
–12 Phantom power selector, Nagra, 555

+12 Phantom power selector, Nagra, 554

+48 Phantom power selector, Nagra, 554

1/4” tape

loading on Nagra, 537538

syncing, 371

1 kHz (“thousand cycle tone”) sine wave, 134

1;1 copies, 365

2-channel sound report form, 79f

2-track print master, 57

3D games, 607

4 – 10 box, 373

5.0 surround, 225

8mm film, 9, 12

16mm film, 9, 12, 114, 138, 232

16-bit system, digital audio, 135

20-bit system, digital audio, 135

24 frames per second (fps) rate, 139, 140

24-frame addressing mode, 140

25 frames per second (fps) rate, 140

25-frame addressing mode, 140

29.97 frames per second (fps) rate, 137138, 139, 140

30 frames per second (fps) rate, 137138, 139, 140

30-frame drop-frame addressing mode, 140

30-frame nondrop addressing mode, 140

35mm digital soundtrack formats, 501f, 502f

35mm film

first trial, 327

head pop, 304

stock variants, 132133

mag stripe, 133

magnetic fullcoat, 133

magnetic three-stripe, 133

picture, 132133

48 kHz/24-bit recording rate, 6869

96 kHz/24 bit format, 261262

96 kHz/24-bit recording rate, 6869

100 Moey gear head, 11f


AAA video games, 595596

Aaton Cantar-X digital recorder, 515520

main selector, 521522

overview, 522, 522f, 523, 523f

routing 15 inputs to 8 tracks, 524

3-crown turret, 520521

twin battery safety, 522529

AB projection reels, 33

A-B-C approach, sound editorial, 307308

The Abyss, 165168

Academy Awards, 21

evolution of process, 2426

overview, 21

special rules for Sound Editing award, 25

special rules for Sound Mixing award, 2526

tradition around sound awards, 2124

Academy leader tail, 150151

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 21, 264, 294

ACCESS indicator, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

acmade code, 154

Acmade edge-coding machine, 124

acoustics, 375, 381, 382, 447


See also ADR

microphone placement, 9496

relationship with ADR supervisors, 388

AD (assistant director), 97

ADD (Audio Design Document), 603

addressing modes, timecode, 140

ADR (Automatic Dialog Recording), 386393

ADR supervisor, 388389

Alexander Markowski, 417421

crew, 406408

ADR mixer, 406407

ADR recordist, 407408

crushed schedule trends, 390393

cueing lines, 396405

overview, 396

software, 400405

traditional ADR form, 397399

cutting techniques, 423424

group walla

overview, 421423

recording, 423

ISDN sessions, 411

language, appropriate use of, 393395

versus looping, 383385, 386

microphone choice and placement, 408409

overview, 383, 386387, 387f

practice lines, 387388

production track, listening carefully to, 389390

protection report, 410411

ADR mixer, 406407

ADR protection report, 410f

ADR recordist, 407408

ADR String-offs line item, transfer budget, 52

ADR supervisor, 297, 388389

lined script, 303

relationship with actors, 388

AES Digital Input Connector, Deva left panel, 511

AES Digital Output Connector, Deva left panel, 511

A-FX approach, sound editorial, 307308

AI (artificial intelligence), 598

aircraft carrier effect, 466467

airplanes, recording, 215216

Airport, 222

all in and mix approach, sound editorial, 306307

All the President's Men, 103105

Alphanumeric keys, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 518

Altman, Robert, 103

amateur work

by author, 78, 8f, 912

by Bruce Campbell, 1217

developing eyes and ears to observe, 1718

protecting eyes and ears, 1819


background, dialog, 375

room-tone, 97, 378

stagnant, 98

video game sound, 611613

Ament, Vanessa, 343344, 343f, 448f

American Film Technologies, 576577, 578

Bells of St. Mary's, 578

“Heart-Shaped Box” video, 582

American Graffiti, 480

American sound design, 266267

Amerika, 495496

Amodeo, Rusty, 9596

ANALOG LINE OUT connectors, Fostex PD-6 Left Panel, 520

ANALOG MIC/LINE INPUT connectors, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 521

