators are two-axis solar tracking systems that concentrate the solar radiations toward the thermal receiver located on the focal point of the dish collector as demonstrated in Fig. 8.7 [57].
These collectors consist of a set of parabolic dish–shaped mirrors. The operating temperature of the systems is over 1800K while the concentration ratio typically is in the range between 1000 and 5000K. Solar parabolic-dish concentrating systems are most appropriate for concentrated photovoltaic application due to its high concentration ratio and operating temperature. These systems are very bulky and high-cost device. Kussul et al. (2008) proposed a prototype of flat facet PDC with 24 mirrors to address these problems [60]. The large energy project operated with PDC was constructed in Shenandoah, Georgia between 1982 and 1989.
Figure 8.7 Schematic of a parabolic-dish solar concentrator [57]. Heliostat Fields Solar Concentrator

Heliostat-field solar concentrating systems are focal point collectors that track the sun in two axes. HFCs consist of a large array of mirrors called heliostats which are distributed around a receiver avoiding shading. These heliostats reflect the directly incident solar rays toward receiver located on top of a tower as shown in Fig. 8.8 [57]. These systems usually achieve temperatures up to 1600K and concentration ratios of 300–1500. Although the system is very expensive, the large commercial power plant was demonstrated in California [61]. Double Concentration Solar Concentrator

Double concentration solar concentrators are focal line and single-axis solar collectors with heliostat, reflective tower, and ground receiver as presented in Fig. 8.9 [57]. The heliostats redirect the directly incident solar radiation toward a hyperboloidal reflector that reflects the solar beams downward to the receiver. On the ground, the compound parabolic concentrator acts as a secondary concentrator to enhance the further concentration of the reflected solar beams. These systems can operate in excess of 1500K and has the concentration ratio between 5000 and 10000.
Figure 8.8 Schematic of a heliostat solar concentrator [57].
Figure 8.9 Schematic of a double concentrator [57].
In the seabelt, the solar concentrating technologies were found to be suitable for effective utilization of high-temperature heat for conversion into other probable energy applications [62,63]. Therefore, the concentrated solar energy can be effectually used as heat source for thermochemical processes such as pyrolysis. Although solar thermal electricity is generating from concentrated solar energy, the solar thermochemical process is still in developing stage.

8.6.2. Conceptual Design and Updated Concepts of Solar Pyrolysis

Although many attempts of incorporating solar energy in pyrolysis heating system have been made for a long time, there is no industrial implementation still that is successful. The main constraint in this regard is the design of solar concentrator and pyrolysis reactor. The reactor is considered as the heart of the pyrolysis system. Hence, the appropriate design is important to transfer the heat throughout the biomass during pyrolysis. The sole solar heating or combined solar with other heating sources can be very effective for pyrolysis. This heating method is energy efficient and attractive considering its minimized heating cost and renewable energy production consuming heat from a renewable source. In this process, the reactor along with the inside feed materials are heated to an elevated temperature by the incident solar energy to a concentrator that reflects the rays to the focal point on the reactor. A conceptual design of solar pyrolysis system is depicted in Fig. 8.10 [52].
Figure 8.10 Conceptual design of solar pyrolysis system [52].
Although the solar heating of pyrolysis offers some advantages over the other heating methods, there still exists a difficulty in obtaining uniform heating throughout the reactor surface. The weather condition and the position of the sun are responsible for the fluctuation of solar intensity. On the contrary, the stationary solar concentrating system provides single-point heating to the reactor surface. Therefore, extensive researches are required to resolve this problem and to heat the reactor surface evenly for proper decomposition of feed materials. Several reactor geometries [64], internal surface coatings [65], and concentration methods [66] have been recommended for maintaining the isothermal internal condition of pyrolysis reactor. An updated conceptual design of solar heating system where a rotating reactor is heated continuously by the incident solar radiation to a sliding solar concentrator is revealed in Fig. 8.11A [67].
In addition, an electric motor–driven octagonal mirror field was designed to keep the focal point stationary throughout the day [15]. Moreover, an automated sun tracking system of two degrees-of-freedom was developed where the Fresnel lens of 91 × 69 cm always faces the radiation for ensuring maximum solar radiation concentration for pyrolysis of scrap rubber shown in Fig. 8.11B [68].
The heating performance of the solar concentrating system in pyrolysis can be improved by using mirrors and lens together at a time. Fig. 8.12 shows the front view of the proposed model of solar concentrated pyrolysis reactor.
The system consists of a cylindrical shaped, tilting type colorful glass-made reactor surrounded by spherical shaped mirrors bottom the reactor and convex lenses top the reactor. The top lenses will concentrate the huge amount of solar rays into the reactor, and the bottom mirrors from both sides of the reactor will also concentrate the incident solar rays and redirect it to the center of the reactor.
Figure 8.11 Updated design of concentrated solar pyrolysis (A) rotating reactor (B) Fresnel lens [67,68].

