DES Example: Block Cipher Modes

Most block ciphers, such as DES, encipher and decipher data in 64-bit blocks. Since nearly all of the work done with ciphers involves more data than this, we end up invoking the cipher over and over again to process all of the blocks. The specific manner in which a block cipher is invoked repeatedly is called a block cipher mode.

The simplest way to process several blocks of data is to append each block of ciphertext we generate to others generated before it. This primitive approach is called ECB, or electronic code book. Its simplicity makes it very popular, but it is relatively insecure. Its main problem is that for any given key, a specific block of plaintext always enciphers to the same block of ciphertext wherever it appears in the data. This means that if an adversary cracks even a small section of the data, he can begin to develop a code book for cracking other sections as well. A better approach is CBC, or cipher block chaining.

CBC mode avoids the problems of ECB by augmenting a block cipher with simple operations and feedback . Feedback makes each block of ciphertext depend in some way on actions performed earlier. In CBC mode, previous blocks of ciphertext serve as feedback so that even the same block of plaintext is likely to encipher into a different block of ciphertext each time it appears.

For previous blocks of ciphertext to serve as feedback, before we encipher a block of plaintext, we XOR it with the block of ciphertext generated before it. When we decipher the ciphertext, we XOR each deciphered block back with the block of ciphertext it follows. Simply stated:

image with no caption

where Ci and Pi are the i th blocks of ciphertext and plaintext from buffers C and P, and EK and DK are the encipher and decipher operations using key K.

Usually we add one random block of data to the beginning of the plaintext. This is so that even when an adversary has some idea what the first block of plaintext contains, it cannot be used to start replicating the chaining sequence. This block is called the initialization vector . We encipher it normally, without any feedback, then use it as the feedback when enciphering and deciphering the first real block of plaintext.

Example 15.3 presents an implementation of two functions, cbc_encipher and cbc_decipher , that encipher and decipher a buffer of data using DES in CBC mode. The cbc_encipher function takes a buffer of plaintext containing size bytes and enciphers it using key as the key. It assumes that the first block of plaintext is actually the 64-bit initialization vector. The cbc_decipher function takes a buffer of ciphertext containing size bytes and deciphers it using key as the key. For symmetry, the initialization vector is deciphered as well and is returned as the first block of plaintext.

The runtime complexities of cbc_encipher and cbc_decipher are both O (n), where n is the number of blocks enciphered or deciphered. This is because the two functions simply call the O (1) operations des_encipher and des_decipher, respectively, once for each block.

Example 15.3. Implementation of Functions for DES in CBC Mode
*                                                                            *
*  --------------------------------- cbc.c --------------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "bit.h"
#include "cbc.h"
#include "encrypt.h"

*                                                                            *
*  ----------------------------- cbc_encipher -----------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

void cbc_encipher(const unsigned char *plaintext, unsigned char *ciphertext,
   const unsigned char *key, int size) {

unsigned char      temp[8];

int                i;

*                                                                            *
*  Encipher the initialization vector.                                       *
*                                                                            *

des_encipher(&plaintext[0], &ciphertext[0], key);

*                                                                            *
*  Encipher the buffer using DES in CBC mode.                                *
*                                                                            *

i = 8;

while (i < size) {

   bit_xor(&plaintext[i], &ciphertext[i - 8], temp, 64);
   des_encipher(temp, &ciphertext[i], NULL);
   i = i + 8;




*                                                                            *
*  -----------------------------  cbc_decipher -----------------------------  *
*                                                                            *

void cbc_decipher(const unsigned char *ciphertext, unsigned char *plaintext,
   const unsigned char *key, int size) {

unsigned char      temp[8];

int                i;

*                                                                            *
*  Decipher the initialization vector.                                       *
*                                                                            *

des_decipher(&ciphertext[0], &plaintext[0], key);

*                                                                            *
*  Decipher the buffer using DES in CBC mode.                                *
*                                                                            *

i = 8;

while (i < size) {

   des_decipher(&ciphertext[i], temp, NULL);
   bit_xor(&ciphertext[i - 8], temp, &plaintext[i], 64);
   i = i + 8;




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