Analog Outputs, Deva right panel, 512

analog recording, 7374

analog-to-digital (A-to-D) converter, 142143

Anderson, Richard, 2122, 277f

The Final Countdown, 259

simulating fire on Foley stage, 452

sound design, 277

The Andromeda Strain, 200

animals, recording, 214215

animation, video game, 601602

antivirus software, 239, 239f

Army of Darkness, 12

Arriflex 16mm camera, 11f

art, video game, 601602

art form, sound as, 3, 3132, 229230

artificial intelligence (AI), 598

Artman, Wayne, 377378

Assassin's Creed series, 611

assigning sound cue part numbers, 234235

assistant director (AD), 97

assistant picture editor, 4748

assistant sound editor, 372

A-to-D (analog-to-digital) converter, 142143

atomic sound files, 606607, 609, 619

audio CD sound libraries, 323

Audio Design Document (ADD), 603

audio fatigue, 2223

audio files

See also sound librarian

cleaning up, 240242

duplicate, in sound effect inventory database, 256257

looking for in sound effect inventory database, 257259

overmodulating, 237f

preparing for disc mastering, 238

protocol, 249250

audio intrusions, 198

Audio Mechanics, 568572, 569f, 570f

audio pipelines, 603604

audio restoration, 568573

and colorization, 572573

Frank & Jesse, 568569

John Polito, 570572

overview, 568570, 569f, 570f

Richard Anderson, 277

audio spectrum analyzer, 136

audio timecode signal, 140141

Audio-Technica AT897 shotgun microphone, 359f

authoring, 606607

Automatic Dialog Recording. See ADR

AUX I/O connector, Fostex PD-6 Left Panel, 521

AUX OUT ATT switch, Fostex PD-6 Left Panel, 521

Avastor HDX 800 portable hard disk drive, 301

Avery, Dwayne, 343344, 364

The Aviator, 51, 585

Avid, 36

assessing track quality with, 184

cutting film electronically, 124125

versus Moviola, 164

aways, custom recording vehicle, 206207


Baby Burlesks, 586587

Back to the Future, 455

background ambiance, dialog, 375

backgrounds, cutting, 315318

Backspace buttons, Deva front panel, 509


importance of, 3536

sound-editorial budget, 51

tapes, 7475

transfer budget, 54

baked sounds technique, 610

bake-off, 2122, 24

balance (guide) stripe, 35mm stock, 133

Balestier, Bruce, 134f

banana jacks, Nagra IV-S, 556557

bass trapping, 447


Nagra IV-S, 533535, 533f, 548

radio microphone, 9495

while field recording, 226

Battery compartment

Deva left panel, 511

Fostex PD-6 Left Panel, 521

Battle Beyond the Stars, 267

Beaton, Jesse, 37, 493

Beck, Austin, 438

Beethoven, 23

Bells of St. Mary's, 578

Bernstein, Elmer, 465

Best Sound Editing award, 21

evolution of process, 2426

overview, 21

special rules for, 25

tradition around, 2124

Best Sound Mixing award

evolution of process, 2426

overview, 21

special rules for, 2526

tradition around, 2124

bidirectional microphone, 81f

Bigelow, Kathryn, 489

Black, Shirley Temple, 586587

Black Moon Rising, 51

Black Stallion, 349

black track, 327

blending editor, evolution of, 346350

blooping ink, 233

Blu-ray technology, 237

Boehler, Hurley, 215

Bolger, Jack, 425

boom operator

See also microphone boom

budgeting for, 43

overview, 6970

prop department, checking with, 94

during setup, 9394

Bounce-to-Disk option, Pro Tools, 241, 242

Boyd, John S., 483f

Bratton, Bob, 200

Brennan, Walter, 427

Brisco County, Jr., 12

Broad, Colin, 391393, 401

budget, 4357

collateral impact of sound process, 3235

line items, understanding, 4352

music budget, 48

post-sound facility, 5457

production dialog mixers versus custom sound effect mixers, 4346

production sound budget, 4648

sound-editorial budget, 4852

transfers and stock purchase, 5254

music, 49f

overview, 43

postproduction costs, 42

post-sound, 55f

production sound, 44f

transfer, 53f

building in volume graphing and equalization, 326327

Burtt, Ben, 2122, 266267, 346

Byrns, Scott, 5860, 59f

bys, car, 208209, 208f


cable man, 4445, 70

California, Nagra IV-S service centers in, 559

California Split, 103

Call of Duty, 600

Callow, Chris, 8f

Camera Connector, Deva right panel, 512


Arriflex 16mm, 11f

Eastman Kodak 8mm spring-wound, 78

Eymo 35mm, 1011

HD, 107108

optical sound, 78

Red, 108

RED ONE, 59f

Sony Z1, 359f

sound, 230231

unblimped, 28

Campbell, Bruce, 1217, 13f

Campbell, Charles L. “Chuck”, 442444

cannons, recording for Master and Commander, 219221

Cantar-X digital recorder, Aaton, 515520

main selector, 521522

overview, 522, 522f, 523, 523f

routing 15 inputs to 8 tracks, 524

3-crown turret, 520521

twin battery safety, 522529

Capstan, Nagra IV-S, 541542

cardioid microphones, 81f, 82

Carle, Rich, 587

Carman, David, 429

Carpenter, John, 29

Christine, 202

test audience screening of Escape from New York, 179

The Thing, 180, 216218, 289290

cars. See vehicles

Carver, Steve, 192

CAS (Cinema Audio Society) Awards, 21

Casablanca, 575576

Casari, Derek, 407f

cast list, for sound editorial, 303

catalog database, traditional, 259261

Causey, Tommy, 29

CB Electronics VS-1, 401

CCIR Nagra, 532533

CD sound libraries, 323

CD-Rs, mastering to, 237240

cellular phones, 27

center speakers, 562

C-FX approach, sound editorial, 307308

Chain Reaction, 42, 181

chains sound effect, 221


A-FX pass, 307

B-FX pass, 307

big explosions, 281

C-FX pass, 308

custom recording vehicles, 202204

D-FX pass, 308

recording car maneuvers for, 210212

A Christmas Wish, 586

Cinema Audio Society (CAS) Awards, 21

CIRCLE TAKE key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 518

Clabaugh, Richard, 6065, 61f

clapper loader, 119

Clark, Michael, 108

cleaning up audio files, 240242

CLEAR key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 518

clipping, digital audio, 136

clone drives, 74

close-up perspective team, sound recording, 204

clothing, recording specialists, 228

Cloud, Smokey, 276f

Clutch control lever, Nagra, 537538, 539, 540

CMIT 5U microphone, 8687, 87f

A Cock and Bull Story, 528530

code book, 153f

entries in, 152155

sound editorial, 303

Cohen and Tate, 202203, 203f

Cole, Peter, 217, 218, 296f

Colette system, Schoeps, 8485, 85f

collaboration, importance of, 602

colorization, 573587

and audio restoration, 572573

The Aviator, 585

from brains to Hollywood, 576577

early digital process, 577578

Jane Russell, 585586

as legitimate art form, 582

outsourcing to India, 583584

overview, 573574, 576

rationale for use of today, 578582

Ray Harryhausen, 585

second coming, 584587

Shirley Temple Black, 586587

Terry Moore, 586

common sense, importance of, 3638

communication gear, 46

complex sound technique, 610611

composer. See music composer

computer-generated cue sheets, 328

condenser microphone, 8182

Config crown, Aaton Cantar-X digital recorder, 524

conforming, 124127

connectors. See Tuchel in and out connectors, Nagra IV-S


boom techniques, 92

dialog editors, 372373

Foley cues, 450

importance in picture editing, 158

consonants, ADR cutting, 423, 424

Conti, Bill, 466

continuity, in sound editorial, 304

contracts, reading fine print in, 4042

CONTRAST/TC SETUP key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 516

control desk, 427, 482

fader controls, 485

hard-wired to patchbay, 484

parametric equalizer, 486, 486f

control panel, Nagra IV-S

center controls of, 547550

left side of, 550552

overview, 542

right side of, 543547

Conversion Quality setting, Pro Tools, 244245

convolution reverb, impulse response for, 357f, 358f

Coonfer, Wade, 302, 367

Corman, Roger

Battle Beyond the Stars, 267, 435

Mark Goldblatt, 157158

Stephen Hunter Flick, 277278

