

3D axis 273

3D compositions, nesting 289

3D floor, creating 272

3D images from Photoshop Extended 276

3D layers

about 270

camera layers 290

creating 273

light layers 206

Orientation property 294

positioning 276–278

Position property 201

replacing one with another 278

rotating 202

viewing 273

3D Layer switch 273

3D lights 206, 304

3D objects

about 268

adding reflections to 300

adding solid layers to 280

animating 299

building 272

rotating 294

3D Rotate In By Character animation preset 118

3D Rotation properties 273

3D text 283

adding depth to 285

creating 284

3D views 273


action-safe zones 33

Add/Remove Keyframe button 137

adjustment layers 266, 302

Adobe After Effects CS5 application

compositions 12

installing 2

locating serial number for 2

projects 12

updating 39

workflow 12

Adobe After Effects CS5 Classroom in a Book

contents of the DVD iii

lesson files 3

Adobe Authorized Training Centers 7

Adobe Bridge

about 45

browsing animation presets in 72

importing files with 45

navigating folders in 45

previewing audio files in 152

previewing images in 46

preview panel 46

workspaces 46

Adobe Certified Expert program 7

Adobe Community Help 5, 38

Adobe CS Live

Adobe Device Central CS4 374

Adobe Encore 121

Adobe Flash CS5 Professional, exporting to 93

Adobe Flash Professional CS5

exporting files for 151

Adobe Illustrator files

importing 49

working with layers imported from 50

Adobe Photoshop Extended

importing 3D images from 276

importing text from 77

Adobe Photoshop files

importing 162

layered 161

preparing layers in 162

preserving layers in 161

viewing layers in After Effects 161

Adobe Photoshop layer styles 163

Adobe Updater 39

Alpha Boundary view 233, 234

alpha channel, painting to refine a matte 237–238

alpha track mattes

adjusting 172

using to constrain layers 134

ambient lights, adding 307

Analyze Forward button 325, 332

anchor points

adjusting 131

for 3D layers 275


3D objects 299

along a motion path 90

camera layers 303

layers, 161, vi

lighting 164, 175

lights 307

motion 168

opacity 84

Puppet tool pins 225

rotation 107

scale 74

shadows 176

slide shows 147

text 77, 66–95, 86, 245–246

using parenting 75

using the Puppet tools 217

walking cycles 221

animation presets 29–30

3D Rotate In By Character 118

applying 54, 83

applying from Adobe Bridge 72

browsing in Adobe Bridge 45, 72

Bullet Train 55

customizing 73

Dissolve - Vapor 56

Evaporate 72

Fade Up Characters 80

Increase Tracking 83

Pipes 81

text 71, 74

using with shape layers 134


about 26

easing 75, 142

motion paths for 129

animator properties in text animator groups 86

application window 13

audio file formats supported 153

audio layers 113

audio tracks

adding 152

looping 153

Audio/Video Switches in the Timeline panel 26

Auto Levels effect 209, 260

Auto-Orient command 91


background, replacing 257–261

base frames

adding with Roto Brush tool 235

creating with Roto Brush tool 232–234

Bevel And Emboss effect 241

Bezier curves

breaking direction handles for 198

using to create masks 197

Bezier masks, creating 199

blending modes

about 205

applying 205

applying to shapes 108

for masks 196

Brainstorm feature 119

Bridge See Adobe Bridge

brightness, changing in the user interface 37

Browse Presets command 72

Brushes panel 238

Brush tool 238

Bullet Train animation preset 55


cached frames in Roto Brush span 234

camera layers

about 290

adding 290

animating 303

setting the point of interest 292

camera tools 279

Cartoon effect 114

Casts Shadows option 305

CC Particle Systems II effect 337

properties 341

Channel Blur effect 31–32

Character panel 51, 69

opening 51

child layers 76, 77, 127

Classroom in a Book 1

Clone Stamp tool 261

codecs 366


adjusting color balance 255

adjusting using the Photo Filter effect 265

color management 377

correcting a range of colors 262

correcting with Auto Levels effect 209

color balance, adjusting 255

color correction viii, 260

about 252

Auto Levels 209

for a range of colors 263

previewing accurately 254

Color Emboss effect 54

Color Finesse 3 264

color management 2, 377

turning on 377

Color Range effect 257–259

Composition Mini-Flowchart 28

Composition name 26

Composition Navigator bar 28

Composition panel

about 17

Toggle Transparency Grid button 241

typing in 68

viewing 3D layers in 274


adding footage items to 18

After Effects 12

changing the resolution of 133

creating 17, 47, 67, 148

exporting for the web 60

