

% of option, 74

% Running Total In option, 70–71



PivotChart wizard, 155

PivotTable wizard, 155

ActiveX controls versus form controls, 237


calculated fields

with formulas, 108–109

manual method, 108

fields to pivot table, 29–32

grand total row, 60

layers to pivot table, 32

macro functionality with VBA, 238–242

add-ins, PowerPivot

combination layouts, 228–229

free cost of, 198–199

installing, 200

limitations of, 200

report formatting, 228–231

slicers, 211–212

usage guidelines, 212–213

alternatives to pivot charts, 138–142


data sources, 25

multiple consolidation ranges

Column field, 160

Pages field, 161

Row field, 160

Value field, 160

analyzing activity by market, case study, 38–39


Autofilter, 322–323

conditional formatting, 147

data visualizations with VBA, 309–310

multiple number formats, 326–328

numeric format, 48–49

table styles, 47

table styles with VBA, 307–308

themes, 62

areas section

drop-down arrows, 88–89

Report Filter area, 101–105

asymmetric reporting, 228

Autofilter, applying, 322–323

automatically refreshing pivot tables, 310–312

AutoShow method (VBA), 290–292

Autosort, 93

Average function, 64


benefits of PowerPivot, 195–198

blank cells

filling in, 25

filling in data area with VBA, 261

incorrect count calculations, troubleshooting, 63–64

replacing with zeros, 49–50

browsers, viewing pivot tables with, 181–183


pivot tables with external data sources, 161–168

Microsoft Access data, 162–165

SQL Server data, 165–168

PowerPivot reports, 201–212

calculated columns, adding with DAX, 208–209

copying and pasting data, 205–206

defining relationships, 207–208

linking data, 206

text file, importing, 201–204

buttons, pivot field buttons, 132


calculated columns, DAX, 214–218

calculated fields, 107–108

adding, manual method, 108

creating, 109–112

creating with VBA, 284

forecasts, summarizing, 114–118

inserting, 109–110

rules for, 124–125

calculated items, 107–108

creating, 118–122

generating with VBA, 285–286

rules for, 125

solve order, changing, 127

calculating percent of parent items, 71

Calculation options (VBA), 288–289


Calculation options (VBA), 288–289

constants, 123

deleting, 126

editing, 126

order of operator precedence, 122–123

Show Values As options, 67–68

specifying with VBA, 280–282

case studies

analyzing activity by market, 38–39

converting pivot tables to values, 55–56

forecasts, summarizing, 114–118

GETPIVOTDATA function, 75–78

invoice frequency and revenue distribution report, creating, 136–140

order lead time reports, creating, 85

pivot tables, synchronizing with combo box, 242–246

Top 10 reports, creating, 100–101


field names, 50–51

themes, 62


pivot charts, 129–130

alternatives to using, 142–147

creating, 130–133

slicers, 133

standard charts, creating from pivot tables, 141–142

Clear command, 43

collapsing fields, 52–53

Collie, Rob, 336

column area, 15–16

Column field of multiple consolidation ranges, analyzing, 160

Column Labels drop zone, 30

columns, deleting empty columns, 24

combination layouts (PowerPivot), 228–229

combo boxes, pivot table synchronization, case study, 242–246

commands, Clear, 43

Compact layout, 52–53

comparing ActiveX controls and form controls, 237


between Excel 2007 and Excel 2010, 170

slicers, 170–171

Excel 2010 Compatibility mode, 173

with legacy Excel versions, 18–19

parent item calculations, 171–173

VBA, Excel 2010 and older versions, 254

Comptability Checker, 18–19

conceptual filters, 298–300

conditional formatting, 145–151

preprogrammed scenarios, 146–147


to OLAP cube, 186–188

slicers to pivot tables, 36–37

constants, 123


grand totals, 57–58

subtotals, 57–58

totals with VBA, 262–263


pivot tables to cube formulas, 193–195

pivot tables to hard data, 313–314

pivot tables to values, 55–56

with VBA, 263–266

Count Distinct formula, generating with VBA, 282–283

Count function, 64

Count Nums function, 64

Create PivotTable dialog box, 27–28


calculated fields, 109–112

calculated items, 118–122

offline cubes (OLAP), 190–193

pivot charts, 130–133

report filters in VBA, 294–297

Top 10 reports, 100–101

cubes (OLAP)