training approach, 173, 174

cost savings, in picture editorial, 158159

costs. See budget

co-supervising sound editor, 297

coverage, power of, 155156

Cox, Joel, 193195

CPU-based compression/limiting, 617

C.R. #, code book, 153154

Crabtree, Casey, 445, 446, 446f

Crampton, Sean, 580f

crash downs, 52

creative director, video game team, 598

credenza, 483487


ADR, 406408

ADR mixer, 406407

ADR recordist, 407408

sound editorial

flow chart, 295299

tree, 293295

Crichton, Michael, 200

Crimewave, 12

Crimson Wolf Productions, 6065

critical studies, 3

crossfading, 314, 314f

Crothers, Scatman, 380

crystal sync, 371

CUE key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 518

cue sheets

“dubbing”, 329331

Foley, 449451

hand-made versus computer-generated, 328

information header, 329


ADR lines, 396405

ADR software, 400405

overview, 396

traditional ADR form, 397399

Foley, 449455

fire, 452453

Foley cue sheet log, 449451

grassy surrogate, 451

John Post, 453455

overview, 449

remaining quiet on stage, 455

safety with glass, 452

self-awareness tips, 451

snow, 451452

zip drips, 455


cue sheets, 328

“dubbing” cue sheet, 329331

information header example, 329

overview, 327

presentation, 328

ten-ten technique, 327328

wipe technique, 328

Cuemaster, 106114, 110f

applications of, 110114

brief history of, 109110

HD cameras, 107108

overview, 106

Curtiz, Michael, 77

CUSTOM FX RECORDIST, sound-editorial budget, 51

custom recording sound effects

adventure of, 195197

by custom recording specialists, 198200

Eric Potter, 199200

overview, 198199

Robert Wise, 200

field recording in 5.1, 224226

overview, 191, 192195

preparing for successful recordings, 226228

script breakdown, importance of, 222224

by sound editors, 200222

airplanes, 215216

animals, 214215

explosions, 216221

overview, 200201, 202

recording multiple points of view simultaneously, 212214

smaller is often bigger, 221222

vehicles, 202212

by sound librarian, 230

custom recording specialists, 198200

Eric Potter, 199200

overview, 198199

Robert Wise, 200

custom sound effect mixers, 4346

cut list, developing, 305306


ADR techniques, 423424

backgrounds, 315318

on film, 120123

footsteps, 456, 457

nonlinear, 127130, 130131

nonlinear and conform, 124127

streamlining process for low-budget sound editorial, 350351

vehicles, 323325

cutting reels, 302

Cyborg, 168170


dailies, 4748

Dances with Wolves, 493

Dante's Peak, 495

Darkman, 12

DAT (digital audio tape) machines, 105f

2-channel, 103

backup, 74

effect of outside elements on, 106

program number, 7879

remote location looping, 416, 417

as sound library tool, 236

data entry, importance of, 131132


sound effect inventory, 254259

DiskTracker, 254256

duplicate files, 256257

looking for audio files, 257259

overview, 254

printouts, 256

traditional catalog, 259261

date of recording, information header, 76

Davis, Dane, 360362

DAW (digital audio workstation), 603604

Daylight, worldizing sound in, 287288

DC IN 12V connector, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 522

DC OUT connectors, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 522

dead cat (Rycote Windjammer), 9091

Death Before Dishonor, 2930

debris, recording, 219

declicking process, 364

dedicated speaker, 563

degauss Erase head, Nagra, 540f, 541

delivery format, laboratory, 120

Denecke smart slate, 89f

denture clacks, repairing, 376

description entry, code book, 153

designation chart, Nagra IV-S, 534f

designers, video game, 598600

Destination Directory setting, Pro Tools, 245

DEVA 16 recorder, ZAXCOM, 509512

front panel, 509511

left panel, 511

overview, 509

DEVA 5.8 recorder, ZAXCOM, 509512

front panel, 509511

left panel, 511

overview, 509

developers, video game, 595596

DIA session, Pro Tools, 374376

DIA tracks, 373

dialog, in video game sound, 613615

dialog editing

See also dialog editor

diamond punch, 376

transparency, 363

dialog editor

dialog sequence sheets, 365366, 365f, 366367

edit decision list, 365366, 365f, 367368

importance of consistency, 372373

laying out dialog track, 372382

art of dialog editing, 379380

creating that which is not there, 380381

equalizing and volume graphing, 381382

fill, creating great, 377379

overview, 372373

Pro Tools DIA session, 374376

production sound effects, 376377

unwanted noises, 376

lined script, 303

OMF files, 368370

audio integrity of, 369370

overview, 368, 369

overview, 363

quality control before postproduction, 364

reprinting dialog cues from original source on film, 370372

assistant sound editor as transfer engineer, 372

nonlinear reprinting, 371372

overview, 370, 371

strategy for dialog editing, 364365

dialog mixers, 185, 389

dialog sequence sheets, 365367, 365f

dialog supervisor, 297

See also ADR supervisor

dialog track, 46

diamond punch, dialog editing, 376

DigiBeta videotape, 125, 127

digital audio tape machines. See DAT machines

digital audio workstation (DAW), 603604

Digital DTS format, 501f, 502

digital fade choices, 314

digital files, stability of, 235240

digital intermediates, 128

DIGITAL I/O connector, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 522

digital meters, 135136

digital portable sound recorders

Aaton Cantar-X, 515520

main selector, 521522

overview, 522, 522f, 523, 523f

routing 15 inputs to 8 tracks, 524

3-crown turret, 520521

twin battery safety, 522529

Fostex PD-6, 512515

front panel, 513514

left panel, 514515

overview, 515

right panel, 515522

Sound Devices recorders, 511512

ZAXCOM DEVA 5.8 and DEVA, 16, 509512

front panel, 509511

left panel, 511

overview, 509

digital recording, 7374

Digital SDDS format, 501f, 502

digital signal processing (DSP), 242

digital thinking, 161

digital ticks, removing, 241

digital-to-analog (D-to-A) converter, 142, 457

directional microphones, 82, 447

directivity, microphone, 86


assistant, 97

creative, video game team, 598

of photography, 598

sound, 5758

direct-to-picture technique, 426, 427

disabled people, in sound business, 175

DISC FEED switches, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 520

DiskTracker, 254256

distortion, 18

Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde, 568569

Dolby A noise-reduction channels, 40

Dolby Encode software, 564f

Dolby SR-D format, 499, 501f, 502

Don Juan, 481

double phantoming, 337

Doyle, Michael, 289, 290f

DPA condenser microphone, 359f

Drever, Leslie, 109

Drop Frame mode, Nagra IV-S, 558

drop-frame timecode

checking for, 141

mixing drop-and nondrop-frame sessions, 142

overview, 141

drop-frame video transfer technique, 2, 48

DSP (digital signal processing), 242

D-to-A (digital-to-analog) converter, 142, 457

dual unionship, 349

dual-capsule microphone, 99, 99f, 338

dubbing. See rerecording dubbing cue sheet, 329331

dupe picture, 301303

duplicate files, sound effect inventory database, 256257


backups, 74

mastering to, 237240

DYN 200 Phantom power selector, Nagra, 554

DYN 50 Phantom power selector, Nagra, 554

dynamic microphones, 82

dynamics, 23


ear plugs, 227


developing to observe, 1718

protecting, 1819

Eastman Kodak 8mm spring-wound camera, 78

Eastwood, Clint, 193195

Edemann, Lou, 444

edge code numbers, 122f, 124

aligning, 120

dialog sequence sheet, 366

picture digital workstation, 368

placement of, 366

edit decision list (EDL), 125, 296, 365366, 365f, 367368


See also dialog editor; low-budget sound editorial; picture editorial; sound editorial

