Added-variable plot, 95, 109

Adjusted multiple correlation coefficient, 285

AIC, 287, 290291, 295, 308, 320, 327, 343

bias corrected, 287

Akaike Information Criteria, 287

Analysis of covariance, 12, 15

Analysis of variance, 12, 15, 67, 140

ANOVA, 140

multiple regression, 67

simple regression, 71


constant variance, 86

Homogeneity, 86

independent-errors, 87

linearity, 31, 86

normality, 37, 86

Autocorrelation, 18, 87, 180, 197, 201


Backward elimination, 289

Bayes Information Criteria, 287

Best linear unbiased estimator, 61, 83

BIC, 287, 290291, 295, 308, 320, 327


response data, 195

response variable, 318, 321

variable, 12

BLUE, 61, 83


Centering, 239

Classification, 336

Coefficient of determination, 42, 61

Collinearity-influential observations, 246

Collinearity, 18, 88, 222

Computer repair data, 26, 3031, 35, 42

Concordance Index, 328

Condition number, 244, 276, 288


interval, 38

interval for βj, 63

region, 37

Constant variance assumption, 86

Cook's Distance, 103

Corrected sums of squares and products matrix, 60

Correlated errors, 141

Correlation coefficient, 21, 24, 240

between Y and images, 40, 61

population, 36

sample, 36, 39

Correlation matrix, 117, 241, 243, 250, 252

images, 83

Covariance, 21, 23

Cross-sectional data, 128, 214215

Cumulative distribution function, 319


Data set

advertising, 234, 236

air pollution, 300, 302

Anscombe's quartet, 24

bacteria deaths, 155

bankruptcy, 320, 322

brain, 171172

cigarette consumption, 1, 7980, 312

college expense, 182

computer repair (expanded), 116

computer repair, 2627

consumer expenditure, 198, 216

corn yields, 147

cost of education, 182

diabetes, 330, 332

DJIA, 216

domestic immigration, 6

education expenditure, 141, 143, 185

Egyptian skulls, 6

equal educational opportunity, 223

examination, 7576

exponential growth, 108

field goal kicking, 339

fuel consumption, 256

Hald, 265266

Hamilton, 95

hard disk prices, 177

heights of husbands and wives, 4748, 78

homicide, 296

housing starts, 206

import, 229, 260

injury incidents, 161

labor force, 47

Longley, 275276

magazine advertising, 174

milk production, 3

new drugs, 343

New York rivers, 10, 6, 99, 101, 105

newspapers, 48

nonlinear, 24

oil production, 176, 216

PCB, 348

preemployment testing, 132

presidential election, 148150, 176, 255, 312

quantitative sensory testing, 14

real estate, 309

right-to-work laws, 4

salary survey, 122123

Scottish Hills Races, 111

ski sales, 140141, 210211

Space Shuttle, 339

students information, 147148

supervised workers, 164, 180

supervisor performance, 5455, 6364, 292

wind chill factor, 175


collection, 11

re-expression, 13

transformation, 13

Degrees of freedom, 33, 58, 89

DFITS, 104

Discriminant analysis, 336


Cook's, 103

orthogonal, 29

perpendicular, 29

vertical, 29


binomial, 342

chi-square, 323

gamma, 342

inverse Gaussian, 342

Poisson, 160, 164, 342

Dose-response curve, 180, 194

Draftsman's matrix, 94

Dummy variable, 121

Durbin-Watson statistic, 200


Eigenvalues, 243

Eigenvector, 243

Externally studentized residual, 90


F-test, 65


regression equation, 37

value, 15, 30, 57


models to data, 14

Forecast interval, 38

Forward selection, 289

Full model, 65


cumulative distribution, 319

intrinsically nonlinear, 13

linear, 13

linearizable, 13

link, 343

logistic, 195

nonlinear, 13, 195


Generalized linear models, xv, 341

Goodness-of-fit index, 42


Hadi's influence measure, 105

Hat matrix, 83, 89

Heteroscedasticity, 86, 159, 179

High leverage, 100, 265

Homogeneity (Homoscedasticity), 86, 159


Independent-errors assumption, 87

Indicator variable, 118, 121, 211

Influence measures, 103

Welsch and Kuh (DFITS), 106

Cook's Distance, 103, 106, 117

Hadi's, 105106, 117

Welsch and Kuh (DFITS), 104, 106

Influential observations, 91, 98

Interaction effects, 125

Intercept, 57

Internally studentized residual, 90

Interpretation of regression coefficients, 58

Iterative process, 16


L-R plot, 107

Ladder of transformation, 171

Lagged variables, 215

Least squares, 14

estimates, 30

line, 30

method, 2930, 57

properties, 60

weighted, 18, 167, 180

Leverage-residual plot, 107

Leverage values, 89

Linearity assumption, 31, 86

Link function, 343

Logistic regression, xv, 342

binary, xv, 18

multinomial, xv, 18

polytomous, 329

ordered response variable, xv, 18


distribution, 319

function, 176, 195

models, 180, 195

regression, 12, 15, 18, 140, 317, 319

regression diagnostics, 323

