
+3 dB (fast-fade), 128129

-3 dB (slow-fade), 128129

720p HD, 201202

1080p HD, 201202


A (Select tool) shortcut key, 83

Action pop-up menu

Apply Custom Name, 4647

Color Board, 431

Event Library, 5

managing metadata views and, 2425

Active Video Angle pop-up menu, 192

Add (+) button, creating new naming scheme, 48

Add Custom Metadata Field, Event Browser option, 1819

Add Keyframes button, in Viewer, 295, 297

Add Rule (+) button, adding filter criteria to searches, 4043

Add to Audition option, 93

Adjustments pop-up menu, 467

Aged Paper effect, adding to multicamera clips, 213

alignment, font, 278

All Clips option (Control-C), filtering clips, 28

alternates, in auditions

Add to Audition option, 93

changing picks, 8789

overview of, 86

playing in context, 90

removing, 9495

Amount slider, Video Inspector

increasing effect visibility, 97

modifying and combining effects, 267

analysis keywords

overview of, 9

removing, 12

Analyze and Fix

finding people, 78

finding shaky camerawork, 1415

anchor parameter, transforming clips, 295296

Anchor Points, transforming clips, 261

Angle Assembly setting, 196197

Angle Clip Ordering setting, 197

Angle Editor

changing order of angles in Angle Viewer, 207210

effects, 212213

fixing sync errors, 204207

modifying multicamera clips, 203204

syncing new or added clip, 210211

Angle Synchronization setting, 198200

Angle Viewer

changing order of angles in, 207210

changing visible angles, 182186

cutting between angles, 188189

editing multicamera clips and, 187

settings, 202

switching angles, 191192

video-only cuts when editing multicamera clips, 189190

viewing multicamera clips, 181182

angles, of multicamera clips

Angle Assembly setting, 196197

Angle Clip Ordering setting, 197

Angle Synchronization setting, 198200

changing order of angles in Angle Viewer, 207210

changing the Angle Viewer, 182186

cuts between, 188189

displaying angle names, 191

number of angles possible, 180

switching angles, 191192


adding effects to video, 265

audio effects and, 171175

of audio levels, 113114, 119121

of clip position, 294

creating a travel matte, 314318

of generators, 306313

in Inspector, 299301

keyboard shortcuts, 324

overview of, 293294

of pan effects, 135

of panning audio, 136138

review, 323324

of shape masks, 465468

of surround sound, 141142

of titles, 279283

transitions creating, 318323

in Video Animation Editor, 301306

in Viewer, 294299

append edits

adding clips to projects, 5456

editing multicamera clips and, 187

limiting source media while editing, 65

Apple Delay effect, Echo effects, 166

Apple Pro Certification Program, viiviii

Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro X Advanced Editing

about the training services, vii

resources, vii

Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro X (Weynand), 105

Apple Pro Training Services, about, vii

Apply Color Correction commands, 422423

assembly, adding clips to projects, 54


EQ adjustments and, 152, 155

keyboard shortcuts, 122


adding metadata to clips, 20

animating audio levels, 113114

animating audio levels in Audio Inspector, 119121

animating pan effects, 135

audio meters, 106108

breaking clips apart, 146147

choosing panning environment, 130133

crossfade effects, 124127

custom settings, 220

deleting keyframes, 121

detaching video from, 147

disabling, 319

editing separately from video portion of multicam clip, 189190

enabling/disabling audio channels, 144146

fade shapes, 127130

fades, 123124

fixing overmodulated audio, 109110

how loud is too loud, 108109

keyboard shortcuts, 149

keyframing surround sound, 141142

mixers, 108109

nudging keyframes, 122123

overview of, 105

panning, 130

panning in Timeline, 136138

preset pan methods, 142144

resetting levels, 121

review, 148

roles for tagging audio clips, 283

searching by sampling rates, 44

searching by tracks, 44

setting levels generally, 106

setting levels in Timeline, 111113

setting levels with Inspector, 116119

setting levels with keyboard shortcuts, 122

stereo panning, 133134

subframe adjustments to, 114116

surround panning, 138140

for synchronization of multicamera clips, 200, 202

Audio Animation Editor

in Clip menu, 306

panning in Timeline, 136138

audio effects

animating, 171173

applying equalization effects, 156161

controlling, 161

distortion presets, 168169

equalization and, 152156

keyboard shortcuts, 177

Levels effects, 163164

modifying animations, 174175

overview of, 151

pitch shifting and voice effects, 169170

removing, 162

Reverb and Echo effects, 164167

review, 176

toggling, 161162

transferring between clips, 162163

Audio Enhancements

in Audio Inspector, 153

automatic, 151

Loudness setting in, 163

Audio Inspector

animating audio levels, 119121

Audio Enhancements, 153

breaking audio clips apart, 146147

deleting keyframes, 121

Less Bass effect, 157158

managing audio channels, 144146

pre-EQ and post-EQ results, 160161

removing clip effects, 162

resetting audio levels, 121

setting audio levels, 116119

Space Designer, 166

toggling clip effects, 161162

viewing effect of Channel EQ, 159160

audio meters

understanding, 106108

viewing project panning environment, 132

Audio Only option, Source Media pop-up menu, 66

Audio View option, Metadata View pop-up menu, 20

Audition window, 8788, 90


applying effects to all picks, 101

applying effects to other clips, 101102

changing picks, 8788

creating in Event Browser, 8687

creating in Timeline, 9194

duplicating clips from original, 98100

duplicating clips to create alternate, 9698

duplicating clips without adding effects, 100

editing with, 8890

finalizing, 95

keyboard shortcuts, 103

modifying, 9495

navigating clips in, 93

overview of, 85

previewing, 9091

review, 102103

auto-analysis metadata, 7

creating additional people-related keywords, 13

finding people using facial recognition, 712

finding shaky camerawork, 1315

overview of, 34

removing analysis keywords, 12

types of automatic metadata, 4

A/V output, 331

average highlights, in Waveform Monitor, 359

average levels, audio meters showing, 107

average midtones, in Waveform Monitor, 360361


background noise

audio levels and, 106

removing, 151

background rendering, turning off, 220, 328

Background Squares effect, Effects Browser, 77

Background Tasks windows, viewing progress of background analysis, 9


adding graphics to, 248250

removing colored background, 225227

backtiming edits

benefits of, 53

overview of, 6465

Balance Color command, 342

Basic View option, Metadata View pop-up menu, 19

