Questions and Answers

Q: In the implementations presented for computing minimum spanning trees and shortest paths, weighted graphs are represented by storing the weights of edges in the graphs themselves. What is an alternative to this?

A: For graphs containing edges weighted by factors that do not change frequently, the approach used in this chapter works well. However, a more general way to think of an edge’s weight is as a function w (u, v), where u and v are the vertices that define the edge to which the weight function applies. To determine the weight of an edge, we simply call the function as needed. An advantage to this approach is that it lets us compute weights dynamically in applications where we expect weights to change frequently. On the other hand, a disadvantage is that if the weight function is complicated, it may be inefficient to compute over and over again.

Q: When solving the traveling-salesman problem, we saw that computing an optimal tour is intractable except when the tour contains very few points. Thus, an approximation algorithm based on the nearest-neighbor heuristic was used. What is another way to approximate a traveling-salesman tour? What is the running time of the approach? How close does the approach come to an optimal tour?

A: Another approach to solving the traveling-salesman problem using an approximation algorithm is to compute a minimum spanning tree, then traverse the tree using a preorder traversal (see Chapter 9). The running time of this approach is O (EV 2), assuming we use the mst operation provided in this chapter. As with the nearest-neighbor heuristic, this approach always produces a tour that has a length within a factor of 2 of the optimal tour length. To verify this, let TMST be the length of the minimum spanning tree, TAPP be the length of any approximate tour we compute, and TOPT be the length of the optimal tour. Since both the minimum spanning tree and the optimal tour span all vertices in the tree, and no span is shorter than the minimum spanning tree, TMST TOPT . Also, TAPP ≤ 2TMST because only in the worst case does an approximate tour trace every edge of the minimum spanning tree twice. Therefore, TAPP ≤ 2TOPT . This is summarized as follows:

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Q: When computing a minimum spanning tree using Prim’s algorithm, if we start the algorithm at a different vertex, is it possible to obtain a different tree for the same graph?

A: Especially in large graphs, as Prim’s algorithm runs, it is not uncommon to find several white vertices with the same key value when looking for the one that is the smallest. In this case, we can select any of the choices since all are equally small. Depending on the vertex we select, we end up exploring a different set of edges incident from the vertex. Thus, we can get different edges in the minimum spanning tree. However, although the edges in the minimum spanning tree may vary, the total weight of the tree is always the same, which is the minimum for the graph.

Q: Recall that when we solve the traveling-salesman problem, we use a graph whose structure is inspected for the hamiltonian cycle with the shortest length. Do all graphs contain hamiltonian cycles?

Q: Not all graphs contain hamiltonian cycles. This is easy to verify in a simple graph that is not connected, or in a directed acyclic graph. However, we never have to worry about this with complete graphs. Complete graphs contain many hamiltonian cycles. Determining whether a graph contains a hamiltonian cycle is another problem that, like the traveling-salesman problem, is NP-complete. In fact, many graph problems fall into this class of difficult problems.

Q: The implementation of Prim’s algorithm presented in this chapter runs in O(EV 2) time. However, a better implementation runs in O(E lg V). How could we improve the implementation presented here to achieve this?

A: The implementation of Prim’s algorithm in this chapter runs in O (EV 2) time because for each vertex in the graph, we scan the list of vertices to determine which is white and has the minimum key value. We can improve this part of the algorithm dramatically by using a priority queue (see Chapter 10). Recall that extracting the minimum value from a priority queue is an O (1) operation, and maintaining the heap property of the priority queue is O ( lg n), where n is the number of elements. This results in a runtime complexity of O (E lg V ) for Prim’s algorithm overall. However, the priority queue must support operations for decreasing values already in the queue and for locating a particular value efficiently so that it can be modified. Since the priority queue presented in Chapter 10 does not support these operations, Prim’s algorithm was implemented here without this improvement.

Q: Normally when we compute a minimum spanning tree, we do so for a connected graph. What happens if we try computing a minimum spanning tree for a graph that is not connected?

A: Recall that a graph is connected if every vertex is reachable from each other by following some path. If we try to compute a minimum spanning tree for a graph that is not connected, we simply get a minimum spanning tree for the connected component in which the start vertex lies.

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