Implementation and Analysis of Binary Trees

Recall that each node of a binary tree consists of three parts: a data member and two pointers to its children. The structure BiTreeNode represents an individual node of a binary tree (see Example 9.1). As you would expect, this structure has three members that correspond to those just mentioned. The structure BiTree is the binary tree data structure (see Example 9.1). This structure consists of four members: size is the number of nodes in the tree, compare is a member not used by binary trees but by datatypes that will be derived later from binary trees, destroy is the encapsulated destroy function passed to bitree_init, and root is a pointer to the top of the node hierarchy.

Example 9.1. Header for the Binary Tree Abstract Datatype
*                                                                            *
*  ------------------------------- bitree.h -------------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

#ifndef BITREE_H
#define BITREE_H

#include <stdlib.h>

*                                                                            *
*  Define a structure for binary tree nodes.                                 *
*                                                                            *

typedef struct BiTreeNode_ {

void               *data;
struct BiTreeNode_ *left;
struct BiTreeNode_ *right;
} BiTreeNode;

*                                                                            *
*  Define a structure for binary trees.                                      *
*                                                                            *

typedef struct BiTree_ {

int                size;

int                (*compare)(const void *key1, const void *key2);
void               (*destroy)(void *data);

BiTreeNode         *root;

} BiTree;

*                                                                            *
*  --------------------------- Public Interface ---------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

void bitree_init(BiTree *tree, void (*destroy)(void *data));

void bitree_destroy(BiTree *tree);

int bitree_ins_left(BiTree *tree, BiTreeNode *node, const void *data);

int bitree_ins_right(BiTree *tree, BiTreeNode *node, const void *data);

void bitree_rem_left(BiTree *tree, BiTreeNode *node);

void bitree_rem_right(BiTree *tree, BiTreeNode *node);

int bitree_merge(BiTree *merge, BiTree *left, BiTree *right, const void *data);

#define bitree_size(tree) ((tree)->size)

#define bitree_root(tree) ((tree)->root)

#define bitree_is_eob(node) ((node) == NULL)

#define bitree_is_leaf(node) ((node)->left == NULL && (node)->right == NULL)

#define bitree_data(node) ((node)->data)

#define bitree_left(node) ((node)->left)

#define bitree_right(node) ((node)->right)



The bitree_init operation initializes a binary tree so that it can be used in other operations (see Example 9.2). Initializing a binary tree is a simple operation in which we set the size member of the tree to 0, the destroy member to destroy, and the root pointer to NULL.

The runtime complexity of bitree_init is O (1) because all of the steps in initializing a binary tree run in a constant amount of time.


The bitree_destroy operation destroys a binary tree (see Example 9.2). Primarily this means removing all nodes from the tree. The function passed as destroy to bitree_init is called once for each node as it is removed, provided destroy was not set to NULL.

The runtime complexity of bitree_destroy is O (n), where n is the number of nodes in the binary tree. This is because bitree_destroy simply calls bitree_rem_left, which runs in O (n) time, where n is the number of nodes in the tree.


The bitree_ins_left operation inserts a node into a binary tree as the left child of a specified node (see Example 9.2). The call sets the new node to point to the data passed by the caller. Linking the new node into the tree is accomplished by setting the left pointer of node to point to the new node. If node is NULL and the tree is empty, we set the root member of the tree data structure to the new node. We update the size of the tree by incrementing the size member.

The runtime complexity of bitree_ins_left is O (1) because all of the steps in inserting a node into a binary tree run in a constant amount of time.


The bitree_ins_right operation inserts a node into a binary tree as the right child of a specified node (see Example 9.2). This operation works similarly to bitree_ins_left, except that linking the new node into the tree is accomplished by setting the right pointer of node to point to the new node.

The runtime complexity of bitree_ins_right is O (1) because all of the steps in inserting a node into a binary tree run in a constant amount of time.