Foley, 456463

importing Foley stems into Pro Tools for track stripping, 460463

overview, 456, 457

Pro Tools, 457460

horizontal, 298, 305, 308

editor name, in cue sheet information header, 329

effects mixer, 488

8mm film, 9, 12

eight-channel music transfer, 251, 252f

EJECT lever, Fostex PD-6 Left Panel, 521

emerging technologies

audio restoration, 568573

and colorization, 572573

John Polito, 570572

overview, 568570, 569f, 570f

colorization, 573587

The Aviator, 585

from brains to Hollywood, 576577

early digital process, 577578

Jane Russell, 585586

as legitimate art form, 582

outsourcing to India, 583584

overview, 573576

rationale for use of today, 578582

Ray Harryhausen, 585

second coming, 584587

Shirley Temple Black, 586587

Terry Moore, 586

QC, 564565

sound delivery formats, 561564

total immersion technologies, 565568

entertainment in total immersion, 567568

overview, 565567

practical application for training purposes, 567

video game sound, 590621

audio techniques in action, 605609

developers, 595596

dialog, 613615

Foley and ambiances, 611613

game development team, 598602

game knowledge, 591593

individual contributors, 597

industry, 594595

mixing games, 617621

music, 615616

overview, 590591

production sound department for, 587590

production studios, 597

publishers, 595

sound design, 609611

sound team, 602605

technical aspects, 593594

Emmys, 21

Engle, Peter, 577

Engtrom, Paul, 59f

entertainment sound, 9

equalization, 283

building in, 326327

in dialog track, 381382

equalization setting, information header, 76

Escape from New York, 23

custom sound effects, 202

special effect trick, 288289

test audience screening, 179

E.T.; The Extra Terrestrial, 289, 443, 444, 476477

etiquette, rerecording, 497498

Evans, John, 348

The Evil Dead trilogy, 12

executive producer, video game team, 598

EXIT key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517


recording, 216221

sound design, 281

external power pack, Nagra IV-S, 555

EXT.NRS (Tuchel 7-pin connector), Nagra IV-S, 552

Extreme Measures, 457


developing to observe, 1718

protecting, 1819

Eymo 35mm camera, 1011


fade, digital, 314

fade techniques, Pro Tools session, 313, 313f, 314f

fader controls, mixing console, 485

fader pot, 485f

faders, Deva front panel, 510

Fantasia, 145

Fasal, John, 46, 193195, 194f, 199f, 201f, 211f

Fast Forward switch, Nagra IV-S, 540

Fejos, Paul, 77

field recordings

in 5.1, 224226

monitoring, 101102

FILE SEL/EDL SEL key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

File Type setting, Pro Tools, 244

FileMaker Pro software, 254

files. See audio files

fill, in dialog track, 377379

fill leader, 233


cutting film shot on, 120123

cutting nonlinear, 127130

cutting nonlinear and conform, 124127

edge code and key codes on, 124

8mm film, 9, 12

head and tail leaders for, 148152

attention to detail, importance of, 151152

start marks, 150151

magnetic, 230234

marking sync on, 308311

reprinting dialog cues from original source on, 370372

assistant sound editor as transfer engineer, 372

nonlinear reprinting, 371372

overview, 370, 371

restoration, 145

16mm, 9, 12, 114, 138, 232

35mm stock variants, 132133

mag stripe, 133

magnetic fullcoat, 133

magnetic three-stripe, 133

picture, 132133

film pop, 304305

film scoring. See music composer

film-rate conversion, television, 139

Filter selector, Nagra IV-S, 549

Final Cut Pro

assessing track quality with, 184

cutting film electronically, 124125

fine print, reading in contracts, 4042

fire, for Foley, 452453

Firelight FMOD sound system, 606607

FireWire (IEEE 1394) connector, Deva left panel, 511

first assistant sound editor, 296

first frame of modulation, ADR, 386

first-person shooter games, 600

Fischer, Carl, 527f

fish pole microphone boom, 9192

See also Cuemaster

5.0 surround, 225

5.1 ambiance fields, recording, 224226

Flags of Our Fathers, 193195, 194f

flash-out frames, 146, 147

flatbed editing machines, 146, 184

Flat/Hi-Pass setting option, Pan Pot Controllers, 338, 339f

Flick, Donald, 445

Flick, Stephen Hunter, 259, 277278, 278f

flow chart, sound editorial crew, 295299

ADR supervisor, 297

dialog supervisor, 297

first assistant sound editor, 296

Foley artists, 299

Foley supervisor, 298299

sound apprentice, 296

sound designer, 297

sound effects editors, 297298


Charles L. Campbell, 442444

cueing, 449455

fire, 452453

Foley cue sheet log, 449451

grassy surrogate, 451

John Post, 453455

overview, 449

remaining quiet on stage, 455

safety with glass, 452

self-awareness tips, 451

snow, 451452

zip drips, 455

editing, 456463

importing Foley stems into Pro Tools for track stripping, 460463

overview, 456, 457

ProTools, 457460

Jack Foley, 425428

lead Foley artist, selection of, 444

modern process, 428431

observing Foley stage in action, 446449

overview, 425

pits, stage, 431435

prop room, 436441

supervising Foley editor, 441442

television sound, 444446

video game sound, 611613

Foley, Jack, 425428, 428f

Foley artists, 299, 428

lead, 444

relationship with mixers, 446447

Foley cutter, 456

Foley stage. See stages, Foley

Foley String-offs line item, transfer budget, 52

Foley supervisor, 298299

footfalls, 426

foreign sales, index-linking, 480

foreign soundtrack. See M&E version

Format setting, Pro Tools, 244


print mastering, 501502

sound delivery, 561564

48 kHz/24-bit recording rate, 6869

Fostex FR-2, 195

Fostex PD-6 digital recorder, 512515

front panel, 513514

left panel, 514515

overview, 515

right panel, 515522

4–10 box, 373

four-gang synchronizer, 310f

frame rates, timecode, 140

Frank & Jesse, 364, 568569

Franklin, Carl, 37, 38, 493

Frankowski, Nathan, 59f

Fresholtz, Les, 380381

Friedman, Thomas L., 583

front control panel, Nagra IV-S

center controls of, 547550

left side of, 550552

overview, 542

right side of, 543547

front panel

Aaton Cantar-X multiple channel digital sound recorder, 522f

Deva, 510f

Fostex PD-6 multichannel digital sound recorder, 519f

Nagra IV-S, 543f, 546f, 548f

Sound Devices 744T sound recorder, 512f

fullcoat film stock, 35mm, 133

fullcoats, 54

Function buttons, Deva front panel, 510

furry dog (Rycote Windjammer), 9091


game engine, 594

gameplay, 598600

games. See video game sound

Garcia, Sandy, 448f

Geffre, Paul, 5860, 59f

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 586

Giammarco, David, 487f

Glass, Bob Jr., 364

glass sound effect, 221222, 452

Goldblatt, Mark

digital editing, 161

editing style, 161

picture editorial, 157158

Golden Reel Awards, 21

Goldsmith, Jerry, 465, 477

Grand Theft Auto IV, 596

graphic equalizer, creatively misusing, 320321

grass, for Foley, 451

grease pencil, 146147

The Great Triangle Formula, 37, 38f

Grid mode, Pro Tools, 458

Grieve, Bob, 270272, 270f

overview, 270

Silverado, 270271

Wyatt Earp, 271272

group walla

overview, 421423

post-sound budget, 56

recording, 423

guide track, dialog track, 373

gunfire, in sound design, 278280

gunfire sound effect, 279

The Guns of Navarone, 9


Haboush, Jeffrey, 504, 505f

Hall, Ken, 476478

Halsey, Richard, 380381

hand-made cue sheets, 328

hard drive

recording to via nonlinear workstation, 54

storage space, 245

hardware, video game, 593594

harness, Cuemaster, 109

Harryhausen, Ray, 573, 584f, 585

HD cameras, 107108

head leaders for film, 148152, 148f

attention to detail, importance of, 151152

start marks, 150151

head mixer, 486488

head pop, 35mm film, 304

head stack, Nagra IV-S, 540541

head wear cost, transfer budget, 54

header, ADR cue sheet, 400

headphone jack and controls, Nagra IV-S, 550

Headphone Output, Deva right panel, 512

Headphone Volume, Deva front panel, 510

hearing, protecting, 18

Hedgepath, Greg, 482483, 484f

Hedin, Wendy, 298f

Hells Angels, 584f

The Hellstrom Chronicles, 442443

Heman, Roger, 425

Herrmann, Bernard, 465466

high wind cover (Rycote Windjammer), 9091

highly directional microphones, 82

Hill, Debra, 179, 468469

Hitchcock, William Sr., 425

Hliddal, Petur, 527528, 527f

Hockman, Charles Nedwin, 359

Holman, Tom, 563564

horizontal editing, 298, 305, 308

Horner, James, 469

Horvath, Rosemary, 584f

Howard, James Newton, 505506

Howell, Lee, 74, 344

Hunter, Ross, 222

hypercardioid microphones, 81f, 82

Hytti, Antti, 265


ID tags, mag film, 147

idles, custom recording vehicle, 205206

IEEE 1394 (FireWire) connector, Deva left panel, 511

IMDb (Internet Movie Database), 335

immersion technologies. See total immersion technologies

in connectors. See Tuchel in and out connectors, Nagra IV-S

index-linking foreign sales, 480

India, outsourcing colorization to, 583584

individual contributors, video game, 597

industry, video game, 594595

information header, cue sheet, 329

In/Out counts, ADR cue sheet, 400

interlock test screening, 56, 57

interlocking to timecode, 143

intern (sound apprentice), 296

Internal monitor speaker, Fostex PD-6 Left Panel, 520

Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 335

inventory database, sound effect, 254259

DiskTracker, 254256

duplicate files, 256257

looking for audio files, 257259

overview, 254

printouts, 256

ISDN sessions, 411

Isham, Bernice, 267

It's a Wonderful Life, 575

iWorks software, 254


JAM switch, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 519

Jarre, Maurice, 465


custom sound effects, 197

test audience screening, 178179

Jensen, George, 576, 577

jobs, picture editorial, 173175

Jog crown, Aaton Cantar-X digital recorder, 524

jog wheel functions, Aaton Cantar-X digital recorder, 523f

Johnny Got His Gun, 163

Johnson, Jon, 275, 275f

Jon Woo Presents; Stranglehold, 608, 620f

Jordan, Tim, 204

Jyrälä, Paul, 32f, 68f, 74, 105106, 105f, 265


Karson, Eric, 101

Kasha, Al, 577

Kastner, Stan, 484f

Kay, Kini, 359362

KEM flatbed editing machine, 184

KEM rolls, 154

key codes on film, 122f, 124

key number entry, code book, 154

Kinect hardware, Microsoft, 590591

King, Richard, 219221, 220f, 274f, 275

Kite, David, 401404

KIWA International Ltd, 401404

Kizer, R.J. (Bob), 390, 391393, 391f

Klark Technik 30-band equalizer, 242, 283, 284f, 320, 321, 321f

Knight, Tom, 356358, 359f

Korngold, Erich Wolfgang, 465

Kubik, Lawrence, 29

Kudelski, Stefan, 531532

Kulczycki, David, 391f

Kuortti, Matti, 68f, 106


Labor line items, sound-editorial budget, 48, 50f


data entry, importance of, 131132

line-up tones, 133137

1-khz sine wave and square wave, 136137

overview, 133135, 134f

pink noise, 136

VU and digital meters, 135136

overview, 119

sound transfer, 47

35mm film stock variants, 132133

35mm mag stripe, 133

35mm magnetic fullcoat, 133

35mm magnetic three-stripe, 133

35mm picture, 132133

timecode, 137143

addressing modes, 140

A-to-D encoders, 142143

audio signal, 140141

checking for drop/nondrop, 141

drop-frame, 141

as enabling synchronization, 139

frame rates, 140

mixing drop-and nondrop-frame sessions, 142

overview, 137138

“pull-down” effect, 139140

specifications for video transfers, 141

synchronizers, 138139

VITC, 142

transfer protocol, 119131

delivery format, 120

edge code and key codes on film, 124

important considerations regarding, 131

overview, 119120

shot on film–cut nonlinear, 127130

shot on film–cut nonlinear and conform, 124127

shot on film–cut on film, 120123

shot on video–cut nonlinear, 130131

Landaker, Gregg, 280

language, appropriate use of, 393395

Larsen, John A., 181, 276, 276f

last frame of action (LFOA) chart, 304

last frame of picture (LFOP) chart, 304305

layback (transport) drive, 33

layering techniques, sound editorial, 318319

laying out dialog track, 372382

art of dialog editing, 379380

creating that which is not there, 380381

equalizing and volume graphing, 381382

fill, creating great, 377379

overview, 372373

Pro Tools DIA session, 374376

production sound effects, 376377

unwanted noises, 376

lazy man's cradle, 92

LCD display, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

Le Mare, Mike, 310

lead Foley artist, 444

leading edges, 311313

LeBlanc, Eric, 114f

LeBlanc, John, 94, 101, 102, 114117, 114f

Lee, Spike, 175176

Lee, Steve, 236f

left panel

Deva, 510f

Fostex PD-6 multichannel digital sound recorder, 520f

Sound Devices 744T sound recorder, 513f

left speakers, 562

left surround speakers, 563

Legend Films, Inc., 579582

Legionnaire, 279280

Leonard, Terry, 29

Leonardo software, 254

Level control, Nagra IV-S, 547548

Lewis, Mel, 474476, 474f

LFOA (last frame of action) chart, 304

LFOP (last frame of picture)

