
Book Description

For courses in organizational behavior.

A streamlined presentation of key organizational behavior concepts

Essentials of Organizational Behavior teaches readers how to communicate and interact within organizations, through real-world scenarios. The text offers comprehensive coverage of key organizational behavior (OB) concepts, making each lesson engaging and easy to absorb. Readers can use the book—s concepts to apply what they—ve learned to their own education, future career plans, and other organizational endeavors.

Currently used at more than 500 colleges and universities worldwide, Essentials of Organizational Behavior serves as a popular resource so readers can learn and understand the most important concepts in OB. With updated research and the integration of contemporary global issues, the 14th Edition focuses on the most relevant OB concepts that resonate with readers.

Table of Contents

  1. Essentials of Organizational Behavior
  2. Brief Contents
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
    1. Key Changes for the Fourteenth Edition
    2. Retained from the Previous Edition
    3. Chapter-by-Chapter Changes
    4. Instructor Resources
  5. About the Authors
  6. Part 1 Understanding Yourself and Others
    1. 1 What Is Organizational Behavior?
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Management and Organizational Behavior
        1. Organizational Behavior (OB) Defined
        2. Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities
      4. Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study
        1. Big Data
          1. Current Usage
          2. New Trends
          3. Limitations
      5. Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field
        1. Psychology
        2. Social Psychology
        3. Sociology
        4. Anthropology
      6. There are Few Absolutes in OB
      7. Challenges and Opportunities for OB
        1. Continuing Globalization
          1. Working with People from Different Cultures
          2. Adapting to Differing Cultural and Regulatory Norms
        2. Workforce Demographics
        3. Workforce Diversity
        4. Social Media
        5. Employee Well-Being at Work
        6. Positive Work Environment
        7. Ethical Behavior
      8. Coming Attractions: Developing An OB Model
        1. Overview
        2. Inputs
        3. Processes
        4. Outcomes
          1. Attitudes and Stress
          2. Task Performance
          3. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
          4. Withdrawal Behavior
          5. Group Cohesion
          6. Group Functioning
          7. Productivity
          8. Survival
      9. Summary
      10. Implications for Managers
        1. Multicultural Awareness Scale
    2. 2 Diversity in Organizations
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Diversity
        1. Demographic Characteristics
        2. Levels of Diversity
      4. Discrimination
        1. Stereotype Threat
        2. Discrimination in the Workplace
      5. Biographical Characteristics
        1. Age
          1. Age and Job Performance
          2. Age and Job Satisfaction
        2. Sex
        3. Race and Ethnicity
        4. Disabilities
          1. Scope of Disabilities
          2. Disabilities and Outcomes
        5. Hidden Disabilities
      6. Other Differentiating Characteristics
        1. Religion
        2. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
          1. Sexual Orientation Laws
          2. Organizational Policies on Sexual Orientation
        3. Cultural Identity
      7. Ability
        1. Intellectual Abilities
          1. Dimensions of Intellectual Ability
          2. The Wonderlic Intellectual Ability Test
          3. Intellectual Ability and Job Satisfaction
        2. Physical Abilities
      8. Implementing Diversity Management Strategies
        1. Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining Diverse Employees
        2. Diversity in Groups
        3. Diversity Programs
      9. Summary
      10. Implications for Managers
        1. Intercultural Sensitivity Scale
    3. 3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Attitudes
      4. Attitudes and Behavior
      5. Job Attitudes
        1. Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement
        2. Organizational Commitment
        3. Perceived Organizational Support
        4. Employee Engagement
      6. Measuring Job Satisfaction
        1. Approaches to Measurement
        2. Measured Job Satisfaction Levels
      7. What Causes Job Satisfaction?
        1. Job Conditions
        2. Personality
        3. Pay
        4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
      8. Outcomes of Job Satisfaction
        1. Job Performance
        2. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
        3. Customer Satisfaction
        4. Life Satisfaction
      9. The Impact of Job Dissatisfaction
        1. Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB)
          1. Absenteeism
          2. Turnover
        2. Understanding the Impact
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Core Self-Evaluation (CSE) Scale
    4. 4 Emotions and Moods
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. What are Emotions and Moods?
