• Capabilities, 86

  • Card decision, 175, 204

  • Causal chunking, 268

  • Causal relationship, 191

  • Causation, unwarranted, 191

  • Certainty effect, 339

  • Chain problem, 177, 205

  • Change, reluctance for, 8

  • Charisma, 352353

  • Chilling effect, 44

  • Chrysler, 137

  • Circular logrolling, 212

  • Circular trade-offs, 212

  • Clarity, importance of, 111, 138

  • Closure property, 333

  • Coalitions

    • distribution of resources within, 217223

    • explanation of, 211

    • size of, 217

    • strategies for effective, 222223

    • trust and temptation in, 218

  • Coca-Cola, 286

  • Coercion, 270

  • Cognitive conflict. See Task conflict

  • Cognitive consistency, 202

  • Cohesion, team, 233

  • Collective fences, 295

  • Collective traps, 295

  • Collectivism, 249250. See also Individualism-collectivism

  • Commitment

    • escalation of, 303307

    • methods to secure, 128

    • norm of, 300

  • Common-bond groups, 233

  • Common-identity groups, 233

  • Common information bias, 234

  • Communal norms, 142

  • Communication

    • in constituent relationships, 231

    • cooperation and, 300

    • deception and, 353357

    • direct vs. indirect, 261264

    • explicit vs. tacit, 36

    • face-to-face, 309311, 314, 325326

    • motivated, 358

    • in multiparty negotiations, 211

    • nonverbal, 311, 349359

    • in principal-agent negotiations, 226

    • task-related, 300

    • in team negotiations, 233

    • trust and, 134135

  • Comparative advertising, 296

  • Comparison. See Social comparison

  • Comparison with similar others, 57

  • Competitive advertising, 296

  • Competitive bargaining, ethics and, 163

  • Competitive negotiators

    • effects of, 9697, 99

    • explanation of, 93

    • tools for, 9596

  • Compound gamble, 334

  • Compromise, 12, 70, 74

  • Concave functions, 337340

  • Concessions

    • bilateral, 48

    • ethical issues related to, 164

    • explanation of, 4849

    • magnitude of, 4849

    • overcoming aversion to, 8485

    • premature, 19, 47, 74

    • timing of, 49

    • unilateral, 48

  • Conciliation, 270

  • Concreteness, 123

  • Condorcet paradox, 214

  • Confidence, 25, 119

  • Confirmation bias, 67, 202

  • Conflict

    • approach-approach, 329

    • biased punctuation of, 267268

    • consensus, 2728

    • false or illusory, 72

    • interests-based response to, 100

    • internal value, 147

    • personal, 129

    • power-based response to, 100

    • rights-based response to, 100

    • scarce resource competition as, 28

    • symbolic, 239

    • task, 129

  • Conflict bias, 366

  • Conflict of interest

    • in constituent relationships, 230

    • symbolic conflict vs., 239

  • Consensus, 67

  • Consensus agreements, 215

  • Consensus conflict, 2728

  • Consistency, 6667, 202

  • Consortium, 218

  • Constituent relationships

    • challenges of, 228230

    • explanation of, 228

    • strategies to improve, 231

  • Consultation, built-in, 109

  • Contact, intergroup relations and, 240241

  • Contests, 104

  • Contingency contracts

    • advantages of, 184185

    • assessing viability and usefulness of, 184185

    • explanation of, 86

    • function of, 183185

  • Continuity axiom, 335

  • Contracts

    • contingency, 86, 183185

    • official vs. unofficial, 3334

    • psychological, 300

    • ratification requirements for, 31

  • Contractual risk, 2223

  • Control, 169170, 225

  • Conventional arbitration, 109

  • Cooling-off periods, 107

  • Cooperation

    • benefits of, 302303

    • cultural orientation and, 251252

    • psychological strategies for, 297, 299303

    • in social dilemmas when parties should not collude, 303

    • structural strategies for, 297299

    • as unilateral choice, 281282

  • Cooperative negotiators

    • effects of, 99

    • explanation of, 93

    • tools for, 95

  • Cooperative orientation, 74, 96

  • Cost-benefit analysis, 179

  • Cost cutting, 182

  • Costs

  • Counterfactual reflection, 199

  • Counterfactual thinking, 24

  • Counteroffers

    • considerations for, 4849

    • function of, 47

  • Creative negotiation agreements

    • bridging in, 181182

    • cost cutting in, 182

    • expanding the pie in, 181

    • fractionating single-issue negotiations into multiple, 180

    • nonspecific compensation in, 182183

    • structuring contingencies in, 183185

  • Creative negotiation strategies

    • analogical training as, 198199

    • bilateral and unilateral training, 196

    • brainstorming as, 201

      • counter-factual reflection as, 199

    • deductive reasoning as, 201202

    • experience and skills, 195

    • feedback as, 196197

    • inductive reasoning as, 200202

    • rational problem-solving model as, 200201

  • Creativity

  • Creativity tests, 175178, 204207

  • Credibility, 111

  • Creeping determinism, 192

  • Crisis procedures, 109

  • Cross-cultural negotiations. See also Culture/cultural differences

    • affiliation bias and, 269

    • biased punctuation of conflict and, 267268

    • conduct of, 260261

    • cooperation and, 251252

    • cultural perspective taking, 272273

    • disproportionalism vs situationalism and, 255257

    • dispute resolution and, 257258, 264

    • dividing the pie and, 265

    • emotion and inner experience and, 255

    • ethnocentrism and, 268269

    • expanding the pie and, 264265

    • face concerns and, 260261

    • faulty perceptions of conciliation and coercion and, 270

    • function of, 245246, 277

    • information communication and, 263264

    • in-group favoritism and, 252

    • naïve realism and, 270271

    • predictors for success in, 271272

    • relationship networks and, 260

    • representative choice and, 260

    • sacred values and taboo trade-offs and, 265267

    • social loafing and social striving and, 252255

    • social networks and, 250251

    • strategies for, 272277

  • Crossover probability, 340

  • Cuban Missile Crisis, 72

  • Culture/cultural differences. See also Cross-cultural negotiations

    • affiliation bias and, 269

    • biased punctuation of conflict and, 267268

    • dimensions of, 247

    • direct vs. indirect communication, 247, 261264

    • dispute resolution and, 257258, 264

    • egalitarian vs. hierarchy, 247, 258261

    • emotion and inner experience and, 255

    • explanation of, 245246

    • face concerns and, 260261

    • faulty perceptions of conciliation and coercion and, 270

    • globalization and, 45

    • as iceberg, 246247

    • individual vs. collective, 247258

    • information communication and, 263264

    • in-group favoritism and, 252

    • maintaining relationships and, 275276

    • naïve realism and, 270271

    • relationship networks and, 260

    • representative choice and, 260

    • respect for, 274

    • sacred values and taboo trade-offs and, 265267

    • social loafing and social striving and, 252255

    • social networks and, 250251

    • time perception and, 275

  • CVS, 182

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