chart, 304305

licensed music, 470, 480

light button, Nagra IV-S, 545

LIGHT key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

Lightwave Audio, 109

Line & Phones switch, Nagra IV-S, 544

Line inputs (Tuchel 7-pin connector), Nagra IV-S, 552

line items, budget, 4352

music budget, 48

post-sound facility, 5457

production dialog mixers versus custom sound effect mixers, 4346

production sound budget, 4648

sound-editorial budget, 4852

transfers and stock purchase, 5254

Line outputs, Nagra IV-S

Tuchel 7-pin connector, 552553

EXT.NRS, 553

inputs, 552, 553

outputs, 553

via banana jacks, 556557

linear numbering system, sound library, 235

lined script, in sound editorial, 303

line-up tones, 7576, 133137

1-khz sine wave and square wave, 136137

overview, 133135, 134f

pink noise, 136

pull-ups, 500

VU and digital meters, 135136

lip smacks, in dialog track, 376

listener position, 3D game, 607

LOCATE key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 518

location field-trip, mixers, 43

location of recording, information header, 75


versus ADR, 383386

overview, 383

return of technique, 411417

overview, 411413

recording dialog, 413415

remote location looping, 416417

Lord, Jack, 379

low-budget sound editorial

blending editor and rerecording mixer, 346350

example of problem-solving for, 356358

finding out about project, 335

keeping process tight and lean, 351353

Kini Kay, 359362

M&E, 356

overview, 333334

production sound, 336342

double phantoming, 337

overview, 336337

Pan Pot Controllers, 338339

recording strategies, 339340

single monaural channel—flat, 340

single monaural channel—right –10 dB, 341

tone generators, 338

two discrete channels—recording stereo, 341342

two discrete monaural channels—recorded separately, 341

single sound designer/rerecording mixer, 353356

strategies for, 342346

streamlining cutting process, 350351

supervising sound editor, 335336

Lubitsch, Ernst, 77

Lucas, George, 480

Luft, Sid, 578


M setting, Nagra IV-S, 549

M&E (music and effects) version

appropriate use of language, 393

dubbing chart, 503f low-budget sound editorial, 356

overview, 502504

post-sound budget, 57

preparing for foreign market, 503504

protecting sound effects for, 374, 376

MacDonald, Jimmy, 437438

mag stripe film stock, 35mm, 133

Magliner dolly, 109f

magnetic fader panel, Aaton Cantar-X digital recorder, 523

magnetic film, 230234

magnetic fullcoat film stock, 35mm, 133

magnetic three-stripe film stock, 35mm, 133

Main Function selector bar, Nagra IV-S

overview, 544

playback, 545

recording, 544545

Mancini, Henry, 466

maneuvers, custom recording vehicle, 209212

Mangini, Mark, 354356, 354f

marking sync on film, 308311

Markowski, Alexander, 417421, 418f

Markum, Monty, 379

Martin, David G., 580f

Massey, Paul, 487f

Master and Commander, 219221

master angle, shooting at faster pace, 159161


See also print mastering

to CD-Rs and DVD-Rs, 237240

complex sound effects, 242249

mixed medium synchronous, 252254

multichannel techniques, 251

matrixed stereo optical soundtrack, 57

May, Brian, 466

Maynes, Charles, 46, 193195, 194f

recording metal press, 212f

recording Metro Rail, 198f

working from home, 317f

“worldizing” sound, 283287

Mazursky, Paul, 96, 380381

McLaughlin, Chris, 103

mechanicals, custom recording vehicle, 204205

Meiselmann, Peter, 74

metal deck, Foley stage, 435, 436f

Meter selector, Nagra IV-S, 547

Metropolis software, 254

Mic/Line Inputs, Deva right panel, 511, 512

microphone boom

See also Cuemaster

fish pole, 9192

studio, 90

techniques, 9294

boom operator during setup, 9394

overview, 9293

prop department, checking with, 94

microphone XLR connector, Nagra IV-S, 553

microphone XLR inputs, Nagra IV-S, 553554

microphones, 8188

ADR, choice and placement for, 408409

bidirectional, 81f

built-in, video cameras, 337

cardioid, 81f, 82

channels and, 79

CMIT 5U, 8687, 87f

condenser, 8182

directional Sennheiser, 447

directivity, 86

DPA condenser, 359f

dual-capsule, 99, 99f, 338

dynamic, 82

Foley stages, 447, 448

hypercardioid, 81f, 82

monaural, 99

Neumann KMR, 82, 88, 88f

omnidirectional, 8182

overview, 81

phasing problems, 341342

stereo capsule, 99f, 100101, 100f

supercardioid, 81f, 8288

wireless, 9496

X-Y configuration, 9899, 341, 342, 342f

Microsoft Kinect hardware, 590591

Mics/Line selector switch, Nagra IV-S, 549550

Miles Sound System, 606607

Millan, Scott, 504, 505f Miller, Karl Lewis, 214

mini-shotgun microphones, 82

misinformation, 2

mixed medium synchronous mastering, 252254

mixed track, 185

mixers, 487491

changed roles of, 488489

collaboration, 489491

dialog, 185, 389

effects, 486, 488

head, 486488

music, 486, 488

production dialog versus custom sound effect, 4346

relationship with Foley artists, 446447

team approach, mixing schedule, 492


See also rerecording

multichannel, 103

video game sound, 617621

mixing console, 427, 483487

Modulometer, Nagra IV-S, 552

Mohr, Hal, 77

monaural channel recording

flat, 340

recording stereo, 341342

recording two channels separately, 341

right –10 dB, 341

monaural microphones, 99

MONITOR control, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

Monitor mode select switch, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

Monitoring crown, Aaton Cantar-X digital recorder, 524

monitoring field recordings, illusion of, 101102

monophonic photography, 4

Mono-Stereo selector, Nagra IV-S, 550

Moonbeam Riders, 198199

Moore, Millie, 159160, 160f

career course, 162164

editing style, 161162

Moviola versus Avid, 164

nonlinear editing, 164

visual memory, 164165

Moore, Terry, 586

Morricone, Ennio, 466

Morrow, Vic, 379

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, 592f, 596, 604

MOS (without sound), 77, 78

Moscow on the Hudson, 380381

mount, shock, 9091

Moviola, 1617, 232f

assessing track quality with, 184

versus Avid, 164

dupe picture and video dupes, 301

multichannel mastering techniques, 251

multichannel mixing, 103

multigang synchronizer, 146

multiple points of view, recording simultaneously, 212214

Munro, Annabelle, 359f

Murch, Walter, 266267, 346

Murray, Alan Robert, 193195, 194f


budget for, 48, 49f

importance of, 165

licensed, 470

temp, for spotting sessions, 185

video game sound, 615616

music and effects version. See M&E version music composer

basic mechanics, 469470

Basil Poledouris, 470474

challenges of writing for screen, 466468

index-linking foreign sales, 480

insight, need for, 478

issues affecting creative effort, 479

Mel Lewis, 474476

music editor, 476478

overview, 465466

setting early, 468469

music editor, 476478

music mixers, 486, 488


Nagra IV-S

battery supply, 533535

Capstan and Pinch roller, 541542

Fast Forward switch, 540

front control panel

center controls of, 547550

left side of, 550552

overview, 542

right side of, 543547

head stack and transport, 540541

overview, 531

Pilot head, 541

Playback head, 541

practicality of, 531533

Record head, 541

Rewind switch, 539540

service centers, 559

speed and equalization selector, 536537

Stabilizer roller, 541

tape thread path, 537539

Time Code panel, 557558

Tuchel in and out connectors, 552557

external power pack, 555

EXT.NRS, 552

Line inputs, 552

Line outputs, 552553, 556557

microphone XLR connector, 553

microphone XLR inputs, 553554

Output side, 555

phantom power selectors, 554555

phase selector, 555

Time Code In/Out connector, 557

Nagra USA, Inc., 559

Nagras, 105f

See also Nagra IV-S

2-track, 103

analog recording, 7374

National Television System Committee (NTSC), 137138, 265

negative-going waveform, 140

Neumann KMR 82 microphone, 88, 88f

Neumann USM 69 i microphone, 100101

New York, Nagra IV-S service centers in, 559

Newman, Alfred, 465

Night Technologies EQ3 equalizer, 242

96 kHz/24-bit recording rate, 6869

96 kHz/24 bit format, 261262

Nitroglycerine Blast effect, 318319

No Saints for Sinners, 59f

Noise Reduction switch, Nagra IV-S, 550

nondrop-frame timecode

checking for, 141

mixing drop-and nondrop-frame sessions, 142

nonlinear editing

film, 124130

picture editorial, 161162

video, 130131

nonlinear reprinting, dialog cues from original source, 371372

nonperformance vocals, 240241

Norton Utilities software, 239, 239f

notes, on spotting sessions, 186187

NTSC (National Television System Committee), 137138, 265

numbering techniques, 124

Numeric keypad, Deva front panel, 509

The Nuremberg Affair, 8, 8f


observing, developing eyes and ears for, 1718

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 113

O'Connell, Dan, 440f, 441

Oklahoma, Nagra IV-S service centers in, 559

Olney, Susan, 573

OMF (Open Media Framework) files, 4748, 125127, 152, 368370

audio integrity of, 369370

overview, 368, 369

omnidirectional microphones, 8182

On Any Sunday, 273

One False Move, 37, 493

1;1 copies, 365

1-khz sine wave and square wave, 136137

one-frame overlaps, Pro Tools, 316318

100 Moey gear head, 11f

Open Media Framework files. See OMF files

optical sound camera, 78

optical track, 230234

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 113

out connectors. See Tuchel in and out connectors, Nagra IV-S

The Outlaw, 585

Output side, Nagra IV-S, 555

outsourcing colorization to India, 583584

overloading, digital audio, 136


audio files, 237f

explosions, 219


PA (production assistant), 119120

Pakula, Alan, 103104

PAL (phase alternating line), 265

Pan Pot Controllers, low-budget sound editorial, 338339

Panasonic DAT machines, 373

parametric equalizer, mixing console, 486, 486f

Parikka, Pekka, 32f

part numbers, sound cue, 234235

Partlow, Rick, 343f

passion, importance of, 5

patchbay, hard-wiring mixing console to, 484

PD-6 digital recorder, Fostex, 512515

front panel, 513514

left panel, 514515

overview, 515

right panel, 515522

PEAK indicators, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 520

peak meter, 134135, 135f

Peckerwood Canyon background, 316

per scene/take technique, 120122

perception of quality, 334

Perfectone, 162

Perkins, Jeffrey, 493

Perreault, André, 484f

Petersen, Wolfgang, 335

PFL keys, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 520

P-FX track, 373, 374

phantom power selectors, Nagra IV-S, 554555

phase alternating line (PAL), 265

phase selector, Nagra IV-S, 555

phase wink-out, 9899

phasing problems, microphones, 338, 341342

phone conversations, recording, 103105

PHONES jack, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

photographic stock, 132f

pick-up patterns, 8188

cardioid microphones, 82

hypercardioid microphones, 82

omnidirectional microphones, 8182

overview, 81

supercardioid microphones, 8288

picture cut, 33

picture editorial

code book entry, 152155

cost savings and costly blunders, 158159

coverage, power of, 155156

craftspeople of color, 175176

finding editing job, 173175

head and tail leaders for film, 148152

attention to detail, importance of, 151152

start marks, 150151

Howard Smith, A.C.E., 165168

Joe Shugart, 168170

Leander Sales, 156157, 172173

Mark Goldblatt, A.C.E., 157158

nonlinear editing, 161162

overview, 145

process overview, 146148

romantic mythology, danger of, 155

Ron Roose, 170172

shooting master angle at faster pace, 159161

sound and, 162165

picture editorial runner, 120

picture film stock, 35mm, 132133

picture keys (keys), 124, 149

Pierce, Ronald, 425

Pilot flag indicator, Nagra IV-S, 551

Pilot Frequency control, Nagra IV-S, 547

Pilot head, Nagra IV-S, 541

Pinch roller, Nagra IV-S, 541542

ping-pong effect, 326

The Pink Fuzzy Nightgown, 586

pink noise, 136, 617

Pipe Test background, 316

pipelines, audio, 603604

pistol grip, shotgun microphone, 91f

pits, Foley stage, 431435

PL (private line), 9293

planning phase

art form of sound, understanding, 3132

backups, importance of, 3536

budget fundamentals, 4357

music budget, 48

overview, 43

post-sound facility, 5457

production dialog mixers versus custom sound effect mixers, 4346

production sound budget, 4648

sound-editorial budget, 4852

transfers and stock purchase, 5254

collateral impact of sound process, 3235

common sense, importance of, 3638

Crimson Wolf productions, 6065

fine print, reading in contracts, 4042

overview, 2731

Paul Geffre, 5860

postproduction costs, 42

Scott Byrns, 5860

sound director, 5758

temp dubs, 3840

playback, Nagra IV-S, 545

playback dummy, 384

Playback head, Nagra IV-S, 541

PNO (program number), 7879, 235, 408, 410

Poledouris, Basil, 470474, 471f, 479480

Polito, John, 568569, 570572

portable sound recorders. See digital portable sound recorders Porter, Terry, 145