Bass Boost equalization setting, 153

bass roll-off effect, 156

Black & White, adding effects to video, 266, 269

black point

copying grades between clips and, 421

in Waveform Monitor, 360, 362

working inside and outside of color masks, 449

Blade transition, for splitting clips, 400

Blend Mode pop-up menu, 249

blend modes

for compositing layers, 247

experimenting with, 251252

Hard Light blend mode, 252, 318

Overlay blend mode, 249250

Stencil Alpha blend mode, 316


EQ adjustments and, 152

keyboard shortcuts for, 122

bounding boxes, scaling, 308, 310

Break Apart Clip Items option, Clip menu

managing audio channels, 147

removing clip from storyline, 73

removing generator from storyline, 307

Brightness slider, Settings pop-up menu, 357

Broadcast Safe effect, 434437


auditions for comparing and selecting, 85

creating, 53


calibration, of display, 330331

camera angles

auditions for comparing and selecting, 85, 93

searching by, 44


finding shaky camerawork, 1315

recording channels of audio, 131

source media metadata, 4

Car Radio effect, 162163, 168

cataloging clips, metadata for, 3

certification, Apple Pro Certification Program, viiviii

Channel EQ interface, 159160

channels, audio

audio meters showing, 107

breaking audio clips apart, 146147

enabling/disabling, 144146

overview of, 144

performing surround panning, 138140

recording, 131

relinking and, 336

searching by, 44

Channels pop-up menu, 146

Chroma color wheel

adjusting inner graph of, 236237

in Color Selection controls, 235

chroma component, of video clip, 357

Chroma Rolloff parameter, 236

Clip Appearance button, 247

Clip Info section, of Format field, 49

Clip menu

Audio Animation Editor, 136, 306

Break Apart Clip Items option, 73, 147

Solo Animation command in, 173

clip-based metadata

creating custom fields, 1819

customizing views, 2124

entering for multiple clips, 17

managing views, 2425

organizing, 19

overview of, 16

switching between views, 1920


animation of clip position, 294

applying effects to, 101102

audio. see audio

cataloging, 3

clip-based metadata. see clip-based metadata

compound. see compound clips

connected. see connected clips

duplicating. see duplicating clips

entering metadata for multiple, 17

filtering. see filtering clips

intraclip-based metadata. see intraclip-based metadata

multicamera. see multicamera clips

rating, 2527

renaming, 4650

splitting using Blade transition, 400

transformation of, 258264

transitions between clip grades, 397402

treating group of clips as single clip. see auditions

video. see video

viewing in Event Library, 10

clips, color matching

applying corrections to entire scene using compound clips, 431433

commands for applying corrections between, 422425

copying grades between, 420422

grading first clip (reference clip), 412415

matching clips to reference clip, 415416

matching corrected clips, 409410

matching insert clips, 426427

simple clip matching, 406409

clips, editing

adding to projects, 54

appending, 5456

inserting, 5758

overwriting, 5859

replacing, 5961

close-ups angles, comparing with other camera angles, 93


custom audio or video settings, 220

of relinked files, 336

color, primary and secondary, 352

color adjustments, isolated. see secondary color corrections

Color Balance controls

analyzing color balance, 340341

automatic adjustments, 342343

Color Board

Action pop-up menu, 431

adjusting color temperature, 385389

adjusting contrast, 364366

adjusting saturation, 391396

adjustments in general, 375

color controls, 338, 376378

color masks and, 442446

combining saturation with contrast adjustments, 396397

correcting individual shots, 429

eliminating color casts, 378384

exposure controls, 366

Global control, 366, 389391

Global control compared with Shadows control, 370372

Highlights control, 366367

keyboard shortcuts, 403

Midtones control, 366, 368370

opening and working with, 339340

review, 403

saturation controls, 391

Shadows control, 366, 368

shape masks and, 455

color casts

adjusting color temperature, 385389

spotting color casts with, 378

color channels, RGB Overlay histogram and, 348349

color controls, Color Board

adjusting color temperature, 385389

adjusting contrast, 379380, 382383

how they work, 381

RGB Parade and, 383385

spotting color casts with, 378

using, 376378

Vectorscope and, 381382

working with Global control, 389391

color correction

adjusting contrast manually, 364370

automatic adjustments, 340343

Color Board adjustments, 364

display for, 330331

displaying video scopes, 345347

essential tasks in, 329

Global control compared with Shadows control, 370372

iMovie adjustments, 343345

interface for, 338340

keyboard shortcuts, 373

knowing when to correct, 329330

media quality and, 331

multicamera clips, 212

with original or optimized media files, 332

overview of, 327329

relinking in Event Library, 334335

relinking individual clips manually, 335337

relinking to alternate media files, 332334

review, 372373

RGB histogram, 348350

saving/applying presets, 430431

secondary. see secondary color corrections

transitions between clip grades, 397402

Vectorscope, 351356

video scopes for, 345

Waveform Monitor, 356364

color masks

masking skin tones, 460462

masking sky, 463465

overview of, 442449

working inside and outside of color masks, 449453

color matching

applying corrections to entire scene using compound clips, 431433

automatically, 406

breaking down a scene, 412413

Broadcast Safe effect, 434437

changing compound clips, 433

commands for applying corrections between clips, 422425

copying grades between clips, 420422

to corrected clips, 409410

correcting individual shots, 428430

effects applied to grade, 433434

grading first clip (reference clip), 412415

to insert clips, 426427

keyboard shortcuts, 439

manually, 410411

overview of, 405

to reference clip, 415420

review, 438

saving/applying correction presets, 430431

shot matching and, 406

simple clip matching, 406409

tips on shot matching, 427428

color pickers, picking color for color mask, 444

color sampling

automatic results, 227

creating keys, 224230

Strength slider, 228

Color Selection tools, Keyer effect, 234235

color temperature, adjusting, 385389

Command (zoom out on Timeline) shortcut key, 149

Command-[ (Timeline history) shortcut key, 83

Command Editor, creating command shortcuts with, 423

Command-+ (zoom in on Timeline), 149

Command-4 (Inspector) shortcut key, 83, 149, 373

Command-5 (Effects Browser) shortcut key, 439

Command-6 (Color Board) shortcut key, 373

Command-7 (video scopes) shortcut key, 373, 439

