Chapter 1



A historical overview of on-chip interconnect issues is provided in this introductory chapter. The evolution of three-dimensional (3-D) integration as a promising technology to address many of the issues and challenges related to the on-chip interconnect is discussed. Both technical and non-technical issues are considered as 3-D integration requires important changes in traditional business models within the semiconductor industry. The chapter concludes with a description of the organization of the book.


Three-dimensional integration; vertical integration; 3-D ICs; on-chip interconnects; emerging technologies

The invention of the integrated circuit occurred in 1958 [1]. The semiconductor industry has now traversed six decades. During this time the microelectronics industry has grown tremendously, introducing electronics technology to almost all areas of human activity. The workhorse of microelectronics-based products has been the metal oxide field effect transistor (MOSFET). This invention occurred a few years after the groundbreaking demonstration of the point contact transistor by J. Bardeen, W. Brattain, and W. Shockley in 1947 [2]. The evolution of this novel device into several other types of semiconductor devices and logic circuit families is illustrated in Fig. 1.1.

Figure 1.1 History of semiconductor transistors and logic styles [14].

Over these past six decades the MOSFET, the primary device used in modern integrated circuits, has followed an extraordinary trajectory of physical scaling [3], producing seminal improvements in speed, area, power, and reliability. Throughout this period, engineers and scientists touted the end of transistor scaling. Fortunately, industry consistently invented innovative techniques and improved manufacturing methods to overcome the potential end of the microelectronics revolution. In addition to this progress, these novel methods also lowered the cost per transistor. This situation remained unchanged until approximately the 28 nm technology node, where the cost per transistor began to rise [4].

Furthermore, the increasing difficulty in controlling the behavior of the elemental building block of integrated circuits led to new transistor structures, such as FinFETs [5], and a shift from bulk complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) to fully depleted silicon-on-insulator CMOS devices [6]. The primary reason for the introduction of this technology has been enhanced control of the electrostatic characteristics of the devices, a prerequisite for the multibillion component integration densities in modern integrated circuits.

On a different front, semiconductor processes for dynamic random access memory (DRAM) memory successfully scaled the size of the elemental memory cell that stores a single bit of information composed of one transistor and one capacitor [7,8]. The same difficulty in scaling the physical dimensions of the cells to nanometer dimensions occurred, requiring the engineering community to search for new materials and integration approaches to enhance performance and provide greater integration densities without relying on simple physical scaling of the memory cell.

In addition to these crucial device level issues, the advent of mobile products and the pervasiveness of handheld appliances, for example, smartphones and tablets [9], introduced new requirements and challenges for the semiconductor industry. In recent years, the outlook of the semiconductor roadmap, as described by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) [10], predicted a crossroad for the sector, as illustrated in Fig. 1.2. These two discrete trends are driven by emerging markets and exciting new applications.

Figure 1.2 Evolutionary paths of the microelectronics industry [10].

The “More Moore” path emphasizes the continuing miniaturization of transistors to deliver greater performance [10]. Important applications exploiting this approach include exascale computing [11]. Machines that can deliver this level of performance are required for scientific applications but also for novel and developing commercial applications such as Big Data and cloud computing [12].

Alternatively, the “More than Moore” path focuses on integrated systems where the predominant objective is functional diversity [10]. This diversification of functionality is the result of the growth of portable electronic products that interact with the external world in increasingly diverse ways to satisfy an immense variety of end user requirements.

The interaction of electronic entities with the environment is envisaged to grow even further with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), often described as the Internet of Everything. The key concept of this new era of electronic products includes miniaturized integrated systems that interact with the surrounding environment and communicate sensed data over the Internet. Consequently, a massive amount of machine to machine communication over the internet is expected.

For those companies designing and manufacturing integrated systems, these emerging markets will fundamentally affect the functional and performance objectives of these systems. For example, IoT products will be predominantly power driven to ensure the greatest autonomy while simultaneously integrating heterogeneous components capable of sensing the ambient, while processing, storing, communicating, and actuating on related data.

On the high performance end of the application spectrum, where computationally powerful machines targeting Big Data applications are required, power remains a primary objective. Issues such as reliability, packaging, and electricity cost all deeply depend on the dissipated power. Although these machines at first glance do not seem to require technological heterogeneity, processing heterogeneity is inherent to these systems to satisfy the different performance-power levels. Moreover, as these systems place massive demands on main memory and storage, low power (and/or nonvolatile) memories with sufficient bandwidth will become an important objective. Several innovative memory technologies are currently under development, which are expected to satisfy these impending requirements. These technologies exploit different transport mechanisms, unlike charge-based storage used over the past decades [13].