Portman, Clem, 425

positive-going waveform, 140

Post, John, 429430, 442, 453455, 454f

Post Conform software, 152, 371372


See also specific post-production phases by name

costs of, 42

temp dubs

overview, 3840, 177

use of, 179182

test screening, 177179

post-production supervisor, 334

post-sound facility budget, 5457, 55f

posture, boom operators, 113114

potentiometers, Nagra IV-S, 546547

Potter, Eric, 4546

action chase sequence, 213

career, 199200

recording Metro Rail, 198f

War of the Worlds, 199f

Power Input Connector, Deva left panel, 511

POWER SEL (INT/EXT) switch, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 522

power supply, importance of, 226

power switch

Deva left panel, 511

Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 515

Nagra IV-S, 543

practice lines, ADR, 387388

PRE REC switch, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 519

predub group, cue sheet information header, 329

predubbing, 56, 491493

prerendered technique, 610

presentation, while cueing picture, 328

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2122, 24

print mastering, 498502

formats, 501502

overview, 498499

pull-ups, 499501

printouts, sound effect inventory database, 256

private line (PL), 9293

Pro Tools

audio file protocol, 249250

car predub from R-6 of Jackie Brown, 324f

car sequence in, 324325

DIA session, 374376

digitizing audio data into, 243244, 244f

edit session, 241

Grid mode, 458

importing Foley stems into for track stripping, 460463

laser tag fire fight elements, 322f

layering techniques for cannon fire, 318319

Mauser rifle, 279f

one-frame overlaps, 316318

Record mode, 458

recording Foley, 457460

recording straight to hard disk, 54

sound file transfer from QuickTime movie, 373

Transport Window, 459

whip pan techniques for laser fire, 321323

production assistant (PA), 119120

production company name, information header, 75

production dialog, 371372

production dialog mixers, 4346

production FX recordist, 45

production sound

See also digital portable sound recorders

analog recording, 7374

backup tapes, 7475

budget for, 44f, 4648

Cuemaster, 106114

applications of, 110114

brief history of, 109110

HD cameras, 107108

overview, 106

department for gaming, 587590

digital recording, 7374

fish pole microphone boom, 9192

John LeBlanc, 114116

laying out dialog track, 376377

line-up tones, 7576

low-budget sound editorial, 336342

double phantoming, 337

overview, 336337

Pan Pot Controllers, 338339

recording strategies, 339340

single monaural channel—flat, 340

single monaural channel—right –10 dB, 341

tone generators, 338

two discrete channels–recording stereo, 341342

two discrete monaural channels–recorded separately, 341

microphone boom techniques, 9294

boom operator during setup, 9394

overview, 9293

prop department, checking with, 94

microphones and pick-up patterns, 8188

cardioid, 82

hypercardioid, 82

omnidirectional, 8182

overview, 81

supercardioid, 8288

monitoring field recordings, illusion of, 101102

multichannel mixing, 103

overview, 6768, 68f

phone conversations, recording practical, 103105

recording kit, basic, 7273

recording team, 6870

boom operator, 6970

cable man, 70

sound mixer, 6869

room tones and wild tracks, 9697

sequence of recording, 7072

shock mount, 9091

“smart” slate, 8889

snow, recording in, 105106

for sound editorial, 303

sound report, 7681

splitting off source sound, 9798

stereo capsule microphones, 100101

studio microphone boom, 90

ultimate goal and challenge of, 117, 524525

windscreen, 9091

wireless microphone, using, 9496

X-Y microphone configuration, 9899

production studios, video game, 597

production track

listening carefully to for ADR, 389390

sizing up, 184185

profanity, 393395

program number (PNO), 7879, 235, 408, 410

programming, video game, 600601

project name, information header, 76

projection reels, 33

projector optical reader head, 232f

prop room, Foley, 436441


equipment, 226

eyes and ears, 1819

protection report, ADR, 410411

protocol, 71f

See also transfer protocol, laboratory

audio file, 249250

editing flow for shot on film–cut nonlinear, 126f

editing flow for shot on film—cut nonlinear and conform, 123f

editing flow for shot on film–cut on film, 121f

preslating, rolling sound, and onscreen slating, 71, 72

rerecording, 497498

spotting session, 188189

proximity, 279

pseudostereo background, 316318

publishers, video game, 595

pull-down effect, with timecode, 139140

pull-ups, 499501

The Punisher, 377


QC (quality control), 131

DVD authoring, 564565

before postproduction, 364

Quake, 600

1/4” tape

loading on Nagra, 537538

syncing, 371


dupe picture and video dupes, 301

picture editor–s guide track, 365366

video outputs, 302

quiet, on Foley stage, 455


radio frequency (RF) microphones, 94

radio transmitter, placing, 96

radio-control equipment, 27

Raimi, Sam, 1216, 13f

Ramsay, Todd, 179

Rand, Joe E., 505506

rate (speed), timecode, 139, 140

reality, in sound design, 9, 281283

REC key/indicator, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 519

Record Arming switch, Pro Tools, 414, 459

Record head, Nagra IV-S, 541

Record Loop function, Pro Tools, 413f

Record mode, Pro Tools, 458

recorders. See digital portable sound recorders


See also custom recording sound effects; digital portable sound recorders; monaural channel recording

basic kit for, 7273

dialog with looping technique, 413415

group walla, 423

low-budget sound editorial, 339340

Nagra IV-S, 544545

phone conversations, 103105

production, sequence of, 7072

in snow, 105106

recording team, production, 6870

boom operator, 6970

cable man, 70

sound mixer, 6869

Red Camera, 108

Red Dead Redemption, 613

RED ONE digital camera, 59f

reel number, in cue sheet information header, 329

Reference Oscillator button, Nagra IV-S, 545

Reiner, Rob, 480

REMOTE connector, Fostex PD-6 Left Panel, 521

remote location looping, 416417

reprinting dialog cues from original source on film, 370372

assistant sound editor as transfer engineer, 372

nonlinear reprinting, 371372

overview, 370, 371


changes in process, 493495

control of process, 495497

credenza, 483487

defined, 482483

etiquette, 497498

foreign M&E, 502504

mixers, 487491

changed roles of, 488489

collaboration, 489491

effects mixer, 488

head mixer, 487488

music mixer, 488

mixing flowchart, 491493

overview, 481, 482

predubbing, 491493

print mastering, 498502

formats, 501502

overview, 498499

pull-ups, 499501

protocol, 497498

Salt, mixing, 504508

rerecording mixer

evolution of, 346350

sound designer as, 353356

Resolution setting, Pro Tools, 244

Resolve Duplicate File Names By setting, Pro Tools, 245

restoration, film, 145

See also audio restoration

Rewind switch, Nagra IV-S, 539540, 539f

RF (radio frequency) microphones, 94

Rice, Steve

amateur work, 1112, 12f

dialog editing Moscow on the Hudson, 381

dialog editing The Aviator, 380

disablement of, 175

Richards, Charlene, 442

rifle bolt actions, 280

right panel

Deva, 510f

Fostex PD-6 multichannel digital sound recorder, 521f

Sound Devices 744T sound recorder, 514f

right speakers, 562

right surround speakers, 563

Rivas tape splicer, 147, 233

rock-and-roll technology, 384, 386

Roesch, John, 455

roll number, label notation, 149

roll or drive number, information header, 76

Room Rentals item, sound-editorial budget, 49f

room-tone ambiance, 9697, 378

Roose, Ron, 170172

Roulo, Karin, 448f

Rózsa, Miklós, 465

Rushton, John, 6065, 61f

Russell, Greg, 504505, 504f, 505f

Russell, Jane, 585586

Rycote Windjammer, 9091

Ryder, Loren, 162163

Ryder Sound, 162163

Rydstrom, Gary, 274275


safety kit, 227

safety with glass, for Foley, 452

sales, index-linking foreign, 480

Sales, Leander, 156157, 172173, 174176

Salt, 504508

Sample Rate setting, Pro Tools, 244

sampling rate, information header, 76

Sandrew, Barry B., Ph.D., 573, 574f, 580f

See also colorization

Sands of Iwo Jima, 572, 573

Sawyer, Gordon, 425

Scan Mounted Volume option, DiskTracker, 255

Scene-Angle-Take information, smart slate, 89

scene/take number, code book, 153

Schifrin, Lalo, 466

Schoeps CMIT 5U microphone.