connecting to, 186–188

functions, 193–195

offline, creating, 190–193

structure of, 188–189

custom lists, sorting, 95–96

customizing styles, 60–61


data area

blank cells, filling with VBA, 261

fields, adding with VBA, 258

Data Field Settings dialog box, 51

data fields

handling multiple with VBA, 279–280

data sets


to different tabs, 330–331

to different workbooks, 331–333

transposing, 323–327

data sources

analyzing, 25

external, building pivot tables with, 161–168

OLAP, limitations of, 190

summarizing with multiple consolidation ranges, 154–159

data visualizations, applying with VBA, 309–310

databases, OLAP, 183–186

cube, connecting to, 186–188

cube, structure of, 188–189

named sets, filtering with, 304–306

offline cubes, creating, 190–193

pivot table restrictions, 190

date fields, grouping, 80–83


calculated columns, calculations, 214–218

measures, creating, 218–225

Time Intelligence functions, 225–228

default style, selecting, 61

deferring layout updates, 42–43

deleting calculations, 126

Design tab (Layout Group), 52

dialog boxes

Data Field Settings, 51

Insert Calculated Field, 111

Label Filter dialog box, 98

Move Chart, 131

Move PivotTable, 43–44

New Formatting Rule, 148–150

Record Macro, 234

Solve Order, 127

Difference From option, 72

dimensions (OLAP), 188

disabling GetPivotData, 336–341

disparate data sources, summarizing with multiple consolidation ranges, 154–159

displaying revenue by category with VBA, 266–278

distributing pictures of pivot charts, 142

docking PivotTable Field List, 86

documenting formulas, 127–128

drag-and-drop functionality, activating, 33

drop zones, 29–30

rearranging, 32–34

drop-down arrows (areas section), 88–89


editing calculations, 126

effective tabular design, 24–26

empty cells, filling, 314–316

empty columns, deleting, 24

enabling drag-and-drop functionality, 33

END WITH statement (VBA), 253

Excel 2007

slicers, compatibility with Office 2010, 170–171

VBA, new methods introduced with, 254–255

Excel 2010 Compatibility mode, 173

Excel Services

goals of, 179

limitations of, 180

preparing spreadsheets for, 177

rendering spreadsheets, requirements, 176

spreadsheets, publishing, 177–179

executive overviews, generating with VBA, 290–292

exploding data sets

to different tabs, 330–331

to different workbooks, 331–333

external data sources, building pivot tables with, 161–168

Microsoft Access data, 162–165

SQL Server data, 165–168


Field List drop-down, sorting with, 92–93

field names, changing, 50–51


adding to data area with VBA, 258

adding to pivot table, 29–32

adding to Report Filter area, 102

calculated fields, 107–108

adding, 107–108

creating, 111–114

collapsing, 52–53

data fields, handling multiple with VBA, 279–280

date fields, grouping, 80–83

grouping by week, 82–83

rank number, adding to pivot tables, 316–318

text fields, grouping, 86–87

ungrouping, 85

Fields drop-down (PivotTable Field List), 89–90

filling in blank cells, 25, 314–316


with conceptual filters, 298–300

in Label areas, 97–100

with named sets (VBA), 304–306

PivotFields with VBA, 298

with Report Filter area, 101–105

with search filter (VBA), 301–302


slicers, 35–37

Top 10, case study, 100–101

flattened pivot tables, 228

forecasts, summarizing, 114–118

form controls, creating macro user interface, 236–238


conditional formatting, 145–151

preprogrammed scenarios, 146–147

multiple number formats, applying, 326–328

numeric format, applying, 48–49

pivot charts, restrictions, 135–136

pivot tables with VBA, 258–260

preparing data for pivot table reports, 24


calculated fields, adding, 108–109

cube formulas, converting pivot tables to, 193–195

documenting, 127–128

free cost of PowerPivot add-in, reasons for, 198–199

frequency distributions, generating, 328–330


cube functions, 193–195

DAX, 214–218

Time Intelligence functions, 225–228


Gainer, Dave, 336


calculated items with VBA, 285–286

Count Distinct formula with VBA, 282–283

executive overviews with VBA, 290–292

frequency distributions, 328–330

GetPivotData function

case study, 75–78

disabling, 336–341

shell reports, populating, 347–351

goals of Excel Services, 179

grand totals, controlling, 57–58


date fields, 80–83

years, including, 81–82

fields by week, 82–83

numeric fields, 85

text fields, 86–87

groups, calculating with VBA, 286–287


handling multiple data fields with VBA, 279–280

hard-coded values

converting pivot tables to, 313–314

creating from pivot tables, 141–142

hierarchies (OLAP), 189


incorrect count calculations, troubleshooting, 64

Index option, 74–75

Insert Calculated Field dialog box, 119–120

inserting calculated fields, 109–110

installing PowerPivot, 200

invoice frequency and revenue distribution reports, creating, 136–140


Label areas, filtering, 97–100

Label Filter dialog box, 98

layers, adding to pivot table, 32

Layout Group, 52


Compact layout, 52–53

modifying with VBA, 308–309

Outline Form layout, 53–54

Tabular layout, 54–55

updates, deferring, 42–43

legacy Excel versions

compatibility issues, 18–19

parent item calculations, compatibility issues, 171–173

PivotTable toolbar, finding commands, 356–361

VBA, compatibility with Excel 2010, 254

levels (OLAP), 189


of Excel Services, 180

of OLAP pivot tables, 190

of pivot charts, 135–136

of pivot table calculations, 122–125

of pivot table reports, 17

of PowerPivot, 200

linked pivot table cells as source data, 142–144

linking pivot tables to pivot cache, 41

locating commands on legacy PivotTable toolbar, 356–361


macros, 231

functionality, adding with VBA, 238–242

recording, 234–236

security issues, 235–236

user interface, creating with form controls, 236–238

manipulating pivot reports with VBA, 261–262

manual sorting, 93–95

Max function, 64

measures (OLAP), 183

creating with DAX, 218–225

members (OLAP), 189


limitations of pivot table reports, 17

pivot cache, 16–17

methods (VBA)

