C H A P T E R  1

Introducing the Reporting Services Architecture

Microsoft’s 2003 announcement that it was going to release SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) as a SQL Server 2000 add-on stirred up a frenzy of excitement. The product was originally slated for release with SQL Server 2005, so the early release was a welcome event for many. Our software development company decided to embrace SSRS early on and was fortunate to work with Microsoft during the beta phases. In January 2004, the month Microsoft’s released SSRS to manufacturing (RTM), we deployed it immediately. We intended to migrate all of our existing reports (which we had developed on as many as five reporting applications and platforms over the previous ten years) to SSRS. We can sum up the reason for the seemingly rapid decision in one word: standardization.

Just as Microsoft wanted to create an industry standard with Report Definition Language (RDL), the Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema that dictates the common structure of all SSRS reports, we wanted to provide a standard reporting solution to our customers. Even in the first version of the product, SSRS delivered almost all the features we needed. Thanks to its extensibility via SSRS’s Web service, we could programmatically add other features that weren’t already directly supported. In addition, Microsoft was committed to enhancing SSRS for years to come. Some of the features released in the 2005 edition were client-side printing, interactive sorting capabilities, and an ability to define multivalued parameters. There was also a move forward in the self-service business intelligence (BI) arena with Microsoft’s first ad hoc Report Builder ClickOnce application.

Microsoft’s next release was SSRS 2008. The new release brought on many long-awaited enhancements to include modifications of its architecture, completely revamped report designer, and 2008 R2 brought us significant design updates to the built-in Report Manager application. With the vast updates implemented in the 2008 release, SSRS has taken its place as a key SQL Server component in Microsoft’s business intelligence suite of products alongside SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). Nobody could now think of Reporting Services as just an add-on.

The new features in SSRS 2008 and SSRS 2008 R2 pushed the technology one step further into becoming the reporting development environment of choice for programmers and designers, especially those already skilled with Visual Studio (VS) and Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET). As they were for its predecessors, SSRS 2005, SSRS 2008, and SSRS 2008 R2, the long-awaited features for SSRS 2012 are mostly driven by direct feedback from the user community. Throughout the book, we will demonstrate each of the new features released in 2008, 2008 R2, and 2012 as we show how to design professional reports, applications, and solutions built on Microsoft’s BI initiatives. We will focus on SSRS as a whole, building on features from each version from 2000 to 2012; however, we will point out which features are new to SSRS 2008 R2 and SSRS 2012.

Understanding the Benefits of SSRS

Our company based its decision to migrate immediately to SSRS on the following perceived benefits for the company and for our customers:

Standard platform: As well as providing a standard realized with the RDL, our development teams had been using VS .NET as their main development environment. Because SSRS reports were currently developed within this platform, we wouldn’t need to purchase additional development software. Our clients would need to purchase only a low-cost edition of a designer—VB.NET, for example—to gain the benefit of developing their own custom reports. In SQL Server 2005, Microsoft included the Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) as a free, alternative report designer. This free development environment has been available with SQL Server ever since, but Microsoft has recently renamed it as SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). Throughout this book, we will use BIDS and SSDT interchangeably. The BIDS environment runs in the shell of Visual Studio (devenv.exe) and, at the time of writing, is based on Visual Studio—VS 2008 for 2008 and 2008 R2, and VS 2010 for the latest release, SQL Server 2012. Anybody who learns to design reports with BIDS will have the advantage of a consistent interface when they move to the full version of Visual Studio, and will need no additional training.

Cost: SSRS is an integral part of SQL Server 2012 and is available in many editions, from Express Advanced to Enterprise in 2008 and even Datacenter edition in 2008 R2. However, because SQL Server 2012 has done away with Datacenter edition, the most feature-rich edition will once again be Enterprise. When you purchase SQL Server, you get SSRS as well. See a complete list of SQL Server 2012 features at http://tinyurl.com/SQL2012Features.

Web-enabled: Because SSRS is a Web-based reporting solution; a single deployed report is accessible to a variety of clients, from the browser to custom Windows Forms. In addition, because reports are primarily accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or HTTP Secure (HTTPS), you can view reports from any location that has access to the SSRS Web server. Unless you have a thick client application that requires local reports to be deployed with the application, you can have one central repository for reports to be consumed across the organization.

