• Raiffa’s hybrid model, 221222

  • Rapport, 321322

  • Ratification, 31

  • Rational analysis, 282284

  • Rational bargaining theory, 266

  • Rational emotion, 113

  • Rationality

  • Rational problem-solving model, 200201

  • Reactive devaluation, 14

  • Realized power, 150

  • Reasoning

  • Reciprocal trade-offs, 212

  • Reciprocity

    • effects of, 106

    • power of, 99

  • Reciprocity principle, 105, 132133

  • Reducibility axiom, 333

  • Reference point

    • endowment effects and, 23

    • explanation of, 20

  • Regressiveness principle, 341

  • Regulation, 299

  • Reinforcement, 98, 120

  • Rejection, 90

  • Relational accommodation, 74

  • Relational self-construals (RSC), 143

  • Relationships

    • causal, 191

    • constituent, 228231

    • embedded, 141, 146

    • fairness in, 62

    • focus on long-term, 74

    • in negotiating with businesspeople, 144146

    • in negotiating with friends, 141144

    • role of, 140141

    • threat, 292

    • trust in, 70, 136

  • Repetitive negotiations, 27

  • Representativeness heuristic, 190

  • Reputations, 139140

  • Reservation point

    • determining your, 16

    • explanation of, 16

    • lying or misrepresenting, 5152

    • manipulation of counterparty’s, 52

    • revealing information about, 4344, 50

    • target point vs, 19

  • Reservation price, 163

  • Resource assessment, 8889

  • Resource conservation dilemmas, 295

  • Reverse Golden Rule, 170

  • Richness, 309

  • Rights, 100

  • Rights-based approach

  • Risk

    • assessment of, 2023

    • attitude toward, 336, 339

    • BATNA, 2122

    • contractual, 2223

    • differences in attitudes toward, 86

    • information technology and, 321

    • probability and, 332

    • strategic, 2021

  • Risk-aversion

    • example of, 98

    • explanation of, 20, 338

  • Riskless choice, 329331

  • Risk-taking, 338339

  • Risky choice situations

    • combination rules and, 343

    • decision weights and, 339343

    • expected utility principle and, 337339

    • expected utility theory and, 331332

    • explanation of, 331

    • utility function and, 332339

  • Role modeling, 170

  • Ruling phase, 362

  • Ruthless competitors, 64

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