Chapter 5. Visualizing Data

Zabbix is a flexible monitoring system. Once implemented on an installation, it is ready to support a heavy workload and will help you acquire a huge amount of every kind of data. The next step is to graph your data, interpolate, and correlate the metrics between them. The strong point is that you can relate different type of metrics on the same axis of time, analyzing patterns of heavy and light utilization, identifying services and equipment that fail most frequently in your infrastructure, and capturing relationships between the metrics of connected services.

Beyond the standard graphs facility, Zabbix offers you a way to create your custom graphs and to add them on your own template, thus creating an easy method to propagate your graphs across all the servers. Those custom graphs (and also the standard and simple graphs) can be collected into screens. Inside Zabbix, a screen can contain different kinds of information—simple graphs, custom graphs, other screens, plain text information, trigger overviews, and so on.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Generating custom graphs
  • Creating and using maps with shortcuts and nested maps
  • Creating a dynamic screen
  • Creating and setting up slides for a large monitor display
  • Generating an SLA report

As a practical example, you can think of a big data center, where there are different layers or levels of support; usually, the first level of support needs to have a general overview of what is happening on your data center, the second level can be the first level of support divided for typology of service, for example, DBA, application servers, and so on. Now, your DBA (second level of support) will need the entire database-related metrics, whereas an application server specialist most probably will need all the Java metrics, plus some other standard metrics, such as CPU memory usage. Zabbix's responses to this requirement are maps, screens, and slides.

Once you create all your graphs and have retrieved all the metrics and messages you need, you can easily create screens that collect, for instance, all the DBA-related graphs plus some other standard metrics; it will be easy to create a rotation of those screens. The screen will be collected on slides, and each level of support will see its groups of screens in a slide show, which has an immediate qualitative and quantitative vision of what is going on.

Data center support is most probably the most complex slide show to implement, but in this chapter, you will see how easy it is to create it. Once you have all the pieces (simple graphs, custom graphs, triggers, and so on), you can use them and also reuse them on different visualization types. On most of the slides, for instance, all the vital parameters, such as CPU, memory, swap usage, and network I/O, need to be graphed. Once done, your custom graphs can be reused in a wide number of dynamic elements. Zabbix provides another great functionality, that is, the ability to create dynamics maps. A map is a graphical representation of a network infrastructure. All those features will be discussed in this chapter.

When you are finally ready to implement your own custom visualization screen, it is fundamental to bear in mind the audience, their skills or background, and their needs. Basically, be aware of what message you will deliver with your graphs.

Graphs are powerful tools to transmit your message; they are a flexible instrument that can be used to give more strength to your speech as well as give a qualitative overview of your service or infrastructure. This chapter is pleasant and will enable you to communicate using all the Zabbix graphical elements.


Inside Zabbix, you can divide the graphs into two categories—simple graphs and custom graphs. Both of these are analyzed in the next section.

Analyzing simple graphs

Simple graphs in Zabbix are something really immediate since you don't need to put in a lot of effort to configure this feature. You only need to go to Monitoring | Latest data, eventually filter by the item name, and click on the graph. Zabbix will show you the historical graph, as shown in the following screenshot:

Analyzing simple graphs

Clearly, you can graph only numeric items, and all the other kinds of data, such as text, can't be shown on a graph. On the latest data item, you will see the graph link instead—a link that will show the history.


No configuration is needed, but you can't customize this graph.

At the top of the graphs, there is the time period selector. If you enlarge this period, you will see the aggregated data. As long as the period is little and you would like to see very recent data, you will see a single line. If the period is going to enquire the database for old data, you will see three lines. This fact is tied to history and trends; since the values are contained in the history table, the graph will only show one line. Once you're going to retrieve data from the trends, there will be three lines, as shown in the following screenshot:

Analyzing simple graphs

In the previous screenshot, we can see three lines that define a yellow area. This area is designed by the minimum and maximum values, and the green line represents the mean value. For a quite complete discussion about trends/history tables, see Chapter 1, Deploying Zabbix. Here, it is important to have all those three values graphed.


The longevity of an item in history is defined in the item itself in the field Keep history (in days) and persistence on the trends table is defined in the Keep trends (in days) field.

In the following screenshot, you can see how the mean values may vary with respect to the minimum and maximum values. In particular, it is interesting to see how the mean value remains almost the same at 12:00 too. You can see quite an important drop in the CPU idle time (the light-green line) that didn't influence the mean value (green line) too much since, most likely, it was only a small and quick drop, so it is basically lost on the mean value but not on our graph since Zabbix preserves the minimum and maximum values.

Graphs show the working hours with a white background, and the non-working hours in gray (using the original template); the working time is not displayed if the graph needs to show more than 3 months. This is shown in the following screenshot:

Analyzing simple graphs

Simple graphs are intended just to graph some on-the-spot metrics and check a particular item. Of course, it is important to interpolate the data; for instance, on the CPU, you have different metrics and it is important to have all of them.