Customizable: SSRS provides a .NET Web service as a front end, programmatically accessible to extend the delivery of reports beyond the browser. As .NET programmers, we knew we would want to build custom applications to render reports where we could control the look and feel of the report viewer. We show one such application in Chapter 7, which covers report rendering.

Subscriptions: SSRS subscription abilities gave a huge advantage for our company and our clients, as report delivery by e-mail or file-sharing, as well as off-peak processing, were now possible. We show how to set up two different kinds of subscriptions, standard and data-driven, in Chapter 8.

As you’ll see, SSRS is a full reporting solution that encompasses many levels of professional expertise, from report design to database administration. In many organizations, especially small- to medium-sized ones, information technology (IT) professionals are asked to perform many jobs. They write a query and design a report in the morning, perform database backups or restores in the afternoon, and update all the systems before heading home in the late hours of the evening. Sometimes even until the early hours of the next day! But we are sure that we’re not the only ones that take such pride in our jobs and always striving to exceed the needs of the business.

Throughout each of our careers, we have all worn many hats in the companies which we have poured our time and devotion to over the years. We have been entrenched in every deployment phase from internal deployments to externally facing web application deployments to our clients, from simple implementations to advanced ones which extended Reporting Services capabilities. By developing efficient stored procedures, thoroughly testable security mechanisms, as well as building and maintaining well designed reports, we have witnessed the day-to-day operation of SSRS from many perspectives.

We have also been responsible for our company’s overall strategy for building solutions to analyze and transform data gathered through both our own and third-party applications. To that end, an essential part of our jobs over the years has been to integrate SSRS into the overall BI strategy that incorporated the following:

  • Disparate data sources such as Analysis Services Cubes and SQL Server relational databases
  • Applications and tools such as Microsoft Excel and Business Scorecards
  • Document management systems such as Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server

We’ll dive into the details of such integration projects in Chapter 12, which is devoted to BI. We will also explore one of the key advancements of SSRS 2008 R2 and 2012, which is a tighter integration with SharePoint portal server, to the point that SSRS content can now be directly deployed, managed, and viewed all within SharePoint. We’ll also show you how sections of reports can be created and served as web parts.

SSRS represents another world, not often seen by an administrator using standard management tools. This world is the domain of the software developer who can extend and control SSRS programmatically, building custom report viewers and deployment applications. In this book, as you work through each step of building a reporting solution for healthcare professionals, you’ll see how an administrator can accomplish the task with built-in tools, as well as how a developer can create an application to provide enhanced functionality.

SQL Server 2008 R2 and 2012 Reporting Services Enhancements

There have been many major additions to Reporting Services since its initial release in 2005, but let’s look at some of the most significant enhancements made to the SSRS technology in SQL Server.

Report Builder/Data Modeler

The Report Builder application, a feature introduced in SSRS 2005, is a local ad hoc report-designing application intended for use more by report consumers than by report developers. An administrator familiar with the source data creates the business logic and underlying data structures as a data model. With the Report Builder application, the user can create and publish reports based on available models. Microsoft designed Report Builder 2.0, released in SSRS 2008, for Microsoft Ribbon technology, much like Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, and it was a significant improvement on Report Builder 1.0. Each enhancement provided a richer development environment and additional content sources, such as Oracle and Analysis Services Cubes. As if that wasn’t enough, Report Builder 3.0 made its first appearance with SSRS 2008 R2, with its new data visualization report items and cached result sets. Chapter 13 tells you how to build and deploy a data model, as well as how to create reports with the Report Builder 1.0, Report Builder 2.0, and Report Builder 3.0 applications.

SSRS 2012 Integration with Microsoft Office SharePoint

While SharePoint integration was available with the use of SharePoint controls in previous versions of SSRS, SSRS 2012 takes the integration several steps further. By using SSRS 2012 in SharePoint Integration Mode, users can deploy, manage, and deliver reports and report objects, like web parts, data sources, and models, even entire dashboards or portals, all within the SharePoint environment. In addition, the deployed reports inherit the native features of SharePoint, such as workflow capabilities and the ability to check in and check out reports, and report change notification. We will demonstrate this tighter integration with SharePoint in Chapter 12.

