Description of RSA

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is one of the most popular asymmetric, or public-key, ciphers. RSA is asymmetric because the key used to encipher data is not the same key used to decipher it. Like DES, RSA is a block cipher, but the block size varies depending on the size of the keys. If the amount of data to be encrypted is not an even multiple of this size, it is padded in some application-specific way.

One important implication of RSA being an asymmetric cipher is that when transmitting data across a network, the key used to encipher the data does not have to be transmitted with the data itself. Thus, there is less chance of having the key compromised. RSA is also useful when parties enciphering data are not allowed to decipher the data of others. Parties who wish to encipher data use one key, which is considered public, while parties allowed to decipher the data use a second key, which they keep private.

RSA is considered very secure, but it runs considerably slower than DES. As with DES, the security of RSA has never been proven, but it is related to the difficult problem of factoring large numbers (numbers containing at least 200 decimal digits). Since no efficient solutions are known for this problem, it is conjectured that there are no efficient ways to crack RSA.

RSA is based on principles that are less obtuse than the numerous permutations and substitutions performed in DES. Fundamentally, enciphering and deciphering data revolves around modular exponentiation, an operation in modular arithmetic. Modular arithmetic is integer arithmetic as usual except that when we work modulo n, every result x is replaced with a member of {0, 1, . . . , n - 1} so that x mod n is the remainder of x /n. For example, 40 mod 11 = 7 because 40/11 = 3 with a remainder of 7. Modular exponentiation is the process of computing ab mod n.

Computing Public and Private Keys

In RSA, the public key and private key work together as a pair. The public key is used to encipher a block of data, after which only the corresponding private key can be used to decipher it. When generating keys, we follow a few steps to ensure that this marriage works. These steps also ensure that there is no practical way to determine one key from the other.

To begin, we select two large prime numbers, which are called p and q (see the related topics at the end of the chapter). Considering today’s factoring technology, these each should be at least 200 decimal digits to be considered secure in practice. We then compute n, the product of these numbers:

n = pq

Next, we choose a small odd integer e, which will become part of the public key. The most important consideration in choosing e is that it should have no factors in common with (p - 1)(q - 1). In other words, e is relatively prime with (p - 1) (q - 1). For example, if p = 11 and q = 19, then n = (11)(19) = 209. Here we might choose e = 17 because (p - 1)(q - 1) = (10)(18) = 180, and 17 and 180 have no common factors. Common choices for e are 3, 17, and 65,537. Using one of these values does not jeopardize the security of RSA because deciphering data is a function of the private key.

Once we have chosen a value for e, we compute a corresponding value d, which will become part of the private key. To do this, we compute the multiplicative inverse of e, modulo (p - 1)(q - 1), as follows:

d = e-1 mod (p-1)(q-1)

The way to think of this is: what value of d satisfies ed mod (p - 1)(q - 1) = 1? For example, in the equation 17d mod 180 = 1, one possible value for d is 53. Other possibilities are 233, 413, 593, and so forth. An extension of Euclid’s algorithm is used to compute multiplicative modular inverses in practice (see the related topics at the end of the chapter). In this book, code is provided for using d and e but not for deriving them.

Now that we have values for both e and d, we publish (e, n) as the public key P and keep (d, n) secret as the private key S, as shown:

p = (e, n)

S = (d,n)

Parties who encipher data use P. Those who decipher data use S. To ensure that even someone who knows P cannot compute S, the values used for p and q must never be revealed.

The security offered by P and S together comes from the fact that multiplication is a good one-way function. One-way functions are fundamental to cryptography. Simply stated, a one-way function is a function that is relatively easy to compute in one direction but impractical to reverse. For example, in RSA, multiplying p and q is a one-way function because although multiplying p and q is easy, factoring n back into p and q is extremely time-consuming, provided the values chosen for p and q are large enough.

