10 Cross-Cultural Negotiation

Negotiations between people of different cultures often stir up deeply held values and beliefs; behaviors that seem normative in one culture often create controversy and even legal action in other cultures. Cultural intelligence (CQ) is essential for effective negotiation because most managers cannot expect to negotiate only with people of their own country or culture throughout their career. North Americans are a minority—about 5% of the world’s population. If the Earth’s population were a village of 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, there would be 61 Asians, of whom 19 people would be from China and 18 from India, 15 from Africa, 10 from Europe, 9 people from South America and the Caribbean, and 5 from North America.02

When people from different cultures get together to negotiate, they may fail to reach integrative agreements.03 Often, value is left on the table because people are not prepared for the challenges of cross-cultural negotiation. This chapter provides a business plan for effective cross-cultural negotiation. We begin by defining culture; then we identify the key dimensions by which culture affects judgment, motivation, and behavior at the bargaining table. Next, we identify the biggest barriers to effective intercultural negotiation and provide strategies for effective cross-cultural negotiation.

Learning About Cultures

Culture is the unique character of a social group; the values and norms shared by its members that set it apart from other social groups.04 Culture encompasses economic, social, political, and religious institutions. It also reflects the unique products produced by these groups—art, architecture, music, theater, and literature.05 Cultural institutions preserve and promote a culture’s ideologies. Culture influences our mental models of how things work, behavior, and cause-and-effect relationships.

We do not offer advice on a country-by-country basis for two reasons. First, doing so would be contrary to the book’s focus, which is to provide negotiation skills that work across people and situations. We do not want to promote cultural stereotypes. By making a generic list of characteristics for cultures, we magnify stereotypes, which is neither practical nor informative. People prefer to be considered unique individuals.

We distinguish stereotypes from prototypes. A stereotype is a faulty belief that everyone from a given culture is exactly alike. In contrast, prototypes recognize that substantial variation is likely even within a culture.06 Within cultures, key personality traits vary, and different traits are associated with better performance within certain cultures but not others.07 A cultural framework is sensitive to heterogeneity within cultural groups.

Second, most cultures are different today than they were even a few years ago, particularly with the rise of information technology. A dynamic framework allows us to learn how cultures change and grow. This chapter provides a means by which to expose our own cultural beliefs and those of others, how to avoid mistakes, and how to profit from intercultural negotiations.08

Culture as an Iceberg

As an exercise, think of culture like an iceberg.09 Typically, about one-ninth of an iceberg is visible; the rest is submerged. As Exhibit 10-1 indicates, the top (visible) part of the cultural iceberg is the behaviors, artifacts, and institutions that characterize a culture. This portion includes traditions, customs, habits, and other immediately visible stimuli. These behaviors and artifacts are an expression of deeper-held values, beliefs, and norms. Driving these values and norms are fundamental assumptions about the world and humanity. The artifacts and customs that characterize a culture are not arbitrary; rather, they are manifestations about fundamental values and beliefs about the world.

Cultural Values and Negotiation Norms

Consider three dimensions of culture (see Exhibit 10-2):10

  • Individualism versus collectivism

  • Egalitarianism versus hierarchy

  • Direct versus indirect communication

These three dimensions refer to motivation, influence, and information, respectively.11 Individualism-collectivism refers to the basic human motive concerning preservation of the self versus the collective.12 Egalitarianism-hierarchy refers to the means by which people influence others, either laterally or hierarchically. Finally, direct-indirect communication refers to the manner in which people exchange information and messages.

Individualism versus Collectivism


In the discussion in Chapter 5 on bargaining style, we outlined three motivational orientations: individualistic, competitive, and cooperative. Individualism as a cultural style, epitomizes the individualistic motivational orientation.13 In individualistic cultures, the pursuit of happiness and regard for personal welfare are paramount. People in individualistic cultures give priority to their personal goals, even when these goals conflict with those of their family, work group, or country. Individual happiness and expression are valued more than collective and group needs. People from individualistic cultures enjoy having influence and control over their world and others. Consequently, individual accomplishments are rewarded by economic and social institutions. Furthermore, legal institutions in individualist cultures are designed to protect individual rights.

One implication of individualism concerns the use of distributive tactics. People who are more self-interested are motivated to use more tactics that increase their bargaining power. U.S. MBA students are more accepting of competitive bargaining tactics and bluffing, which raises the possibility that U.S. negotiators may be perceived as less ethical by their international counterparts.14 On the other hand, Chinese managers are more likely to consider it appropriate to use ethically questionable negotiation strategies, such as mispresentation, false promises, and manipulating an opponent’s network.15


Collectivist cultures are rooted in social groups and individuals are viewed as members of groups. People in collectivist cultures give priority to in-group goals. People of collectivist cultures view their work groups and organizations as fundamental parts of themselves. Collectivists are concerned about how the results of their actions affect members of their in-group; they share resources with in-group members, feel interdependent with in-group members, and feel involved in the lives of in-group members.16 In contrast to individualistic cultures that focus on influence and control, people from collectivist cultures emphasize the importance of adjustment. Collectivist cultures are more concerned with maintaining harmony in interpersonal relationships with the in-group than are individualistic cultures. Social norms and institutions promote the interdependence of individuals through emphasis on social obligations and the sacrifice of personal needs for the greater good. Legal institutions place the greater good of the collective above the rights of the individual, and political and economic institutions reward groups as opposed to individuals.17

Whereas individualists want to save face and are concerned with their personal outcomes, collectivists are concerned with others’ outcomes. An analysis of U.S. and Hong Kong negotiations reveal that U.S. negotiators are more likely to subscribe to self-interest and joint problem-solving norms, whereas Hong Kong Chinese negotiators are more likely to subscribe to an equality norm.18 In one investigation of Canadians (individualists) and Japanese (collectivists), Canadians were reluctant to conclude they had performed worse than their average classmate (self-enhancement); in contrast, Japanese negotiators were hesitant to conclude that they had performed better.19

Individualism and collectivism represent a continuum with substantial within-culture variation. One factor that can push people toward behaving more in line with their native cultural values is accountability pressure—simply the extent to which they are answerable for conducting themselves in a certain manner.20 Accountability pressure motivates negotiators from relationally focused (collectivist) cultures to use more pro-relationship strategies when the counterparty is also from the same group, but not when the counterparty is an out-group member. For example, when Chinese managers negotiate with an in-group member, they use more pro-relationship strategies than when negotiating with a person from the United States.21 The strong attention to relationships however, results in higher fixed-pie perceptions and lower joint gains.

