• eBay, 30

  • Economic Community of West African states (ECOWAS), 364

  • Economic issues, 4

  • Effectiveness, 67

  • Egalitarianism, 258

  • Egalitarianism-hierarchy

    • explanation of, 247, 248, 258261

    • face concerns and, 260261

    • negotiation communication and, 261

    • relationship network and, 260

    • representative choice and, 260

  • Egocentric bias, 64, 231, 357

  • Egocentrism

    • development of, 6667

    • explanation of, 6

    • fairness issues and, 6266

  • 80-20 rule, 12

  • Embedded relationships

    • business dealings and, 146147

    • explanation of, 141, 146

    • pitfalls in, 147

  • Emblems, 349

  • Emotional conflict. See Personal conflict

  • Emotional intelligence (EQ)

    • explanation of, 118119

    • negotiated outcomes and, 118119

  • Emotional style questionnaire, 114

  • Emotional styles, 113

  • Emotions

    • at bargaining table, 119120

    • cultural orientation and, 252, 255

    • in embedded relationships, 147

    • explanation of, 112113

    • genuine vs. strategic, 112113

    • negative, 113117

    • positive, 117118

    • suppression of, 120

  • Empathy, 76

  • Endowment effects, 23

  • e-negotiations, 314315, 318

  • Epistemic motivation, 78, 99

  • Equal-concession negotiation, 74

  • Equal division principle, 221

  • Equality, 6465

  • Equity principle, 221

  • Equality rule

    • explanation of, 54

    • friends and, 144

  • “Equal shares” bias, 217

  • Equilibrium outcome, 282

  • Equity

    • function of, 5859

    • psychological, 60

    • restoration of, 5960

  • Equity formula, 59

  • Equity rule, 54, 55, 144

  • Escalation dilemmas, 304

  • Escalation of commitment process, 303307

  • Ethical issues

    • deception as, 5052

    • lying as, 5052, 161163, 166

    • negotiating strategies presenting, 163164

    • sins of omission and commission as, 166, 167

  • Ethnocentrism, 268269

  • Even splits, 12, 70

  • Even split technique, 50

  • Everyman’s utility function (EU), 337

  • Exchange norms, 142

  • Exit bias, 315

  • Expanding the pie. See also Win-win negotiations

    • cultural orientation and, 264265, 272

    • explanation of, 181

  • Expectations, 85

  • Expected utility principle

    • diminishing marginal utility and, 337

    • explanation of, 337

    • risk-taking and, 338339

  • Expected utility theory, 331332

  • Expected value principle, 335336

  • Explicit negotiations, 278

  • Expressiveness, 352353

  • Extremism, 238

  • Extremity effect, 340

  • Eye contact, 349, 357

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