Command-Delete (delete collections) shortcut key, 51

Command-E (export media) shortcut key, 291

Command-F (filter window) shortcut key, 51

Command-G (storyline) shortcut key, 83

Command-J (project properties) shortcut key, 149

Command-K (Keyword Editor) shortcut key, 51

Command-L (loop playback) shortcut key, 291

Command-Option-V (paste effects) shortcut key, 177, 439

Command-S (Effects Browser) shortcut key, 177

Command-Shift-2 (show/hide Timeline Index) shortcut key, 291

Command-Shift-8 (audio meters) shortcut key, 149

Command-Shift-G (break apart clips) shortcut key, 83

Command-Shift-N (create new folder) shortcut key, 51

Command-T (cross dissolve) shortcut key, 83

Command-Y (create audition clip) shortcut key, 103

Command-Z (undo) shortcut key, 61

complex edits, combining, 67

Composite view

accessing from Matte view, 232

of key, 227

viewing adjustments made in Matte view, 238


advanced keying features, 234240

color sampling for creating keys, 224230

creating compound clips, 218221

garbage masks, 230234

generators for, 240247

graphics or video, 247253

keyboard shortcuts, 255

overview of, 217218

review, 254255

timing edits, 221224

compound audio effects, 151

compound clips

applying corrections to entire scene, 431433

benefits of, 53

changing, 433

creating, 7577, 314

creating in Event Browser, 218221

compression, source media metadata, 4

compressors, Levels effects, 164

connect edits

backtiming and, 64, 67

editing multicamera clips and, 187

keyboard shortcuts, 83

limiting source media while editing, 65

connected clips

applying transitions to, 7072, 246

attaching titles to, 7881

breaking down storylines into, 7375

color matching, 409410

creating, 314

creating secondary storylines, 6870

crossfade effects, 126


changing saturation by adjusting, 396397

color casts and, 379380

manual adjustment, 364370

shadows and, 382383

contrast ratio, 360361

Control (decrease volume) shortcut key, 149

Control-’ (move playhead to next marker) shortcut key, 255

Control-; (move playhead to previous marker) shortcut key, 255

Control-. (nudge marker to right) shortcut key, 255

Control-, (nudge marker to left) shortcut key, 255

Control-+ (increase volume) shortcut key, 149

Control-A (Audio Animation Editor) shortcut key, 149, 177

Control-C (show all clips) shortcut key, 51

Control-Delete (delete rejected clips) shortcut key, 51

Control-H (hide rejected clips) shortcut key, 51

Control-M (delete marker) shortcut key, 255

Control-O (delete items from selected clip) shortcut key, 51

Control-Option O (remove keywords) shortcut key, 51

Control-Option-T (assign title roles to clips) shortcut key, 291

Control-Option-V (assign video roles to clips) shortcut key, 291

Control-R (render selection) shortcut key, 291

Control-Right Arrow (choose pick and place in Timeline) shortcut key, 103

Control-S (expand/collapse audio/video) shortcut key, 149

Control-Shift-R (Render all) shortcut key, 291

Control-Shift-S (detach audio from video) shortcut key, 149

Control-T (title) shortcut key, 83

Control-V (open Video Animation Editor) shortcut key, 324

Control-Z (zoom to samples) shortcut key, 149

copy and paste

effects, 101102, 163

grades between clips, 420

titles, 286

core matte, in keying, 227

corner handles, scaling by dragging, 259

Counting generator, 245

course structure, for Final Cut Pro users, iv


transforming clips, 263

with Viewer, 258

Crop option, Video Inspector, 354


applying to connected clips, 7072

applying to generators, 246247

transitions between clip grades, 400

crossfade effects, 124127

custom fields, 1819

Custom title, 278279

custom views, 2124

cutaway shots, 53


between angles, 188189

multicamera clips and, 180

video-only, 189190


D (overwrite edit) shortcut key, 83

data rate, source media metadata, 4

dB levels

adjusting in Audio Inspector, 118119

audio meters showing, 107

EQ adjustments and, 152, 155156

fixing overmodulated audio, 109110

how loud is too loud, 108109

keyboard shortcuts for boosting/lowering, 122

nudging keyframes, 122123

setting audio levels in Timeline, 111113

Delay Designer effect, Echo effects, 166

Delete (Reject) shortcut key, 51

digital relighting, 457

disclosure triangle

revealing markers, 39

viewing clip ratings, 28

display, suitable for color correction, 330331

dissolves, applying effects to generators, 246


audio effects, 151, 168169

audio levels and, 108

presets, 168

setting audio levels and, 106

with Viewer, 258

Distortion category, Effects Browser, 162163

Down Arrow (move playhead forward) shortcut key, 83

downloading Final Cut Pro X, iv

Drop Shadow, applying to title, 276

Duplicate button, duplicating clips as an audition, 97

duplicating clips

to create alternate, 9698

from original, 98100

without adding effects, 100


animation, 281

source media metadata, 4

transitions, 127, 247

DVD book files

downloading lesson files from, vvi

overview of, v

dynamic range, of audio speakers, 109


E (append edit) shortcut key, 83

Echo (delay) effects, audio, 164167

edge matte, in keying, 227

Edges tool, for refining matte edges, 228230

Edit Metadata View option, Metadata View pop-up menu, 21, 24


adding clips to projects, 54

appending clips, 5456

applying transitions to connected clips, 7072

attaching titles to connected clips, 7881

auditions for, 8890

backtiming edits, 6465

breaking storylines down into connected clips, 7375

combining complex edits, 67

compound clips, 7577

inserting clips, 5758

keyboard shortcuts, 83

limiting source media, 6567

overview of, 53

overwriting clips, 5859

project-defined edits, 6164

replacing clips, 5961

review, 82

secondary storylines, 6870

timing edits with markers and Hold segments, 221224


animating with sliders, 294

applying to all picks, 101

applying to generators, 243246

applying to grate, 433434

applying to other clips, 101102

audio. see audio effects

auditions for sampling, 9596

browsing, previewing, and applying, 264267

complex, 157

duplicating clips without adding effects, 100

modifying and combining, 267270

multicamera clips, 212213

review, 290291

Effects Browser

applying effects to generators, 244

Background Squares effect, 77

Broadcast Safe effect, 435

Cathedral effect, 171173

Distortion category, 162163

EQ category, 157158

Glory effect, 100

Light category, 268

Memory effect, 9899

multicamera clips and, 212

opening, 224225

Remove High Frequencies effect, 159

Romantic effect, 96

Spaces category, 165

Stylize category, 101, 265, 433434

ending points, editing clips and, 64

equalization (EQ)