        1. The Basic Emotions
        2. Moral Emotions
        3. The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect
        4. Experiencing Moods and Emotions
        5. The Function of Emotions
          1. Do Emotions Make Us Irrational?
          2. Do Emotions Make Us Ethical?
      4. Sources of Emotions and Moods
        1. Personality
        2. Time of Day
        3. Day of the Week
        4. Weather
        5. Stress
        6. Sleep
        7. Exercise
        8. Age
        9. Sex
      5. Emotional Labor
        1. Controlling Emotional Displays
        2. Emotional Dissonance and Mindfulness
      6. Affective Events Theory
      7. Emotional Intelligence
      8. Emotion Regulation
        1. Emotion Regulation Influences and Outcomes
        2. Emotion Regulation Techniques
        3. Ethics of Emotion Regulation
      9. OB Applications of Emotions and Moods
        1. Selection
        2. Decision Making
        3. Creativity
        4. Motivation
        5. Leadership
        6. Customer Service
        7. Job Attitudes
        8. Deviant Workplace Behaviors
        9. Safety and Injury at Work
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Emotional Intelligence Assessment
    5. 5 Personality and Values
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Personality
        1. What Is Personality?
          1. Defining Personality
          2. Assessing Personality
          3. Measuring Results
          4. Culture and Ratings
          5. Self-Reports and Observer-Ratings
          6. Personality Determinants
      4. Personality Frameworks
        1. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
        2. The Big Five Personality Model
        3. How Do the Big Five Traits Predict Behavior at Work?
          1. Conscientiousness at Work
          2. Emotional Stability at Work
          3. Extraversion at Work
          4. Openness at Work
          5. Agreeableness at Work
        4. The Dark Triad
          1. Machiavellianism
          2. Narcissism
          3. Psychopathy
          4. Other Traits
      5. Other Personality Attributes Relevant to OB
        1. Core Self-Evaluation (CSE)
        2. Self-Monitoring
        3. Proactive Personality
      6. Personality and Situations
        1. Situation Strength Theory
          1. Components of Situation Strength
          2. Organizational Situations
        2. Trait Activation Theory
      7. Values
        1. Terminal versus Instrumental Values
        2. Generational Values
      8. Linking an Individual’S Personality and Values to the Workplace
        1. Person–Job Fit
        2. Person–Organization Fit
        3. Other Dimensions of Fit
      9. Cultural Values
        1. Hofstede’s Framework
        2. The GLOBE Framework
        3. Comparison of Hofstede’s Framework and the GLOBE Framework
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Personality Style Indicator
  7. Part 2 Making and Implementing Decisions
    1. 6 Perception and Individual Decision Making
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. What is Perception?
        1. Factors That Influence Perception
          1. Perceiver
          2. Target
          3. Context
      4. Person Perception: Making Judgments about Others
        1. Attribution Theory
          1. Internal and External Causation
          2. Distinctiveness, Consensus, and Consistency
          3. Errors and Biases
        2. Common Shortcuts in Judging Others
          1. Selective Perception
          2. Halo Effect
          3. Contrast Effects
          4. Stereotyping
      5. The Link Between Perception and Individual Decision Making
      6. Decision Making in Organizations
        1. The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality, and Intuition
          1. Rational Decision Making
          2. Bounded Rationality
          3. Intuition
        2. Common Biases and Errors in Decision Making
          1. Overconfidence Bias
          2. Anchoring Bias
          3. Confirmation Bias
          4. Availability Bias
          5. Escalation of Commitment
          6. Randomness Error
          7. Risk Aversion
          8. Hindsight Bias
      7. Influences on Decision Making: Individual Differences and Organizational Constraints
        1. Individual Differences
          1. Personality
          2. Gender
          3. General Mental Ability
          4. Cultural Differences
          5. Nudging
        2. Organizational Constraints
          1. Performance Evaluation Systems
          2. Reward Systems
          3. Formal Regulations
          4. System-Imposed Time Constraints
          5. Historical Precedents
      8. What About Ethics in Decision Making?
        1. Three Ethical Decision Criteria
        2. Choosing between Criteria
        3. Behavioral Ethics
        4. Lying
      9. Creativity, Creative Decision Making, and Innovation in Organizations
        1. Creative Behavior
        2. Causes of Creative Behavior
          1. Creative Potential
          2. Creative Environment
        3. Creative Outcomes (Innovation)
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. How Creative Are You?
