Questions and Answers

Q: Some advantages of linked lists over arrays have already been mentioned. However, there are occasions when arrays have advantages over linked lists. When are arrays preferable?

A: Linked lists present advantages over arrays when we expect to insert and remove elements frequently. However, arrays themselves offer some advantages when we expect the number of random accesses to overshadow the number of insertions and deletions. Arrays are strong in this case because their elements are arranged contiguously in memory. This contiguous arrangement allows any element to be accessed in O (1) time by using its index. Recall that to access an element of a linked list, we must have a pointer to the element itself. Getting a pointer to an element can be expensive if we do not know a great deal about the pattern in which the elements will be accessed. In practice, for many applications, we end up traversing at least part of the list. Arrays are also advantageous when storage is at a premium because they do not require additional pointers to keep their elements “linked” together.

Q: How do the operations of linked lists for inserting, removing, and accessing elements compare with similar ones for arrays?

A: Recall that all of the operations presented for each of the linked list variations in this chapter had runtime complexities of O (1), with the exception of the destroy operations. Indeed, this seems tough to beat. What the analyses for linked lists do not show, however, is that for many linked list operations, retrieving a pointer to a specific element in the list can involve a significant cost. For example, if we are not careful, in the worst case we could end up traversing the entire list at a cost of O (n), where n is the number of elements in the list. On the other hand, a well-suited application, such as the frame management example presented in this chapter, may have virtually no overhead for this at all. Therefore, it is important to look at the specifics of the application. With arrays, insertion and removal are both O (n) operations because in the worst case of accessing position 0, all other elements must be moved one slot to adjust for the addition or deletion of the element. Accessing an element in an array is an O (1) operation, provided we know its index.

Q: Suppose we would like to build a list_ins_pos function on top of the linked list implementation in this chapter to insert an element after a specified position, akin to an array. For example, suppose we would like to specify that an element should be inserted after the tenth element instead of providing a pointer to it. What is the runtime complexity of this function?

A: This function has a runtime complexity of O (n) because generally the only means of knowing when we are at a specific position in a linked list is to start at the head and count the number of elements while moving to it. Here is an application that suffers profoundly from the access problem described in the previous question. That is, the insertion operation itself is O (1), but getting to the required position in the list is O (n).

Q: Recall that list_rem_next removes an element from a singly-linked list after a specified element. Why is no operation provided for singly-linked lists to remove the specified element itself, analogous to the dlist_remove operation for doubly-linked lists? (One can ask the same for the circular list implementation. )

A: In the singly-linked list and circular list implementations, each element does not have a pointer to the one preceding it. Therefore, we cannot set the preceding element’s next pointer to the element after the one being removed. An alternative approach to the one we selected would be to start at the head element and traverse the list, keeping track of each element preceding the next until the element to be removed is encountered. However, this solution is unattractive because the runtime complexity of removing an element from a singly-linked list or circular list degrades to O (n). Another approach would be to copy the data of the element following the specified element into the one specified and then remove the following element. However, this seemingly benign O (1) approach generates the dangerous side effect of rendering a pointer into the list invalid. This could be a surprise to a developer maintaining a pointer to the element after the one thought to be removed! The approach we selected, then, was to remove the element after the specified one. The disadvantage of this approach is its inconsistency with the dlist_remove operation of the doubly-linked list implementation. However, this is addressed by the naming convention, using _rem_next as the suffix for removing an element after the one specified, and _remove to indicate that the specified element itself will be removed. In a doubly-linked list, recall that we can remove precisely the element specified because each element has a pointer to the one that precedes it.

Q: Recall that each of the linked list data structures presented in this chapter has a size member. The List and DList data structures also contain a tail member. Why are each of these members included?

A: By updating these members dynamically as elements are inserted and removed, we avoid the O (n) runtime complexity of traversing the list each time its tail element or size is requested. By maintaining these members, fetching a list’s tail element or size becomes an O (1) operation without adding any complexity to the operations for inserting and removing elements.

Q: Insertion before the head of a list using NULL for the element argument is used only in the singly-linked list implementation. Why is this not necessary for doubly-linked lists or circular lists?

A: Insertion before the head element of a doubly-linked list is possible using the prev pointer of the head element itself. In a circular list, an element is inserted before the head by inserting the element after the last element using clist_ins_next. Remember, in a circular list, the last element points back to the first element.

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