applying effects, 156161

overview of, 152156

Equalization pop-up menu, 153154

Event Browser

Add Custom Metadata Field option, 1819

Analyze and Fix option, 78, 10

creating auditions, 8687

creating compound clips, 218221

Filter pop-up menu, 28

List View option, 11

playing multicamera clip in, 182

Shift-click for selecting multiple clips, 17

Synchronize Clips command, 76

video scopes and, 347

Event Library

Action pop-up menu, 5

Keyword Collection in, 30

organizing keywords, 3334

relinking media in, 334336

viewing clips in, 10


automatic metadata added to, 4

searching for metadata related to, 39

EXIF View option, Metadata View pop-up menu, 1920

expanders, Levels effects, 164

exporting titles, 288

exposure controls, Color Board

adjusting contrast, 379, 382383

animating shape masks, 466

applying corrections between clips, 424

correcting individual shots, 429

creating first clip (reference clip) and, 414415

Global control, 366

Highlights control, 366367

masking skin tones, 462

matching clips to reference clip and, 417418

Midtones control, 366, 368370

overview of, 366

Shadows control, 366, 368

shape masks and, 455

transitions between clip grades, 401

Extended View option, Metadata View pop-up menu, 6, 16


color masks and, 445446, 448449

masking skin tones, 461


F (favorites) shortcut key, 51

facial recognition

finding people, 712

types of auto-analysis, 7


animating audio levels in Timeline, 113

applying to connected clips, 72

audio effects, 123124

crossfade effects, 124127

keyframing in Video Animation Editor and, 304

setting fade shapes, 127130

Fat EQ parameter, 158

Favorite rating

append edits, 56

creating compound clips and, 219

marking clip as, 4445

selecting clips as, 2527

Feathering, softening matte edges, 232


creating custom, 1819

deleting, 25

viewing using Inspector, 6

Fill, applying solid color, 316

Filter pop-up menu

filtering clips, 28

hiding rejected clips, 220

selecting favorite clips, 219

Filter window

closing, 4546

New Smart Collection option, 4445

opening, 40

filtering clips

clearing filters, 46

overview of, 37

by ratings, 28

searching for metadata, 3944

searching for text, 3739

by text, 22


applying equalization effects, 156161

auditions for comparing and selecting, 85

distortion, 168


color correction. see color correction

defined, 327

folders, creating new, 34


changing size of, 285

presets, 278

sizing, 274275

types of, 275

Format field, 4849


custom audio or video settings, 220

multicamera clip settings, 201202

text, 276

frame rate

custom audio or video settings, 220

relinking and, 336

rendering projects at full frame rate, 283

searching by, 44

of source media metadata, 4

frame size

searching by, 44

of source media metadata, 4

frames, dropping frames during playback, 183184


garbage masks, 230234

gates, Levels effects, 164

General View option, Metadata View pop-up menu, 2122

Generator Inspector, 316


animating, 306313

applying effects to, 243244

examples of types of, 245246

previewing, 241

replacing in Timeline, 243

selecting and connecting to storyline, 241242

Type options, Tint Color, and Tint Amount, 242

Generators Browser, 241

Global color control, 389391

Global exposure control

Color Board, 366

color masks and, 442

compared with Shadows control, 370372

Global saturation control, 392394

Glory effect, Effects Browser, 100

Glow effect, adding to video, 268


black to white, 376

Spill Contrast gradient, 239


commands for applying corrections between clips, 422425

copying grades between clips, 420422

creating first clip (reference clip), 412415

effects applied to, 433434

matching clips to reference clip, 415420

Graphic Equalizer, 154156

graphics. see also video

adding effects to video, 265266

adding layered graphics files to projects, 253

compositing, 247252

keyframing in Video Animation Editor, 303306

titles. see titles

Grunge generator, 241243


hard drive, monitoring performance of, 183184

Hard Light blend mode, 252, 318

headroom, mixing audio and, 108

Helvetica font, sizing, 275

Hide Rejected option (Control-H), filtering clips, 28

high-contrast ratio, 360


Protect Highlights parameter, 267268

rebalancing, 378379

in Waveform Monitor, 359, 361

Highlights color control

adjusting color, 383384

adjusting color temperature, 387

correcting individual shots, 429

masking sky, 464

matching corrected clips, 409

matching insert clips, 427

rebalancing highlights, 378379

transitions between clip grades, 398

working inside and outside of color masks, 451

Highlights exposure control

animating shape masks, 466

applying corrections between clips, 424

Broadcast Safe effect, 435

Color Board, 366367

creating first clip (reference clip) and, 414415

masking skin tones, 462

matching reference clips, 417

shape masks and, 455

transitions between clip grades, 401

working inside and outside of color masks, 450

Highlights saturation control

changing saturation with contrast adjustments, 396397

matching reference clips, 419

overview of, 395


matching corrected clips, 409410

RGB Overlay histogram, 348350

Hold segments

extending clip duration to marker, 221223

keyboard shortcuts, 255

placing playhead at start of, 270

timing edits with, 221224

Home shortcut key, 51

Hue/Saturation effect, 266267, 269

hum, audio effect for removing, 151


I (start point) shortcut key, 51, 55

illuminant (dominant light), quality of, 452

iMovie, color correction adjustments, 343345

import, analyzing color balance during, 343