    2. 7 Motivation Concepts
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Motivation
      4. Early Theories of Motivation
        1. Hierarchy of Needs Theory
        2. Two-Factor Theory
        3. McClelland’s Theory of Needs
      5. Contemporary Theories of Motivation
        1. Self-Determination Theory
          1. Cognitive Evaluation Theory
          2. Self-Concordance
        2. Goal-Setting Theory
          1. Difficulty and Feedback Dimensions
          2. Goal Commitment, Task Characteristics, and National Culture Factors
          3. Individual and Promotion Foci
          4. Goal-Setting Implementation
          5. Goal Setting and Ethics
      6. Other Contemporary Theories of Motivation
        1. Self-Efficacy Theory
          1. Increasing self-efficacy in yourself
          2. Influencing self-efficacy in others
        2. Reinforcement Theory
          1. Operant conditioning/behaviorism and reinforcement
          2. Social-learning theory and reinforcement
        3. Equity Theory/Organizational Justice
          1. Distributive Justice
          2. Procedural Justice
          3. Informational Justice
          4. Interpersonal Justice
          5. Justice Outcomes
          6. Ensuring Justice
          7. Culture and Justice
        4. Expectancy Theory
      7. Job Engagement
      8. Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation
      9. Summary
      10. Implications for Managers
        1. Work Motivation Indicator
    3. 8 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Motivating by Job Design: The Job Characteristics Model (JCM)
        1. Elements of the JCM
        2. Efficacy of the JCM
        3. Motivating Potential Score (MPS)
        4. Cultural Generalizability of the JCM
      4. Using Job Redesign to Motivate Employees
        1. Job Rotation
        2. Relational Job Design
      5. Using Alternative Work Arrangements to Motivate Employees
        1. Flextime
        2. Job Sharing
        3. Telecommuting
      6. Using Employee Involvement and Participation (EIP) to Motivate Employees
        1. Cultural EIP
        2. Forms of Employee Involvement Programs
          1. Participative Management
          2. Representative Participation
      7. Using Extrinsic Rewards to Motivate Employees
        1. What to Pay: Establishing a Pay Structure
        2. How to Pay: Rewarding Individual Employees through Variable-Pay Programs
          1. Piece-Rate Pay
          2. Merit-Based Pay
          3. Bonus
          4. Profit-Sharing Plan
          5. Employee Stock Ownership Plan
      8. Using Benefits to Motivate Employees
      9. Using Intrinsic Rewards to Motivate Employees
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Diagnosing the Need for Team Building
  8. Part 3 Communicating in Groups and Teams
    1. 9 Foundations of Group Behavior
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Groups and Group Identity
        1. Social Identity
        2. Ingroups and Outgroups
      4. Stages of Group Development
      5. Group Property 1: Roles
        1. Role Perception
        2. Role Expectations
        3. Role Conflict
      6. Group Property 2: Norms
        1. Norms and Emotions
        2. Norms and Conformity
        3. Norms and Behavior
        4. Positive Norms and Group Outcomes
        5. Negative Norms and Group Outcomes
        6. Norms and Culture
      7. Group Property 3: Status, and Group Property 4: Size
        1. Group Property 3: Status
          1. What Determines Status?
          2. Status and Norms
          3. Status and Group Interaction
          4. Status Inequity
          5. Status and Stigmatization
          6. Group Status
        2. Group Property 4: Size
      8. Group Property 5: Cohesiveness, and Group Property 6: Diversity
        1. Group Property 5: Cohesiveness
        2. Group Property 6: Diversity
          1. Types of Group Diversity
          2. Challenges of Group Diversity
      9. Group Decision Making
        1. Groups versus the Individual
          1. Strengths of Group Decision Making
          2. Weaknesses of Group Decision Making
          3. Effectiveness and Efficiency
        2. Groupthink
          1. Groupthink
        3. Groupshift or Group Polarization
        4. Group Decision-Making Techniques
          1. Brainstorming
          2. Nominal Group Technique
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Communicating Supportively
    2. 10 Understanding Work Teams
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Why have Teams become so Popular?