Implications for Negotiation

Individualism-collectivism involves a variety of implications for the conduct of negotiation.

Social Networks

Members of different cultures differ in terms of the density of their work friendships (i.e., how many friendships they share at work), the overlap of instrumental and socioemotional ties (i.e., whether the people they seek for information are also the ones whom they seek for comfort and emotional support), the closeness of the tie, the longevity of the tie, and whether the network relationships are directed upward, laterally, or downward. For example, interpersonal trust is an important element of Chinese guanxi networks, which are networks of deep trust built over the years, if not decades. China, as is the case with many developing economies, exists in a low-trust environment and as a result, Chinese people build trust networks based typically on familial lines. Consequently, others find it virtually impossible to enter into these networks unless they have spent years in China.22 Affect- and cognition-based trust is more interconnected among Chinese managers than U.S. managers.23 In one study, U.S. and Hong Kong students negotiated with someone whom they believed to be a friend or a stranger from their own culture. The Hong Kong students changed their behavior more when interacting with a friend than did the U.S. students.24 Whereas U.S. managers are equally likely to trust and reciprocate with a partner as well as with someone in the network (whom they don’t know directly), collectivist managers only trust and reciprocate when interacting within the relationship.25 Indian negotiators trust their opponents less than do American negotiators, and the lack of trust leads to relatively poor outcomes.26

Cultures develop social networks within the organization according to different sets of norms (see Exhibit 10-3).27 North American business relationships are characterized by a market orientation in which people form relationships according to the market standard of whether it is profitable. North Americans form ties without the prior basis of friendship, paying attention only to instrumentality. Chinese business relationships are characterized by a familial orientation, in which employees make sacrifices for the welfare of the organization. Sharing resources within the in-group, loyalty, and deference to superiors characterize network relationships. German business relationships are characterized by legal-bureaucratic orientation, formal categories, and rules. In addition, Spanish business relationships are characterized by affiliative orientations, such as sociability and friendliness.


People from collectivist cultural traditions engage in more cooperative behavior in mixed-motive interactions than do people from individualistic cultures.28 For example, Japanese negotiators are more cooperative (and, in turn, expect others to be more cooperative) than are U.S. negotiators.29 People from collectivist cultures place greater emphasis on the needs and goals of their group and are more likely to sacrifice personal interests for the attainment of group goals. Americans are more likely to remember situations in which they influenced others; in contrast, Japanese people are more likely to remember situations in which they adjusted to others (a form of cooperation).30 An examination of Japanese and U.S. newspaper stories on conflict revealed that Japanese newspapers more frequently make reference to mutual blame than do U.S. newspapers, presumably because ascribing blame to both parties affords the maintenance of the social unit and is less threatening to the collective.31 Moreover, Americans who successfully influenced others reported feeling very efficacious (a typical individualistic emotion), whereas Japanese people who adjusted reported feeling related (a collectivist emotion).

Awareness of different cultural norms can be a powerful bargaining strategy. For example, consider how Apple CEO Timothy Cook made a very public apology to his Chinese customers after an uproar occurred regarding Apple’s warranty. Under Chinese law, consumers are allowed a two-year warranty for their Apple products, but when Apple only offered one-year warranties and then made customers pay $90 to replace faulty back covers, consumers got angry. In an effort to restore good faith, CEO Timothy Cook released an open letter written in Chinese admitting his company’s lack of communication and vowed to fix the problem. Cook’s move to openly apologize was consistent with Chinese cultural norms where apologies are a time-honored tradition and provided a public show of respect.32

In-Group Favoritism

In-group favoritism is the strong tendency to favor the members of one’s own group more than those in other groups, even when one has no logical basis for doing so. Members of collectivist cultures display more in-group favoritism than members of individualistic cultures. For example, making group boundaries salient creates more competitive behavior among members of collectivist cultures than among members of individualistic cultures.33 Moreover, members of collectivistic cultures become more competitive when they perceive their group to be in the minority.34 Because harmony norms predominate in collectivist cultures such as Taiwan, negotiators who work in teams may be focused on harmony to the detriment of reaching win-win agreements. Indeed, Taiwanese teams negotiated less-optimal joint outcomes than Taiwanese solos.35 In-group favoritism often has positive effects for members of in-groups, but it can be deleterious for members of out-groups and for intergroup relations (see Chapter 9 for more on intergroup negotiation).

You don’t have to be from a collectivist culture to show collectivist behavior, such as in-group favoritism; rather, everyone has an “interdependent” and an “independent” self, which can be “triggered.”36 Bicultural individuals are often able to spontaneously trigger either self, depending upon which cultural cue is present.37 (See Exhibit 10-4 for an example of how priming works.)

Social Loafing Versus Social Striving

Social loafing is the tendency for people to work less hard and contribute less effort and resources in a group context than when working alone. For example, people clap less loudly, work less hard, and contribute less when working in a group, as opposed to working alone.38 Social loafing should occur less in collectivist cultures than in individualist cultures, presumably because individualistic cultures do not reward group effort but collectivist cultures do. In a study of social loafing among management trainees in the United States and the People’s Republic of China, American students loafed (individual performance declined in a group setting), but Chinese students did not.39 In fact, among Japanese participants, the opposite pattern occurred in the group: Social striving—collectivist concerns for the welfare of the group—increased people’s motivation and performance.40 Self-serving biases, such as egocentrism (as discussed in Chapter 3) are more prevalent in individualistic cultures, such as the United States, in which the self is served by focusing on positive attributes and the desire to stand out and be better than others. In contrast, members of collectivist cultures are less likely to hold a biased, self-serving view of themselves; rather, the self is served by focusing on negative characteristics in order to “blend in.”41

Emotion and Inner Experience

A widely held stereotype holds that East Asians are emotionally inexpressive and European Americans are emotionally expressive. For this reason, anger might have a stronger signaling value when East Asians, rather than Americans, express it. In a series of investigations, angry East Asian negotiators elicited greater cooperation than did angry European American and Hispanic negotiators.42 Angry East Asian negotiators are perceived as tougher and more threatening.

Expressing anger elicits larger concessions from European American negotiators but smaller concessions from Asian and Asian American negotiators.43 This is due to cultural norms about the appropriateness of anger expression in negotiation. When anger is regarded as appropriate, Asian negotiators made as large a concession as did the Euro-Americans. When anger is regarded as inappropriate, the Euro-Americans made much smaller concessions matching those of Asians.