Includes pop-up menu, filtering clips and, 4043

Info Inspector

viewing data fields, 6

viewing field descriptions, 1819

viewing source media metadata, 4

inner graph, of Chroma wheel, 236237

insert clips, color matching, 426427

insert edits

adding clips to projects, 5758

editing multicamera clips and, 187

limiting source media while editing, 65

Inside Mask, 446, 449453


adjusting keyframes in, 313

keyframing in, 299301


Audio Inspector. see Audio Inspector

Generator Inspector, 316

Info Inspector, 4, 6, 1819

Text Inspector, 79, 276, 284

Title Inspector, 276, 279280

Video Inspector. see Video Inspector

interface, for color correction, 338340

interpolation, of values between keyframes, 294

intraclip-based metadata

adding keywords, 2833

filtering by ratings, 28

organizing keywords, 3335

overview of, 25

rating clips, 2527


keyboard shortcuts

animation, 324

audio, 149

audio effects, 177

audio levels, 122

auditions, 103

color matching, 439

compositing and keying, 255

editing, 91

metadata-related, 51

on portable Mac vs. desktop Mac, vi

switching angles, 192

titles, 291

Keyer effect

advanced features, 234240

determining color sampling amount, 228

garbage masks, 230234

removing colored background, 225227

stacking order of, 233

as travel matte, 314


audio effects, 171175

audio levels, 113114, 119121

creating and manipulating, 294

creating animation with, 293

deleting, 121

in Inspector, 299301

multicamera clips, 212

nudging, 122123

Pan Amount slider, 142144

pan effects, 135

panning audio in Timeline, 136138

for Position and Scale parameters, 307308

shape masks, 466467

subframe adjustments to audio, 114116

surround sound, 141142

in Video Animation Editor, 301306

in Viewer, 294299


advanced features, 234240

determining color sampling amount, 228

garbage masks, 230234

keyboard shortcuts, 255

Keying category of Effects Browser, 225

overview of, 217218, 224

refining matte edges, 228229

removing colored background, 225227

softening matte edges, 232

Keying category, of Effects Browser, 225

Keyword Collection

in Event Library, 30

organizing keywords, 3335

Keyword Editor

adding keywords, 3033

opening, 30

overview of, 25


adding, 2833

analysis keywords, 9

creating people-related keywords, 13

organizing, 3335

removing analysis keywords, 12


L (play clip) shortcut key, 51

LCD displays, 330

Less Bass effect, 157

Levels effects, 163164

Light category, Effects Browser, 268

Light Wrap feature, adjusting matte detail, 240

limiters, Levels effects, 164


fade shapes, 127

keyframing in Video Animation Editor, 306

list view, icon for multicamera clips, 181

List View option, Event Browser, 11

logs/logging, clip-based metadata, 16

Looks section, Effects Browser, 96, 264265

looping playback

disabling, 319

previewing video clips, 219

starting/stopping, 91

titles and, 272

low-contrast ratio, Waveform Monitor and, 360

Lower third titles, 272


adjusting contrast, 379380, 382383

color masks and, 442

copying grades between clips, 421

creating first clip (reference clip), 414415

histogram and, 349

matching clips to reference clip, 415416

video clips broken down into luma and chroma components, 357

waveform of, 362

Luma curve, in Chroma wheel, 236

Luma Keyer effect, 247, 250251

Luma option, Setting pop-up menu, 365

Luma Rolloff parameter, 236

Luma Rolloff slider, 251


M (markers) shortcut key, 51, 255, 439


adding, 3537

clicking on disclosure triangle to reveal, 39

copying grades between clips and, 421

keyboard shortcuts, 51, 255, 439

matching clips to reference clip, 415416

searching for marker text, 37

setting for audio clip, 221222

timing edits with, 221224

Mask effect

stacking order of, 233

in Video Inspector, 231

masks. see mattes

master shots, overwriting, 58

Match Color tool. see also color matching

limitations of, 411412

overview of, 406

simple clip matching, 406409

Matte Tools, 238

Matte view

accessing from Composite view, 232

of a key, 227

viewing adjustments made in, 238


color masks. see color masks

creating a travel matte, 314318

edge mattes in keying, 227

garbage masks, 230234

Matte view of a key, 227

refining edges of, 228230

shape masks. see shape masks

viewing impact of Chroma wheel adjustments, 235


adding media type to search terms, 42

color correction and, 331

limiting source media while editing, 6567

organizing. see metadata

original or optimized media files, 332

relinking to alternate media files, 332334

Media Type pop-up menu, 42

Memory effect, Effects Browser, 9899


adding keywords, 2833

adding markers, 3537

auto-analysis metadata, 7

clip-based metadata, 16

creating custom fields, 1819

creating people-related keywords, 13

creating Smart Collections, 4446

customizing views, 2124

entering for multiple clips, 17

entering manually, 15

filtering by ratings, 28

filtering clips by, 37

finding people using facial recognition, 712

finding shaky camerawork, 1315

intraclip-based metadata, 25

managing views, 2425

organizing clip-based metadata, 19

organizing keywords, 3335

overview of, 34

rating clips, 2527

removing analysis keywords, 12

renaming clips, 4650

review, 5051

searching for metadata, 3944

searching for text, 3739

source media metadata, 46

switching between views, 1920

types of automatic, 4

Metadata View pop-up menu

Audio View option, 20

Basic View option, 19

Edit Metadata View option, 21, 24

EXIF View option, 1920

Extended View option, 6, 16

Save As, 24