      4. Differences between Groups and Teams
      5. Types of Teams
        1. Problem-Solving Teams
        2. Self-Managed Work Teams
        3. Cross-Functional Teams
        4. Virtual Teams
        5. Multiteam Systems
      6. Creating Effective Teams
        1. Team Context: What Factors Determine Whether Teams Are Successful?
          1. Adequate Resources
          2. Leadership and Structure
          3. Climate of Trust
          4. Performance Evaluation and Reward System
        2. Team Composition
          1. Abilities of Members
          2. Personality of Members
          3. Allocation of Roles
          4. Diversity of Members
          5. Cultural Differences
          6. Size of Teams
          7. Member Preferences
        3. Team Processes
          1. Common Plan and Purpose
          2. Specific Goals
          3. Team Efficacy
          4. Team Identity
          5. Team Cohesion
          6. Mental Models
          7. Conflict Levels
          8. Social Loafing
      7. Turning Individuals into Team Players
        1. Selecting: Hiring Team Players
        2. Training: Creating Team Players
        3. Rewarding: Providing Incentives to Be a Good Team Player
      8. Beware! Teams Aren’t Always the Answer
      9. Summary
      10. Implications for Managers
        1. Team Development Behaviors
    3. 11 Communication
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Communication
        1. Functions of Communication
          1. Managing Behavior
          2. Feedback
          3. Emotional Sharing
          4. Persuasion
          5. Information Exchange
        2. The Communication Process
      4. Direction of Communication
        1. Downward Communication
        2. Upward Communication
        3. Lateral Communication
        4. Formal Small-Group Networks
        5. The Grapevine
      5. Modes of Communication
        1. Oral Communication
        2. Written Communication
        3. Nonverbal Communication
      6. Choice of Communication Channel
        1. Channel Richness
        2. Choosing Communication Methods
          1. Choosing Oral Communication
          2. Choosing Written Communication
          3. Choosing Nonverbal Communication
        3. Information Security
      7. Persuasive Communication
        1. Automatic and Controlled Processing
          1. Interest Level
          2. Prior Knowledge
          3. Personality
          4. Message Characteristics
        2. Tailoring the Message
      8. Barriers to Effective Communication
        1. Filtering
        2. Selective Perception
        3. Information Overload
        4. Emotions
        5. Language
        6. Silence
        7. Communication Apprehension
        8. Lying
      9. Cultural Factors
        1. Cultural Barriers
        2. Cultural Context
        3. A Cultural Guide
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Communication Styles
  9. Part 4 Negotiating Power and Politics
    1. 12 Leadership
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Trait Theories of Leadership
