Setting up an active proxy

Just as with agents in Zabbix, we have proxies that can be active or passive. In this recipe, we will explain you how to configure the proxy as an active proxy and we will show you what parameters are important.

Getting ready

What we need for this recipe is of course, our Zabbix server with super administrator rights. We need an extra machine to install our proxy. You also have to set up your proxy as we showed you in the previous recipe, Installing a proxy.

How to do it…

  1. Set up your proxy as in the previous recipe, Installing a proxy.
  2. Make sure that in the zabbix_proxy.conf file, the option ProxyMode=0 is set.
  3. Be sure to fill in the IP address of your Zabbix server under the option Server in the zabbix_proxy.conf file.
  4. Also fill in the Hostname in the same conf file.
  5. Have a look at the options ConfigFrequency and DataSenderFrequency as these two options will determine how many times the proxy will go look for a new configuration on the Zabbix server and how many times the proxy sends the collected data from the hosts to the Zabbix server:
    How to do it…

How it works…

When making use of an active proxy, it is the proxy that logs in to the server. The proxy must connect to the server on port 10051. The server does not have access to the proxy. An active proxy can be used when the proxy uses a dynamic IP address.

There's more…

The settings relating to the accessibility are not handled from the server but from the proxy. Don't forget to check the following settings in the zabbix_proxy.conf file, and possibly align it with your settings from Zabbix server:

UnreachablePeriod, UnavailableDelay, and UnreachableDelay.

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