Tablix Report Properties

As the name suggests, the Tablix properties first seen in SSRS 2008 combine two existing report controls, Table and Matrix. This combination gives developers a more flexible tool when creating reports. The availability of multiple columns and rows blends the static nature of the Table control with the dynamic nature of the Matrix. Reports can now accommodate multiple parallel rows and column members at each level, independent of each other but using the same aggregate calculations. In previous editions of this book, we provided workarounds to combining tables and matrices by embedding one within the other. In Chapter 4, we will explore the true power of the new Tablix control properties for the List, Table, and Matrix controls.

Enhanced Charting and Report Item Visualizations

From the beginning, SSRS offered charts and visualizations natively in reports. These charts, while versatile, were somewhat limited in scope. Much, if not all, of the functionality in the charting aspects of previous versions of SSRS could be easily duplicated in Microsoft Excel. In fact, the charting was almost identical. SSRS 2008 provided several charting and graphical data-visualization enhancements vital for the sound BI reporting solution of which SSRS is a pivotal component. New charting elements such as range, polar, radar, funnel, and pyramid are available, as well as many new “gauges” delivered with the acquisition of Dundas reporting controls for SSRS.

SSRS 2008 R2 included several eagerly-awaited report item visualizations to enable the creation of a more sophisticated dashboard look and feel. One is the Map control that can display data from a geospatial data result set or an Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) shape file. Other great additions include Data Bars, Sparklines, and Indicators. We will explore several of these new visualizations as we incorporate them into reports in Chapter 5.

Enhanced Performance and Memory Management

Microsoft reengineered the report engine in SSRS 2008 to lessen the memory footprint for reports at the server level, speeding delivery of reports to end-user applications. This enhancement also resolves the contention that arose when long-running, large reports and smaller, non-memory-bound reports processed simultaneously.

Embeddable SSRS Controls

The ability to embed controls in custom applications makes it easier for developers to integrate SSRS into their projects. Since the release of SQL Server 2005, the Visual Studio environment has included distributable controls that you can use for Windows Forms development and ASP.NET Web Forms development. These controls provide additional benefits to developers, such as the ability to render reports while disconnected from the SSRS. We will cover updated SSRS controls in Chapter 9.

HTML Text Formatting

Aside from the change from dual to single service architecture and the ability to export to Microsoft Word format, text formatting is probably one of the most significant advancements of SSRS 2008. In previous versions of SSRS, in-line formatting of textual content, for example for a form letter, was not possible. For example, if you wanted to have a single textbox contain some text in regular font, but wanted to bold or italicize other sections of the text, you wouldn’t be able to do it. Textbox report items in SSRS 2008, SSRS 2008 R2, and SSRS 2012 allow for normal and rich-text modes and allow formatting in the same way as a word processor does. You can create a placeholder to allow a limited subset of some HTML and style tags. The text formatting can combine both literal text and data source text for mail merge and template reports. We will demonstrate the full use of this feature by creating a custom form letter style report in Chapter 6.

Microsoft Word Rendering

Since the first version of SSRS, you could export any report to Microsoft Excel. While this was an important capability, not being able to export to other Microsoft Office formats, such as Word, was a limitation. Developers often want to create reports using the rich text formats found in today’s modern word processors. By combining SSRS’s ability to design custom reports from multiple data sources with Word’s ability to provide rich formatting, SSRS 2008 overcomes significant limitations of its predecessors. Another limitation was that report users could not export into 2007 formats. Excel 2003 has a limitation of 65,536 rows and 256 columns, but one of SSRS 2012’s new rendering enhancements enables us to export to Word and Excel 2007-2010 formats, so we can now store 1,048,576 records and 16,384 columns on one sheet of an Excel workbook.