fitting layers to 49

importing 15

moving current-time indicator to the beginning of 29

nesting 18

rendering 58, 180

retiming 182

swapping into a layer 135

Composition Settings dialog box 47, 67

compression 366

converting 2D layers to 3D layers 273

Convert To Editable Text command 29, 79

Convert Vertex tool 197, 198

Corner Pin effect 176


compositions 17, 67

shape layers 96, 330

text 50

CS Live See Adobe CS Live

current-time indicator 27

current time in the Timeline panel 26


brightness of the user interface 37

preset paths 81

workspaces 37


default preferences 3

Deform pins

about 217

adding 218

customizing 219

deselecting layers 19

DigiEffects Freeform plug-in 314–315

Directional Blur effect 302

direction handles, breaking 198

Dissolve - Vapor animation preset 56

docking panels 13


circles 343

custom shapes 102

ellipses 207

polygons 102

rectangles 100

shapes 100

stars 109

drawing tools 100

drift, in motion tracking 332

Drop Shadow effect 53

drop zone 13


animations using pick whips 166

layers 20

shapes 110

duration 99, 130

about 30

DVD menus, building 121


Easy Ease

about 31

adding 31, 75, 142

adjusting 186

in the Graph Editor 350

Easy Ease Out 186


masks 196

text 78

Effect Controls panel 22

about 53

hiding properties in 23

setting properties in 22, 31–32

using 22


about 20

applying 22, 52, 143

Auto Levels 209, 260

Bevel and Emboss 241

CC Particle Systems II 337

Channel Blur 31–32

Color Emboss 54

Color Range 257–258

controlling 52

Corner Pin 176

Dissolve - Vapor animation preset 56–57

Drop Shadow 53

Exposure 23

Fade Up Lines animation preset 246

finding 22

Grid 272

Lens Flare 178, 345

Matte Choker 258

motion blur 92

Photo Filter 265

Radial Blur 21

Radio Waves 145

Ramp 344

Roto Brush 238

SA Color Finesse 3 264

Timewarp 347

Zoom-Bubble 30

Effects & Presets panel 22, 30

Ellipse tool 207, 343

using to create a mask 207

erasing unwanted elements 261

Evaporate animation preset 72

Expand Or Collapse The In/Out/Duration/Stretch Panes button 144


F4V files 152

FLV files 152

SWF files 370

to Adobe Flash Professional CS5 93

XFL files 151

Exposure effect 23


about 166

adding 154

applying 166

using to add depth 285

working with 154


F4V files, exporting 152

Fade Up Characters animation preset 80

Fade Up Lines animation preset 246

fading in images 150

feature regions in motion tracking 322

Fill Color 104

Fill Options dialog box 103

fills, gradient 101

FireWire 254

First Margin value 91

Fit To Comp command 49

Fit To Comp Width command 70

FLV files, exporting 152

fonts, selecting 69

footage items

about 14

importing 14, 16, 66

importing using Adobe Bridge 45

interpreting in After Effects 193

Freeform plug-in 314–315

Freeze button in the Layer panel 237

Freeze Frame command 244


Gradient Editor 101

gradient fills 101

gradients, modifying 102

Graph Editor

about 184

in the Timeline panel 26

using to remap time 184, 350

Grid effect 272

grid layers for 3D objects 272


displaying 51, 70

hiding 51, 71

snapping to 70

guide layers 274


HDR (high dynamic range) footage 347

hiding properties 23

Home key 29

Horizontal Type tool 29, 50, 83


IEEE 1394 254


Adobe Photoshop files 77

files from Adobe Bridge 47

footage 14, 16, 45, 66

multilayer Photoshop files 14

SWF files 151

text 77–78

Increase Tracking animation preset 83

In point 26, 130

installing After Effects 2

Interpret Footage dialog box 193

In value for a layer 145

inverting masks 196

iPod, rendering for 374



about 31

copying from one layer to another 142

keyframing motion paths 136

keying 257–258


Layer Name 26


3D 270

about 17, 19

adding light layers 304

adjusting timing 304

adjustment layers 266, 302

animating, 161, vi

audio 113

child 76, 77

copying keyframes from 142

deselecting 19

duplicating 20

expanding in the Timeline panel 24

fitting to compositions 49

guide layers 274

importing in Photoshop files 161

locking 275

making visible in the Timeline panel 33

modifying the In values for 145

naming in Photoshop 162

naming text layers 51

nesting 55

parent 76, 77

precomposing 55, 172, 244

rearranging in the Timeline panel 19

renaming 21, 79

scaling 216, 326

shape 96, 100

solid 143, 242, 280

soloing 165

text 68

transforming properties 24

trimming 130, 240

video 113

viewing in three dimensions 273

viewing multiple properties 224

layer styles 163

Layer switches in the Timeline panel 26

Lens Flare effect 178, 345

lesson files, copying from DVD 3

lighting, simulating changes in 164

