
Rand H. Morimoto, Ph.D., MBA, MCSE—Revising this book was a lot of work, and there are many people to thank who have helped to make it a reality. We want to thank our acquisitions editor, Neil Rowe, who continues to support our efforts!

We also want to thank all the consultants, consulting engineers, technical specialists, project managers, technical editors, and systems engineers at Convergent Computing who were valuable resources we called upon for thoughts, suggestions, best practices, tips, and tricks that made up the content of this book. The only way we could create such a valuable book was to compile the experience of so many individuals living and working with Windows 2003 day in and day out.

Thank you to all of the writers, contributors, and technical editors from the first and second editions including Kenton Gardinier, Omar Droubi, Lynn Langfeld, Colin Spence, Ilya Eybelman, and Tiffany Phillips for your contribution to the initial core of this book.

Last but not least, to my two wonderful children, Kelly and Chip, thank you for being my inspiration to everything! Thank you to my parents, Ed and Vickie, for sharing with me the belief that hard work, dedication, and determination can lead to accomplishment and success. Another one done, whew!

Michael Noel, MCSE+I, MCSA—A big thanks to all of the folks that made this book possible, especially Rand Morimoto, who brought me in on the first edition of this book what seems like so long ago. Thanks as well to all of the technical staff at Convergent Computing who helped to write chapters, test scenarios, and just plain and simple beat this software into submission. You guys are the best technical team I have ever been a part of!

And to my family, thanks again for putting up with yet another book. I honestly don’t know how you put up with losing your husband/father/son so often! I love you Marina, you complete me! Liza and Val, you guys are wonderful! Julia, you make me smile every day!

Alex Lewis—This wouldn’t have been possible without unending support from my new wife, Penny. She performed the ultimate in gopher duties from coffee to massages during my writing of this book. She understood the long nights and made every sacrifice with a supportive smile. She is my rock in every way.

Also, thank you to Rand Morimoto for being a daily inspiration and the personification of the American dream. I truly appreciate your drive for success and pushing me to do the same. It has been a pleasure working on this project together. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without your support and the technical hive-mind at Convergent Computing. Andrew Abbate, you embody the idyllic traits needed to be successful paired with a unique technical acuity. Thank you for your help on so many levels.

Finally, thank you to my parents, Debi and Al, for instilling a sense of independence, responsibility, and ambition. It’s those lessons I learned years ago that drive me today.

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