Analyzing ad hoc graphs

This is a brand-new feature available, starting with Zabbix 2.4. It's actually a very nice feature as it enable you to create on the fly an ad hoc graph.

Now Zabbix can graph and represent, on the same graph, multiple metrics related to the same timescale.


Thanks to this new functionality, everyone without administrative privileges can produce graphs on the fly with a few clicks.

To have an ad hoc graph generated for your metrics, you simply need to go to Monitoring | Latest data and, from there, mark the checkbox relative to the item you would like to graph, as shown in the following screenshot:

Analyzing ad hoc graphs

At the bottom of the same page, you need to choose in the drop-down menu the kind of graph you prefer—the default graph is stacked, but it can be switched to the standard graph—and then, click on Go.

The result of our example is shown in the following screenshot:

Analyzing ad hoc graphs

Note that on this screen, you can quickly switch between Stacked and Normal.


This feature doesn't keep you tied with a host-specific graph. This means that everyone is now enabled to generate a graph with data coming from many different hosts; for example, you can relate the CPU of your DB server with the one coming from the application server.

Now we can dig a little into those ad hoc graphs and see some nice features.

Hacking ad hoc graphs

Now let's see something that can be quickly reused later on your screens.

Zabbix generates URLs for custom ad hoc graphs, such as http://<YOUR-ZABBIX-GUI>/zabbix/history.php?sid=<SID >&form_refresh=2&action=batchgraph&itemids[23701]=23701&itemids[23709]=23709&itemids[23705]=23705&itemids[23707]=23707&itemids[23704]=23704&itemids[23702]=23702&graphtype=1&period=3600.

This URL is composed of many components:

  • sid: This represents your session ID and is not strictly required
  • form_refresh: This is a kind of refresh option—not strictly required
  • itemids[id]=value: This is the actual item that Zabbix will show you on the graph
  • action=[batchgraph|showgraph]: This specifies the kind of graph we want

It is quite interesting to see how we can quickly switch from the default batchgraph action in the URL by just replacing it with showgraph. The main difference here is that batchgraph will show you only average values in the graph. Instead, it can be a lot more useful to use showgraph, which includes the triggers—the maximum and minimum values for each item.

An example of the same graph seen before with showgraph is as follows:

Hacking ad hoc graphs

Here, you can clearly see that you now have the trigger included. Since you can find it very useful to use this kind of approach, especially when you're an application-specific engineer and you're looking for standard graphs that are not strictly required on your standard template, let's see another hidden functionality.

Now if you want to retrieve the graph directly to reuse it somewhere else, the only thing you need to do is call with the same parameter, but instead of using the history.php page, you need to use chart.php. The output will be the following screenshot:

Hacking ad hoc graphs

The web page will display only the pure graph. Then, you can quickly save the most used graphs among your favorites and retrieve them with a single click!

Analyzing custom graphs

We have only discussed the graph components here rather than the full interaction functionality and their importance in seeing historical trends or delving into a specific time period on a particular date. Zabbix offers the custom graphs functionality—these graphs need to be created and customized by hand. For instance, there are certain predefined graphs on the standard Template OS Linux. To create a custom graph, you need to go to Configuration | Hosts (or Templates), click on Graphs, and then on Create graph.


General graphs should be created in templates so that they can be easily applied to a group of servers. An example is the graph of CPU utilization on Template OS Linux. This one is quite general; it is composed of several metrics aggregated and is nice to have across all your Linux servers.

Graphs on Zabbix are really a strong point of the monitoring infrastructure. Inside this custom graph, you can choose whether you want to show the working time and the legend using different kinds of graphs. The details of the CPU Utilization graph are shown in the following screenshot:

Analyzing custom graphs

As you can see, the following graph is stacked and shows the legend of the x axis defined with a fixed y axis scale. In this particular case, it doesn't make any sense to use a variable for the minimum or maximum values of the y axis since the sum of all the components represents the whole CPU and each component is a percentage. Since a stacked graph represents the sum of all the stacked components, this one will always be 100 percent, as shown in the following screenshot:

Analyzing custom graphs

There are a few considerations when it comes to triggers and working hours. These are only two checks, but they change the flavor of the graph. In the previous graph, the working hours are displayed on the graph but not the triggers, which is mostly because there aren't triggers defined for those metrics. The working hours, as mentioned earlier, are displayed in white. Displaying working hours is really useful in all the cases where your server has two different life cycles or serves two different tasks. As a practical example, you can think about a server placed in New York that monitors and acquires all the market transactions of the U.S. market. If the working hours—as in this case—coincide with the market's opening hours, the server will, most probably, acquire data most of the time. Think about what will happen if the same trading company works in the Asian market; most probably, they will enquire the server in New York to see what happened while the market was open. Now, in this example, the server will provide a service in two different scenarios and have the working hours displayed in a graph, which can be really useful.


Displaying the working time in graphs is useful. See whether your trigger goes on fire in this period.