Report Parts

If you’re like us, you have probably wanted to create little reusable objects that could be incorporated in more than one report. Until SSRS 2008 R2, you could do this only by creating reports that could be embedded into other reports as subreports. Now, you can publish individual sections of reports, like a Tablix containing the top 10 employees by sales totals or a Sparkline showing the customer complaints trend for the current year. Any report item like these can be deployed to a ReportServer or SharePoint server and reused by end users using ad hoc tools like Report Builder or SharePoint. Furthermore, report developers can use these report parts to reduce duplicate efforts for reports that need the data represented in the same fashion. A very useful feature is that if the report part is modified by a user with appropriate permissions, the consumers of that report part are notified about the update and they can choose to refresh their report or to leave it as it was.

Lookup Functions

Before 2008 R2, the need often arose to find a value in a different data region in the same report. Since the data in both of the tables could be linked by a common field, one workaround was simply to gather the data in the source query by joining the tables together. Often, this may perform better on the backend, but sometimes you need to look up values in another data region, so Microsoft has added three lookup functions to Reporting Services: Lookup, LookupSet and MultiLookup.

Shared Datasets

Before moving on from the upgrades released with SSRS 2008 R2 and 2012, let’s briefly talk about shared datasets. This feature, added in 2008 R2, allows you to create a dataset that can be consumed among other reports. Imagine you have created a project with 50 reports, about 10 of them with a parameter for all of the countries throughout the world. Thinking of manageability, you designed this dataset to be loaded by making a call to a stored procedure. In previous releases of SSRS, you would have needed to create a dataset for every report that needed this parameter, so any change that affected them all would have had to be made in them all, one at a time. From 2008 R2 onward, we can create a shared dataset and use it across reports. A change in that single dataset updates all the reports that need that change.

SSRS and Business Intelligence

SSRS is just one component of Microsoft’s BI platform. We’ll now cover other new features and enhancements since SQL Server 2008 that will form an integral part of your overall reporting solution.

Business Intelligence Development Studio and SQL Server Data Tools

Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) is a limited version of Visual Studio 2008, included with the SQL Server 2008 base installation. In SQL Server 2012, the report designer takes on a new name, SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), and we now have the Visual Studio 2010 shell rather than VS 2008. With SSDT and BIDS, developers can create entire projects for each of the supported components of SQL Server 2012, including SSIS, SSAS, and of course SSRS. We will use SSDT throughout the book (except in Chapter 13, where we use Report Builder to show you how to design and deploy SSRS reports and Analysis Services projects). Note that SSDT and BIDS both use the devenv executable and as such, can be used interchangeably.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

With the release of SQL Server 2008, Microsoft continued to build on its management platform with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Microsoft has taken a big step toward consolidating, in a single environment, many of the tools that in previous versions of SQL Server would have been executed individually. SSMS replaces Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer, offering a much more elaborate set of tools for creating and managing SQL Server objects and queries. In addition to managing SQL Server and Analysis Services servers, administrators can use SSMS to manage instances of their SSRS reporting servers. We have heard in the SQL Server community that Management Studio will run in the Visual Studio shell, but for now, anyway, it still runs with ssms.exe. However, SSMS users will now be able to undock windows and have them on multiple monitors as Visual Studio developers have done for some years.

Throughout the book, we will show you how to use both SSMS and Report Manager for various tasks. For example, we will show you how to use SSMS to test query performance and the browser-based Report Manager to view published reports, set security permissions, and create subscriptions. Although the two applications share functionality for managing SSRS, Report Manager is often preferable to SSMS because it can perform many more administrative tasks and does not require a local installation. You can access Report Manager from a browser anywhere on your network, but you would need access to the installed SQL Server 2012 client tools to use SSMS.

SSRS Architecture

You’ve probably heard the expression that the devil is in the details. You’ll be drilling into those details throughout the book, right down to the data packets that SSRS constructs, as you explore each aspect of SSRS from design to security. For now, let’s pull back to a broader vantage point—the 10,000-foot view if you will—and look at the three main components that work together to make SSRS a true multi-tier application: the client, the report server, and the SQL Server report databases. Figure 1-1 shows the conceptual breakdown of the three component pieces.