        1. Personality Traits and Leadership
          1. Big Five Traits
          2. Dark-Side Traits
        2. Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Leadership
      4. Behavioral Theories
        1. Initiating Structure
        2. Consideration
        3. Cultural Differences
      5. Contingency Theories
        1. The Fiedler Model
        2. Situational Leadership Theory
        3. Path–Goal Theory
        4. Leader-Participation Model
      6. Contemporary Theories of Leadership
        1. Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
        2. Charismatic Leadership
          1. What Is Charismatic Leadership?
          2. Are Charismatic Leaders Born or Made?
          3. How Charismatic Leaders Influence Followers
          4. Does Effective Charismatic Leadership Depend on the Situation?
          5. The Dark-Side of Charismatic Leadership
        3. Transactional and Transformational Leadership
          1. Full Range of Leadership Model
          2. How Transformational Leadership Works
          3. Evaluation of Transformational Leadership
          4. Transformational versus Transactional Leadership
          5. Transformational versus Charismatic Leadership
      7. Responsible Leadership
        1. Authentic Leadership
        2. Ethical Leadership
        3. Servant Leadership
      8. Positive Leadership
        1. Trust
          1. The Outcomes of Trust
          2. Trust Development
          3. Trust Propensity
          4. Trust and Culture
          5. The Role of Time
          6. Regaining Trust
        2. Mentoring
      9. Challenges to our Understanding of Leadership
        1. Leadership as an Attribution
        2. Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership
        3. Online Leadership
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Ethical Leadership Assessment
    2. 13 Power and Politics
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Power and Leadership
      4. Bases of Power
        1. Formal Power
          1. Coercive Power
          2. Reward Power
          3. Legitimate Power
        2. Personal Power
          1. Expert Power
          2. Referent Power
        3. Which Bases of Power Are Most Effective?
      5. Dependence: The Key to Power
        1. The General Dependence Postulate
        2. What Creates Dependence?
          1. Importance
          2. Scarcity
          3. Nonsubstitutability
        3. Social Network Analysis: A Tool for Assessing Resources
      6. Power Tactics
        1. Using Power Tactics
        2. Cultural Preferences for Power Tactics
        3. Applying Power Tactics
      7. How Power Affects People
        1. Power Variables
        2. Sexual Harassment: Unequal Power in the Workplace
      8. Politics: Power in Action
        1. Definition of Organizational Politics
        2. The Reality of Politics
      9. Causes and Consequences of Political Behavior
        1. Factors Contributing to Political Behavior
          1. Individual Factors
          2. Organizational Factors
          3. The Zero-Sum Approach
          4. Inter-Organizational Factors
        2. How Do People Respond to Organizational Politics?
        3. Impression Management
          1. Interviews and IM
          2. Performance Evaluations and IM
          3. IM By Culture
        4. The Ethics of Behaving Politically
        5. Mapping Your Political Career
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Gaining Power and Influence
    3. 14 Conflict and Negotiation
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. A Definition of Conflict
        1. Types of Conflict
          1. Relationship Conflict
          2. Task Conflict
          3. Process Conflict
        2. Loci of Conflict
      4. The Conflict Process
        1. Stage I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility
          1. Communication
          2. Structure
          3. Personal Variables
        2. Stage II: Cognition and Personalization
        3. Stage III: Intentions
          1. Competing
          2. Collaborating
          3. Avoiding
          4. Accommodating
          5. Compromising
        4. Stage IV: Behavior
        5. Stage V: Outcomes
          1. Functional Outcomes
          2. Dysfunctional Outcomes
          3. Managing Conflict
          4. Cultural Influences
      5. Negotiation
        1. Bargaining Strategies
          1. Distributive Bargaining
          2. Integrative Bargaining
          3. Choosing Bargaining Methods
      6. The Negotiation Process
      7. Individual Differences in Negotiation Effectiveness
      8. Negotiating in a Social Context
        1. Reputation
        2. Relationships
      9. Third-Party Negotiations
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Strategies for Handling Conflict
  10. Part 5 Leading, Understanding, and Transforming the Organization System
    1. 15 Foundations of Organization Structure
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. What is Organizational Structure?
        1. Work Specialization
        2. Departmentalization
          1. Functional Departmentalization
          2. Product or Service Departmentalization
          3. Geographical Departmentalization
          4. Process and Customer Departmentalization
          5. Implications for OB
        3. Chain of Command
          1. Authority
          2. Unity of Command
          3. Implications for OB
        4. Span of Control
        5. Centralization and Decentralization
          1. Implications for OB
        6. Formalization
        7. Boundary Spanning
      4. Common Organizational Frameworks and Structures
        1. The Simple Structure
        2. The Bureaucracy
          1. The Functional Structure
          2. The Divisional Structure
        3. The Matrix Structure
      5. Alternate Design Options
        1. The Virtual Structure
        2. The Team Structure
        3. The Circular Structure
      6. The Leaner Organization: Downsizing
      7. Why Do Structures Differ?
        1. Organizational Strategies
          1. Innovation Strategy
          2. Cost-Minimization Strategy
          3. Imitation Strategy
          4. Structural Matches
        2. Organization Size
        3. Technology
        4. Environment
          1. Capacity
          2. Volatility
          3. Complexity
          4. Three-Dimensional Model
        5. Institutions
      8. Organizational Designs and Employee Behavior
        1. Work Specialization
        2. Span of Control
        3. Centralization
        4. Predictability versus Autonomy
        5. National Culture
      9. Summary
      10. Implications for Managers
        1. Organizational Structure Assessment
    2. 16 Organizational Culture
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. What is Organizational Culture?