AutoShow, 290–292

in Excel 2007, 254–255

ShowDetail, 292–294

Microsoft Access data, building pivot tables with, 162–165

Min function, 64

modifying layout with VBA, 308–309

Move Chart dialog box, 131

moving pivot tables, 43–44

multiple consolidation ranges

Column field, analyzing, 160

disparate data sources, summarizing, 154–159

Pages field, analyzing, 161

Row field, analyzing, 160

Value field, analyzing, 160

multiple data fields, handling with VBA, 279–280

multiple number formats, applying, 326–328

multiple subtotals, adding, 66


named sets

accessing for asymmetric reporting, 228

OLAP pivot tables, filtering with, 304–306

New Formatting Rule dialog box, 148–150

numeric fields, grouping, 85

numeric format, applying, 48–49


object variables (VBA), 252–253

Office Web Apps (Excel 2003), saving pivot tables to the web, 173–174

offline cubes (OLAP), creating, 190–193

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), 183–186


connecting to, 186–188

functions, 193–195

structure of, 188–189

named sets, filtering with, 304–306

pivot tables, limitation of, 190

operators, order of precedence, 126–128

order lead time reports creation, case study, 84

order of operator precedence, 122–123

Outline Form layout, 53–54


Pages field of multiple consolidation ranges, analyzing, 161

parent item calculations in legacy Excel versions, 171–173

percent of parent items, calculating, 74

pictures of pivot charts, distributing, 142

pivot cache, 16–17

sharing, 40–41

updating, 39–40

pivot charts, 127–128

alternatives to using, 140–144

creating, 130–133

rules, 133–136

slicers, 133

pivot field buttons, 132

pivot reports, manipulating with VBA, 261–262

pivot tables

building with VBA, 256–260

converting to values with VBA, 263–266

flattened, 228

formatting with VBA, 258–260

publishing, 175–176

PivotChart wizard, activating, 155

PivotFields, filtering in VBA, 298

PivotTable Field List

docking/undocking, 86

Fields drop-down, 89–90

rearranging, 87–88

PivotTable toolbar (legacy Excel versions), finding commands, 356–361

PivotTable wizard, activating, 155

placement of pivot charts, restrictions, 135–136

populating shell reports with GetPivotData, 347–351


benefits of, 195–198

combination layouts, 228–229

external data sources, SQL Server data, 231

installing, 200

limitations of, 200

refreshing, 231

report formatting, 228–231

reports, building, 201–212

Server version, 199–200

slicers, 211–212

usage guidelines, 212–213


data for pivot table reports

empty columns, deleting, 24

formatting, 24

tabular layouts, 22

spreadsheets for Excel Services, 177

preprogrammed scenarios for conditional formatting, 144–145

Product function, 64

properties (VBA) in Excel 2007, 255


pivot tables, 175–176

spreadsheets to Excel Services, 177–179


rank number field, adding to pivot tables, 316–318

ranking options, 72–74

rearranging pivot tables, 32–34

rearranging PivotTable Field List, 91

Record Macro dialog box, 234

recording macros, 234–236

redefining pivot tables, 161

reducing size of reports, 318–320

referencing totals, 124


data, 39–40

multiple pivot tables in a workbook, 312

pivot tables, 310–312

PowerPivot, 231

RELATED() function, basing column calculations on another table, 216–218

relocating pivot tables, 43–44

removing subtotals, 65–66

rendering spreadsheets with Excel Services, requirements, 176

replacing blank cells with zeros, 49–50

Report Filter area, 16

filtering with, 101–105

slicers, 104–105

Report Filter drop zone, 30

report filters

creating, 34

VBA, creating, 294–297


PowerPivot, building, 201–212

calculated columns, adding with DAX, 208–209

copying and pasting data, 205–206

defining relationships, 207–208

linking data, 206

text file, importing, 201–204

reducing size of, 318–320

requirements for rendering spreadsheets with Excel Services, 176


of Excel Services, 180

of OLAP pivot tables, 190

of pivot charts, 135–136

of pivot table calculations, 122–125

revenue, displaying by category with VBA, 266–278

row area, 15

Row field of multiple consolidation ranges, analyzing, 160

Row Labels drop zone, 30

rules for pivot charts, 133–136

Running Total In option, 70


Save As HTML option, saving pivot tables to the web, 174–176

saving pivot tables to the web

Office Web Apps (Excel 2003), 173–174

Save As HTML option, 174–176

