• Naïve realism, 238, 270271

  • Nash bargaining theory

    • explanation of, 344

    • independence of equivalent utility representations and, 346347

    • independence or irrelevant alternatives and, 347348

    • Pareto-optimality and, 344345

    • symmetry and, 345346

    • uniqueness and, 344

  • Nash product, 348

  • Nash solution, 344, 346348

  • National Rehabilitation Medicine Research Council (NRMR), 218

  • Necklace problem, 177, 206

  • Needs-based rule, 54

  • Negative advertising, 294295

  • Negative bargaining zone, 40

  • Negative emotion

  • Negative transfer, 193

  • Negotiation dance, 38, 314

  • Negotiation preparation

    • alternative identification and, 19

    • assessment, 2627

    • BATNA identification and, 15

    • confidence and, 25

    • counterfactual thinking and, 24

    • endowment effects and, 23

    • equivalent multi-issue proposal identification and, 19

    • focal points and, 16

    • importance of, 13, 36

    • issue identification and, 19

    • reservation points and, 16

    • risk and, 2023

    • self-assessment and, 1326, 37

    • situation assessment and, 2737

    • sizing up other party and, 37

    • sunk costs and, 1618

    • sure thing principle and, 2425

    • target identification and, 1314, 19

    • worksheets for, 37, 79

  • Negotiations. See also Cross-cultural negotiations; Distributive negotiations; Win-win negotiations

  • Negotiation styles

    • emotions and emotional knowledge and, 112120

    • interests, rights, and power model of disputing and, 100112

    • motivational orientation and, 9399

    • overview of, 9192

  • Negotiators

    • authority of, 260

    • black-hat/white-hat (BH/WH), 49

    • competitive, 93

    • cooperative, 93

    • grass-is-greener, 14

    • individualistic, 93, 96, 99

    • major concerns of, 122123

    • overaspiring or positional, 14, 19

    • power differential between, 36

    • soft, 91

    • tough, 91

    • training for, 108

    • underaspiring, 1314

    • white-hat/black-hat (WH/BH), 49

  • Networks. See Social networks

  • Neutrality, 367368

  • NextEra Energy Resources, 69

  • Nez Perce Tribe, 366

  • Nine dot problem, 178, 206

  • Nokia, 1

  • Nonspecific-compensation negotiated agreement, 182183

  • Nonverbal communication

  • Nonverbal expression, 350351

  • Nonverbal reception, 351

  • Norm of commitment, 300

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