The data source and the SSRS databases, ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB, are separate entities. The data source is the origin of the data that will populate the reports, while the report server databases store metadata and execution information about the reports. Both the data source and the report server databases can physically be located on the same SQL Server, assuming the data source is a SQL Server database. The data source can be any supported data provider, such as SQL Server, Oracle, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Microsoft SharePoint List, SQL Azure and Analysis Services. It’s possible to configure a single server to act as both the SSRS report server web service and report server database as well as the data source server. However, this isn’t recommended unless you have a small user base. We’ll show you how to monitor the performance of the SSRS configuration and build a small Web farm, post-installation, in Chapter 10.


Figure 1-1. SSRS components

SSRS Databases

SSRS is added as an option during the SQL Server installation process. The SSRS native installation creates two databases that are used to store report metadata and manage performance:

ReportServer: This is the primary database that stores all the information about reports that was originally provided from the RDL files used to create and publish the reports to the ReportServer database. In addition to report properties (such as data sources) and report parameters, ReportServer also stores folder hierarchy and report execution log information.

ReportServerTempDB: This database houses cached copies of reports that you can use to increase performance for many simultaneous users. By caching reports using a nonvolatile storage mechanism, you make sure they remain available to users even if the report server is restarted.

Database administrators can use standard tools to back up and restore these two databases. An additional database might be added after the initial installation of SSRS: the RSExecutionLog database. This stores more detailed information about report execution, such as the user who ran the report, the time of execution, and performance statistics. We’ll cover creating the Pro_SSRSExecutionLog database and discuss report execution logging in detail in Chapter 10.

Image Note When configuring Reporting Services to run in SharePoint integrated mode for 2012, an extra database is installed for Alerting. Note also that the default database names are slightly different as they will have a unique identifier appended to ReportingService_, assigned when creating the instance of Reporting Services on the SharePoint site. For example, in SharePoint integrated mode, ReportServerTempDB becomes something like ReportingService_14214aae2b5d4f0d888289011932bmcdTempDB. We’ll look at SharePoint integrated mode in Chapter 12.

The SSRS Report Server

The SSRS report server plays the most important role in the SSRS model. Working in the middle, it’s responsible for every client request to render a report or to perform a management request, such as creating a subscription. You can break down the report server into several subcomponents by function:

  • Programming interface
  • Authentication Layer (new in SSRS 2008)
  • Report processing
  • Data processing
  • Report rendering
  • Report scheduling and delivery

SSRS Web Service Interface

The programming interface, exposed as .NET Web service application programming interfaces (APIs) and uniform resource locator (URL) access methods, handles all incoming report and management requests from clients. Depending on the type of request, the programming interface either processes it directly by accessing the ReportServer database or passes it off to another component for further processing. If the request is for an on-demand report or a snapshot, the Web service passes it to the Report Processor before delivering the completed request to the client or storing it in the ReportServer database.

Image Note On-demand reports are rendered and delivered directly to the client, while snapshots are reports that are processed at a point in time and delivered to the client through e-mail or via file shares, or (if configured) directly to a printer.

Authentication Layer

SSRS 2005 relied heavily on the authentication methodology of Internet Information Services (IIS), since SSRS and IIS were interdependent. With the exception of SSRS in SharePoint integrated mode, no SSRS versions since 2008 are tied to IIS. SSRS now uses Http.sys directly, as well as SQL Server’s native network components, so SSRS’s architecture has been redesigned to include its own authentication layer, which we will cover in Chapter 11.

The Report Processor

The Report Processor component is responsible for all report requests. Like the programming interface, it communicates directly with the ReportServer database to receive the report definition information that it then uses to combine with the data returned from the data source, which is accessed via one of the data processing extensions.

Data Processing

Reporting Services supports twelve data processing extensions to connect to data sources. These are:

  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • OLE DB
  • ODBC
  • XML
  • SAP BI NetWeaver
  • Hyperion Essbase
  • Teradata
  • Microsoft SQL Azure (SQL in the Cloud)
  • Microsoft SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse
  • Microsoft SharePoint List

When the data processing component receives the request from the Report Processor, it initiates a connection to the data source and passes it the source query. Data is returned and sent back to the Report Processor, which then combines the elements of the report with the data returned from the Data Processor extension.