The bitree_rem_left operation removes the subtree rooted at the left child of a specified node (see Example 9.2). Nodes are removed by performing a postorder traversal beginning at the left child of node. If node is NULL, we begin the traversal at the root node. The function passed as destroy to bitree_init is called once for each node as it is removed, provided destroy was not set to NULL. As each node is removed, we update the size member of the tree data structure as well.

The runtime complexity of bitree_rem_left is O (n), where n is the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at the left child of node. This is because bitree_rem_left performs a postorder traversal to visit each of the nodes in the subtree while all other parts of the operation run in a constant amount of time.


The bitree_rem_right operation removes the subtree rooted at the right child of a specified node (see Example 9.2). This operation works much like bitree_rem_left, except that nodes are removed by performing a postorder traversal beginning at the right child of node.

The runtime complexity of bitree_rem_right is O (n), where n is the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at the right child of node. This is because bitree_rem_right performs a postorder traversal to visit each of the nodes in the subtree while all other parts of the operation run in a constant amount of time.


The bitree_merge operation merges two binary trees into a single binary tree (see Example 9.2). First, we initialize merge by calling bitree_init. Next, we insert data into the merged tree at its root. The merged tree’s left and right children are then set to be the root nodes of left and right, and the size of the tree is adjusted to reflect the sizes of the subtrees. Last, we detach the nodes now in the merged tree from the original trees and set the size of each tree to 0.

The runtime complexity of bitree_merge is O (1) because all of the steps in merging two binary trees run in a constant amount of time.

bitree_size, bitree_root, bitree_is_eob, bitree_is_leaf, bitree_data, bitree_left, bitree_right

These macros implement some of the simpler binary tree operations (see Example 9.1). Generally, they provide an interface for accessing and testing members of the BiTree and BiTreeNode structures.

The runtime complexity of these operations is O (1) because accessing and testing members of a structure are simple tasks that run in a constant amount of time.

Example 9.2. Implementation of the Binary Tree Abstract Datatype
*                                                                            *
*  ------------------------------- bitree.c -------------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "bitree.h"

*                                                                            *
*  ------------------------------ bitree_init -----------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

void bitree_init(BiTree *tree, void (*destroy)(void *data)) {

*                                                                            *
*  Initialize the binary tree.                                               *
*                                                                            *

tree->size = 0;
tree->destroy = destroy;
tree->root = NULL;



*                                                                            *
*  ---------------------------- bitree_destroy ----------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

void bitree_destroy(BiTree *tree) {

*                                                                            *
*  Remove all the nodes from the tree.                                       *
*                                                                            *

bitree_rem_left(tree, NULL);

*                                                                            *
*  No operations are allowed now, but clear the structure as a precaution.   *
*                                                                            *

memset(tree, 0, sizeof(BiTree));



*                                                                            *
*  ---------------------------- bitree_ins_left ---------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

int bitree_ins_left(BiTree *tree, BiTreeNode *node, const void *data) {

BiTreeNode         *new_node,

*                                                                            *
*  Determine where to insert the node.                                       *
*                                                                            *

if (node == NULL) {

   *                                                                         *
   *  Allow insertion at the root only in an empty tree.                     *
   *                                                                         *

   if (bitree_size(tree) > 0)
      return -1;

   position = &tree->root;


else {

   *                                                                         *
   *  Normally allow insertion only at the end of a branch.                  *
   *                                                                         *

   if (bitree_left(node) != NULL)
      return -1;

   position = &node->left;


*                                                                            *
*  Allocate storage for the node.                                            *
*                                                                            *

if ((new_node = (BiTreeNode *)malloc(sizeof(BiTreeNode))) == NULL)
   return -1;

*                                                                            *
*  Insert the node into the tree.                                            *
*                                                                            *

new_node->data = (void *)data;
new_node->left = NULL;
new_node->right = NULL;
*position = new_node;

*                                                                            *
*  Adjust the size of the tree to account for the inserted node.             *
*                                                                            *


return 0;