Is there any truth to the stereotype about emotional expressiveness in cultures? In one investigation, Americans described their Japanese counterparts as being “poker-faced” or displaying no facial expressions in a negotiation simulation. However in the laboratory, a camera focused on each person’s face during an intercultural negotiation recorded all facial expressions and revealed no differences in the number of facial expressions (smiles and frowns) between the Americans and Japanese. Americans are not able to “read” Japanese expressions, and they wrongly describe them as “expressionless.”44 Moreover, collectivists and individualists differ in the ways they describe emotional experience, with Chinese using more somatic and social words than Americans. For example, when Chinese and Americans are both speaking English during emotional events, Chinese Americans used more somatic (e.g., dizzy) and more social (e.g., friend) words than European Americans.45

Dispositionalism Versus Situationalism

Dispositionalism is the tendency to ascribe the cause of a person’s behavior to his or her character or underlying personality. Situationalism is the tendency to ascribe the cause of a person’s behavior to factors and forces outside of a person’s control. For example, suppose you are in the midst of a high-stake negotiation, and you place an urgent call to your negotiation partner. Your partner does not return your call; yet you know your partner is in town. What is causing your partner’s behavior? It is possible our partner is irresponsible (dispositionalism); similarly, it is possible your partner never got your message (situationalism). Depending upon what you think is the true cause, your behavior toward your partner will be different—anger versus forgiveness, perhaps.46

People from individualistic cultures view causality differently than do members of collectivist cultures. Dispositionalism is more widespread in individualistic than in collectivist cultures. To see how deep seated these cultural differences are, look at Exhibit 10-5, panels A and B.

In Exhibit 10-5, panels A and B, the dark fish swims on a trajectory that deviates from that of others (indicated by the darkest arrows). When asked to describe what was going on in videotapes of swimming fish whose movements were similar to those illustrated in Exhibit 10-5, members of individualistic cultures (Americans) perceived more influence of internal factors (dispositionalism), whereas members of collectivist cultures (Chinese) perceived more external influence (situationalism) on the dark fish’s motions.47 Specifically, Chinese people were more likely to view the fish as wanting to achieve harmony, whereas Americans were more likely to view the dark fish as striking out on its own. Similarly, an investigation of stories in American and Chinese newspapers reveals that English-language newspapers are more dispositional and Chinese-language newspapers are more situational when explaining the same crime stories.48 Specifically, when newspaper articles about “rogue trader” scandals were analyzed, U.S. papers made more mention of the individual trader involved, whereas Japanese papers referred more to the organization.49 Similarly, when a team member behaves in a maladjusted way, U.S. participants are more likely to focus on the member’s traits, whereas the Hong Kong participants focus on situational factors. East Asians for example, are more sensitive to both external constraints and group influences (as compared to Westerners), but only when there is information about the situation to discount personality traits.50 Moreover, East Asian people first assign responsibility for events to the collectivity or organizational unit and then extend responsibility to the manager representing that group, thus leaders are held responsible through proxy logic.51 Dispositionalism also affects biases. People from individualistic cultures, such as the United States are more likely to fall prey to the fixed-pie bias than are people from collectivistic cultures, such as Greece.52

Preferences for Dispute Resolution

Four types of dispute resolution procedures characterize how different cultures resolve disputes: bargaining, mediation, adversarial adjudication, and inquisitorial adjudication. In bargaining, or negotiation, two disputants retain full control over the discussion process and settlement outcome. In mediation, disputants retain control over the final decision, but a third party guides the process. In adversarial adjudication, a judge makes a binding settlement decision, but disputants retain control of the process. In inquisitorial adjudication, disputants yield to a third party control over both the process and the final decision. Collectivist cultures such as China differ from individualistic cultures such as the United States in terms of preferences for dispute resolution.53 For example, when it comes to resolving conflict, Japanese managers prefer to defer to a higher-status person, Germans prefer to regulate behavior via rules, and Americans prefer an interests model that relies on resolving underlying interests.54 One investigation examined differences between Chinese and American commercial arbitrators. Chinese arbitrators make higher awards for interfirm contract violations than do Americans, presumably because the Chinese arbitrators actually make greater internal attributions even when observing the actions of a group.55 Furthermore, cultural differences in attributional tendencies (i.e., collectivists view behavior as a function of the situation; individualists view behavior as a function of disposition) create even more of a gap between preferences. Specifically, when negotiators encounter a disagreeable person across the bargaining table, individualists attribute that person’s behavior to an underlying disposition and desire more formal dispute resolution procedures; in contrast, collectivists are more likely to ascribe behavior to situational factors and prefer informal procedures.56

Egalitarianism versus Hierarchy

A key factor that influences behavior across cultures is the means by which people influence others and use of power in relationships. Some cultures have relatively permeable status boundaries and are egalitarian. Other cultures have relatively fixed status boundaries in which influence is determined by existing hierarchical relationships.

Egalitarian Power Relationships

In egalitarian power relationships, everyone expects to be treated equally. Egalitarian power relationships do not mean that everyone is of equal status, but rather that status differences are easily permeated. Egalitarian cultures empower members to resolve conflict themselves. Furthermore, the base of power in negotiations may differ; in egalitarian cultures, one’s BATNA and information are key sources of power (status and rank are irrelevant). This same power base is not necessarily valid in hierarchical cultures.

Hierarchical Power Relationships

In some cultures, great deference is paid to status; status implies social power and is not easily permeated or changed. Social inferiors are expected to defer to social superiors who, in return for privilege, are obligated to look out for the needs of social inferiors.57 Conflict threatens the stability of a hierarchical society because it implies either that social inferiors have not met expectations or that social superiors have not met the needs of social inferiors.58 The norm in hierarchical cultures is not to challenge high-status members; thus, conflict is less frequent between members of different social ranks than in egalitarian cultures.59 Furthermore, conflict between members of the same social rank in hierarchical cultures is more likely to be handled by deference to a superior than by direct confrontation between social equals.60 Hierarchy reduces conflict by providing norms for interaction. For this reason, superiors intervene in conflicts (in China and Japan), behave more autocratically, and decide on more conservative outcomes; conversely, superiors in Western cultures generally involve the disputants themselves and obtain integrative outcomes that go beyond contract-related mandates.61

Hoftstede examined 73 countries in terms of power distance and individualism-collectivism.62 Exhibit 10-6 reveals where different countries are positioned in terms of individualism and power distance. Power distance reflects the tendency to see a large distance between those in the upper part of a social structure and those in the lower part of that structure.