Memory modules will need to be located closer to the processing elements, otherwise memory-processor communication will remain the primary performance bottleneck. This situation requires innovation at several fronts including novel interconnect materials and integration strategies.

One primary path for increased integration, performance, and heterogeneity is three-dimensional (3-D) integration. The design and manufacture of these systems are the topic of this book. Interconnect related issues since the earliest days of the integrated circuit industry and the impending performance bottleneck caused by the interconnect are discussed in Section 1.1. A short historical overview of vertical 3-D integration along with some milestones in the development of 3-D systems is introduced in Section 1.2. An outline of this book is presented in Section 1.3.

1.1 Interconnect Issues in Integrated Systems

During the infancy of the semiconductor industry, the connections among the active devices within an integrated circuit presented an important obstacle to higher performance. The significant capacitance of the interconnects required large drivers and hindered the significant increase in performance available from the transistors. The deleterious effects of the interconnects, such as greater delay and noise coupling, had already been noticed from the earliest days of integrated circuits [15,16]. The invention of the integrated circuit temporarily alleviated some of these early interconnect related problems by placing the wires on-chip. The interconnect length was significantly reduced, decreasing the propagation delay and power consumption while enhancing yield. From a performance point of view, the delay of the transistors dominated the overall delay characteristics. Over the next three decades, the on-chip interconnects were not the major focus of the IC design process, as performance improvements reaped from scaling the devices were much greater than any degradation caused by the interconnects.

With continuous technology scaling, however, the delay, noise, and power of the interconnect grew in importance [17,18]. A variety of methodologies at the architectural, circuit, and material levels have been developed to address these interconnect performance objectives. At the material level, manufacturing innovations, such as the introduction of copper interconnects and low-k dielectric materials in the mid-1990s, helped to continue the improvements in performance gained from scaling [1923]. This improvement is due to the lower resistivity of the copper as compared to aluminum previously used in the interconnects, and the lower dielectric permittivity of the novel insulator materials as compared to silicon dioxide (SiO2).

Multilevel interconnect architectures [24,25], shielding [26], wire sizing [27,28], and repeater insertion [29] are only a handful of the many methods employed to cope with interconnect issues at the circuit level. Multilevel interconnect architectures, for example, support multiple levels of metal layers with different cross-sections [25], as illustrated in Fig. 1.3. Each group of layers typically consists of multiple metal layers routed in orthogonal directions with the same cross-section. The key concept of this structure is to utilize wires of decreasing resistance to connect those circuits located farther away. Therefore, the farther the distance, the thicker and wider the wire. The increase in the cross-sectional area of the wires is shown in Fig. 1.3. The thickness of the levels, however, is limited by the fabrication technology and related reliability and yield concerns.

Figure 1.3 Interconnect system composed of groups of local, semi-global, and global layers. The metal layers in each group are typically of different thickness.

Varying the width of the wires, also known as wire sizing, is an important means to manage the interconnect impedance characteristics. Wider wires lower the interconnect resistance, decreasing the attenuative behavior of the interconnect. Although wire sizing typically has an adverse effect on the power dissipated by the interconnect, proper sizing techniques can also decrease the power consumption [28,30].

Other practices do not modify the physical characteristics of the propagation medium. Rather, by introducing additional circuitry and wire resources, the performance and noise tolerance of an interconnect system can be enhanced. For instance, in a manner similar to the use of repeaters in telephone line systems, a properly designed interconnect system with buffers (also known as repeaters) amplifies the attenuated signals, recovering the originally transmitted signal that is propagated along a line. Repeater insertion converts the quadratic dependence of the delay on the interconnect length to a linear function of length [31], as shown in Fig. 1.4.

Figure 1.4 Repeaters are inserted at specific distances to improve the interconnect delay.

Shielding is an effective technique to reduce crosstalk among adjacent interconnects. Single- or double-sided shielding, as depicted in Fig. 1.5, is commonly utilized to improve signal integrity. Shield lines can also improve interconnect delay and power, particularly in bus architectures, in addition to mitigating noise. Careful tuning of the relative delay of the propagated signals [32] and signal encoding schemes [33] are other strategies to enhance signal integrity. Despite the benefits of these techniques, issues such as increased power consumption, greater routing congestion, reduction in wiring resources, and increased area arise.

