Questions and Answers

Q: There are certain cases where compressing data may generate poor results. When might we encounter this with Huffman coding?

A: Effective compression with Huffman coding depends on symbols occurring in the data at varying frequencies. If all possible symbols occur at nearly the same frequency, poor compression results. Huffman coding also performs poorly when used to compress small amounts of data. In this case, the space required by the table in the header negates the compression achieved in the data. Fortunately, these limitations are not normally a problem because the symbols in most data are not uniformly distributed, and we are usually not interested in compressing small amounts of data.

Q: Just as with Huffman coding, there are certain cases in which LZ77 achieves poor compression. What are some of these cases?

A: Effective compression with LZ77 depends on being able to encode many sequences of symbols using phrase tokens. If we generate a large number of symbol tokens and only a few phrase tokens representing predominantly short phrases, poor compression results. An excessive number of symbol tokens may even cause the compressed data to be larger than the original data itself. This occurs when the sliding window is made too small to take advantage of recurring phrases effectively.

Q: In the implementation of both Huffman coding and LZ77 presented in this chapter, the end of the compressed data is recognized by counting symbols. This means we must store a symbol count along with the compressed data itself. What is another approach to recognizing the end of the data? What impact would this have on each implementation?

A: When uncompressing data, we must have a way to determine exactly where the data ends. An alternative to storing a symbol count is to encode a special end-of-data symbol. In the implementations in this chapter, this would mean encoding 257 symbols instead of 256. To account for this with Huffman coding, we need only make the symbol member of the HuffNode structure a short integer instead of an unsigned character. Thus, the size of the compressed data is affected very little. On the other hand, in the implementation of LZ77, without substantial changes to the way we interpret tokens, we would need to store an extra bit with each token to represent the 257 possible symbols. Thus, the size of the compressed data would increase, making this method less effective than simply counting symbols.

Q: With LZ77, what factors must be balanced in selecting the size of the sliding window? What factors must be balanced in selecting the size of the look-ahead buffer?

A: Recall that the implementation of LZ77 presented in this chapter used a sliding window 4K (4096 bytes) in size and a look-ahead buffer of 32 bytes, which are common choices. The size of the sliding window determines how far back in the data we search for matching phrases. Generally, it is a good idea to search quite far back to allow a good opportunity for matches. However, we must balance this against the time it takes to search through the sliding window. Also, we must balance this against the space penalty of using more bits for offsets in phrase tokens. The size we choose for the look-ahead buffer determines the maximum length of phrases we can match. If the data has many long phrases that are duplicated, choosing a buffer size that is too small results in multiple phrase tokens where we might otherwise get just one. However, we must balance this against the space penalty of using more bits for lengths in phrase tokens.

Q: In Huffman coding, how might we decrease the space required by the header at the front of compressed data? Are there any problems associated with this?

A: Recall that in the implementation of Huffman coding presented in this chapter a header was prepended to the compressed data. This header contained a table of 256 entries, one entry for each possible symbol. If several symbols have frequencies of 0, this is somewhat wasteful. For example, when compressing ASCII text, many symbols are not used, so their frequencies are 0. A better approach to storing the table in this case is to use count runs . A count run consists of the value of a starting symbol c followed by a length l. It tells us that the next l entries in the table will be entries for the symbols c, c + 1, . . ., c + l - 1. In many cases, this reduces the size of the table. However, when the table is nearly full to begin with, it actually increases the table size slightly.

Q: One of the most costly aspects of LZ77 is scanning the sliding window for matching phrases. How can we improve the performance of this?

A: LZ77 looks for matching phrases by comparing portions of the sliding window to portions of the look-ahead buffer essentially symbol by symbol. A more effective approach is to replace the sliding window with some type of data structure for efficient searching. For example, we might use a hash table (see Chapter 8) or a binary search tree (see Chapter 9) to store phrases encountered earlier. In fact, this is the approach employed by several more efficient variations of LZ77 (see the related topics at the end of the chapter).

Q: Considering the performance differences and compression normally achieved by Huffman coding and LZ77, when might we use one over the other?

A: LZ77 generally results in better compression than Huffman coding, but with a significant performance penalty during the compression process. One situation in which this might not pose a problem is the distribution of large software packages. LZ77 works well here because the data only needs to be compressed once (at the production facility), and clients benefit from the considerably faster operation of uncompressing the data. On the other hand, suppose we are sending large amounts of data across a network interactively and would like to compress it before each transmission. In this case, for every transmission, we must compress data on one end of the connection and uncompress it on the other. Therefore, it is best to use Huffman coding. We may not achieve as much compression as with LZ77, but compressing and uncompressing together are faster.

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