Report Rendering

The combined report and data is handed off to the rendering extension component to be stored in an intermediate format called Report Page Layout (RPL). The RPL is then turned into one of several supported or custom formats, based on the rendering type specified by the client (we cover rendering in depth in Chapter 8):

  • HTML: Default rendering format, supporting HTML versions 4.0 and 3.2.
  • Portable Document Format (PDF): Format used to produce print-ready reports using Adobe Acrobat Reader. SSRS doesn’t require that you have an Adobe license to render in PDF, which is a great benefit to customers. All you need is a PDF reader.
  • Excel 2002 and 2003: Service Pack 1 of SSRS supports Excel 97 and later. As discussed previously, SQL Server 2012 supports exporting in 2007-2010 (.xlsx) compressed format to allow more rows and columns.
  • XML: Other applications or services can use reports that are exported to XML.
  • Comma-separated values (CSVs): By rendering to a CSV file, you can further process the report by importing it into other CSV-supported applications such as Microsoft Excel.
  • MIME HTML (MHTML): You can use this format, also known as a Web archive, to deliver reports directly in e-mail or to deliver them for storage, because the report contents, including images, are embedded within a single file.
  • Tagged Image File Format (TIFF): Rendering image files using TIFF guarantees a standard view of the report, as it’s processed the same way for all users, whatever their browser settings or versions.
  • Microsoft Word: Standard Microsoft Word document export is now included in SSRS 2008. Both 97-2003 (.doc) and 2007-2010 (.docx) compressed formats are available in SSRS 2012.
  • ATOM: This format can be consumed by ATOM-compliant client applications such as PowerPivot and SharePoint.
  • NULL: The NULL rendering extension isn’t actually a format like the others, but can be used to cache results of reports. The next time the report is requested; it is pulled from cache and rendered significantly quicker. This is especially useful if you have a larger report that takes an abnormally long time to render. You will see this extension as a delivery format when creating subscriptions.

Scheduling and Delivery

If the request from the client requires a schedule or delivery extension, such as a snapshot or subscription, the programming interface calls the Scheduling and Delivery Processor to handle the request. You can generate and deliver report snapshots, based on a user-defined or shared schedule, to one of two supported delivery extensions: an e-mail or a file share. Note that SSRS uses the SQL Server Agent to create the scheduled job. If the SQL Server Agent isn’t running, the job won’t execute. We’ll cover creating subscriptions and snapshots based on shared schedules in Chapter 10.

Client Applications

SSRS includes several client applications that use the SSRS programming interface, including Web service APIs and URL access methods, to provide front-end tools for users to access both SSRS reports and configuration tools. These tools provide report server management, security implementation, and report-rendering functionality. The tools are as follows:

  • Report Manager: This browser-based application ships with SSRS and provides a graphical interface for users who need to view or print reports, or to manage report objects for their workgroups or departments. We describe Report Manager in detail in Chapter 10, which covers managing SSRS.
  • BIDS or SSDT: This tool provides an integrated environment for developing SSRS reports. We introduce BIDS or SSDT in Chapters 3-5 and step through building reports in this environment in Chapter 6 and throughout the book.
  • Command-line utilities: You can use several command-line tools to configure and manage the SSRS environment, including rs, rsconfig, rskeymgmt and rsactivate.
  • Report Builder 3.0: This enhanced application was primarily developed to give business users the ability to create ad hoc reports. Nearly all of the features available in BIDS are also available in Report Builder 3.0.
  • Custom clients: These .NET Windows Forms and Web applications call the SSRS Web service to perform such tasks as rendering reports and managing report objects. SSRS includes sample application projects that you can compile and run to extend the functionality provided by the main tools listed earlier. In Chapters 8 and 9, we show you how to develop your own custom applications: a report viewer and a report publisher.
  • Reporting Services Configuration Manager: SSRS for SQL Server 2008 included an enhanced Reporting Services Configuration Manager designed specifically to change many of these properties in a graphical environment, including setting up the SSRS environment for offline or disconnected reporting.