Exhibit 10-6 reveals that individualism and power distance are related: Countries high in collectivism are also high in power distance. The most collectivist high-power countries included Guatemala, Panama, and Ecuador. The most individualistic, low-power-distance countries included Great Britain, the United States, and Australia.

Implications for Negotiation

Choose Your Representative

One of the first issues that negotiators must consider prior to intercultural negotiations is determining who will do the negotiating. In egalitarian cultures, power is usually determined by one’s BATNA, and it is not unusual for persons of different status to find themselves at the bargaining table. In contrast, in hierarchical cultures power is associated with one’s position and rank, and it is insulting to send a lower-rank employee to meet with a CEO. Consider the representation role that basketball star Dennis Rodman took unofficially with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un at a basketball exhibition in Pyongyang. Kim treated Rodman as an official diplomat and asked Rodman to get President Obama to call him directly.63 For agents to be successful in multicultural negotiations, they must display culturally differentiated behavior and adapt to different cultural settings.64

Understand the Network of Relationships

In cultures that have hierarchical power relationships, negotiations often require several levels of approval, all the way to the top. For example in one failed negotiation, the central government of China voided the long-standing agreement of McDonald’s with the Beijing city government because leases of longer than 10 years required central government approval.65 In the centralized Chinese authority structure, negotiators seldom have the authority to approve the final deal. One by-product of this authority structure is that Chinese negotiators will attempt to secure a deal that is clearly weighted in their favor, so it will be easier to persuade the higher authorities that the Chinese “won” the negotiation.

Face Concerns

Saving and giving face are important in hierarchical cultures.66 A study of four cultures (China, Japan, Germany, and the United States) revealed that saving another person’s face is associated with remaining calm, apologizing, and giving in, whereas saving one’s own face is related with defending positively.67 In Western culture, people whose face is threatened act more assertively; in contrast, members of Eastern cultures act more passively.68 Flattery is a common form of Chinese face-saving.69 Pachtman cautions:

Be aware of the effect flattery has on you; the proper response is not “thank you,” but a denial and an even bigger compliment in return. Apologies are another powerful way to give face, but can obligate the apologizer; be prepared with a token concession in case the Chinese decide to “cash in” on your apology. (p. 25)70

The Conduct of Negotiation

A Western view of negotiation holds that each party is expected to voice its own interests, and a back-and-forth exchange will occur. An Eastern view of negotiation is quite different. For example, negotiation among Japanese persons is similar to that of father and son, according to Adler.71 The status relationship is explicit and important. The son (seller) carefully explains his situation and asks for as much as possible because he will have no chance to bicker once the father (buyer) decides. The son (seller) accepts the decision because it would hurt the relationship to argue and because he trusts the father (buyer) to care for his needs.

In cross-cultural negotiations, there are differences in how negotiators reciprocate, complement and transform the counterparty’s approach. Americans reciprocate cooperation, but not distributive (competitive) behaviors; in contrast, Chinese negotiators reciprocate competitive behaviors, but not integrative behaviors.72

Direct versus Indirect Communications

Direct versus indirect information sharing is a cultural dimension that refers to the amount of information contained in an explicit message versus implicit contextual cues.73 Some cultures’ norms favor direct communication, whereas in other cultures, people communicate in an indirect, discreet fashion. The indirect-direct communication dimension has implications for how much people should rely on contextual cues.74

Direct Communication

In a direct communication culture such as the United States, messages are transmitted explicitly and directly, and communications are action oriented and solution minded.75 The meaning is contained in the message; information is provided explicitly, without nuance.76 Furthermore, information is context free, meaning the message has the same meaning regardless of the context. Negotiators often ask direct questions about interests and alternatives.

Indirect Communication

In some cultures, people avoid direct confrontation when conflict occurs. The meaning of communication is inferred rather than directly interpreted; the context of the message stimulates preexisting knowledge that is then used to gain understanding.77 (For a classification of direct and indirect communication cultures, see Exhibit 10-7.)

Making a lot of proposals is a form of indirect communication.78 The pattern of proposals allows inferences to be made about what is important to each party and where points of concession might be. Indirect cultures (such as Japan) transmit messages indirectly and implicitly, and communication is elusive.79 For example, Japanese negotiators are less likely to say “No” and more likely to remain silent than U.S. negotiators when confronted with an option that is not favorable.80

Negotiators from direct cultures prefer sharing information directly, asking questions, and getting (in return for giving) answers. In contrast, negotiators from indirect cultures prefer sharing information indirectly, telling stories in an attempt to influence their opponents, and gleaning information from proposals.81 Cultural norms and values have implications for the reciprocity principle in negotiation. In an investigation of intracultural and intercultural negotiations between the United States and Japan, negotiators reciprocated culturally normative behaviors.82 U.S. negotiators were more likely to reciprocate direct information exchange; in contrast, Japanese negotiators were more likely to reciprocate indirect information exchange.

Implications for Negotiation

Information Necessary to Reach Integrative Agreements

Getting information out on the table is critical for expanding the pie; relying on context alone to convey information necessary to craft integrative agreements is not enough.83 One investigation examined integrative sequences in same- and mixed-culture negotiations. Managers from Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, and Thailand used more indirect integrative strategies (e.g., making multiple offers at the same time); in contrast, managers from Israel, Germany, Sweden, and the United States used direct integrative strategies (e.g., asking for priority information).84 People from indirect cultures seamlessly enter into a “dance” of complementary, indirect information exchange.85 For example, by complementing priority information and offers, negotiators from indirect cultures supplement the information that may not have been sufficiently conveyed through reciprocal offers.

