• Sacred, 267

  • Sacred values, 265267

  • Saints, 64

  • Same time, different place mode of communication, 312

  • Satisfaction, 13, 70

  • Satisficing, 7

  • Scarce resource competition, 28

  • Schmoozing, 133, 326327

  • SCO Group, 208

  • Secondary status characteristics, 154

  • Second table, constituent relationships and, 229

  • Secular values, 267

  • Selective attention, 194

  • Self-assessment, 1326, 37

  • Self-affirmation, 134

  • Self-efficacy, 119

  • Self-enhancement, 58

  • Self-evaluation, accurate, 58

  • Self-fulfilling prophesy, 154

  • Self-improvement, 5758

  • Self-reinforcing incompetence, 78

  • Separation, 276

  • Sequential bargaining, 217

  • Set effect, 193

  • Shapley model, 221

  • Short-term memory, 195

  • Side deals, 71

  • Similarity-attraction effect, 130

  • Simplicity, pie-slicing and, 67

  • Sinister attribution bias, 316318

  • Sins of commission, 166

  • Sins of omission, 166, 167

  • Situational attribution, 135

  • Situationalism, 255257

  • Smithfield, 106

  • Social comparison

    • downward, 237

    • explanation of, 56

    • goals of, 5758

    • negotiation breakdown resulting from, 9798

    • self-interest vs., 57

    • types of, 57

  • Social dilemmas. See also Tacit negotiations

  • Social interaction, place-time model of, 309318, 327

  • Social loafing, 252

  • Social networks

    • in business, 146

    • capitalization on, 129

    • cultural orientation and, 250251

    • information technology and, 320321

    • manipulation of, 163

    • Social norms, 321322

  • Social power, 152

  • Social sanctions, 302

  • Social status, 351

  • Social striving, 254

  • Solitary brainstorming, 216

  • Sony, 130

  • Spontaneous sending, 352

  • Star Wars, 241

  • Status

    • explanation, 154155

    • information technology and, 318320

    • in negotiations, 154155

    • primary, characteristics of, 154

    • pseudostatus, characteristics of, 154

    • secondary, characteristics of, 154

    • types of, 154

  • Stereotypes

    • explanation of, 246

    • gender, 155157

    • in intergroup negotiations, 269

  • Stick problem, 176, 205

  • Sticky ties, 147

  • Strategic risk, 2021

  • Strategic voting, 214

  • Structural strategies to maximize cooperation, 297299

  • Structured contingencies, 183185

  • Subadditivity, 340

  • Subcertainty, 341

  • Subgame perfect equilibrium, 289

  • Subjective Value Inventory (SVI), 123124

  • Suboptimal outcome, 39

  • Substantiation, 77

  • Substitutability axiom, 334

  • Suckers, 295

  • Sunk costs, 1618, 307

  • Sunrise Metal Recycling, 81

  • Superiority, illusion of, 169

  • Superrationality, 288

  • Sure thing principle, 2425

  • Surface-level transfer, 186

  • Surplus

    • bargaining, 40

    • negotiator’s, 41

  • Susan and Martha problem, 177, 206

  • Suspicion, 134

  • Swift trust, 145146

  • Syllogisms, 201, 202

  • Symbolic conflict, 239

  • Symmetric bargaining, 345

  • Symmetric relationships, in power, 152

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