When thinking of a Web-based application, the natural inclination is to think Web browser. Even though other front-end tools, such as SSMS and Visual Studio, connect to the report server, a Web browser plays an important role in providing the graphical interface for users, who can use Report Manager to view or print reports or remotely manage the report server for their workgroups or departments.

Report Manager

Within Report Manager, users can render reports, create report subscriptions, modify the properties of report objects, and configure security, as well as perform a host of other tasks. Users can access Report Manager by simply opening their Web browser and navigating to a URL of the form http://Servername/Reports. Figure 1-2 shows Report Manager in action, with a listing of reports in a folder deployed specifically for clinicians.


Figure 1-2. The Web-based Report Manager application

Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) and SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

The browser is only one of several clients that can use the SSRS Web service. In fact, BIDS is a client when it interacts with the Web service to deploy reports and data sources. BIDS offers a graphical design environment for report developers to produce the RDL files that SSRS uses for deploying and rendering reports.

Image Note Because RDL is a defined standard, you can use any design application that supports the creation of RDL files. Other third-party report designers are available, and many more are said to be in development.

By defining the base URL and folder name in a BIDS report project, you can deploy created RDL files directly to the report server while in design mode. The base URL is of the form http://Servername/ReportServer. If you have SSRS configured to run under a port other than the default, 80, specify http://ServerName:PortNumber/ReportServer. We’ll cover the entire BIDS design environment in Chapters 3-5, including most available report objects. We’ll also describe the RDL schema that defines every aspect of an SSRS report. Figure 1-3 shows the BIDS design environment, also called an integrated development environment (IDE), with a report loaded in design mode.


Figure 1-3. BIDS environment

Command-Line Utilities

In addition to graphical applications such as BIDS and SSMS, SSRS provides several command-line utilities that are considered Web service clients. The tools have the added benefit of being automated by using built-in task scheduling in Windows. SSRS includes four main command-line utilities:

  • rs: Processes reporting services script (RSS) files that are written with VB.NET code. Because you can access the full SSRS API via the code in the script, all SSRS Web service methods are available.
  • rsconfig: Configures the authentication methods and credentials for connecting SSRS to the ReportServer database. The rsconfig utility also sets the unattended SSRS execution credentials.
  • rskeymgmt: Manages the encryption keys that SSRS uses to store sensitive data securely, such as authentication credentials. Chapter 11 covers the use of rskeymgmt.
  • rsactivate: Adds another instance of Reporting Services to a Web Farm, and is useful for replacing a corrupted instance.

Report Builder

The Report Builder application develops reports in an environment much like other Microsoft Office products, with a ribbon style interface. Report Builder 3.0, released with SSRS 2008 R2, provides nearly all of the capabilities of the Report Designer within BIDS. You can install it using standard ClickOnce technologies from within the browser or as a thick client application to make it available under the Windows Start menu. Figure 1-4 shows an example of a report from Chapter 6, loaded in the Report Builder.


Figure 1-4. Report Builder 3.0

Custom Clients

The final types of clients are those custom designed to access the SSRS Web services. Between all of the authors of this book, we have built several such applications for many organizations, which use both the report viewer and the report publisher. Third-party commercial applications provide extended functionality, for instance RS Scripter, which assists in scripting and managing various report server catalog items; it can extract RDLs from a server, and manage subscriptions, roles, and even migration from one server to another.

Installing and Configuring

You can install Reporting Services—like Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Notification Services—as part of the main SQL Server installation. Before you install Reporting Services 2012, you must know whether you are going to run in native or SharePoint integrated mode. With earlier releases of Reporting Services, you could change mode after installation by using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, but with the 2012 release, you can only configure Reporting Services in SharePoint integrated mode at SQL Server installation, as the application will be installed and configured as a native SharePoint service.

The components installed depend on the mode your organization chooses to implement. For instance, when installing in native mode, components include the Reporting Services Web service, ReportServer databases, and Report Manager web application. Once you have installed Reporting Services, you can disable some features if you do not need them. You might choose to do this, for example, if you wanted to use a custom application to interface with the ReportServer rather than the built in Report Manager web application. Installed client components include the administrative command-line tools mentioned previously, such as rs and rsconfig, as well as documentation, samples, and the Reporting Services Configuration Manager mentioned earlier.