microphones, recording stereo or surround sound and, 130131


average midtones, 360

tonal range and, 348

Midtones color control

color masks and, 446448

matching corrected clips, 409410

rebalancing highlights, 378

working inside and outside of color masks, 452

Midtones exposure control

applying corrections between clips, 424

combining shape masks, 458

correcting individual shots, 429

creating first clip (reference clip), 414

matching clips to reference clip, 417

overview of, 366, 368370

transitions between clip grades, 398, 401

Midtones saturation control

correcting individual shots, 429

matching clips to reference clip, 419

overview of, 394395

working inside and outside of color masks, 452

Modify menu, setting audio levels in Timeline, 111


audio effects, 151

audio levels and, 108

fixing overmodulated audio, 109

motion path, keyframes creating, 298

Motion projects

effects, transitions, and generators as, 274

published to FCP, 243

Movements category, in Transitions Browser, 319

multicamera clips

adding to projects, 187

Angle Assembly setting, 196197

Angle Clip Ordering setting, 197

Angle Synchronization setting, 198200

audio used for synchronization, 200

changing order of angles in Angle Viewer, 207210

changing the Angle Viewer, 182186

creating, 180181

customizing settings, 194195

cutting between angles, 188189

displaying angle names, 191

editing audio and video in multicamera clips separately, 189190

effects, 212213

fixing sync errors, 204207

modifying, 203204

overview of, 179

property and timecode settings, 200202

review, 214

rolling edits, 193194

switching angles, 191192

syncing new or added clip, 210211

trimming, 192193

using footage, 180

viewing, 181182


N (snapping) shortcut key, 83


Naming Presets windows, 47

renaming clips, 4650

Naming Presets windows, 47

New Smart Collection option, Filter window, 4445

nondestructive editing, 46

Notes field, searching for text, 37

NTSC SD format, for multicamera clips, 201202


O (create end point) shortcut key, 51

offline media

relinking to, 333334

using high-quality media for color correction, 331

Old World effect, 345

OLED displays, 330

onscreen controls (OSC)

shape masks and, 454457

for use with garbage mask, 231

in Viewer, 231


modifying blend modes, 252

titles and, 280

Option-’ (navigate to next keyframe), 149

Option-; (navigate to previous keyframe), 149

Option-Down Arrow (reduce keyframe audio level), 149

Option-G (compound clip) shortcut key, 83, 439

Option-M (create new marker) shortcut key, 51

Option-Up Arrow (increase keyframe audio level), 149

Option-V (paste connected clip), 255

OSC. see onscreen controls (OSC)

Outside Mask, color masks and, 446, 449453

Overlay blend mode, 249250

overmodulation, of audio, 109110

overshoots, Waveform Monitor and, 357

overwrite edits

adding audition to project, 89

adding clips to projects, 5859

backtiming and, 64

editing multicamera clips and, 187

limiting source media while editing, 65

project-defined edits, 64


P (Position tool) shortcut key, 83

Pan Amount slider, 142144

panning audio

choosing panning environment, 130133

overview of, 130

panning in Timeline, 135

performing surround panning, 138140

preset pan methods, 142144

resetting audio levels, 121

stereo panning, 133134

in Timeline, 136138

peak highlights, in Waveform Monitor, 359

peak levels, in audio meter, 107

people, finding using facial recognition, 712

picks, in auditions

applying effects to all picks, 101

changing, 8788

finalizing auditions, 95

next pick or new pick, 90

overview of, 86

selecting new, 91

pitch shifting, audio effects, 169170

Placeholder generator, 245

plasma screens, 330


keyboard shortcuts for moving, 83, 255

moving using Up or Down Arrows, 57

placing playhead at start of Hold segment, 270


animating Position parameter of Shapes generator, 307308

animation of clip position, 294

keyframing in Video Animation Editor, 303

titles and, 280

transform parameters, 295296

transforming clips, 261263

Position tool, 74

preferences, video, 331


Color Board, 431

pan methods, 142144


auditions, 9091

effects, 226, 264267

generators, 241

opacity settings, 251

titles, 271

primary colors, 352

Project Browser, 68

Project Library, 88

project-defined edits, 53, 6164


adding clips to, 54

adding multicamera clips to, 187

opening, 68

rendering at full frame rate, 283

properties, multicamera clips, 200202

Properties menu, Selected Properties option, 23

Protect Highlights parameter, 267268

Protect Skin parameter, 267

proxy media, low quality of, 332


Q (connect edit) shortcut key, 83

QC (quality control), 437

QuickTime movie, exporting titles as tracks of, 288



adding rating to search terms, 4041

creating compound clips and, 219

filtering clips by, 28

overview of, 25

selecting clips as favorites or rejecting, 2527

Reel pop-up menu, 44

reels, searching by, 44

reference clip

in color matching, 412415

matching clips to, 415420

rejects, selecting clips as favorites or rejecting, 2527

Relink Media command, 334

relinking media

to alternate media files, 332334

in Event Library, 334335

individual clips manually, 335337

Remove (–) button, removing filter criteria from searches, 4243

Remove High Frequencies effect, Effects Browser, 159


custom settings, 220

projects at full frame rate, 283

turning off background rendering, 328

replace edits

editing multicamera clips and, 187

limiting source media while editing, 65

replacing clips, 5961

Reset button (X)

