Description of the Traveling-Salesman Problem

Imagine a salesman who needs to visit a number of cities as part of the route he works. His goal is to travel the shortest possible distance while visiting every city exactly once before returning to the point at which he starts. This is the idea behind the traveling-salesman problem.

In a graph, a tour in which we visit every other vertex exactly once before returning to the vertex at which we started is called a hamiltonian cycle. To solve the traveling-salesman problem, we use a graph G = (V, E ) as a model and look for the hamiltonian cycle with the shortest length. G is a complete, undirected, weighted graph, wherein V is a set of vertices representing the points we wish to visit and E is a set of edges representing connections between the points. Each edge in E is weighted by the distance between the vertices that define it. Since G is complete and undirected, E contains V (V - 1)/2 edges.

One way to solve the traveling-salesman problem is by exploring all possible permutations of the vertices in G. Using this approach, since each permutation represents one possible tour, we simply determine which one results in the tour that is the shortest. Unfortunately, this approach is not at all practical because it does not run in polynomial time. A polynomial-time algorithm is one whose complexity is less than or equal to O (nk ), where k is some constant. This approach does not run in polynomial time because for a set of V vertices, there are V ! possible permutations; thus, exploring them all requires O (V !) time, where V ! is the factorial of V, which is the product of all numbers from V down to 1.

In general, nonpolynomial-time algorithms are avoided because even for small inputs, problems quickly become intractable. Actually, the traveling-salesman problem is a special type of nonpolynomial-time problem called NP-complete. NP-complete problems are those for which no polynomial-time algorithms are known, but for which no proof refutes the possibility either; even so, the likelihood of finding such an algorithm is extremely slim. With this in mind, normally the traveling-salesman problem is solved using an approximation algorithm (see Chapter 1).

Applying the Nearest-Neighbor Heuristic

One way to compute an approximate traveling-salesman tour is to apply the nearest-neighbor heuristic. This works as follows. We begin with a tour consisting of only the vertex at the start of the tour. We color this vertex black. All other vertices are white until added to the tour, at which point we color them black as well. Next, for each vertex v not already in the tour, we compute a weight for the edge between the last vertex u added to the tour and v. Recall that the weight of an edge from u to v in the traveling-salesman problem is the distance between u and v. We compute this using the coordinates of the points that each vertex represents. The distance r between two points (x 1, y 1) and (x 2, y 2) is defined by the formula:

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Using this formula, we select the vertex closest to u, color it black, and add it to the tour. We then repeat this process until all vertices have been colored black. At this point, we add the start vertex to the tour again to form a complete cycle.

Figure 16.6 illustrates a solution to the traveling-salesman problem using the nearest-neighbor heuristic. Normally when a graph is drawn for the traveling-salesman problem, the edges connecting every vertex to each other are not explicitly shown since the edges are understood. In the figure, each vertex is displayed along with the coordinates of the point it represents. The dashed lines at each stage show the edges whose distances are being compared. The darkest line is the edge added to the tour. The tour obtained using the nearest-neighbor heuristic has a length of 15.95. The optimal tour has a length of 14.71, which is about 8% shorter.

Solving the traveling-salesman problem using the nearest-neighbor heuristic
Figure 16.6. Solving the traveling-salesman problem using the nearest-neighbor heuristic

The nearest-neighbor heuristic has some interesting properties. Like the other algorithms in this chapter, it resembles breadth-first search because it explores all of the vertices adjacent to the last vertex in the tour before exploring deeper in the graph. The heuristic is also greedy because each time it adds a vertex to the tour, it does so based on which looks best at the moment. Unfortunately, the nearest neighbor added at one point may affect the tour in a negative way later. Nevertheless, the heuristic always returns a tour whose length is within a factor of 2 of the optimal tour length, and in many cases it does better than this. Other techniques exist to improve a tour once we have computed it. One technique is to apply an exchange heuristic (see the related topics at the end of the chapter).

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