The steps performed to compute P and S have their origin in some interesting properties of Euler’s function (pronounced “oiler”). In particular, these properties allow us to do useful things with modular exponentiation. Euler’s function, denoted φ (n), defines how many numbers less than n are relatively prime with n. Two numbers are said to be relatively prime if their only common factor is 1. As an example of Euler’s function, φ (8) = 4 because there are four numbers less than 8 that are relatively prime with 8, namely 1, 3, 5, and 7.

Euler’s function has two properties that are particularly relevant to RSA. First, when n is prime, φ (n) = n - 1. This is because the only factors of n are 1 and n; thus, n is relatively prime with all of the n - 1 numbers before it. Another interesting property is that φ (n) is the exponential period modulo n for numbers relatively prime with n. This means that for any number a < n relatively prime with n, a φ(n) mod n = 1. For example, 14 mod 8 = 1, 34 mod 8 = 1, 54 mod 8 = 1, and 74 mod 8 = 1. Multiplying both sides of this equation by a yields:

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Hence, 15 mod 8 = 1, 35 mod 8 = 3, 55 mod 8 = 5, and 75 mod 8 = 7. This algebraic adjustment is powerful because for some equation c = me mod n, it lets us find a value d so that c d mod n = m. This is the identity that allows us to encipher data in RSA and then decipher the data back as shown below:

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The relationship of Euler’s function with exponential periods guarantees that any block of data we encipher will decipher again uniquely. To find d, we solve the equation d = e - 1 φ (n) + 1. Unfortunately, there is not always an integer solution to d = e - 1 φ (n) + 1. For example, consider if e = 5 and n = 13. In this case, d = (1/5)((13 - 1) + 1) = (1/5)(13). To deal with this, we compute d modulo φ (n). In other words, d = (e - 1 φ (n) + 1) mod φ (n), which can be simplified to:

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We can make this simplification because ( φ (n) + 1) mod φ (n) = ( φ (n) + 1) - φ (n) = 1. We can verify this by inserting any number in place of φ (n). Notice the similarity between this equation and the one used for d earlier in the steps for computing keys. This provides a way to compute d from e and n. Of course, since e and n are public and potentially known to an adversary, one might ask: doesn’t this give an adversary the same opportunity to compute the private key? At this point it is worth examining where RSA’s security comes from.

RSA gets its security from the critical fact that Euler’s function is multiplicative. This means that if p and q are relatively prime (which they are if we choose them both to be prime), then φ (pq) = φ (p) φ (q). Thus, if we have two primes p and q, and n = pq, then φ (n) = (p - 1)(q - 1), and most importantly:

d = e-1 mod (p-1)(q-1)

Therefore, even though an adversary might know both e and n, in order to compute d, she would have to know φ (n), which can only be determined in a practical manner by knowing both p and q. Since these are not known, the adversary is left to factor n, an extremely time-consuming process, provided the values chosen for p and q are large enough.

Enciphering and Deciphering Data Blocks

To encipher and decipher data with RSA, we first need to choose a block size. To do this, we must ensure that the largest value that the block can store, considering its total number of bits, is less than n. For example, if p and q are primes containing 200 decimal digits, n will be just under 400 decimal digits. Therefore, we should choose a block size small enough to store only those numbers with less than this many decimal digits. In practice, we often choose the block size in bits to be the largest power of 2 less than n. For example, if n were 209, we would choose a block size of 7 bits because 27 = 128 is less than 209, but 28 = 256 is greater.

To encipher a block of plaintext Mi , the i th block of data from a buffer M, we use the public key (e, n) to take the numerical value of Mi , raise it to the power of e, and take the result modulo n. This yields a block of ciphertext Ci . The modulo n operation ensures that Ci will fit into the same size block as the plaintext. Thus, to encipher a block of plaintext:

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It was mentioned earlier that Euler’s function is the basis for using modular exponentiation to encipher data using this equation and, in the equation that follows, for being able to get the original plaintext back. To decipher a block of ciphertext Ci , the i th block of ciphertext from a buffer C, we use the private key (d, n) to take the numeric value of Ci , raise it to the power of d, and take the result modulo n. This yields the original block of plaintext Mi . Thus, to decipher a block of ciphertext:

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