Because indirect communication requires more complex and subtle communication skills, direct communicators often find it difficult or impossible to engage in nuance; in contrast, indirect communicators can be direct when necessary.86

An investigation of negotiation strategies in six countries: France, Russia, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, and the United States revealed that cultures that used direct (as opposed to indirect) information-sharing strategies or a combination of direct and indirect strategies reached the most integrative, pie-expanding agreements.87 Exchanging information about preferences and priorities was insufficient. For example, in the same study of intracultural negotiations involving the United States, Japan, Brazil, France, Russia, and Hong Kong, negotiators from Russia and Hong Kong generated the lowest joint gains, or integrative agreements.88 Russia and Hong Kong are indirect communication countries. However, Japanese negotiators had high joint gains, even though they also are an indirect communication culture. Japanese negotiators engaged in more direct information exchange (i.e., asking questions) than the negotiators from Russia or Hong Kong. Thus, making comparisons and contrasts to identify trade-offs and direct reactions appears to be essential.89 Moreover, offers have different effects across cultures. Early offers generate higher joint gains for Japanese negotiators but lower joint gains for U.S. negotiators.90 Conversely, direct exchange of information about interests and issues generates higher joint gains for U.S. negotiators but lower joint gains for Japanese negotiators.91

In direct cultures, the process of deal making comes first; in other cultures, the relationship comes first and provides a context for making deals. In China, the relationship comes before the deal and trust is built incrementally. For example, when a British manager of a venture capital firm assumed control of a Chinese plant, he was surprised that the employees did not trust him from the onset of his arrival. Instead, they continued to follow the orders of their longtime manager with whom they built a trusting relationship with over many years.92

Dispute Resolution Preferences

U.S. managers often feel satisfied with their outcomes following interests-based negotiations.93 However, other cultures use different dispute resolution strategies, often with equally satisfying results.94 For example, U.S. managers prefer to use interests-based methods, such as discussing parties’ interests and synthesizing multiple issues.95 In one investigation, U.S. managers were more likely than Hong Kong Chinese managers to resolve a greater number of issues and reach more integrative outcomes; in contrast, Hong Kong Chinese managers were more likely to involve higher management in conflict resolution and choose a relationally connected third party.96 One way people from indirect cultures communicate their disapproval is by shaming others. For example, Chinese managers show a stronger desire to shame and teach moral lessons compared to U.S. managers.97 In collectivist cultures, shaming is a common form of social control.98 In contrast, U.S. managers are more likely to choose a direct approach in response to conflict.

Key Challenges of Intercultural Negotiation

Next, we consider the intercultural challenges of expanding the pie, dividing the pie, sacred values, biased punctuation of conflict, ethnocentrism, affiliation bias, faulty perceptions of conciliation and coercion, and naïve realism.

Expanding the Pie

Negotiators have more difficulty expanding the pie when negotiating across cultures than within a culture. A landmark study of five countries (Japan, Hong Kong, Germany, Israel, and the United States) examined intracultural (within the same culture) negotiations versus intercultural (across cultures) negotiations. Negotiations between Japan and the United States resulted in a smaller expansion of the pie than did intracultural negotiations (Japan–Japan and U.S.–U.S. negotiations).99 Another study examined joint gains in intra- and intercultural negotiations between Japanese and U.S. negotiators and found that joint gains were significantly lower in intercultural negotiations, as opposed to intracultural negotiations.100 The key reason appeared to be the degree to which parties understood the priorities of the counterparties and the opportunity for exploiting compatible issues. In cross-cultural negotiations, negotiators’ bargaining styles did not match, meaning they had less understanding of the counterparty’s priorities and consequently did not create as much value. Each culture expected the other culture to adopt its own style of negotiating. For example, North Americans expected others to talk directly, whereas people from indirect cultures expected to use implicit forms of communication, such as heuristic trial and error. U.S. negotiators exchange information directly and avoid using influence strategies when negotiating intra- and interculturally. In contrast, Japanese negotiators exchange information indirectly and use influence when negotiating intraculturally but adapt their behaviors when negotiating interculturally.101

Dividing the Pie

As compared to other cultures, people from the United States are more unabashedly self-interested and consequently, often have higher aspirations. Aspirations influence opening offers and are strongly predictive of the ultimate slice of the pie negotiators receive. Indeed, U.S. negotiators who have higher aspirations than their opponents achieve greater profit than managers from China and Japan primarily because these collectivist cultures are not as self-interested.102

Sacred Values and Taboo Trade-Offs

Sacred values, or protected values, are the beliefs, customs, and assumptions that form the basis of a group or culture’s belief system.103 Sacred values are by definition those values and beliefs people regard to be so fundamental that they are not discussible or debatable. Sacred values resist trade-offs with other values, particularly economic values. When people contemplate buying or selling “sacred objects,” they are more likely to distort the price, refuse to answer questions, and express moral outrage and cognitive confusion.104 However, when it is in their economic interest, people may turn a blind eye to taboo trade-offs.105 Consider the reaction for a mosque proposed for the site near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. Before being approved by the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission with former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg hailing the decision with a speech on religious liberty, an array of opponents, including the Anti-Defamation League and prominent Republican politicians including Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich, led a highly publicized fight over the placement of the mosque just blocks away from the former site of the World Trade Center. Opponents wrapped emotional arguments in religious and patriotic symbolism and insisted that mosques nurture terrorist bombers.106

To study sacred values, people were shown a list of actions and asked to respond “yes” if they were in favor of the action and were willing to accept a great deal of money to see the action carried out and “no” or “not sure” if they were not in favor.107 Some of the actions included:

  • Destruction of natural forests by human activity, resulting in the extinction of plant and animal species forever

  • Raising the IQ of normal children by giving them (completely safe) drugs

  • Using genetic engineering to make people more intelligent

  • Performing abortions of normal fetuses in the early stages of pregnancy

  • Performing abortions of normal fetuses in the second trimester of pregnancy

  • Fishing in a way that leads to the painful death of dolphins

  • Forcing women to have abortions for the purposes of population control

  • Putting people in jail for expressing nonviolent political views

  • Letting people sell their organs (e.g., a kidney or an eye) for whatever price they could command

  • Refusing to treat someone who needs a kidney transplant because he or she cannot afford it

  • Letting a doctor assist in the suicide of a consenting terminally ill patient

  • Letting parents sell their daughter in a bride auction (i.e., the daughter becomes the bride of the highest bidder)

  • Punishing people for expressing nonviolent political opinions

Sacred values are the opposite of secular values, which are issues and resources that can be traded and exchanged. Within a culture, a near-universal ascription to sacred values generally exists with some notable exceptions. However between cultures, extreme conflict may occur when one culture regards an issue to be sacred and another treats it as secular. Taboo trade-offs take place when sacred values are proposed for exchange or trade.108