See CMIT 5U microphone

Schoeps Colette system, 8485, 85f

Schoeps MDMS U Matrix for Double M/S system, 225, 225f

Schuneman, Steve, 107

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 481, 482

scoring film. See music composer Scorsese, Martin, 585

Scott, David, 359f

scraping technique, 35mm mag stripe, 312f

screening, test, 52, 56, 57, 158, 177179

screening magnetic film transfer, 56

script breakdown, importance of, 222224

Search menu, DiskTracker, 257f

second assistant camera person, 119

see-a-gun/cut-a-gun, 193, 194f

Seivers, Zach, 343344, 494, 494f

SEL dial/ENTER key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

self-awareness tips, for Foley, 451

semi-background perspective team, sound recording, 204

Sennheiser microphones, 409f, 416

directional, 447

MKH, 60, 83, 84f

MKH, 70, 110

sensor interactive technologies, 566567

separation of sound cues, 311

Serafine, Frank, 263264

Serial/RS422 connector, Deva left panel, 511

service centers, Nagra IV-S, 559

SETUP/UTILITY key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 516

7-pin connector, Tuchel

EXT.NRS, 552

Line inputs, 552

Line outputs, 552553

EXT.NRS, 553

inputs, 553

outputs, 553

overview, 552, 553

Sharpie marker, 147, 148, 149, 309

She, 585

SHIFT key/indicator, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 516

The Shirley Temple Storybook, 586587

shock mount, 9091

Shot on Film–Cut on Film technique, 120123, 121f, 123f, 126f

“shotgun” microphones, 8288

show kit, 350351

Show Mix Window mode, Pro Tools, 414

show title, in cue sheet information header, 329

Shugart, Joe, 167f, 168170

Shure FP33 3-Channel Stereo Mixer, 337f

signal cancellation, 82

signal processing, 283, 381

Sikorski, Joe

Airport, 222223

The Andromeda Strain, 200, 429f

on Jack Foley, 427

Silverado, 270271

simple sounds technique, 610

Simpson, George, 187f

sine wave, 1-khz, 134, 136137, 136f

Sister Act, 378

6-pin Tuchel connector, Nagra IV-S, 555

16mm film, 9, 12, 114, 138, 232

16-bit system, digital audio, 135

Skate series, 613

SKIP/CURSOR keys, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 518

slang, 393395

slate assistant, 72

Slate microphone, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 519

SLATE switch, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 519


audio tape prior to camera rolling, 71

clap errors, 147

smart slate, 8889

Smith, Chuck, 214

Smith, Howard, A.C.E., 165168, 165f

Snap Sound company, 494f


for Foley, 451452

recording in, 105106


ADR, 400405

antivirus, 239, 239f

Dolby Encode, 564f FileMaker Pro, 254

iWorks, 254

Leonardo, 254

Metropolis, 254

Norton Utilities, 239, 239f

Post Conform, 152, 371372

Sonic Solutions, 364, 390

Sound Designer II, 250

video game, 594

VoiceQ, 401405, 403f, 404f

SOLO monitor select switch, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

Sonic Solutions audio software, 364, 390

Sony MDR-series dynamic stereo headphones, 247

Sony Z1 camera, 359f


art form of, understanding, 3132

empowerment of, 1, 2, 2f, 3, 45, 6

picture editorial and, 162165

sound apprentice, 296

sound awards. See Academy Awards

Sound Branch Academy, 21

sound camera, 230231

sound containers. See sound cues

sound crew, 293f

sound cues

assigning part numbers, 234235

separation of, 311

unit, 310, 311

sound design

advice regarding, 288289

American, 266267

Bob Grieve and Westerns, 270272

overview, 270

Silverado, 270271

Wyatt Earp, 271272

David Stone, 272274

example of, 265266

explosions, 281

Gary Rydstrom, 274275

gunfire, 278280

John A. Larsen, 276

John Carpenter's The Thing, making of, 289290

Jon Johnson, 275

misinformation regarding, 268270

overview, 263265

reality versus entertainment, 281283

Richard Anderson, 277

Richard King, 275

for special effects, 267268

Stephen Hunter Flick, 277278

subtlety in, 281

video game sound, 609611

worldizing sound

Daylight, 287288

overview, 283287

sound designer

overview, 297

as rerecording mixer, 353356

Sound Designer II software, 250

Sound Devices digital recorders 744T, 195, 195

overview, 511512

sound director, 5758

sound editor, custom recording sound effects by, 200222

See also sound editorial; supervising sound editor

airplanes, 215216

animals, 214215

explosions, 216221

multiple points of view, 212214

smaller is often bigger, 221222

vehicles, 202212

sound editorial

See also low-budget sound editorial

budget for, 4852, 50f

crew flow chart, 295299

ADR supervisor, 297

dialog supervisor, 297

first assistant sound editor, 296

Foley artists, 299

Foley supervisor, 298299

overview, 295, 295f

sound apprentice, 296

sound designer, 297

sound effects editors, 297298

crew tree, 293295

overview, 291, 292f, 293

phases of, 292f

preparation techniques, 306331

A-B-C approach, 307308

all in and mix approach, 306307

audio CD sound libraries, 323

building in volume graphing and equalization, 326327

cueing picture, 327331

cutting backgrounds, 315318

cutting vehicles, 323325

digital fade choices, 314

graphic equalizer, creatively misusing, 320321

layering techniques, 318319

leading edges, 311313

marking sync on film, 308311

organization, 331

separation of sound cues, 311

splitting off tracks, 325326

varispeed creations, 319

whip pan techniques, 321323

strategy for, 299306

cast list, 303

code book, 303

continuity, 304

cut list, developing, 305306

dupe picture and video dupes, 301303

LFOP chart, 304305

lined script, 303

overview, 299, 300

production audio source, 303

turnover, 300301

supervising sound editor, 293295

sound effect inventory database, 254259

DiskTracker, 254256

duplicate files, 256257

looking for audio files, 257259

overview, 254

printouts, 256

sound effects

See also custom recording sound effects

importance of, 165

mastering, complex, 242249

production, in dialog track, 376377

temp, for spotting sessions, 185

sound effects editor, 297298

sound events. See sound cues Sound FX menu, 610f

Sound Ideas publication firm, 323

sound librarian

audio file protocol, 249250

cleaning up audio files, 240242

complex sound effects mastering, 242249

custom recording new sounds, 230

finding sounds in library, 230

mixed medium synchronous mastering, 252254

multichannel mastering techniques, 251

optical track to magnetic film, 230234

organizing sound library, 234235

overview, 229230

sound effect inventory database, 254259

DiskTracker, 254256

duplicate files, 256257

looking for audio files, 257259

overview, 254

printouts, 256

stability of digital files, 235240

traditional catalog database, 259261

upgrading libraries to 96 kHz/24 bit format, 261262

sound libraries, audio CD, 323

sound mixer, 6869

sound palette, 350351

sound report, 7681, 370

sound restoration. See audio restoration

sound roll column, dialog sequence sheet, 366

sound roll number, code book, 154

sound stages. See stages, Foley

sound team, video game, 602605

sound transfer

assistant picture editor, 4748

laboratory service, 47

production sound mixer, 48

sound truck, 230231

sound units, 233

sounds, finding in library, 230

source sound, splitting off, 9798

speakers, 247

center, 562

dedicated, 563

left and right, 562

surround, 563

theatrical layout, 562f

special effects, sound design for, 267268

speed (rate), timecode, 139, 140

speed and equalization selector, Nagra IV-S, 536537

Speed and Power indicator, Nagra IV-S, 551552

spherical-binaural audio, 566567

Spielberg, Steven, 193195, 197

Splet, Alan, 349350

splitting off

source sound, 9798

tracks, 325326

spotting sessions, 364365

binder dedicated to soundtrack notes, 187188

notes on, critical need for precise, 186187

overview, 183

production track, sizing up, 184185

protocol for, 188189

revelations from, 189190

setting up, 186

temp music and temp sound effects, 185

spreadsheets, video game dialog, 614

square wave, 1-khz, 134, 136137, 136f, 141

SRTs (standard reference tapes), 133134

stability of digital files, 235240

Stabilizer roller, Nagra IV-S, 541

stages, Foley

See also Foley

observing in action, 446449

pits in, 431435

prop room, 436441

remaining quiet on, 455

stagnant ambiance, 98

standard reference tapes (SRTs), 133134

STANDBY key/indicator, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 518

Starship Troopers, 5152

start and aways, custom recording vehicle, 206207

start and idle, custom recording vehicle, 205206

start marks, for film, 150151, 150f

Steenbeck flatbed editing machine, 184

steppers, 299, 428, 446447

stereo capsule microphones, 99f, 100101, 100f

Stereo High Sensitivity (ST.HS) mode, 550

stinging sound effect, 467, 468

ST/MONO monitor select switch, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