Now, if you want to display the triggers in your graph, you only need to mark the Show triggers checkbox, and all the triggers defined will be displayed on the graph. Now, it can happen that you don't see any lines about the triggers in your graph; for instance, look at the following screenshot:

Analyzing custom graphs

Now where is your expected trigger line? Well, it is simple. Since the trigger is defined for a processor load greater than five, to display this line you need to make a few changes in this graph, in particular the Y axis MIN value and Y axis MAX value fields. In the default, predefined CPU load graph, the minimum value is defined as zero and the maximum value is calculated. Both need to be changed as follows:

Analyzing custom graphs

Now refresh your graph. Finally, you will see the trigger line, which wasn't visible in the previous chart because the CPU was almost idle, and the trigger threshold was too high and not displayed due to the auto-scaling on the y axis. This is shown in the following screenshot:

Analyzing custom graphs


As you probably already noticed, Zabbix doesn't display periods shorter than an hour. The minimum graph period is about 1 hour.

Zabbix supports the following kinds of custom graph:

  • Normal
  • Stacked
  • Pie
  • Exploded

Zabbix also supports different kinds of drawing styles. Graphs that display the network I/O, for instance, can be made using gradient lines; this will draw an area with a marked line for the border, so you can see the incoming and outgoing network traffic on the same scale. An example of this kind is shown in the following screenshot, which is easy to read. Since you don't have the total throughput to have graphed the total amount from the incoming packet, the outgoing packet is the better one to be chosen for a stacked graph. In stacked graphs, the two areas are summarized and stacked, so the graph will display the total bandwidth consumed.

Analyzing custom graphs

To highlight the difference between a normal graph and a stacked one, the following screenshot displays the same graph during the same time period, so it will be easier to compare them:

Analyzing custom graphs

As you can see, the peaks and the top line are made by aggregating the network input and output of your network card. The preceding graph represents the whole network traffic handled by your network card.

Reviewing all the combinations of graph properties

Zabbix is quite a flexible system and the graphs are really customizable to better explore all the possible combinations of attributes and parameters that can be customized. All the possible combinations of graph attributes are reviewed in the following table:




This is the graph name (note that this needs to be unique)


This is the graph width in pixels


This is the graph height in pixels

Graph type

Normal (values displayed as lines, filled region, bold lines, dots, dashed lines, and gradient lines)

  • Stacked values are displayed as stacked areas
  • Pie values are displayed as a pie
  • Exploded values are displayed as a pie but exploded

Show legend

If checked, the graph will display the legend.

Show working time

If checked, the non-working hours will be in gray and working hours in a white background.

Show triggers

If checked, a single trigger line is displayed (note that this is not available for pie and exploded).

Percentile line (left/right)

Note that this is only available on normal graphs. If checked, it displays a line where the value falls under the percentage (for example, for 90, it will display a line where 90 percent of the values fall under).

Y axis MIN/MAX value

This sets the minimum and maximum value for the y axis, which can be any of the following:

  • Calculated: The minimum and maximum values will be calculated on the basis of the displayed area
  • Fixed: The fixed value will be used as per maximum or minimum
  • Item: The last value of the selected item will be used as minimum/maximum

3D View

This displays the graphs in 3D (note that this is only available for pie and exploded pie graphs).

This second table describes the item configuration:



Sort order

This represents the priority for a particular item over an other and is useful to give priority to the region displayed, for example, in front of or behind the other items. Here, you can drag and drop items in the right order. Note that zero is the first processed item; Zabbix supports up to 100 items.


The name of the item is displayed here. The metric name is composed in the form of <source> : <metric_name>. This means that if you are inside the host configuration, you will see <hostname>:<metric_name>. If you are creating the graphs inside a template, you will see <template_name>:<metric_name>.


Note that this is available only for the pie and exploded pie graphs:

  • Simple
  • Graph sum


This determines the value to display if more than one is present; it can be one of the following:

  • All: This shows minimum, average, and maximum values
  • Min: This only shows minimum values
  • Avg: This only shows average values
  • Max: This only shows maximum values

Draw style

This is only available for normal graphs:

  • Line
  • Filled region
  • Bold line
  • Dot
  • Dashed line

Y axis side

Note: This is available only on stacked and normal graphs and defines the y axis side for each element.


Other than the standard displayed on the palette, you can set all the colors that you want in the RGB hex format.


You can easily play with all those functionalities and attributes. In version 2.0 of Zabbix, you have a Preview tab that is really useful when you're configuring a graph inside a host. If you're defining your graph at a template level, this tab is useless because it doesn't display the data. When you are working with templates, it is better to use two windows to see in real time by refreshing (the F5 key) the changes directly against the host that inherits the graphs from the template.

All the options previously described are really useful to customize your graphs as you have understood that graphs are really customizable and flexible elements.


You can display only three trigger lines, and if the graph is less than 120 pixels, triggers are not displayed; so, take care to properly set up your graphs and check all the changes.

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