Authenticating users

Now that we have seen most of the configuration options of Zabbix, it probably makes sense to talk about what options we have to authenticate users. Zabbix supports three authentication methods. In this topic, we will show you what methods can be used and how to configure them.

Getting ready...

As usual, you need a working Zabbix configuration. To be able to configure the authentication methods, we need an account with super admin privileges.

How to do it...

When we want to set up the way users authenticate with Zabbix, we have some choices to make. When we go to Administration | Authentication, the user authentication method can be changed:

  1. The easiest way of authenticating people and also the standard way, is authentication done by Zabbix. For this to work, we select Internal as default authentication method. Nothing else has to be done here. All users will authenticate with the user and password that we created in the user administration panel. If you can't recollect how to do this, then go back to the section in the beginning of Chapter 3, Creating users.
  2. Another more advanced way of authenticating people is by making use of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). When making use of this external authentication method, the users must exist in Zabbix as well but the password will be read from the LDAP instead from Zabbix.
  3. Another possibility is to make use of the HTTP authentication method. For this to work, we select HTTP and that's it. This means, all users will be authenticated against a web server authentication mechanism.
    How to do it...

In the case you would like to talk to an LDAP/Active Directory (AD) backend, we select the tab LDAP. In this part of the recipe, I will show you how to configure Zabbix to authenticate to an LDAP/AD backend:

  1. First thing to do when selecting LDAP authentication is of course, telling Zabbix the IP address of the LDAP server. This information we put in the field LDAP host. For secure LDAP, make use of the LDAPS protocol. Example: ldaps://.
  2. The Port number should normally be port 389 or 636 for secure LDAP. When connecting to AD on Windows 2008 R2 or later, try 3268 if a connection to 389 is not working.
  3. Base DN is where you fill in the place where your users are in the LDAP or AD. ou=Users, ou=system for OpenLDAP.
  4. The Search attribute, here you must use the sAMAccountName for AD or the UID for OpenLDAP.
  5. In Bind DN, you will have to fill in an existing user. The users must have a non-expiring password and no special rights on the AD/LDAP. This account is for binding and searching in the LDAP server.
  6. Bind password speaks for itself here. You have to add the password for the LDAP user.
  7. Test authentication is just a header for the testing section.
  8. Login is where you have to put a name for test users. The users must exist in the LDAP and must also exist in Zabbix. Zabbix will not activate LDAP authentication if it cannot authenticate this user.
  9. User password is of course, the password for our test user.


When you authenticate users from AD or LDAP it is always a good idea to create a new group, for example, internal users, and set its GUI access to Internal instead of system default. This way if you add the admin user to this group, you will always have access to the Zabbix server even when the AD or LDAP is unreachable.

How it works...

When selecting Internal, all information comes from Zabbix. Users and passwords will come from Zabbix. When selecting HTTP, we need to have an external authentication system in place on our web server. There are a plenty of authentication mechanisms on Apache and all of them should work.

When using LDAP, we need to have an LDAP or AD authentication system in place with all our users in it already. Users should also exist in Zabbix but their passwords will be read from the LDAP. Same rules apply for HTTP.

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