The trade-off principle is ideal for handling scarce resource conflicts containing issues that are fungible. Principles of rationality (see Appendix 1) assume people can compare and trade resources in a way that maximizes their outcomes. Rational bargaining theory assumes everything is comparable and has a price (see Appendix 1). However, the notion of trading becomes unconscionable in some conflict situations.109 People sometimes refuse to place a monetary value on a good or even think of trading it. Attaching a monetary value to a bottle of wine, a house, or the services of a gardener can be a cognitively demanding task, but it raises no questions about the morality of the individual who proposes the sale or trade. In contrast, attaching monetary value to human life, familial obligations, national honor, and the ecosystem seriously undermines one’s social identity or standing in the eyes of others.110 In a dispute concerning the construction of a dam that would remove Native Americans from their ancestral land, a Yavapai teenager said, “The land is our mother. You don’t sell your mother.”111

Proposals to exchange sacred values (e.g., body organs) for secular ones (e.g., money, time, or convenience) constitute taboo trade-offs. Given the inherently sacred values that operate in many countries, the familiar notions of trading and logrolling so important to interests-based negotiation, are likely to be considered unacceptable and reprehensible to members of different cultures. The extent to which sacred issues negatively impact negotiations depends on the BATNAs of parties.112 When parties have a strong BATNA, sacred issues produce impasses, lower joint outcomes, and more negative perceptions; however, when negotiators do not have attractive BATNAs, they can’t afford to stand on principle. Perhaps this is why a couple agreed to name their infant son Golden-PalaceDotComSilverman after an Internet casino paid them $15,000.113 A study of the Isreali-Palestianian conflict revealed that when negotiators focus on the losses inherent in standing on principle and continuing the conflict, they are more willing to acquire new information about possible solutions to the conflict, reevaluate their current positions, and support compromise than when they focus on the gains of their position.114

Sacred and secular issues are culturally defined with no absolutes.115 Sociocultural norms affect the sacredness of certain positions, such as smoking, which is now generally considered baneful but in the recent past was completely acceptable. The sanctity of issues is also influenced by the labels and names used to define conflicts. In 2010, the government of Iran took offense when the U.S. Navy’s official online style guide referred to the “Persian Gulf” as the “Arabian Gulf.” Outrage flowed from Iranian advocacy groups, the Iranian government, and Facebook protesters. The Persian Gulf name had become a point of cultural pride over the decades after some Arab nations began calling it the Arabian Gulf in the 1960s—though it was known for centuries as the Persian Gulf and continues to be labeled as that. In 2013, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ordered its different units to use the name “Persian Gulf” instead of “Arabian Gulf.”116

The term sacred describes people’s preferences on issues on which they view themselves as uncompromising. It immediately becomes obvious however, that labeling an issue as sacred may be a negotiation ploy rather than a reflection of heartfelt value. The strategy is similar to the irrevocable commitment strategy.117 We refer to issues that are not really sacred but are positioned as such, as pseudosacred.118

Biased Punctuation of Conflict

The biased punctuation of conflict occurs when people interpret interactions with their adversaries in self-serving and other derogating terms.119 An actor, A, perceives the history of conflict with another actor, B, as a sequence of B-A, B-A, B-A, in which the initial hostile or aggressive move was made by B, causing A to engage in defensive and legitimate retaliatory actions. Actor B punctuates the same history of interaction as A-B, A-B, A-B however, reversing the roles of aggressor and defender. The biased punctuation of conflict is a frequent cause of warfare. Consider the long, sad history of international conflict between the Arabs and Israelis. Each country chooses different historical moments of origin to justify its own claims to land and thus casts the other country in the role of the invader.

Negotiation behaviors are a continuous stream of cause-and-effect relationships in which each person’s actions influence the actions of others.120 To an outside observer, their interaction is an uninterrupted sequence of interchanges. However, people who are actively engaged in conflict do not always see things this way. Instead, they organize their interactions into a series of discrete, causal chunks,121 a process known as causal chunking or punctuation.122 Causal chunks influence the extent to which people are aware of their influence on others, as well as their impressions of others. Two kinds of chunking patterns are self-causal and other-causal. People form self-causal chunks (e.g., “My action causes my partner’s action”) when they possess an offensive set and other-causal chunks when they possess a defensive set. Disagreement about how to punctuate a sequence of events and a conflict relationship is at the root of many cross-cultural disputes.


If egocentrism refers to unwarranted positive beliefs about oneself relative to others, then ethnocentrism refers to unwarranted positive beliefs about one’s own group relative to other groups.123 Ethnocentrism, or the universal strong liking of one’s own group and the simultaneous negative evaluation of out-groups, generates a set of universal reciprocal stereotypes in which each culture sees itself as good and the other culture as bad, even when both groups engage in the same behaviors. The behavior may be similar, but the interpretation is not: “We are loyal, they are clannish; we are brave and willing to defend our rights, they are hostile and arrogant.”

Even when members of groups do not know one another and never interact, people show in-group favoritism.124 However, conflict between groups and intergroup bias does not always arise from competition over scarce resources. A great deal of intergroup bias stems from fundamental differences in cultural values. Symbolic conflict can occur between cultural groups due to clashes of values and fundamental beliefs. Consider the long-standing values-based conflict between environmentalists and local residents on the issue of dam removal in Sweden. Environmentalists argue in favor of dam removals because it restores rivers to their former courses as well as other ecological benefits. Conversely, local residents are vehemently opposed to dam removal because tranquil water provides aesthetic value to the area and the dam represents their cultural heritage.125

One unfortunate by-product of in-group favoritism is the tendency to view people from different cultures as more alike than they really are. Thus, the pejorative phrase, “They all look alike,” suggests that within-race and within-culture errors are more prevalent than between-race or between-cultural errors because people categorize members of other cultures not as individuals but as part of a group (See Exhibit 10-8).

Affiliation Bias

Affiliation bias occurs when people evaluate a person’s actions on the basis of his or her affiliations rather than on the merits of the behavior itself. For example, when football fans watch a game, they believe the other side commits more infractions than does their own team.126 Consider the following actions a country could take: establishing a rocket base close to the borders of a country with which it has strained relations, testing a new assault weapon, or establishing trade relations with a powerful country. People’s perceptions of the acceptability of these actions differ dramatically as a function of the perceived agent. For example, during the time of the Cold War, U.S. citizens regarded the preceding actions to be much more beneficial when the United States was the one responsible than when the former U.S.S.R. engaged in the same actions.127 People perceive the same objective behavior as either sinister or benign, merely as a consequence of the agent’s affiliation.