clearing search field, 38

resetting audio levels, 121

restoring video clip to original settings, 260


custom audio or video settings, 220

display quality and, 330

of relinked files, 336

zoom levels and, 259

Retime Editor, 223224, 270

Retime pop-up menu, 170


editor for, 223224, 270

multicamera clips, 212

preserving pitch, 170

Retro generator

applying Tint effect to, 244

replacing generators in Timeline, 243

Reverb (spaces) effects, audio effects, 164167

RGB Overlay

histogram, 348350

matching corrected clips, 409410

RGB Parade scope

adjusting color, 383385

adjusting color temperature, 387

applying corrections between clips, 424

creating first clip (reference clip) and, 414

matching clips to reference clip, 417418, 420

Setting pop-up menu, 350, 362

spotting color casts with, 378

using with Global control, 389

Vectorscope compared with, 385

rippling, trimming multicamera clips, 193194

Role Editor, 286


assigning, 287288

exporting title subroles, 288289

overview of, 283

subroles, 286287

using with titles in different languages, 286

rolling edits, trimming multicamera clips, 193194

rolling shutter artifacts, finding shaky camerawork, 1315

Romantic effect, 96


properties, 261262

titles and, 280

transforming clips, 295296

Roundness, softening matte edges, 232


S (skimming) shortcut key, 149


color samples used to create keys, 224230

enabling automatic sampling, 233

masks and, 453

sampling rates

making subframe adjustments to audio, 114

searching audio by, 44


adjusting matte detail, 239

applying corrections between clips, 424

creating first clip (reference clip) and, 414

Hue/Saturation effect, 266267, 269

matching corrected clips, 409410

saturation controls, Color Board

changing saturation with contrast adjustments, 396397

correcting individual shots, 429

Global control, 392394

Highlights control, 395

matching clips to reference clip and, 419

Midtones control, 394395

overview of, 391

Shadows control, 395

transitions between clip grades, 399

Saturation parameter, 239

Save As option, Metadata View pop-up menu, 24


animating Scale parameter of Shapes generator, 307308, 310

titles and, 280

transforming clips, 260262, 295296

scene balancing. see also color matching

breaking down a scene, 412413

as iterative process, 427

overview of, 406

useful commands, 422

Scene fields, 4647

scenes, searching by, 44

scene-to-scene correction, 406. see also color matching

S-curve, fade shapes, 127


for metadata, 3944

for text, 3739

secondary color corrections

animating shapes, 465468

color masks, 442449

combining masks with shapes, 460

combining shapes, 457460

masking corrections to sky, 463465

masking skin tones, 460462

overview of, 441

review, 468

shapes used to create vignette, 454457

shapes used to target frame regions, 453454

working inside and outside of color masks, 449453

secondary colors, 352

Select tool

rolling edits with, 193194

in Tools pop-up menu, 75

selection triangle, Viewer, 228


select all, 81

Shift-click for selecting multiple clips, 17

Setting pop-up menu

Brightness slider, 357

Luma option, 365

Millivolts, 362

RGB Overlay, 363364

RGB Parade, 350, 362

Vectorscope, 351353

Waveform, 356

settings, multicamera clips

Angle Assembly setting, 196197

Angle Clip Ordering setting, 197

Angle Synchronization setting, 198200

overview of, 194195

property and timecode settings, 200202

Shadows color control

adjusting color, 384

adjusting color temperature, 387388

rebalancing highlights, 377

Shadows exposure control

adjusting contrast, 383

applying corrections between clips, 424

copying grades between clips and, 421

Global control compared with, 370372

masking skin tones, 462

matching clips to reference clip and, 417418

overview of, 366, 368

transitions between clip grades, 398

working inside and outside of color masks, 449

Shadows saturation control

correcting individual shots, 429430

overview of, 395

shape masks

animating, 465468

combining with masks, 460

combining with other shapes, 457460

for creating vignettes, 454457

for targeting frame regions, 453454

Shapes generator

animating, 306307

animating Position and Scale parameters, 307

overview of, 245246

Shift-3 (audio source media) shortcut key, 83

Shift-D (backtimed overwrite edits) shortcut key, 83

Shift-H (create Hold segment) shortcut key, 255

Shift-Q (backtimed connect edit) shortcut key, 83

Shift-Z (zoom to fit) shortcut key, 149

shot matching. see also color matching

overview of, 406

tips on, 427428

Show Angle Viewer option, Viewer Options pop-up menu, 181

Show Retime Editor command, 223

Show Video Animation, Adjustments pop-up menu, 467

Show/Hide Timeline Index, 286


audio levels and, 110

turning off, 347

Skin Tone Indicator

applying corrections between clips, 424

in Vectorscope, 353355, 380

skin tones

color correction and, 353355

color masks and, 460462

Protect Skin parameter, 267

slash (/), playing clips, 59

Slide transition, animating with, 319323

Smart Collections

creating, 4446

creating after analysis, 89

grouping, 34

keyword-related clips automatically added to, 12

of multicamera clips, 181

selecting, 10

Smooth option, for motion path, 298


edit point to a marker, 222

enabling, 71

Softness slider, color masks and, 446

Solo Animation command, in Clip menu, 173

sound. see audio

source media, limiting while editing, 6567

source media metadata

extent and flexibility of, 3

types of automatic metadata, 4

viewing, 46

Source Media pop-up menu, 66

Spacebar shortcut key, for playing clips, 83

spaces (Reverb) effects, audio effects, 164167


audio quality and, 108109

EQ adjustments and, 152

panning audio and, 130

using stereo panning, 133134

Spill Contrast gradient, adjusting matte detail, 239

Spill Level slider, refining edges of a matte, 229230

Spill Suppression, viewing composite images and, 239

starting points, editing clips and, 64

Stencil Alpha blend mode, 316

stereo sound

choosing panning environment, 131

panning audio, 130

viewing project panning environment, 132

Stills option, Media Type pop-up menu, 42


breaking down into connected clips, 7375

connecting generators to, 241242

creating secondary, 6870

incorporating clips from into compound clips, 8081

multiple, 53

removing generator from storyline before animating, 307

transition effects and, 126

Strength slider, enabling automatic sampling, 233

Style pop-up menu, 277278

styles, text styles, 277278

Stylize category, Effects Browser, 101, 265, 433434

stylized design, color correction for, 329

subframe adjustments, to audio, 114116

surround sound

choosing panning environment, 131

panning audio, 130