search filter (VBA), 301–302

security, macros, 235–236


default styles, 64

items from Report Filters, 102–104

setting up

custom lists, 95–96

trusted locations, 235–236


pivot cache, 40–41

pivot tables with other Office versions, 168–170, 173

shell reports

building, 345–346

populating with GetPivotData, 347–351

Show Values As options, 67–68

% of,

Difference From, 72

Index, 74–75

Rank, 72–74

Running Total In, 70

ShowDetail method (VBA), 292–294

side effects of pivot cache sharing, 41

SkyDrive, viewing pivot tables with, 181–183

slicers, 35–37, 104–105

in Excel 2007, 170–171

generating with VBA, 302–304

in pivot charts, 133

in PowerPivot, 211–212

Solve Order dialog box, 127

solve order of calculated items, changing, 127


with Autosort, 93

custom lists, 95–96

with Field List drop-down, 92–93

manual sorting, 93–95

with sort icons, 91–92

in unique order, 312–313

source data, linked pivot table cells as, 142–144


calculation with VBA, 280–282


preparing for Excel Services, 177

publishing to Excel Services, 177–179

SQL Server data

building pivot tables with, 165–168

for PowerPivot, 231

standard charts, creating from pivot tables, 141–142

StdDev function, 64

StdDevP function, 64

structure of OLAP cubes, 188–189


customizing, 60–61

default, selecting, 61

Styles gallery, 58–60


adding multiple, 66

controlling, 57–58

removing, 65–66

Sum function, 64


disparate data sources with multiple consolidation ranges, 154–159

forecasts, 114–118

summary calculations, changing, 63–64

suppressing subtotals, 65–66

synchronizing pivot tables with one combo box, case study, 242–246


table styles, applying, 47, 307–308

tabular layouts, 54–55

effective design, 24–26

preparing data for pivot table reports, 22

text fields, grouping, 86–87

themes, applying, 62

Time Intelligence functions (DAX), 225–228

Top 10 reports, creating, 100–101


controlling with VBA, 262–263

referencing, 124

transposing data sets, 323–327

troubleshooting incorrect count calculations, 63–64

trusted locations, setting up, 235–236

turning off GetPivotData, 336–341


unavailable features in legacy pivot tables, 172

undocking PivotTable Field List, 86

ungrouping fields, 85

unique order sorts, performing, 312–313

updating pivot cache, 39–40

user interface for macros, creating with form controls, 236–238


Value field of multiple consolidation ranges, analyzing, 160

values, converting pivot tables to with VBA, 263–266

values area, 14–15

field names, changing, 50–51

Values drop zone, 30

Var function, 64

VarP function, 64

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

AutoShow method, 290–292

calculated fields, generating, 284

calculated items, generating, 285–286

Calculation options, 288–289

calculations, specifying, 280–282

code writing techniques, END WITH statement, 253

conceptual filters, 298–300

Count Distinct formula, generating, 282–283

data area, filling blank cells, 261

data visualizations, applying, 309–310

fields, adding to data area, 258

groups, calculating, 286–287

layout, modifying, 308–309

legacy Excel versions, compatibility with Excel 2010, 254

macros, adding functionality, 238–242

methods introduced in Excel 2007, 254–255

multiple data fields, handling, 279–280

pivot reports, manipulating, 261–262

pivot tables

building, 256–260

formatting, 258–260

PivotFields, filtering, 298

report filters, creating, 294–297

revenue, displaying by category, 266–278

search filter, 301–302

ShowDetail method, 292–294

slicers, generating, 302–304

table styles, applying, 307–308

totals, controlling, 262–263

writing code, techniques

large data ranges, handling, 251–252

object variables, 252–253

versions of Office, sharing pivot tables between, 168–170, 173

viewing pivot tables with web browser, 181–183


web, saving pivot tables to with Office Web Apps (Excel 2003), 173–174

web browsers, viewing pivot tables with, 181–183

week, grouping fields by, 82–83

when to use Pivot Table, 13–14

Windows Live SkyDrive, viewing pivot tables with, 181–183

workbooks, refreshing multiple pivot tables, 312

writing VBA code, techniques

END WITH statement, 253

large data ranges, handling, 251–252

object variables, 252–253


years, including in grouped date fields, 81–82

zeros, replacing blank cells with, 49–50

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