Figure 1.5 Interconnect shielding to improve signal integrity, (A) single-sided shielding, and (B) double-sided shielding. The shield and signal lines are, respectively, illustrated by the gray and white color.

At higher abstraction levels, pipelining the global interconnects and employing error correction mechanisms can partially improve the performance and fault tolerance of the wires. The related effects of these architectural techniques in terms of area and design complexity, however, have considerably increased. Other schemes, such as current mode signaling [34], wave pipelining [35], and low swing signaling [36], have been proposed as possible solutions to the impending interconnect bottleneck. These methods, however, have limited ability to reduce the length of the wire, which is the primary cause of the deleterious behavior of the interconnect.

Novel design paradigms are therefore required that do not impede the well established and historic improvements in performance in evolving generations of integrated circuits. Canonical interconnect structures that utilize internet-like packet switching for data transfer [37], optical interconnects [38], 3-D integration, and/or combinations of these technologies are possible solutions for enhancing communication among devices or functional blocks within an integrated circuit.

On-chip networks can greatly enhance the communication bandwidth among the individual functional blocks of an integrated system, since each of these blocks simultaneously utilizes the resources of the network. In addition, noise issues are easier to manage as the layered structure of the communication protocols utilized within on-chip networks provides error correction. The speed and power consumed by these networks, however, are eventually limited by the delay of the wires connecting the network links.

Alternatively, on-chip optical interconnects can greatly improve the speed and power characteristics of the interconnects within an integrated circuit, replacing the critical electrical nets with optical links [39,40]. On-chip optical interconnects, however, remain a technologically challenging issue. Indeed, integrating a modulator and detector onto the silicon within a standard CMOS process is a difficult task [38]. In addition, the detector and modulator need to exhibit sufficiently high performance to ensure the optical links significantly outperform the electrical interconnects [40]. Furthermore, an on-chip optical link consumes larger area as compared to a single electrical interconnect line. Multiplexing the optical signals using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) can be exploited to limit the area consumed by the optical interconnect. On-chip WDM, however, imposes significant challenges.

Volumetric integration by exploiting the third dimension greatly improves the interconnect performance characteristics of modern integrated circuits while not degrading the interconnect bandwidth. In general, 3-D integration should not be seen as a competitive but rather synergistic technology with on-chip networks, optical interconnections, and other emerging technologies and architectures. The unique opportunities that 3-D integration offers to the circuit design process and the challenges that arise from the increasing complexity of these systems are discussed in the following section and throughout this book.

1.2 Three-Dimensional or Vertical Integration

Methods to vertically interconnect circuits were first proposed in 1962 during the earliest days of integrated circuits [41,42]. Although these vertical conductors intended to connect circuits fabricated on both surfaces of a wafer, these methods demonstrated that the benefits of vertical integration were appreciated by industry as early as the 1960s. Vertical integration was proposed and supported by some of the most prominent engineers and scientists at the time, such as William Shockley [43] and Richard Feynman [44]. Early enthusiasm on 3-D integration was however not followed by development and high volume production of 3-D circuits as the evolution of planar processes yielded the desired improvements in transistor density, speed, and power in integrated circuits with a commensurate decrease in manufacturing cost.

Consequently, for several decades, 3-D circuits were considered a niche with limited scientific and research importance. Efforts primarily focused on monolithic fabrication of vertical circuits, several examples of which were demonstrated in the early 1980s [45]. These structures included 3-D CMOS inverters, where the p-type metal oxide semiconductor (PMOS) and n-type metal oxide semiconductor (NMOS) transistors share the same gate, greatly reducing the total area of an inverter, as illustrated in Fig. 1.6. The term joint metal oxide semiconductor (JMOS) was used for these structures to describe the joint use of a single gate for both devices [46]. Prototypes with up to three layers of active devices were demonstrated in these early vertical monolithic systems [47]. Other examples of early uses of 3-D integration include infrared detectors, where the infrared detectors, manufactured in exotic materials such as mercadmium telluride or indium phosphate, were flipped and bonded to silicon-based detector readout circuits [48].

Figure 1.6 Cross-section of a joint MOS (JMOS) inverter [46].