Faulty Perceptions of Conciliation and Coercion

During World War II, the American journalist Edward R. Murrow broadcasted nightly from London, reporting on the psychological and physical consequences of the Nazi bombing of British cities.128 Contrary to Nazi intent, the bombing did not move the British toward surrender. It had quite the opposite effect, strengthening rather than diminishing British resolve to resist German domination. Shortly after the United States entered World War II, the Americans joined the British in launching costly bombing raids over Germany. In part, the intent was to decrease the German people’s will to resist. Later research reported by the Office of Strategic Services that compared lightly and heavily bombed areas found only minimal differences in civilians’ will to resist.

Several other conflicts followed the same psychological pattern, such as Pearl Harbor, South Africa, and North Vietnam. All of these instances point to important differences in countries’ perceptions of what will be effective in motivating an enemy and what will be effective in motivating themselves or their allies. Coercion is viewed as more effective with our enemies than with ourselves, whereas conciliation is viewed as more effective with ourselves than with our enemies. The unfortunate consequence is that this perception encourages aggressive rather than constructive action.

Three key reasons explain why this behavior occurs.129 A preference for punitive strategies with one’s enemies may reflect a desire to inflict injury or pain, as well as a desire to influence behavior in a particular direction. The relative preference for punishment is based on an incompatible desire to both injure and modify the behavior of the enemy. Alternatively, people may be inclined to use more coercive strategies with a counterparty because the appearance of toughness conveys information about their motives and intentions, which in the long run may bring about the desired result. Finally, the mere creation of mutually exclusive, exhaustive social categories (e.g., “them” and “us”) leads to different assumptions about members of such groups: More favorable attributes are assigned to in-group than to out-group members.130 Social categorization processes may be particularly powerful in cross-cultural disputes because of stereotypes.

Naïve Realism

A heated debate among English teachers concerns which books should be on the required reading list for U.S. high school students. The Western Canon Debate features traditionalists, who prefer to have classics on the reading list, and revisionists, who believe the reading list should be more racially, ethnically, and gender diversified. In one study, traditionalists and revisionists were interviewed about their own and the other party’s preferred books.131 Most strikingly, each party exaggerated the views of the other side in a way that made their differences bigger rather than smaller. Traditionalists viewed revisionists to be much more extreme than they really were; revisionists viewed traditionalists to be much more conservative. In fact, the groups agreed on 7 out of the 15 books on the reading list! Nevertheless, each group greatly exaggerated the difference between their own and the other’s belief systems in a way that exacerbated the conflict. Further, people perceived the other side to be more uniform in their views, whereas they perceived their own views to be more varied and heterogeneous.132 This faulty perception of course, leads to beliefs such as “They’re all alike.” Ideological conflict is often exacerbated unnecessarily as partisans construe the other person’s values to be more extremist and unbending than they really are.

The fundamental attribution error occurs when people explain the causes of the behavior of others in terms of their underlying dispositions and discount the role of situational factors.133 Many environmental disputes involve a group that is believed to be interested in the economic development of the environment and an opposing group that represents the interests of the ecosystem. According to the fundamental attribution error, when each group is asked to name the cause of the dispute, each attributes the negative aspects of conflict to the dispositions of the other party. Specifically, developers regard environmentalists to be fanatic lunatics; environmentalists regard developers to be sinister and greedy.

Predictors of Success in Intercultural Interactions

Your pharmaceutical company wants to expand its international base. You are charged with the task of selecting a few managers to participate in a special global initiatives assignment in various countries. You know that failure rates as high as 70% can be avoided.134 These costs include not only the lost salary of an executive, the cost of transporting the family, and the cost of setting up an office abroad, but also damage to your organization, lost sales, on-the-job mistakes, and loss of goodwill. Unfortunately, ready-made personality measures are not good predictors of success abroad. The following characteristics predict success:135

  • Conceptual complexity (people who are conceptually complex, think in terms of shades of gray, rather than black and white, show less social distance to different others)136

  • Broad categorization (people who use broad categories adjust to new environments better than do narrow categorizers)137

  • Empathy

  • Sociability

  • Critical acceptance of stereotypes

  • Openness to different points of view

  • Interest in the host culture

  • Task orientation

  • Cultural flexibility (the ability to substitute activities in the host culture for own culture-valued activities)

  • Social orientation (the ability to establish new intercultural relationships)

  • Willingness to communicate (e.g., use the host language without fear of making mistakes)

  • Patience (suspend judgment)

  • Intercultural sensitivity

  • Tolerance for differences among people

  • Sense of humor

  • Skills in collaborative conflict resolution

Advice for Cross-Cultural Negotiations

Global negotiations are characterized by differences that emerge at interpersonal behavioral levels and are manifestations of more deep-seated societal and institutional differences.138 Negotiators should avoid arguing about the inherent legitimacy of a social system and instead focus on understanding at the interpersonal level. Indeed, the cultural intelligence (CQ) of negotiators measured a week prior to negotiation predicts the extent to which negotiators engage in integrative behaviors and maximize joint profit in intercultural negotiations, controlling for other types of intelligence.139 Moreover, the quality of integrative negotiation was more a function of the lower-scoring rather than the high-scoring negotiator, suggesting that both parties in conflict should have cultural intelligence. The QCE, or Quality of Communication Experience, measures the nature and quality of intra- and intercultural communications.140 Indeed, QCE is lower in intercultural negotiation than intracultural negotiation, and the higher the QCE, the better the negotiation outcomes.

Consider the following strategies to improve cross-cultural effectiveness.141 (See Exhibit 10-9 for similar suggestions.)

Anticipate Differences in Strategy and Tactics That May Cause Misunderstandings

The negotiator who is able to anticipate differences in terms of goals, influence, and communication will have a pie-expanding and pie-slicing advantage in intercultural negotiations. Further, when encountering differences, the negotiator who is aware of cultural differences does not make negative attributions about the counterparty but instead, views discomfort as a natural consequence of different cultural styles.