*                                                                            *
*  --------------------------- bitree_ins_right ---------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

int bitree_ins_right(BiTree *tree, BiTreeNode *node, const void *data) {

BiTreeNode         *new_node,

*                                                                            *
*  Determine where to insert the node.                                       *
*                                                                            *

if (node == NULL) {

   *                                                                         *
   *  Allow insertion at the root only in an empty tree.                     *
   *                                                                         *

   if (bitree_size(tree) > 0)
      return -1;

   position = &tree->root;


else {

   *                                                                         *
   *  Normally allow insertion only at the end of a branch.                  *
   *                                                                         *

   if (bitree_right(node) != NULL)
      return -1;

   position = &node->right;


*                                                                            *
*  Allocate storage for the node.                                            *
*                                                                            *

if ((new_node = (BiTreeNode *)malloc(sizeof(BiTreeNode))) == NULL)
   return -1;

*                                                                            *
*  Insert the node into the tree.                                            *
*                                                                            *

new_node->data = (void *)data;
new_node->left = NULL;
new_node->right = NULL;
*position = new_node;

*                                                                            *
*  Adjust the size of the tree to account for the inserted node.             *
*                                                                            *


return 0;


*                                                                            *
*  ---------------------------- bitree_rem_left ---------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

void bitree_rem_left(BiTree *tree, BiTreeNode *node) {

BiTreeNode         **position;

*                                                                            *
*  Do not allow removal from an empty tree.                                  *
*                                                                            *

if (bitree_size(tree) == 0)

*                                                                            *
*  Determine where to remove nodes.                                          *
*                                                                            *

if (node == NULL)
   position = &tree->root;
   position = &node->left;

*                                                                            *
*  Remove the nodes.                                                         *
*                                                                            *

if (*position != NULL) {

   bitree_rem_left(tree, *position);
   bitree_rem_right(tree, *position);

   if (tree->destroy != NULL) {

      *                                                                      *
      *  Call a user-defined function to free dynamically allocated data.    *
      *                                                                      *



   *position = NULL;

   *                                                                         *
   *  Adjust the size of the tree to account for the removed node.           *
   *                                                                         *





*                                                                            *
*  --------------------------- bitree_rem_right ---------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

void bitree_rem_right(BiTree *tree, BiTreeNode *node) {

BiTreeNode         **position;

*                                                                            *
*  Do not allow removal from an empty tree.                                  *
*                                                                            *

if (bitree_size(tree) == 0)

*                                                                            *
*  Determine where to remove nodes.                                          *
*                                                                            *

if (node == NULL)
   position = &tree->root;
   position = &node->right;

*                                                                            *
*  Remove the nodes.                                                         *
*                                                                            *

if (*position != NULL) {

   bitree_rem_left(tree, *position);
   bitree_rem_right(tree, *position);

   if (tree->destroy != NULL) {

      *                                                                      *
      *  Call a user-defined function to free dynamically allocated data.    *
      *                                                                      *



   *position = NULL;

   *                                                                         *
   *  Adjust the size of the tree to account for the removed node.           *
   *                                                                         *





*                                                                            *
*  ----------------------------- bitree_merge -----------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

int bitree_merge(BiTree *merge, BiTree *left, BiTree *right, const void
   *data) {

*                                                                            *
*  Initialize the merged tree.                                               *
*                                                                            *

bitree_init(merge, left->destroy);

*                                                                            *
*  Insert the data for the root node of the merged tree.                     *
*                                                                            *

if (bitree_ins_left(merge, NULL, data) != 0) {

   return -1;


*                                                                            *
*  Merge the two binary trees into a single binary tree.                     *
*                                                                            *

bitree_root(merge)->left = bitree_root(left);
bitree_root(merge)->right = bitree_root(right);

*                                                                            *
*  Adjust the size of the new binary tree.                                   *
*                                                                            *

merge->size = merge->size + bitree_size(left) + bitree_size(right);

*                                                                            *
*  Do not let the original trees access the merged nodes.                    *
*                                                                            *

left->root = NULL;
left->size = 0;
right->root = NULL;
right->size = 0;

return 0;

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