Passive agents

In this topic, we will show you how to setup your agent as a passive agent only. We will see how to create a passive item for our agent and have a look at how the communication works with our Zabbix server.

Getting ready

For this recipe to work, you need your Zabbix server and the standard login account admin or another super administration account. We also need a host with the agent installed. This can be on another host or on our Zabbix server. There is no need to configure the host configuration file yet.

How to do it …

  1. The first thing we do is make sure that our agent has the proper configuration setup to work as a passive agent. Make sure that in the zabbix_agentd.conf file the ServerActive option is not set and that the option Server is set and points to the Zabbix server.
  2. Remember that the hostname is only for the active agent, so we don't need to define this parameter.
  3. Restart the Zabbix agent (service zabbix-agent restart or RHEL 7 users run systemctl restart zabbix-agent.service).
  4. You are now ready to add a passive item on your host, go to Configuration | Hosts | Items | Create item.
    How to do it …


    See how Type is just Zabbix agent and not Zabbix agent (passive) like we had for the active checks.

How it works

Passive checks are really simple in the way that the server or proxy will ask the agent for some data such as CPU load, disk space, and so on. The Zabbix agent will then give the requested data back to the Zabbix server or proxy:

How it works

There's more...

Same as with the active agent, we can add more than one IP address as server or proxy in our passive agent's configuration file. To do this we also add a list of comma-separated IP addresses or hostnames.


As you can see, there is more communication between the passive agent and the server than with the active agent and the server. This means that more sockets will be opened on the server side. So in a large setup, you could possibly run out of sockets if you have a lot of passive agents running without a proxy. Also, the passive agent has no buffer such as the active agent.

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