Since the 2000s, due to the increasing importance of the interconnect and the demand for greater functionality on a single substrate, the concept of vertical integration has been revived and has become a prominent topic of research and commercial development. Over the last 10 to 15 years, 3-D integration has evolved into a design paradigm manifested at many abstraction levels, such as the package, die, and wafer. Different manufacturing processes and interconnect schemes have been proposed for each of these abstraction levels [49]. These recent approaches highlight the advantages and disadvantages of introducing 3-D integration at these levels of the design abstraction, where 3-D technology as a systems integration platform yields significant improvements in transistor density, performance, heterogeneity, form factor, and cost. The salient features and important challenges of 3-D systems are briefly summarized in the following subsections.

1.2.1 Opportunities for Three-Dimensional Integration

The quintessence of 3-D integration is the drastic decrease in the length of the longest interconnects across an integrated circuit. To illustrate this situation, consider the simple structure shown in Fig. 1.7. A common metric to characterize the longest interconnect is to assume that the length of a long wire is twice the length of the die edge. Consequently, assuming a planar integrated circuit with an area A, the longest interconnect in a planar IC has a length Lmax,2D=2Aimage. The same circuitry on two bonded dies requires an area A/2 for each tier while the total area of the system remains the same. Hence, the length of the longest interconnect for a two tier 3-D IC is Lmax,3D=2A/2image. By increasing the number of dies within a 3-D IC to four, the area of each die is further reduced to A/4, and the longest interconnect would have a length of Lmax,3D=2A/4image. Consequently, the wirelength exhibits a reduction proportional to nimage, where n is the number of dies or physical tiers integrated within a 3-D system. Although in this simplistic example the effect of the connections among circuits located on different dies is not considered, a priori accurate interconnect prediction models adapted for 3-D ICs also demonstrate a similar trend due to the reduction in wirelength [50]. This considerable decrease in the length of the interconnects is a promising solution for increasing speed while reducing the power dissipated by an IC.

Figure 1.7 Reduction in wirelength where the original 2-D circuit is composed of two and four tiers.

Another characteristic of 3-D ICs of even greater importance than the decrease in the interconnect length is the ability of these systems to include disparate heterogeneous technologies. This defining feature of 3-D integration offers unique opportunities for highly heterogeneous and diverse multifunctional systems. A real-time image processing system where the image sensor on the topmost tier captures the light, the analog circuitry on the tier below manipulates and converts the analog signal to digital data, and the remaining two tiers of digital logic process the information from the upper tiers is a powerful example of a heterogeneous 3-D system-on-chip (SoC), exhibiting considerably improved performance as compared to a planar version of the same system [51,52]. Another example, where the topmost tier can include other types of sensors, such as seismic and acoustic, and an additional tier with wireless communications circuitry are vertically integrated, is illustrated in Fig. 1.8. Several application domains can greatly benefit from vertical integration including healthcare, healthy aging, military, security, and environmental monitoring to name just a few, as the proximity of the components due to the third dimension is suitable for both high performance and low power integrated systems.

Figure 1.8 Heterogeneous 3-D SoC comprising sensors and processing tiers.

Recent products demonstrate the many merits the third dimension can bring to computing. For example, the 3-D memories recently produced by Micron [53] and SK-Hynix [54] include four DRAM memory tiers which exhibit superior performance as compared to state-of-the-art planar double data rate memories [55]. The Virtex series of Xilinx field programable gate arrays (FPGAs) also utilize advanced stacking technologies [56]. This approach alleviates the issue of large die size, improving yield and cost.

1.2.2 Challenges of Three-Dimensional Integration

Developing a design flow for 3-D ICs is a complicated task with many ramifications. Despite the recent progress that has led to commercially successful 3-D systems, a number of challenges at each step of the design process have to be solved for 3-D ICs to successfully evolve into a mainstream technology. Design methodologies at the front end and mature manufacturing processes at the back end are required to provide large scale 3-D systems. Several of the primary challenges to successfully develop 3-D systems are summarized below. Technological/manufacturing limitations

Some of the fabrication issues encountered in the development of 3-D systems concern the reliable assembly of multiple ICs, possibly from dissimilar technologies. The stacking process should not degrade the performance of the individual tiers, while guaranteeing the tiers remain reliably bonded throughout the lifetime of the 3-D system. Furthermore, novel packaging solutions that accommodate these complex 3-D structures need to be developed. In addition, the expected reductions in wirelength depend upon the vertical interconnects that propagate signals and deliver power throughout the tiers within a 3-D system.