        1. A Definition of Organizational Culture
        2. Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures?
        3. Strong versus Weak Cultures
        4. Culture versus Formalization
      4. What do Cultures do?
        1. The Functions of Culture
        2. Culture Creates Climate
        3. The Ethical Dimension of Culture
        4. Culture and Sustainability
        5. Culture and Innovation
        6. Culture as an Asset
        7. Culture as a Liability
          1. Institutionalization
          2. Barriers to Change
          3. Barriers to Diversity
          4. Strengthening Dysfunctions
          5. Barriers to Acquisitions and Mergers
      5. Creating and Sustaining Culture
        1. How a Culture Begins
        2. Keeping a Culture Alive
          1. Selection
          2. Top Management
          3. Socialization
        3. Summary: How Organizational Cultures Form
      6. How Employees Learn Culture
        1. Stories
        2. Rituals
        3. Symbols
        4. Language
      7. Influencing an Organizational Culture
        1. An Ethical Culture
        2. A Positive Culture
          1. Building on Employee Strengths
          2. Rewarding More Than Punishing
          3. Encouraging Vitality and Growth
          4. Recognizing Outside Context
        3. A Spiritual Culture
          1. What is Spirituality?
          2. Why Spirituality Now?
          3. Characteristics of a Spiritual Organization
          4. Achieving Spirituality in the Organization
          5. Criticisms of Spirituality
      8. The Global Context
      9. Summary
      10. Implications for Managers
        1. Organizational Structure Assessment
    3. 17 Organizational Change and Stress Management
      1. Improve Your Grade!
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Change
        1. Forces for Change
        2. Reactionary versus Planned Change
      4. Resistance to Change
        1. Overcoming Resistance to Change
          1. Communication
          2. Participation
          3. Building Support and Commitment
          4. Developing Positive Relationships
          5. Implementing Changes Fairly
          6. Manipulation and Cooptation
          7. Selecting People Who Accept Change
          8. Coercion
        2. The Politics of Change
      5. Approaches to Managing Organizational Change
        1. Lewin’s Three-Step Model
        2. Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan
        3. Action Research
        4. Organizational Development
          1. Sensitivity Training
          2. Survey Feedback
          3. Process Consultation
          4. Team Building
          5. Intergroup Development
          6. Appreciative Inquiry
      6. Creating a Culture for Change
        1. Managing Paradox
        2. Stimulating a Culture of Innovation
          1. Definition of Innovation
          2. Sources of Innovation
          3. Context and Innovation
          4. Idea Champions and Innovation
        3. Creating a Learning Organization
          1. What’s a Learning Organization?
          2. Managing Learning
        4. Organizational Change and Stress
      7. Stress at Work
        1. What Is Stress?
          1. Stressors
          2. Demands and Resources
          3. Allostasis
        2. Potential Sources of Stress at Work
          1. Environmental Factors
          2. Organizational Factors
          3. Personal Factors
          4. Stressors are Additive
        3. Individual Differences in Stress
          1. Perception
          2. Job Experience
          3. Social Support
          4. Personality Traits
        4. Cultural Differences
      8. Consequences of Stress at Work
      9. Managing Stress
        1. Individual Approaches
          1. Time-Management Techniques
          2. Physical Exercise
          3. Relaxation Techniques
          4. Social Support Networks
        2. Organizational Approaches
          1. Selection and Placement
          2. Goal-Setting
          3. Redesigning Jobs
          4. Employee Involvement
          5. Organizational Communication
          6. Employee Sabbaticals
          7. Wellness Programs
      10. Summary
      11. Implications for Managers
        1. Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale
  11. Epilogue
  12. Endnotes
  13. Glossary
  14. Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. U
    22. V
    23. W
    24. Z