response function, 318

Logit, 320

link function, 342

model, xv, 195, 343

transformation, 319


Masking problem, 101

Matrix, 241

corrected sums of squares and products, 60

correlation, 241, 243, 250, 252

draftsman's, 94

hat, 89

plot, 94, 117

projection, 89

variance-covariance, 241, 257

Maximum likelihood, 14, 320, 342

Maximum likelihood method, 335, 330


fitting, 14

full, 65

no-intercept, 183, 186

probit, 195, 319

random walk, 219

reduced, 65

through the origin, 42

Multicollinearity, 68, 222

Multinomial logit model, 329

Multiple correlation coefficient, 61, 67, 70, 87, 285

Multiple regression, 15, 54, 61

ANOVA table, 67

assumptions, 60

Multiplicative effect, 125

Multivariate regression, 1415


Nested models, 65, 326

No-intercept model, 42, 183, 186

Nominal model, 335

Nonlinear regression, 15

Nonparametric statistics, 200


equations, 57, 82

property of, 160

scores, 97

Normality assumption, 33, 86

Normalizing transformations, 153


Odds ratio, 319

One-sample t-test, 44

Ordered response category, 334

Ordered response variable, xv, 18

Ordinal logistic regression, 334

Ordinal model, 335


predictors, 221, 239

regression, 29

Outliers, 100, 265


P-R plot, 107

P-value for

F-test, 66

t-test, 63


for t-test, 34

Parameter estimation, 14

Parsimony, 69


regression coefficients, 53, 58

regression plot, 110

residual plot, 110


added-variable, 95, 109

L-R, 107

matrix, 94, 117

P-R, 107

partial regression, 110

partial residual, 110

potential-residual, 107, 117

residual plus component, 95

sequence, 199

Poisson regression, xv, 18, 342

Potential-residual plot, 107, 117

Predicted value, 15


errors, 219

interval, 38

Principal components, 14, 239, 243, 255, 257

Probit model, 195, 319

Projection matrix, 83, 89

Proportional odds model, 329, 334335

Pure error, 184


R2, 41, 61

Random walk model, 219

Reduced model, 65


assumptions, 86

coefficients, 2, 28, 53

definition, 1

elements of, 7

examples of, 3

line, 30

linear, 15

logistic, 12, 15, 18

model through the origin, 42

multiple, 13, 15, 17, 54, 61

multivariate, 1415

nonlinear, 15

parameters, 2, 28

partial coefficients, 53

Poisson, xv, 18, 342

ridge, 268

robust, 115

simple, 13, 15, 17, 54, 63, 71, 74

sum of squares, 40

trivial models, 44

univariate, 1415

Relationship between simple and multiple regression coefficients, 76


adjusted, 105

internally studentized, 90

mean square, 44, 285

ordinary least squares, 30, 57

plots, 90

plus component plot, 95, 109110

standardized, 89

sum of squares, 33, 40, 89


bias of estimators, 278

method, 14

parameter, 268

regression, 268

trace, 268269

variance of estimators, 278

Robust regression, xv, 115, 341, 345



mean, 22

standard deviation, 44

variance, 44

Sampling distribution of

images, 37

images, 33, 37

Scaling, 239

unit length, 240

Sequence plot, 199

Shrinkage estimators, 269

Simple regression, 15, 54, 63, 71, 74

ANOVA table, 71

Simultaneous confidence region, 37

Standard deviation, 33

sample, 23, 44

Standard error of images, 83

estimate, 33

Standard normal distribution, 90


deviance residuals, 323

Personian residuals, 323

residual, 89

variables, 240

Standardizing, 240

Stepwise method, 289

Stimulus-response relationships, 195

Sum of squared residuals, 58

Swamping problem, 101



t-, 44

Durbin-Watson, 200

F-, 6568, 70

one-sample t, 44

runs, 200

t-, 3334, 6364, 67, 72

two-sample t, 45

Time series data, 130, 199, 214


mean square error, 277279

sum of squares, 40

variance, 268

variance of OLS estimators, 269

variance of ridge estimators, 268

Transformation, 13, 18, 32

ladder of, 171

to achieve linearity, 153

to achieve normality, 153

variance-stabilizing, 153

Trivial regression models, 44

Two-sample t-test, 45


Uniqueness of LS solution, 30, 57

Univariate regression, 1415



binary, 12, 318, 321

dependent, 1

dummy, 12, 121

explanatory, 1

independent, 2

indicator, 12, 118, 121, 211

lagged, 215

predictor, 1

qualitative, 12, 18

quantitative, 12

regressor, 2

response, 1

role of, 313

selection, 18

selection procedures, 281

standardized, 240

Variance-covariance matrix, 241, 257

Variance-stabilizing transformations, 153


inflation factor, 236, 278, 288

of ridge estimators, 278

sample, 44


Wald Test, 321

Web site

book's, 3, xiv

Case book, 2


Electronic Dataset Service, 3


least squares, 18, 167, 180

leverages, 323

Welsch and Kuh measure, 104

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