The technology of the intertier interconnects is a primary determining factor in circuit performance. Consequently, providing high quality and highly dense vertical interconnects is of fundamental importance; otherwise, the expected speed and power improvements available from the third dimension will be diminished [57]. Alternatively, the density of the vertical interconnects dictates the granularity at which the tiers of the system can be interconnected, directly affecting the bandwidth of the intertier communication. Testing

Manufacturing a 3-D system typically includes bonding multiple physical tiers. The stacking process can occur either in a wafer-to-wafer or die-to-wafer manner. Consequently, novel testing methodologies at the wafer and die level are required. Developing testing methodologies for wafer level integration is significantly more complicated than die level testing techniques. The considerable reduction in turnaround time due to the higher integration levels, however, may justify the additional complexity of these testing methods.

An important distinction between two- and 3-D IC testing and validation is that in the latter case only part of the functionality of the system is tested at a specific time (since only one tier is typically tested at a time). This characteristic requires additional resources, for example, scan registers embedded within each tier. Furthermore, additional interconnect resources, such as power/ground pads, are necessary. These extra pads supply power to the tier during testing. In general, testing strategies for 3-D systems should include methodologies for generating appropriate input patterns for each tier of the system, as well as managing the circuitry dedicated to efficiently test each tier within a 3-D stack. Significant strides in 3-D methodologies for test and reliability have been made and some standards are currently under consideration. Open questions however relating to these issues remain. Although the importance of test and reliability is recognized, this aspect of integrated 3-D systems has only been tangentially considered in this book. The interested reader is referred to other more appropriate sources that discuss these topics. Global interconnect design

Design for test strategies is only a portion of the many design methodologies that require further development for 3-D ICs. The design and analysis of the global interconnect within 3-D circuits are also challenging tasks. This challenge is primarily due to the inherent heterogeneity of these systems, where different fabrication processes and disparate technologies are combined into a 3-D system. Consequently, models that consider the particular traits of 3-D technology are necessary. In these diverse systems, the global interconnect, such as the clock and power distribution networks, grow in importance. Furthermore, well developed noise mitigation techniques may not be suitable for 3-D circuits. Noise caused by capacitive and inductive coupling of the interconnections between adjacent tiers needs to be considered from a 3-D perspective [58]. For example, signal switching on the topmost metal layer of a digital tier can produce a noise spike in an adjacent face-to-face bonded analog tier. Considering the different forms of 3-D integration and the various manufacturing approaches, the development of design techniques and methodologies for the global interconnect is a primary focus in high performance 3-D systems. Thermal issues

A fundamental concern in the design of 3-D circuits is thermal effects. Although the power consumption of these circuits is expected to decrease due to the considerably shorter interconnects, the power density will greatly increase since there is a significantly greater number of devices per unit area as compared to a planar 2-D circuit. As the power density increases, the temperature of those tiers not adjacent to the heat sink of the package will rise, resulting in degraded performance or accelerated wear out. Exploiting the performance benefits of vertical integration while mitigating thermal effects is a difficult task. In addition to design practices, advanced packaging solutions and more effective heat sinks are required to alleviate thermal effects. CAD algorithms and tools

Other classic problems in the IC design process, such as partitioning, floorplanning, placement, and routing, will need to be revisited in an effort to develop efficient solutions that support the complexity of 3-D systems. Considerable effort has been invested in proposing novel algorithms for 3-D systems. No cohesive physical design flow, however, currently exists that seamlessly consolidates all or some of these algorithms and techniques into a complete back end design flow for 3-D integrated systems. Also, the solutions supported by commercial electronic design automation tools relate to specific tasks and require considerable manual intervention.

Furthermore, a capability for exploratory design is required to facilitate the front end design process. For example, design entry tools that provide a variety of visualization options can improve comprehension while managing the greater complexity of 3-D systems. In addition, as diverse technologies are combined into a single 3-D stack, algorithms that include behavioral models for a larger variety of disparate components are needed. Moreover, the computational power of the simulation tools will need to be significantly enhanced to ensure that the entire system can be efficiently evaluated in an integrated fashion. In this book, emerging 3-D technologies and design methodologies are discussed and solutions for certain critical problems are proposed. In the following section, an outline of the book is provided.

