• Package deals, 81

  • Panorama Software, 26

  • Paralinguistic cues, 349

  • Paranoia, 322

  • Paraphrasing, 107

  • Pareto-efficient frontier, 344345

  • Pareto-optimal frontier, 344345

  • Particularism, 123

  • Parties

    • BATNA and, 26

    • explanation of, 26

    • interests and positions of, 26

    • monolithic, 26

  • Partnership model, 179

  • Passive misrepresentation, 162

  • Pepsi, 286

  • Perceived power, 150

  • Peripheral route persuasion tactics

  • Perseverance effect, 191

  • Personal conflict, 129

  • Personal escalation dilemmas, 304

  • Personal power, 152

  • Person in a room decision, 175, 204

  • Perspective taking, 7576

  • Physical presence, 132

  • Pie slicer profiles, 64

  • Pie slicing. See Distributive negotiations

  • Pie Slicing and Satisfaction 6768

  • Pigpen problem, 178, 207

  • Pivotal power, 221

  • Place-time model of social interaction

    • different place, different time and, 314, 318

    • different time, same place and, 313314

    • explanation of, 309310, 327

    • face-to-face communication and, 310311

    • same time, different place and, 312

  • Positional negotiators, 14, 19

  • Positions, lying about, 162

  • Positive bargaining zone, 39, 40, 365

  • Positive emotion

  • Possibility effect, 339

  • Postdispute analysis/feedback, 110

  • Postsettlement settlement strategy, 8788

  • Posture, 349

  • Potential power, 150

  • Power

    • of alternatives, 150152

    • analysis of, 150151

    • asymmetric relationships, 152

    • BATNA as source of, 150152, 260

    • explanation, 150, 154

    • focus on, 100, 101

    • information technology and, 318320

    • negotiation and, 152

    • nonverbal cues to transmit, 351352

    • perceived, 150

    • personal, 152

    • pivotal, 221

    • potential, 150

    • realized, 150

    • of reciprocity, 99

    • symmetric relationships, 152

    • tactics, 150

    • verbal and nonverbal skills of, 158

    • vs. status, 154155

  • Power-based approach

    • application of, 103104

    • costs associated with, 110

    • explanation of, 101

    • strategies to refocus, 105110, 111112

    • third-party interventions and, 109

    • types of, 104

    • when to use, 110111

  • Power distance, 260261

  • Power tactics, 150

  • Pratt Whitney, 81

  • Preferences, 162

  • Premature concessions, 19, 47, 72

  • Preparation. See Negotiation preparation

  • Preparation phase of problem solving, 200

  • Presettlement settlements (PreSS)

    • explanation of, 87

    • search for, 88

  • Primary status characteristics, 154

  • Primary table, 229

  • Principal-agent negotiations

    • advantages of, 223

    • disadvantages of, 224226

    • explanation of, 223224

    • strategies for working with, 226227

  • Pringles, 2

  • Priorities, 162

  • Prisoner’s dilemma

    • decision making in, 281282

    • explanation of, 280288, 294

    • psychological analysis of tit-for-tat and, 284288

    • rational analysis in, 282284

    • risk and, 294

  • Privatization, 299

  • Probability

    • crossover, 340

    • estimation of, 203

    • risk and, 332

  • Probability weighting function, 340341

  • Problem solving. See also Decision making

  • Procedural justice, 6061

  • Process control, 363

  • Process intervention, 106

  • Proctor and gamble, 2

  • Propinquity effect, 132

  • Proportionality of contributions principle. See Equity rule

  • Prospect theory, 340

  • Prototypes, 246

  • Pseudosacred, 267

  • Pseudostatus characteristics, 154

  • Psychological contracts, 300

  • Psychological distancing model, 310

  • Psychological equity, 60

  • Psychological strategies, to maximize cooperation, 297, 299303

  • Psychological trust-building strategies

    • flattery as, 133134

    • mere exposure effect as, 131

    • mimicry and mirroring as, 134

    • physical presence as, 132

    • reciprocity as, 132133

    • schmoozing as, 133

    • self-affirmation as, 134

    • similarity as, 130131

  • Public goods dilemmas, 295

  • Punctuation, 267268

  • Punishment, 302

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