light layers

adding ambient 307

animating 307

creating 304

in 3D compositions 304

point of interest 304

types of 304

locking layers 275

looping audio tracks 153


Magnification Ratio pop-up menu 100

mask layers 134

mask modes 196

mask properties, displaying 196


about 192

creating Bezier 197, 199

creating with the Pen tool 195

curved 197

drawing with the Ellipse tool 207

drawing with the Rectangle tool 207

editing 196

inverting 196

modes for 196

modifying with the Convert Vertex tool 197

replacing content of 200

segments 192

tips for creating 208

using alpha mattes in 134

using vector shapes 132

vertices 192

working with, vii

mask shapes, copying 91

Master Exposure (Exposure effect) 23

Material Options properties 308

Matte Choker effect 258


about 230

about track mattes 173

about traveling mattes 173

creating a track matte 173

refining 237–238


adjusting the Triangle value 219

used with Puppet tools 218

Mini-Flowchart 28

mobile devices, preparing compositions for 374

mocha for After Effects 336

modes, mask 196


animating 168

stabilizing 325

motion blur

adding 92, 139, 174

adding to 3D objects 312

applying 130

motion paths

about 137

animating nontext layers along 90

hiding 33

keyframing 136

viewing in the Composition panel 129

Motion Source 331

motion stabilization 320, 323

analyzing and applying 325

Motion Target 331

motion tracking 322

analyzing and applying 332, 336

drift 332

multipoint 333

single-point 328


navigating folders in Adobe Bridge 45


3D compositions 289

compositions 18

layers 55

nonsquare pixels 372

null objects

about 282

creating 282



animating 84, 150

modifying 25, 57

OpenGL 2, 35, 365

optimizing performance in After Effects 35

Orbit Camera tool 279

Orient Along Path option 91

Orientation property in a 3D layer 294

Out point 26, 130

output module 361

options in the Render Queue panel 59

output-module templates

creating 361

saving 363

outputting projects 354

overlap, defining areas of 219

Overlap pins

about 217

customizing 220

overscan, accounting for 33


panel groups 13

panel menus 27


docking 13

maximizing 14

rearranging in the application window 13

undocking 13

Paragraph panel 51, 69

opening 51

paragraph text 68

parallel corner-pinning 333

parenting 75, 127, 246

parent layers 127

about 76, 77

animating 128

creating 136

particle systems

creating 337, 339

customizing 340

path preset, using to animate text 81

Pen tool 195

performance, optimizing 35

perspective corner-pinning 333

Photo Filter effect 265

Photoshop layers

exporting a composition as 121

using in a DVD menu 121

pick whips, using to duplicate animation 166

Pipes animation preset 81

pixel aspect ratio 271

pixel aspect ratio correction 372

point of interest

about 304

setting for a camera layer 292

Point Of Interest property 292

point text 68

polygons, drawing 102

Polygon tool 102

Polystar properties 103, 107

positioning 3D layers 276–278

Position property

displaying in the Timeline panel 24

for a 3D layer 201

Pre-compose dialog box 56

precomposing layers 55, 56, 172, 244

preferences, restoring defaults 3, 12

preset paths, customizing 81


browsing in Adobe Bridge 72

finding 22


audio files in Adobe Bridge 152

compositions 33, 58

images in Adobe Bridge 46

manual 55

RAM 34

spacebar 33

standard 33

using OpenGL 35

Preview panel in Adobe Bridge 46

Project panel 16


After Effects 12

saving 16


changing values for multiple layers 25

displaying in the Timeline panel 24

PSD files, importing as 3D layers 276

Pucker & Bloat 110

Puppet Overlap tool

about 217

using 219

Puppet Pin tool 217

Puppet Sketch tool

about 225

using 225

Puppet Starch tool

about 217

using 220

Puppet tools 212

about 217

customizing Overlap pins 220

preparing artwork for use with 217

Puppet Sketch tool 225

recording animation with 225

settings for Starch pins 220

using the mesh 218


QuickTime 2


Radial Blur effect 21

Radial Gradient option 101

Radio Waves effect 145

Ramp effect 288, 344

RAM previews 34, 35

Rectangle tool 100, 207

Reduce Chatter setting 238

reflections, adding to 3D objects 300

remap-time marker in the Source Time ruler 183

removing unwanted elements 261–262

renaming layers 21


compositions 58, 181

for iPod 374

for mobile devices 374

movies 354

templates 357

test movies 366

using compression in 366

using multiple output modules 368

using the Render Queue panel 367

with OpenGL 365

Render Queue panel 59, 181

adding compositions to 59

