(Fogra 29_WF)Job:07-30996 Title:RP-One Watercolor A Day
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DAY 22
“The experience of drawing your way through Disney World is really
indescribable. This brief but intense study trip was everything I’d hoped for
and more. The Magic Kingdom has always been a home away from home
for me; I have learned so much there. What a pleasure to sit in the bakery
on Main Street and draw this group of women enjoying the view—and the
air conditioning. I combined the watercolor with charcoal to explore what
might result.” —Michele
Women Drinking Coffee, watercolor and charcoal
A Study on the Spot
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Try drawing directly with watercolor as both line and shape. You’ll need a
fine and a medium brush for this exercise. Go to a local café, and situate
yourself at a table from where you can watch a group of people drinking
coffee together. Using your small brush, pick up some color, and begin to
draw the shapes of the people linearly. Keep the paint fairly dry, so you get a
good solid line, but not so dry that you lose the transparency of the
watercolor. Once you have put your lines down, use your medium-size brush
to fill in the shapes you want filled. Don’t worry if the colors bleed into each
other a bit; that’s the beauty of this technique. Try doing some of the line in
charcoal as well, as Michele did.
• Before you do a full group of people, start with some single portrait studies.
First try one with charcoal or graphite line and color (below right) and then
do one or two with all watercolor line and shape (above right). Mix and
match: When you feel comfortable with the technique, move on to a group
is to play with the medium and become more comfortable drawing people
on location.
Woman, watercolor
Woman in Hat, watercolor and charcoal
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DAY 23
Animal Kingdom, watercolor
People in Nature
“This is one of my favorite paintings. I did it on a sunny day at Disney’s
Animal Kingdom.” —Greg
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• Choose a small range of colors to identify the different
shapes of the people. Don’t keep the colored shapes in
their own section of the painting; instead, mix them across
the picture, similar to the way Greg has done here. This
will keep harmony in the painting.
Animal Kingdom, detail, watercolor
Now that you’ve done a few exercises with people, it’s time
to put them into an environment. You could do this exercise
just about anywhere: a zoo, a local amusement park, a public
garden. Find a place where people gather that combines both
architectural and natural elements.
Working fairly quickly, look at the crowd of people, and
paint rough shapes for each person in various colors.* Any
color is fine; realism is not necessary here. Don’t allow the
paint to get too wet; there will be a lot of elements in this
picture, and you don’t want them to bleed into each other too
much. Once the people have dried, add some background
elements such as building shapes, shrubbery, and trees. Begin
with larger shapes, adding details such as leaves and marks
after those shapes have dried.
*You might paint one large overall shape before you put
anything else in the piece; look at how Greg painted the large
yellow shape of the left-hand building and the ground, and
built the other people and elements on top of that. Having one
larger shape in a color helps keep the picture together. He
then brought the yellow in again with the tree at far right, to
keep a balance that made sense to his eyes.
(Fogra 29_WF)Job:07-30996 Title:RP-One Watercolor A Day
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