Shortest Paths Example: Routing Tables

One application in which shortest paths play an important role is routing data between networks in an internet. Routing is the process of making informed decisions about how to move data from one point to another. In an internet, this is accomplished by propagating small sections of the data, or packets , along interconnected points called gateways. As each packet passes through a gateway, a router looks at where the packet eventually needs to go and decides to which gateway it should be sent next. The goal of each router is to propagate a packet closer and closer to its final destination.

In order to propagate a packet closer to its destination, each router maintains information about the structure, or topology , of the internet. It stores this information in a routing table. A routing table contains one entry for each gateway the router knows how to reach. Each entry specifies the next gateway to which packets destined for another gateway should be sent.

So that packets are continually sent along the best route possible, routers periodically update their routing tables to reflect changes in the internet. In one type of routing, called shortest path first routing, or SPF routing, every router maintains its own map of the internet so that it can update its routing table by computing shortest paths between itself and other destinations. Its map is a directed, weighted graph whose vertices are gateways and whose edges are connections between the gateways. Each edge is weighted by the performance most recently observed for a connection. From time to time, routers exchange information about topology and performance using a protocol designed especially for this purpose.

Example 16.4 is a function, route, that computes the information necessary to update one entry in a routing table using SPF routing. The function accepts the list of path information returned in the paths argument of shortest. It uses this information to determine to which gateway a router should send a packet next to reach its destination most effectively.

To complete an entire table for a specific gateway, we first call shortest with the gateway passed as start. Next, for each destination to be included in the routing table, we call route with the destination passed as destination. We pass the same function for match as was provided to graph_init for the graph from which paths was generated. The route function follows parent pointers in paths from the destination back to the gateway and returns the best choice for moving a packet closer to its destination in next. The vertex returned in next points to the actual vertex in paths, so the storage in paths must remain valid as long as next is being accessed.

Figure 16.5a illustrates the computation of a routing table for a router at gw1 in the internet shown (modeled using a graph similar to the one in Figure 16.3). Figure 16.5b illustrates the computation of the routing table for a router at gw2 . Notice how the shortest paths are different depending on where we start in the internet. Also, notice that in Figure 16.5b there is no way to reach gw1, so there is no entry for it in the table.

Routing tables computed for gateways (a) gw1 and (b) gw2 , in an internet
Figure 16.5. Routing tables computed for gateways (a) gw1 and (b) gw2 , in an internet

The runtime complexity of route is O (n 2), where n is the number of gateways in paths. This is because we look up in paths the parent of each vertex between the destination we are interested in and the starting point in the internet. If the shortest path between us and the destination contains every gateway in paths, in the worst case we may have to search the list of gateways n times to find every parent.

Example 16.4. Implementation of a Function for Updating Entries in Routing Tables
*                                                                            *
*  -------------------------------- route.c -------------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "graphalg.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "route.h"

*                                                                            *
*  --------------------------------- route
                   --------------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

int route(List *paths, PathVertex *destination, PathVertex **next, int
   (*match)(const void *key1, const void *key2)) {

PathVertex         *temp,

ListElmt           *element;

int                found;

*                                                                            *
*  Locate the destination in the list of gateways.                           *
*                                                                            *

found = 0;

for (element = list_head(paths); element != NULL; element =
   list_next(element)) {

   if (match(list_data(element), destination)) {

      temp = list_data(element);
      parent = ((PathVertex *)list_data(element))->parent;
      found = 1;



*                                                                            *
*  Return if the destination is not reachable.                               *
*                                                                            *

if (!found)
   return -1;

*                                                                            *
*  Compute the next gateway in the shortest path to the destination.         *
*                                                                            *

while (parent != NULL) {

   temp = list_data(element);
   found = 0;

   for (element = list_head(paths); element != NULL; element =
      list_next(element)) {

      if (match(list_data(element), parent)) {

         parent = ((PathVertex *)list_data(element))->parent;
         found = 1;



   *                                                                         *
   *  Return if the destination is not reachable.                            *
   *                                                                         *

   if (!found)
      return -1;


*next = temp;

return 0;

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