1.3 Book Organization

A brief description of the challenges that 3-D integration faces is provided in the previous section. Several important problems are considered and a variety of techniques to address these problems are presented throughout this book. In the second chapter, different forms of vertically integrated systems are discussed. 3-D circuits at the package and die integration levels are reviewed. Some of these approaches, such as wire bonded stacked die and through silicon via (TSV)-based integration, have become commercially available. Although vertical integration of packaged or bare die offers substantial improvements as compared to planar multichip packaging solutions, the increasing number of I/Os hampers potential advancements in performance. This situation is primarily due to manufacturing limitations hindering the aggressive scaling of the off-chip interconnects to satisfy high I/O requirements.

Consequently, in the third chapter, emphasis is placed on those technologies that enable 3-D integration, where the interconnections between the noncoplanar circuits are achieved by short vertical vias. These interconnect schemes provide the greatest reduction in wirelength and therefore, the largest improvement in speed and power consumption. Specific fabrication processes that have been successfully developed for 3-D circuits are reviewed.

The predominant type of vertical interconnections is the through silicon vias. Due to the important role of this interconnect, Chapter 4, Electrical Properties of Through Silicon Vias, is dedicated to models of the electrical behavior of this structure. Models of differing complexity are discussed, and the appropriate model for the specific TSV process and 3-D system is described.

The effects of through silicon vias on the noise characteristics of the substrate of the tiers are presented in Chapter 5, Substrate Noise Coupling in Heterogeneous Three-Dimensional ICs. The noise due to different types of substrates is evaluated and appropriate noise models for each type of substrate are offered. Mitigation techniques to suppress the noise from the TSVs are also discussed.

An alternative approach to TSVs to provide intertier communication is contactless interconnects. Existing efforts to enable contactless communication through inductive links are described in Chapter 6, Three-Dimensional ICs with Inductive Links. Models of crosstalk noise from inductive links to adjacent interconnects are presented. Furthermore, measures to avoid interference for specific types of interconnects are provided. A multiobjective algorithm for the design of inductive links to support intertier communication is also described.

A theoretical analysis of interconnections in 3-D ICs is offered in Chapter 7, Interconnect Prediction Models. This investigation is based on a priori interconnect prediction models. These stochastic models are used to estimate the distribution of the length of the on-chip interconnects. The remaining sections of this chapter apply the interconnect distribution model to demonstrate the opportunities and performance benefits of vertical integration.

Cost issues for vertical integration are discussed in Chapter 8, Cost Considerations for Three-Dimensional Integration. The diverse processing steps introduced in each of the manufacturing processes of TSVs have different cost requirements. Models that capture these cost implications are constructed in this chapter. In addition, a comparison between the manufacturing cost of 2.5-D and 3-D systems is provided. Several important aspects, such as the area of the active die and the prebond test coverage, are included in these models.

The following three chapters focus on issues related to the physical design of 3-D ICs. The complexity of the 3-D physical design process is discussed in Chapter 9, Physical Design Techniques for Three-Dimensional ICs. Several approaches for classical physical design issues, such as floorplanning, placement, and routing, from a 3-D perspective, are extensively reviewed. Certain fundamental methods and algorithms used in the physical design of planar circuits are also discussed to enhance the understanding of these techniques targeted to 3-D systems.

Beyond the reduction in wirelength that stems from 3-D integration, the delay of those interconnects connecting circuits located on different physical tiers of a 3-D system (i.e., the intertier interconnects) can be further improved by optimally placing the TSVs. Considering the highly heterogeneous nature of 3-D ICs including the nonuniform impedance characteristics of the interconnect structures, a methodology is described in Chapter 10, Timing Optimization for Two-Terminal Interconnects, to minimize the delay of the intertier interconnects. An interconnect line that includes only one TSV is initially described. The location of the TSV that minimizes the delay of a line is analytically determined. Any degradation in delay due to the nonoptimal placement of the 3-D vias is also discussed. To incorporate the presence of physical obstacles, such as logic cells and prerouted interconnects (for example, segments of the power and clock distribution networks), the discussion in this chapter proceeds with interconnects that include more than one TSV. An effective heuristic is described for placing TSVs to minimize the overall delay of a multi-tier interconnect.

By extending the heuristic for two-terminal interconnects, a near-optimal heuristic for multiterminal nets in 3-D ICs is described in Chapter 11, Timing Optimization for Multiterminal Interconnects. Necessary conditions for locating the TSVs are described. An algorithm that exhibits low computational complexity is also presented. The improvement in delay achieved by placing the TSVs for different via placement scenarios is discussed. For the special case where the delay of only one branch of a multiterminal net is minimized, a simpler optimization procedure is described. Based on this approach, a second algorithm is presented. Finally, the sensitivity of this methodology to the interconnect impedance characteristics is demonstrated, depicting a significant dependence of the delay on the interconnect.