opening 59

Render Settings options 59

render-settings template

creating 357, 359

saving 359

Repeaters 105, 110

replacing 3D layers 278

replacing content using a mask 200

resizing layers 216, 326

resources for learning After Effects 5–6

restoring default preferences 12


compositions 182

playback 347


3D layers 202

3D objects 294

shapes 107, 112

Rotation property, animating 107

Roto Brush Alpha views 233

Roto Brush effect 238

Roto Brush span 234–235

Roto Brush tool 228–249

freezing the segmentation boundary 237

rotoscoping 230

Rounded Rectangle tool 240

Roving keyframes 225


SA Color Finesse 3 264

safe zones 33

saving projects 16

scale keyframes 74

scaling layers 216, 326

scrubbing to select values 22

segmentation boundaries

about 232

creating 232–237

editing 234–235

freezing 236–237

segments in a mask 192

selectors in text animator groups 86

serial number, After Effects 2

shape layers

about 96, 98

adding 100

applying gradient fills to 101

creating 134, 330

using animation presets with 134


about 100

applying Repeaters to 110

drawing 100, 102

duplicating 110

repeating 105

rotating 107, 112

twisting 104

using as masks 132

shortcuts for Transform properties 24

shortening a movie 113

Shutter Angle

about 175

adjusting 175

Shutter Phase 175

skewing text 87

slide shows 147

Snap to Grid command 70

solid layers 242

about 143

adding to a 3D object 280

creating 143

using to create particle systems 339

soloing layers 165

Source Name column 19, 26

Source Time ruler in time remapping 183

spacebar preview 33


creating 304

positioning 305

square pixels 271

stabilizing motion 320

standard preview 33

Starch pins

about 217

adding 220

settings 220


creating 109

modifying settings for 109

Star tool 109

Stroke Color 104

Stroke Options dialog box 109, 241

Stroke Width 104

SWF files

exporting 62, 370

importing 151

supported by Flash Player 61

SWF settings 62



output module 361

rendering 357


adding 118

animating 77, 66–95, 80, 86, 245–246

animating tracking in 83

animating using a path preset 81

animation presets for 71

converting to editable 79

creating 50

editing 78

entering in the Composition panel 68

formatting 118

with the Character panel 69

with the Paragraph panel 69

imported from Photoshop 77

naming layers 51

point 68

positioning 70

skewing 87

text animator groups 85

text animation presets 29–30

text animator groups 85

text layers 68


current-time field 27

current-time indicator 27

measuring 222

specifying in the Duration box 99

timecode 30

Time Controls panel 34

Time graph 26

Timeline panel

about 26, 27

displaying properties in 24

displaying the Opacity property in 25

expanding layers in 24

renaming layers in 79

Toggle Switches/Modes button 243

TrkMat pop-up menu 243

viewing multiple layer properties in 224

Time Remap keyframes 184

Time Remapping 153, 182

Time-Reverse Keyframes command 73

time ruler

about 27

in the Timeline panel 27

Time Stretch dialog box 145

Timewarp effect 347

timing, adjusting 304

title-safe zones 33

Toggle Alpha Boundary button 234

Toggle Alpha button 234

Toggle Alpha Overlay button 234

Toggle Switches/Modes button 134, 243

Toggle Transparency Grid button 241

Tools panel

about 20

selecting hidden tools in 20

tracing an object 230–249

Tracker Controls panel 323

tracking, animating 83

tracking motion 322

multipoint 333

single-point 328

tracking presets

customizing 84

using to animate text 83

tracking using Mocha for After Effects 336

Track Matte 242

track mattes

about 173

creating 172, 173

track points

about 322

moving and resizing 324

positioning 322, 330, 335

Track Z Camera tool 279

Transform properties 24

transition effects 309

transparency 57

traveling mattes 173

Triangle value for Puppet tools 219


layers 130, 240

the work area 113

TrkMat menu 134

TrkMat pop-up menu in the Timeline panel 243

twisting shapes 104

Twist path operation 104


undocking panels 13

updates for the After Effects CS5 application 39

User Interface Colors 37



converting 197

in a mask 192

video layers 113

Video Preview 254

video switch 33

in the Timeline panel 57

viewing 3D layers 273

vignette, applying 206


walking cycle, animating 221

web, exporting compositions for 60

work area

brackets 27

trimming 113

workflow 12


in Adobe Bridge 46

predefined 36

saving custom 37


x axis 22

XFL files, exporting 93, 151


y axis 22


z axis 270

Zoom-Bubble effect 30

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