Cultural Perspective Taking

Cultural perspective taking is the active consideration of the other party’s culturally normative negotiation behaviors prior to negotiation. In one investigation, some negotiators were coached in cultural perspective taking; others were coached in alternative-focused perspective taking, in which negotiators considered different alternatives for agreement. Negotiators who engaged in cultural perspective taking claimed more value than those who engaged in alternative-focused perspective taking; there were no discernible differences in value creation.142

Recognize That the Other Party May Not Share Your View of What Constitutes Power

When negotiating with members of hierarchical cultures, be prepared to present information about your company and products, even if you think such information should have no bearing on the outcome. In failing to make a presentation comparable to the one made by the negotiator from the hierarchical culture, negotiators from egalitarian cultures risk appearing weak. By the same token, negotiators from hierarchical cultures should be aware that power-based persuasion, although normative in deal-making negotiations in their own cultures, is not normative in egalitarian cultures. Furthermore, power-based persuasion is likely to be reciprocated in negotiation and may lead to impasse.143 One American businessperson suffered due to a lack of understanding about cultural behavioral styles. After long, hard bargaining, a U.S. firm landed a large contract with a Japanese firm. At the signing ceremony however, the Japanese executive began reading the contract intently. His scrutiny seemed endless. The American panicked and offered to take $100 off each item. What the U.S. executive did not know was that the Japanese president was merely demonstrating authority, not backing out.144

Avoid Attribution Errors

An attribution error is the tendency to ascribe someone’s behavior or the occurrence of an event to the wrong cause. For example, people often attribute behaviors of others to their underlying personality (e.g., a smile from another person is often attributed to a “good” disposition; similarly, a frown is presumed to be a manifestation of a grouchy personality).145 However, the behavior of others is more often a reflection of particular features of the situation, rather than enduring personality traits.

Find Out How to Show Respect in the Other Culture

One of the most important preparatory steps a negotiator can take when commencing intercultural negotiation is to find out how to show respect in the other culture. Don’t assume that the other culture will have the same customs as one’s own culture. For example, when Aramex, a global logistics firm wanted to expand to Saudi Arabia, they researched the culture and discovered that women must work in separate offices from men and be monitored via camera. So, Aramex constructed special buildings where women worked separately from men and installed cameras in the hallways in the Jeddah call center. The cultural restrictions that made it nearly impossible to incorporate women into the Saudi workforce were overcome in this case with cloud computing technology that allowed women to stay in contact with managers and coworkers.146

In a complementary fashion, intercultural negotiations may fail not because negotiators stay anchored to their own cultural assumptions and styles, but rather because they try to adjust to their counterpart’s cultural assumptions about negotiating. This phenomenon is called schematic overcompensation.147 In a study of 100 experienced Japanese and U.S. negotiators, there was a clash on six of nine elements, such that the parties had significantly different expectations about what it was like to negotiate with the other. (Also see Exhibit 10-10).

Find Out How Time is Perceived in the Other Culture

Perceptions of time differ dramatically across cultures.148 Consider, for example, the lengthy negotiations between the Chinese government and Philip Morris International. After more than three years of negotiations, the Chinese government selected three domestic cigarette brands of the hundreds sold to market abroad in partnership with PMI. According to PMI Chief Executive Andre Calantzopoulos, the negotiations were delayed partly because of cultural differences. “By Chinese standards, urgency is in terms of decades, versus U.S. companies, where urgency is next quarter.”149 Even the idea of the length of the workday varies from culture to culture. In Mexico, American bankers found it frustrating when they tried to plan a meeting during working hours only to have their Mexican colleagues want to meet in the evening when Americans are usually home. Similarly, U.S. managers who attend a business dinner in Brazil must be prepared to sit for hours and be open to talking about their personal life, not just business.150

Cooperative and competitive behaviors in global negotiations wax and wane across four stages: relational positioning, identifying the problem, generating solutions, and reaching agreement.151 Cultural differences occur at these stages, perhaps the most notable being that direct cultures use more rational arguments in stages 3 and 4. Differences in how time unfolds may lead Westerners to want to talk (i.e., discuss their feelings with the goal of repairing frayed relationships); however, the meaning of such talk may not be shared by people from culturally different backgrounds.152

Know Your Options for Change

Succeeding in international business requires that people gain international as well as business competence.153 However, cultural differences may conflict with your own values and norms. For example, a report from the Corporate Women Directors International indicated that in Saudi Arabia, where Muslim law demands strict gender separation, just 0.1% of company directors are women. Female executives from the United States who do business in the kingdom are expected to dress conservatively in long skirts with sleeves at elbow length and conduct business meetings in the presence of their American male counterparts at all times, but they are not typically allowed to appear in public places with their colleagues. Indeed, an American woman who worked for a finance company in the Saudi capital of Riydah was arrested for sitting with a male colleague in a Starbucks.154

Cultural awareness is one thing; deciding how much one wants to adapt is another. Consider four choices that people have when interacting with someone from a different culture (see Exhibit 10-11).155 The first question is whether the individual (or group) finds it valuable to maintain distinct cultural identity and characteristics. The second question is whether the individual (or group) desires to maintain relationships with other (cultural) groups.

  • Integration is a type of acculturation whereby each group maintains its own culture and also maintains contact with the other culture.

  • Assimilation occurs when a group or person does not maintain its culture but does maintain contact with the other culture.

  • Separation occurs when a group or individual maintains its culture but does not maintain contact with the other culture.

  • Marginalization occurs when neither maintenance of the group’s own culture nor contact with the other culture is attempted. Marginalization is the most unfavorable condition.156

Sometimes, options for change are driven by skill sets—or lack thereof. Most Americans are monolingual, compared to other cultures. Furthermore, members of other cultures know that Americans are monolingual, and so they adapt accordingly. For example, in interactions between North Americans and Mexicans, Mexican bilingual managers immediately switched to English when interacting with North Americans; however, North American linguistic accommodation was a rare occurrence.157


Negotiating across cultures is a necessity for success in the business world because globalization is a major objective of most companies. Unfortunately, cross-cultural negotiations frequently result in less effective pie expansion than do intracultural negotiations. Part of the problem is a lack of understanding cultural differences. The tripartite model of culture identifies individualism-collectivism, egalitarianism-hierarchy, and direct-indirect communication as key dimensions of cultural differences.158 Key challenges of intercultural negotiation are expanding the pie, dividing the pie, dealing with sacred values and taboo trade-offs, biased punctuation of conflict, ethnocentrism, the affiliation bias, faulty perceptions of conciliation and coercion, and naïve realism. Negotiators should analyze cultural differences to identify differences in values that could expand the pie, recognize different conceptions of power, avoid attribution errors, find out how to show respect in other cultures, find out how time is perceived, and assess options for change, including integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization.

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