8.7. Current Research and Application of Solar Pyrolysis

Although the incorporation of concentrated solar energy began over almost 37 years ago, still the system is in the embryonic stage. Only laboratory-scale projects have been experimentally carried out, that is, at a fundamental level, and no pilot industrial project has been implemented yet. However, in spite of the suggestions and great attention of using solar heating approach for biomass pyrolysis, laboratory-based research studies are available for upgrading the system which indicates solar energy as an effective rapid heating source for biomass pyrolysis [15]. The incorporation of solar heating in coal gasification was investigated in the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, whereas coal pyrolysis with solar furnace was studied in the Los Mamos National Scientific Laboratory [69,70]. In addition, solar or other lighting source–driven image furnace was used for biomass pyrolysis to investigate the physical and chemical process and their modeling [17,7173]. Concentrated solar heating in pyrolysis enhances the calorific value yield and decreases pollution [74] and is found to be significantly different from conventional reactors [15]. Some studies have reported the characteristics of product yield from solar pyrolysis of biomass residues [75,76].
Figure 8.12 Updated concept of concentrating solar collector.
On the other hand, Morales et al. [52] examined the use of laboratory-scale real solar furnace heated with the parabolic-trough solar concentrator. Besides, Zeng et al. [77] designed a 1.5 kW vertical-axis solar furnace and investigated the heating effects for bio-char and bio-oil production. Haueter et al. [78] developed an improved design of a direct heating solar thermal chemical reactor (called ROCA reactor) for chemical decomposition of ZnO. The reactor has low thermal inertia and outstanding thermal shock resistance capability. However, the most promising design of rotating cavity solar reactor, namely ZIRRUS reactor, was invented by Müller et al. [79] to address the problem of inability to recuperate a large percentage of products from the reactor associated with the ROCA reactor.

8.8. Considerations for Feasibility of Solar Pyrolysis

Although the model of integrating the solar energy into pyrolysis is a sustainable solution for thermochemical decomposition of biomass, it is still in the developing stage. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the feasibility of solar energy incorporation for heating the reactor. The requirement of energy input for proper decomposition of feed materials, environmental sustainability, cost and complexity of reactor design, and cost of heating the feed materials are the major parameters for investigating the feasibility of solar-assisted pyrolysis implementation.
Generally, a substantial amount of heat energy from biomass or electric heating sources is used for thermal decomposition of feed materials inside the reactor in pyrolysis. Therefore, complete or partial inclusion of solar energy in pyrolysis instead of these nonrenewable heating sources may reduce the amount of energy input as well as fuel cost significantly and thus increase the effectiveness of pyrolysis. In addition to these, the combustion of biomass is responsible for environmental pollution as it emits considerable amount of CO2, CH4, N2O, NOx, CO, and volatile carbon compounds, which is the major concern in the 21st century. Therefore, the heating of pyrolysis reactor with green and renewable solar energy will be an effective option to reduce environmental pollution.

8.9. Challenges in Solar Pyrolysis

Radiant energy from the sun hits the earth in wavelengths in orders ranging from 0.1 to 10 mm. The primary challenge in the industrial application of solar energy is to match a location where high solar radiation is available [53]. The other challenges associated with solar pyrolysis are as follows:
• The design of right solar collector for the right reactor is a crucial factor. This needs a considerable attention of researchers.
• Uneven heating throughout the day due to variable weather condition is another great challenge for continuous heating system such as pyrolysis process. This uneven heating may cause incomplete pyrolysis of the feed materials.
• Even modeling of solar pyrolysis is not widely investigated. It would be obviously a complicated task when solar radiation is introduced in the regular reactor. Therefore, a numerical model considering heat and mass transfer, chemical kinetics, and solar radiation needs to be investigated to check the feasibility of the solar fast pyrolysis.
• Sufficient basic data concerning the techno-economic feasibility of solar pyrolysis at pilot level are not available in the literature. This lack of experimental investigation at pilot plants level constrains the implementation of the concept of solar pyrolysis at industrial level.

8.10. Future Scope of Solar Pyrolysis

In order to overcome current challenges and to implement solar pyrolysis at industry level, the following R&D can be recommended:
• As there is uncertainty of solar intensity over the period of pyrolysis, there is the possibility of an incomplete process of feed materials. An automatically controlled feed supply system that maintains feed flow with solar intensity can be a great addition in current solar pyrolysis system.
• Distributed solar energy using movable solar concentrator and pyrolytic heater can be implemented in order to overcome uneven heating by the solar concentrator.
• Complete solar pyrolysis is still under investigation level. Suitable backup energy source can be linked in order to minimize uneven heating from the solar concentrator.
• Solar pyrolysis numerical modeling is still at the preliminary level as many data and parameters are unavailable in the literature, such as kinetics and thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical pathways; optical properties (absorptivity, emissivity, and reflectivity) of all the associated species; and physicochemical properties. More complication arises when the model considers real-time value of these properties. Therefore, extensive modeling investigation is needed to ensure feasibility of solar pyrolysis.

8.11. Concluding Remarks

A great number of studies concerning solar pyrolysis for bio-oil production have been reported since mid-1980s; however, they are only at the fundamental and laboratory levels. Therefore, investigation of the feasibility test at pilot-plant level needs special attention of the researchers. The successful implementation of solar pyrolysis would help to meet our growing need of renewable energy sources. Incorporation of solar radiation instead of conventional heating system in pyrolysis reactor would minimize harmful emissions and assist to reduce greenhouse gasses.


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