performing surround panning, 138140

viewing project panning environment, 132

synchronization, of multicamera clips

Angle Synchronization setting, 198200

fixing sync errors, 204207

syncing new or added clip, 210211

Synchronize Clips command, Event Browser, 76

system requirements, vii


Take fields, renaming clips, 4647


auditions for comparing and selecting, 85

searching by, 44

Teal & Orange effect, Looks effects, 265, 267268

Telephone, distortion presets, 168

Television, distortion presets, 168


applying styles to titles, 277278

attaching titles to connected clips, 7881

filtering clips by, 22

font size, 274275

formats and styles, 276277

searches for, 3739

text entry mode, creating titles, 273

Text Inspector

managing text size and color, 79

text attributes in, 276

Text box for working with text, 284

textures, adding effects to video, 265

Themes Browser, title and transition options, 271

through edits, trimming multicamera clips, 192


icon for multicamera clips, 181

Keyer thumbnail, 226

previewing generators, 241

previewing titles, 271

selecting picks in Audition window, 91


displaying settings by angle, 185

multicamera clip settings, 200202

setting for audio clip, 221

Timecode generator, 245


adding clips to projects, 54

adding effects to multicamera clips, 213

adding titles to projects, 272

creating auditions, 9194

creating compound clips, 7677

inserting clips, 57

keyframing in Video Animation Editor, 301302

opening projects, 68

panning audio, 136138

relinking clips, 335336

setting audio levels, 111113

Show/Hide Timeline Index, 286

trimming multicamera clips, 193

video scopes and, 347

Zoom slider, 113, 115116

Tint effect, applying to Retro generator, 244

Tint parameter, adjusting matte detail, 239

Title Inspector

Published Parameters in, 279280

text attributes in, 276


animating, 279283

attaching to connected clips, 7881

Custom title option, 278279

exporting, 288

keyboard shortcuts, 291

modifying, 270277

overview of, 270

review, 290291

roles used with, 283290

text styles, 277278

Titles Browser

Custom title, 278279

title styles in, 270

Titles pop-up menu, 289

toggling audio effects on/off, 161162

tonal range

color controls and, 377

of images, 348

Tools pop-up menu

Position tool, 74

Select tool, 75

Transcoding and Analysis, viewing progress of background analysis, 9


of clips with Inspector, 261

of clips with Viewer, 258261

enabling Transform effect, 295

lining up rectangle corners in Shapes generator, 307

overview of, 257258

parameters, 295296

review, 290291

scale, position, rotation, and crop, 260263


animating with, 319323

applying to connected clips, 7072

applying to multicamera clips, 212

between clip grades, 397402

connected clips and storylines and, 126

creating animation with, 294, 318319

crossfade effects, 124

duration of, 127

options in Transition Browser, 246

Transitions Browser, 246, 319


opacity settings and, 252

travel matte changing over time, 314

travel matte, creating, 314318

Treble Boost equalization setting, 153154


effects and, 212213

multicamera clips, 192193

relinking and, 336


undershoots, Waveform Monitor and, 357

Underwater, distortion presets, 168

Up Arrow (move playhead backward) shortcut key, 83



applying corrections between clips, 424

changing saturation with contrast adjustments, 397

color masks and, 443, 447

making color cast adjustments, 381382

matching corrected clips, 409410

matching insert clips, 426

matching reference clips, 418419

overview of, 351

primary and secondary color, 352

RGB Parade compared with, 385

Skin Tone Indicator, 353355, 380

spotting color casts with, 378

using with Saturation controls, 392393

working inside and outside of color masks, 450


animating clip position, 294

browsing, previewing, and applying effects, 264267

compositing, 247253

crossfade effects, 124

custom settings, 220

detaching audio from, 147

editing audio and video in multicamera clips separately, 189190

Hold segment used with, 222223

keyframing in Inspector, 299301

keyframing in Video Animation Editor, 301306

keyframing in Viewer, 294299

preferences, 331

selecting favorite clips, 219

timing edits with markers and Hold segments, 221224

titles. see titles

transformation of, 258264

Video Animation Editor

adjusting keyframes in, 313

animating shape masks, 467

closing, 306

keyframing in, 301306

revealing, 307

Video Inspector

Amount slider, 97

Blend Mode pop-up menu, 249, 316

color correction controls in, 338

Crop, 354

Exposure option, 379

iMovie effect, 344

Luma Keyer, 250251

Mask effect in, 231

stabilizing shaky shots, 15

viewing matte with, 227

Video Only option, Source Media pop-up menu, 66

video scopes

displaying, 345347

overview of, 345

RGB histogram, 348350

Vectorscope, 351356

Waveform Monitor, 356364

View controls

Composite view. see Composite view

Matte view. see Matte view


adjusting keyframes in, 313

changing parameters of single line of text, 277

keyframing in, 294299

Match Color tool and, 407408

onscreen controls, 231

previewing effects, 226

previewing generators, 241

previewing opacity settings, 251

selection triangle, 228

transform, crop, and distort effects, 258

transformation of clips in, 257

video scopes and, 346347

working with text in, 284

zoom levels, 236, 240

Viewer Options pop-up menu, Show Angle Viewer option, 181

views, metadata

customizing, 2124

managing, 2425

switching between, 1920


digital relighting, 457

shape masks used to create, 454457

Vintage Radio, distortion presets, 168169

voice effects, audio effects, 169170


audio effect for adjusting loudness, 151

controls in Timeline, 111

dB levels, 107

EQ adjustments and, 152

fixing overmodulated audio, 109110

how loud is too loud, 108109

Levels effects, 163164

resetting audio levels, 121

Volume slider, in Audio Inspector, 117119


W (insert edit) shortcut key, 83

Walkie Talkie, distortion presets, 168

Waveform Monitor

adjusting contrast, 379380

Broadcast Safe effect, 435

copying grades between clips and, 421

luma, 362

overshoots and undershoots and, 357

overview of, 356

rebalancing RGB, 376377

RGB Parade and RGB Overlay and, 362364

video clips broken down into luma and chroma components, 357

white points, black point, contrast, and midtones, 359362


color masks and, 442

creating first clip (reference clip) and, 414

fixing overmodulated audio, 109110

matching clips to reference clip and, 415416

white point, in Waveform Monitor, 359, 361362


Y (open audition) shortcut key, 103


zoom levels

resolution and, 259

in Viewer, 236, 240

Zoom slider, in Timeline, 113, 115116

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