In the next two chapters, techniques for 3-D ICs are extended to thermal design and management. Thermal models of different complexity and accuracy are presented in Chapter 12, Thermal Modeling and Analysis, including models for liquid cooling. Based on these thermal models and thermal analysis techniques, thermal management methodologies for 3-D systems are presented in Chapter 13, Thermal Management Strategies for Three-Dimensional ICs. Both physical and architecture level methods are discussed. These techniques either lower the overall power of the 3-D stack or carefully distribute the power densities across the tiers of a 3-D system to satisfy local temperature limitations. Moreover, design techniques that utilize additional interconnect resources to increase the thermal conductivity within a multi-tier system are also discussed.

A prototype circuit to enhance the understanding of thermal effects in 3-D structures is described in Chapter 14, Case Study: Thermal Coupling in 3-D Integrated Circuits. The test circuits are used to evaluate thermal coupling among the tiers of a three tier stack and between blocks located within the same physical tier. The effects of the TSVs on thermal coupling are also discussed.

The important issue of synchronization is the topic of Chapter 15, Synchronization in Three-Dimensional ICs. Clock tree synthesis techniques under diverse design objectives for multi-tier systems are described. As these techniques extend clock tree synthesis methods for planar circuits to 3-D structures, standard algorithms and methods used in the synthesis of planar clock trees are presented. Global clock distribution networks for 3-D circuits are also discussed in this chapter.

Following the treatment of clock tree synthesis algorithms, a prototype circuit investigating different global 3-D clock distribution networks is described in Chapter 16, Case Study: Clock Distribution Networks for Three-Dimensional ICs. A variety of clock networks, such as H-trees, rings, tree-like, and trunk-based, are explored in terms of clock skew and power consumption to determine an effective clock distribution network for 3-D ICs. A prototype test circuit composed of these networks has been designed and manufactured with the 3-D fabrication process developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratories (MITLL). The design and modeling process and related experimental results are also included in this chapter.

The effects of variations on the behavior of clock distribution networks are reviewed in Chapter 17, Variability Issues in Three-Dimensional ICs. The combined effects of die-to-die and within die variations are modeled for clock paths that span more than one tier. The distribution of skew for different clock networks is evaluated based on this model, and enhanced topologies that reduce skew variability are described. The skew model is extended to include power supply noise, and design guidelines for clock trees considering both power supply noise and process variations are presented.

The behavior of power supply noise depends strongly on the design of the power distribution network. The issues of power delivery and distribution for 3-D circuits are discussed in Chapter 18, Power Delivery for Three-Dimensional ICs. Integrating power delivery components into one tier of the 3-D stack allows smaller currents to propagate through the overall power distribution system, decreasing the power supply noise. The role of the vertical interconnects in distributing power and ground within a 3-D stack is discussed. Different approaches for distributing the decoupling capacitance throughout a multi-tier stack are treated coherently with the distribution of the TSVs to ensure that the power supply noise satisfies specified limitations. To quantify the effect of the TSVs on the switching noise, a 3-D test circuit is described that is used to evaluate the characteristics of several power distribution topologies, as described in Chapter 19, Case Study: 3-D Power Distribution Topologies and Models.

Exploiting the advantages of 3-D integration requires the development of novel circuit architectures. A 3-D version of a microprocessor-memory system is, therefore, discussed in Chapter 20, 3-D Circuit Architectures. Major improvements in throughput, power consumption, and cache miss rate are demonstrated. Communication centric architectures, such as a network-on-chip, are also discussed. On-chip networks are an important design paradigm to address the interconnect bottleneck, where information is communicated among circuits within packets in an internet-like fashion. The synergy between these two design paradigms, NoC and 3-D, can be exploited to significantly improve performance while decreasing the power consumed in communication limited systems.

Research on the design of 3-D ICs has only recently begun to produce commercially viable products. Many challenges remain unsolved and significant effort is required to provide effective solutions in the design of 3-D ICs. The major foci of this book are summarized in the last chapter, and general conclusions are offered regarding directions for research that will contribute to the maturation of this exciting solution in next generation multifunctional heterogeneous systems.

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