If you use the default configuration settings for native mode during the installation of Reporting Services, you will use the RS Configuration Manager to set up or change various other settings related to the instance. Some tasks to perform are:

  • Choosing security settings, such as whether the report server will use HTTP, HTTPS, or both.
  • Configuring a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server to handle the delivery of subscriptions.
  • Backup and restore the encryption key used when you move a report server to a new machine.
  • Set up Web Service and Report Manager URLs and define the ports they run on. This gives you the ability to run multiple reporting services instances on one machine.

As mentioned, once you have installed SSRS, you can modify some of the configuration settings. For example, after reviewing performance data, you might decide that the report server needs to connect to an existing Web farm. You can perform this task using the rsconfig utility or by using the graphical Reporting Services Configuration Manager. You can reconfigure the security settings or the mail server by directly modifying the RSReportServer.config file. We’ll cover using these tools, modifying the configuration file settings, and gathering performance measures in Chapters 10 and 11.

If you choose to use SharePoint integrated mode, the configuration settings are managed completely within SharePoint’s Central Administration. We will cover more of SharePoint integration in Chapter 12.

Deploying SSRS Securely

Security ranks as one of the highest priorities for businesses today. Providing customers and employees with a secure and reliable computing environment is not only good practice, but also in many cases a requirement, mandated by stringent federal regulations. In our case, this means adherence to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This requires policies and procedures to be in place that guarantee confidential patient information is not only securely transmitted, but also accessible only by those with the authority to view it. To that end, we have to ensure that the data we transmit over a network connection, especially the Internet, is encrypted at its source.

SSRS is a role-based application that provides access to the objects it stores through the use of defined roles, such as content browsers who may only view reports and report data. The roles are associated with Windows-based login accounts, so SSRS relies on Windows as its primary source of authentication. It is possible to extend the security model for SSRS to support other methods of authentication, such as forms-based authentication, whereby users can log in with accounts maintained outside Windows to access the report server. Since SSRS has multiple authentication points—namely, at the report server level through http.sys and the data-access level, SQL, or Windows authentication—specific security risks exist when altering the default Windows roles-based security model. For one, http.sys would need to be set up to allow explicit access and custom validation of a user’s credentials. Another risk is that SSRS can support only one security extension at a time. In other words, a single SSRS report server can be extended to support a non-default authentication model or remain as a default Windows authentication, but cannot take advantage of both models simultaneously. Depending on your level of need for custom security—say, for example, you need to deploy SSRS on an Internet-facing server, or your application already supports forms authentication, and it would be too difficult to work within the constraints of Windows authentication—then you might need to consider a custom security extension. Our needs were such that we could easily incorporate SSRS into an existing Windows authentication model.

Another method of dealing with security is through a Windows or Web-based application that has its own authentication layer. Using the ReportViewer control within the Visual Studio designer for Windows and Web forms, you can use an application as a portal into the report server. As long as the application handles security, you can give the application server access to the needed objects within Reporting Services by using an Active Directory computer account like DOMAINServerName$.

In this book, we’ll cover two deployment scenarios:

  • Intranet deployment using Virtual Private Network (VPN) and firewall technologies to allow access to the SSRS report server
  • An Internet-hosted application that uses Terminal Services to connect securely to an SSRS report server

In Chapter 11, we’ll walk you through securing the SSRS deployment models with technologies that provide the required encryption levels and user authentication. In addition to the two models that we cover, we briefly discuss ways to integrate a forms-based authentication method allowing clients to connect directly to SSRS via the Internet.


Having created and deployed numerous projects with SSRS for SQL Server 2005, 2008 and 2008 R2, we have been anxiously awaiting, along with the rest of the SQL Server community, the release of SQL Server 2012. As you work through the book, we will point out the enhancements released with SSRS 2008 R2 and SSRS 2012. However, our main aim, as with the other editions of the book, is to show you how to take advantage of advanced features, providing useful examples, enabling you to put SSRS to work in a real-world environment where the user of the reports and applications that you deploy will have the final say on the solution’s success.

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