stock purchase, 5254

Stone, David, 181, 272274, 273f

Stone, Oliver, 273

stops, custom recording vehicle, 207208

Streeter, Tony, 359f string-offs, 456

Strip Silence option, Avid, 461

Stripe for Transfers line item, transfer budget, 52

studio microphone boom, 90

Stumpf, Graham, 38

subtlety, in sound design, 281

subwoofers, 562

supercardioid microphones, 81f, 8288

features, 83

overview, 8283

profile, 8388

technical data, 83

supervising Foley editor, 441442

supervising sound editor, 186

developing cut lists, 305

gathering sound material, 230

getting custom sound effects, 196197

labor requirements chart, 295f

low-budget sound editorial, 335336

overview, 293295

spotting sessions, 186

surface pits, Foley stage, 432f

Sweet, Ken

custom recording sound effects, 191

dialog editing, 379380

Swift, George, 359f

sync, marking on film, 308311

synchronization, timecode enabling, 139

synchronizers (sync-block), 138139, 310f

four-gang, 310f

gangs, 150

multigang, 146

synchronous sound, 10

syncing film dailies, 146

synt score, 470


T Phantom power selector, Nagra, 555

tail leaders for film, 148152, 148f

attention to detail, importance of, 151152

start marks, 150151

Talvisota (The Winter War), 68f, 105106

tape speed, information header, 76

Tape Speed selector, Nagra IV-S, 536f

tape thread path, Nagra IV-S, 537539

Tape/Direct switch, Nagra IV-S, 543544

Tapert, Rob, 1216

Tascam DA-88 recorders, 102, 142, 143

TCM (Turner Classic Movies), 2

TC/Pilot Playback control, Nagra IV-S, 548

technical disciplines, 3

technologies. See emerging technologies

television production

film-rate conversion, 139

studio microphone booms, 90

television sound, Foley, 444446

“TELEVISION VERSION MIX”, post-sound budget, 57

temp dubs, 52

overview, 3840, 177

sound-editorial budget, 52

use of, 179182

temp mix, 184

temp music, for spotting sessions, 185

temp sound effects, for spotting sessions, 185

Tennessee, Nagra IV-S service centers in, 559

Tension roller, Nagra, 539

ten-ten cue technique, 327328

Terror Tract, 74

test screening, 52, 56, 57, 158, 177179

Texas, Nagra IV-S service centers in, 559

thatched fade-in technique, 311312, 312f

theatrical speaker layout, 562f

The Thing, 29

explosion recording, 216217, 218

making of, 289290

spotting session, 188, 189

third man, 4445, 70, 30

frames per second (fps) rate, 2, 137139, 140

30-frame drop-frame addressing mode, 140

30-frame nondrop addressing mode, 140

35mm digital soundtrack formats, 501f, 502f

35mm film

first trial, 327

head pop, 304

optical track, 231f

stock variants, 132133

mag stripe, 133

magnetic fullcoat, 133

magnetic three-stripe, 133

picture, 132133

thousand footers, 302

3D games, 607

three-stripe film stock, 35mm, 133

timbre, 266

Time Code Connector, Deva left panel, 511

TIME CODE IN connector, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 522

Time Code In/Out connector, Nagra IV-S, 557

TIME CODE OUT connector, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 522

Time Code panel, Nagra IV-S, 557558, 557f

timecode, 137143

addressing modes, 140

ADR, 386

A-to-D encoders, 142143

audio signal, 140141

checking for drop/nondrop, 141

drop-frame, 141

as enabling synchronization, 139

formats, 140

frame rates, 140

mixing drop-and nondrop-frame sessions, 142

overview, 137138

pull-down effect, 139140

smart slate, 88

specifications for video transfers, 141

synchronizers, 138139

VITC, 142

timecode address, 139

TIME/DISP MODE key, Fostex PD-6 Front Panel, 517

Tiomkin, Dimitri, 465

tisks, in dialog track, 376

tone generators, 338

tool kit, 227

top panel, Aaton Cantar-X recorder, 523f

topic-roll-cue system, sound library, 234235

total immersion technologies, 565568

entertainment in total immersion, 567568

overview, 565, 566567

practical application for training purposes, 567

Touch screen, Deva front panel, 509

track stripping, importing Foley stems into Pro Tools for for, 460463

Track Wipe, 314

tracks, splitting off, 325326

traditional ADR form, 397399

traditional catalog database, 259261

transfer budget, 53f

transfer engineer

OMF media files, 369370

sound report, 370

syncing 1/4” tape, 371

transfer protocol, laboratory, 119131

delivery format, 120

edge code and key codes on film, 124

important considerations regarding, 131

overview, 119120

shot on film–cut nonlinear, 127130

shot on film–cut nonlinear and conform, 124127

shot on film–cut on film, 120123

shot on video–cut nonlinear, 130131

transfers, in budget, 5254

transmitter, radio, 96

transparency, dialog editing, 363

transport (layback) drive, 33

transport, Nagra IV-S, 540541

Transport Control Buttons, Deva front panel, 509

Transport Window, Pro Tools, 414, 459

Transylvania 6–5000, 3940

Trew, Glen, 71f

Troutman, Clancy, 345346, 345f

Troutman, Jim, 178179, 197

Tuchel in and out connectors, Nagra IV-S, 552557

external power pack, 555

EXT.NRS, 552

Line inputs, 552

Line outputs, 552553, 556557

microphone XLR connector, 553

microphone XLR inputs, 553554

Output side, 555

phantom power selectors, 554555

phase selector, 555

Time Code In/Out connector, 557

Turner Classic Movies (TCM), 2

turnover, to sound editorial, 300301

20-bit system, digital audio, 135

25 frames per second (fps) rate, 140

25-frame addressing mode, 140

24frames per second (fps) rate, 139, 140

24-frame addressing mode, 140 29.97

24 frames per second (fps) rate, 137139, 140

Twilight Zone; The Motion Picture, 379380

2-channel sound report form, 79f

2-track print master, 57

type/model of recording device, information header, 76


UDF (Universal Disc Format), 515

Uher 1000 1/4v tape, 910

ultra directional microphones, 8288

Ultra Stereo, print mastering, 499

unblimped cameras, 28

unit production managers (UPM), 43

units, sound cues, 310, 311

Universal Disc Format (UDF), 515

Universal Studios, 384385

Unreal Tournament, 600

unwanted noises, in dialog track, 376

upgrading libraries to 96 kHz/24 bit format, 261262

UPM (unit production managers), 43

USB connector, Fostex PD-6 Left Panel, 521

USB Port, Deva left panel, 511

USM 69 i stereo microphone, 100f


varispeed creations, 319

Varney, Bill, 23


custom recording, 202212

bys, 208209

maneuvers, 209212

mechanicals, 204205

overview, 202204, 203f

start and aways, 206207

start and idle, 205206

in to stop, 207208

cutting, 323325

version date, ADR cue sheet, 400

version identification, ADR cue sheet, 400

version number, in cue sheet information header, 329

vertical interval timecode (VITC), 142

VFX (visual effects)

role of sound, 268

video games, 598

vibration, controlling, 90

video, cutting nonlinear, 130131

video dupes, 301303

video game sound, 590621

audio techniques in action, 605609

developers, 595596

dialog, 613615

Foley and ambiances, 611613

game development team, 598602

art and animation, 601602

designers and gameplay, 598600

programming, 600601

game knowledge, 591593

individual contributors, 597

industry, 594595

mixing games, 617621

music, 615616

overview, 590591

production sound department for, 587590

production studios, 597

publishers, 595

sound design, 609613

sound team, 602605

technical aspects, 593594

video pop, 304305

Video Streamer, 391393, 401

video transfers, timecode specifications for, 141


ADR recordist and, 408

transfer, 373

Viskari, Olli, 68f

visual effects. See VFX

VITC (vertical interval timecode), 142

vocal specialists, 421

vocals, nonperformance, 240241

VoiceQ software, 401405

onscreen output, 403f

preferences, 404f

project languages, 404f

volume control potentiometers, Nagra IV-S, 546547

volume graphing

building in, 326327

in dialog track, 381382

vowels, ADR cutting, 423

VU (volume unit) analog meter, 1819, 76, 134, 135136, 135f


walkers, 299, 428, 446447

water pit, Foley stage, 433434, 434f, 435

waveform signature, increasing to see Foley cues, 461, 461f

WB Games’ Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, 592f, 596, 604

Webb, Jim, 96

All the President's Men, 103105

California Split, 103

A Wedding, 103

Weitzman, Bernie, 577

Westerns, sound design for, 270272

overview, 270

Silverado, 270271

Wyatt Earp, 271272

Westley, Scott, 345f

Wheymeyer, Warren, 8f

whip pan techniques, 321323

Whittaker, David, 287288

wild tracks (WT), 2930, 77, 9697, 147148, 344

Williams, John, 468

Wilson, Stuart, 528530, 528f

wind buffet, 90

windscreen, 9091

wipe cue technique, 328

wireless microphones, 27, 9192, 9496

Wise, Robert, 200, 425

without sound (MOS), 77, 78

Wolper, David, 151

wood rips sound effect, 222

woolly (Rycote Windjammer), 9091

Word Clock Output, Deva left panel, 511

WORD IN terminate switch, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 522

WORD/VIDEO IN/WORD OUT connectors, Fostex PD-6 Right Panel, 522

work track, dialog track, 373

workstation signal path, 246f

workstation systems, 48

Workstation Transfer Exports, sound-editorial budget, 52

worldizing sound

Daylight, 287288

overview, 283287

WT (wild tracks), 2930, 77, 9697, 147148, 344

Wwise audio tool, 606607

Wyatt Earp, sound design for, 271272

Wyler, William, 155, 156


X-DIA track, 373, 374

XLR connector, Nagra IV-S, 553

XLR inputs, Nagra IV-S, 553554

X-Y microphone configuration, 9899, 341342, 342f


Yapp, Jeff, 579580

Yarbrough, Larry, 10


ZAXCOM DEVA 5.8 and DEVA 16 recorders, 509512

front panel, 509511

left panel, 511

overview, 509

zeppelin wind screen, 9091, 91f

zip drips, for Foley, 455

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